Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix - Audio

All of the songs that appear in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, in track order.

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KH-Vids now offers you the ability to download entire soundtracks in just one file. This makes things faster and easier on you. Of course, you can still download them individually!
Download the Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Soundtrack by clicking here!
File offered in ZIP format. The file is 25.4 MB.

Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix - Disc Nine

One-Winged Angel (from FINAL FANTASY VII)

Length: 3:52   Filesize: 6.86 MB

A Night on the Bare Mountain

Length: 4:07   Filesize: 6.98 MB


Length: 3:56   Filesize: 7.51 MB

Another Side

Length: 2:42   Filesize: 4.43 MB