I'm doing fine
kinda trying to decide on whether or not I should post aA:TLA/A:LOK rp that I made before (I had made it on another site, but it died /sobs)
I probably will
so basically you put the OOC in the OOC lounge
the site I go on for RPing is an all RPing site really
so it kinda works like that
the OOC/Character sign ups go in the OOC section then the IC in the IC section
just wondering
since the site has kinda changed
a lot
it has like different levels of RPing (free, casual, advanced. Free being for beginners or anyone really but the RPers take advantage of the fact it isn't strict on post length and grammar/spelling and just end up not putting any effort at all, casual (there are three types of casuals actually) is for people who are experienced, and advanced is for those talented people, like they are really good.
Haha. Yeah. I would imagine. KHV isn't an RP site, so. But I'm registered on quite a few sites that are geared just towards roleplaying and they are pretty different.
I finished the RP
bout to post in the OOC lounge /hopes she is doing it right
the plot is based around the water tribe being teh antagonists (mainly the northern water tribe)
trying to create a new ice age and ruling the world
something like that
honestly i wish i could have done better, but it's the best i've got
i probably need a co-gm since I'm kind of a bad GM alone
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