Recent Content by Xhotams

  1. Xhotams
    This video shows joke weapons for the members of Organization XIII. It also shows Mickey and Riku.

    Xemnas- paddles
    Xigbar- hair dryers
    Xaldin- brooms
    Vexen- pot lid
    Lexaeus- squeaky hammer
    Zexion- sandwich
    Saïx- banana
    Axel- pizzas
    Demyx- tennis racket
    Luxord- CDs
    Marluxia- laddle
    Larxene- dragonflies
    Roxas & Xion- umbrella

    Personally I like Roxas and Xion's umbrella the best.
    Thread by: Xhotams, May 30, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Xhotams
    Thank you for welcoming me.
    Profile Post by Xhotams for Vladimir Makarov, May 30, 2009