Comments on Profile Post by kitty_mckechnie

  1. Peace and War
    Peace and War
    You've made that joke already. Can't use the same joke twice, dear, it's an offense to the comedy gods!
    Apr 27, 2013
  2. kitty_mckechnie
    Have I? I honestly can't remember lol.

    Well, that means its twice as true.
    Apr 27, 2013
  3. Peace and War
    Peace and War
    Probably shouldn't tease me with sexual innuendos unless you want a battle on your hands! : P
    Apr 27, 2013
  4. kitty_mckechnie
    Life is constantly filled with battles! What is one more? BRING IT ON!
    Apr 27, 2013
  5. Peace and War
    Peace and War
    Oh so dramatic, kitty cat. Your feisty, feline nature makes me purr purely.
    I'll battle you later, my swords a little.... rusty. : p
    Apr 27, 2013