Recent Content by Yukai

  1. Yukai
    Hmm… the mystery…
    Post by: Yukai, Jul 25, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Yukai
    So, character!Roxas wasn’t a terrible person the entire time? I’m disappointed by this very expected development. I kinda wanted character!Roxas to actually have been a bad guy with a screw loose.
    Post by: Yukai, May 1, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Yukai
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 15, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Yukai
    For all we know, the staff has gasoline cartridges for a flamethrower component. Or can be hooked up to devices around the arena to make a freezing wand or a shock wand or something.
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 11, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Yukai
    Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood! Blood!
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 7, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Yukai
    I’d have to dig through boxes to find it again but I’ll give you a shout when it resurfaces.

    EDIT: I found it faster than I thought I would.


    The entire fic was proofread, edited and formatted by me back in the day for readability when I printed this. You can tell it’s kinda old ‘cause the page edges are starting to yellow.
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 7, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Yukai
    (cackle) I just appear out of the blue like magic!

    If you think that’s mind blowing, I’ve had a hard copy of the original fic that was printed and bound tucked away in my garage. My friends would discover it when we clean up once in a while, become curious, and read it. They would then proceed to come to me and say that me surviving for days on end with no one finding me till the very last minute when I out myself is very on brand.
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 7, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Yukai
    Just so we're clear, I've never forgiven you for killing me with a Throwing Hatchet. - Yukai, Girl No. 14. KH-Vids Royale #1

    P.S. Yes. I very clearly remember I got killed with a hatchet to the back of the head by Boris after all this time.

    P.P.S. Good show, old boy.

    EDIT: Since I found my old hard copy, I reread the chapter I ended up dying in and Darkwatch was the one that killed me. Must have mixed him up with Boris. Boris kills quite a number of people in the original fic while Darkwatch dropped in with the hatchet.
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 7, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Yukai
    The eye actually makes sense to me since it's supposed to be made of a different material. In the original design, her right eye was made of glass and a different color then her left eye.

    Hair... I wasn't really going for a good drawing. Just a doodle.

    Left hand? o_O

    Post by: Yukai, Feb 20, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Yukai

    One of my really old villany characters that I really liked (because she's one of the cooler ones I made XD). It's hard to get the joke at first... At least... In my school it is...

    I thought it was cute...


    Her name is Mirelle and she's a puppet master (hence, the weird doll on her head)
    Her right eye is made of glass and her left arm is made of wood (it's a mannequins arm with ball joints).

    Not many people notice that her left hand is just a STUB/the joint without the hand in this drawing, really... And of course... She's holding her left hand which I drew really cruddy...
    Thread by: Yukai, Feb 19, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Yukai
    @Cin: Ditto.
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Yukai
    Yep... I officially suck at drawing backgrounds... o_o

    I couldn't remember what the witness stand in court looked like... sooo... I tried drawing the waste basket that we used as a witness stand at lunch during our "Trial of Princess Tutu/My friend, Tucker, for the Murder of the Root Beer". I phail =P

    My friend Shino was hiding behind it the entire Objection war.
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Yukai
    Oh my gosh... So nostalgic ; ; [stares at old forum]

    We seriously did have no Spam Zone...
    Post by: Yukai, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Yukai

    Based off of an Objection war we had in school. Oooh... Curse the sucky paper. It smudged so easily. D<

    And I suck at drawing backgrounds.

    NOTE: igiari is supposed to read "異議あり" but my feeble mind couldn't remember all the strokes for the kanji.
    Thread by: Yukai, Feb 13, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics