Comments on Profile Post by Te Deum

  1. What?
    This is actually hilarious because I was attempting to look for your profile earlier on the website so I may message you about how far you have gone sir?
    Sep 3, 2012
  2. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    I have just recently begun Act 5 Act 1. How far would you consider that?
    Sep 3, 2012
  3. What?
    In all honesty, just about halfway, aaaah. I hope you enjoy Hivebent! Act 5 Act 2 and Act 6 will be glorious. Though word of warning to you - Act 5 Act 1 is where the Homestuck addiction gets worse.
    Sep 3, 2012
  4. Te Deum
    Te Deum

    And oh no. Define worse.
    Sep 3, 2012
  5. What?
    Worse in this context is "you will now eat, sleep, and breathe Homestuck". The best remedy to this is experiencing a period where updates take a long while to appear and thus the intensity of Homestuck desire is lessened.
    Sep 4, 2012
  6. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    OH DEAR GOD A LATE REPLY (sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry)

    Well I haven't advanced that far. Still in Act 5-1. (ruuufffiiiiooo)

    Also just found out about the Homestuck Kickstarter. Donated $15. IF IT WORKS OUT I WILL BY ALL THE PAKS. ALL OF THEM.
    Sep 11, 2012
  7. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    Just finished act 5. now on act 6.

    Sep 17, 2012