Comments on Profile Post by NightCrisis

  1. Cherry Berry
    Cherry Berry
    I could try to lineart too, if you want?
    What kind of drawing are we talking here? I may need to know a bit more about the color scheme ;<
    Dec 28, 2012
  2. NightCrisis
    Alright--so you know Vanitas, right? I'm trying to draw a picture of a fan girl hugging him. I was thinking of using it as my avy. I'll send you the picture right after I'm finished with it. I just started drawing it an hour ago--the draft I meant. For the full thing, it takes me an hour or so.
    Dec 28, 2012
  3. Cherry Berry
    Cherry Berry
    Alright! When it gets sent over, I'll do my best to help on my end ^^
    Dec 28, 2012
  4. NightCrisis
    Okay. :D
    Dec 28, 2012