I swear the color yellow will NEVER stain your wonderful villains. (meaning I won't make them weak cowards, these guys will be strong villains)
So is it alright if they have a role in Fullmetal Kingdom?
Sure thing, I see them as partners for Vanitas, so like him, they'll be serving Father and Xehanort. I've also had a chance to read their Wiki...
What if you explained your characters on deviantART? You could comment about them, facts, personality, move-set, anything.
Disc 1 ~ https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6047606/1/bFullmetal_b_bKingdom_b_The_Fanfic Disc 2 ~...
Excuse me, is it OK if Nequa and Aux appear in Fullmetal Kingdom?
I watched it last year, I've been meaning to tell you how good it was!
BBS just scored higher than Mario Wii in Japan! Awesome!