Comments on Profile Post by Lite

  1. Droid
    Yes, he is, but if you wanted to play as him I'm fine with just keeping Yin. If someone hasn't I need to reserve Mao.
    Aug 21, 2012
  2. Lite
    Well, I don't want to take a character from you that you really want to play. It wouldn't feel right.
    Aug 21, 2012
  3. Droid
    No, it really wouldn't bother me. It'd be great to have someone else playing a character from the show.
    Plus I haven't made a banner for him yet anyways. xD
    Aug 21, 2012
  4. Lite
    Alrighty, so long as you're okay with it. Though it may be a while before he's brought in since I'm still kinda new to the show.
    Aug 21, 2012
  5. Droid
    It took me awhile to get into the show, watched a little and got lost, but after I resumed watching it is a rather grand anime. I'm trying to start watching the OVA's and the second season.
    No prob though, we're kinda slow right now anyways. Site jumbling and school being around for some of us.
    Aug 21, 2012
  6. Lite
    Alrighty then. Yeah, I've only watched a couple of episodes and I'm really liking it. S'Goooood.
    Right, I'll be starting school in a week or two as well, which'll probably slow down my posting (If the post templates are back by then). Anyway, thanks again for letting me use him. I really appreciate it.
    Aug 21, 2012