1. The Girl in Watercolors is a running gag that carried over from the 100 DAYS roleplay.
2. Be more competent? Sophie only makes fun when people are idiotic, irrational, emotional, and incompetent, who don't understand being . . . not over-dramatic. Chance are, if you're more like that, you're likely to get on her good side.
I would be appreciative if you would stop with the bad attitude and smartassery.
The story of The Girl in Watercolors was never told, so none of us truly know the direction of the play. I'm not much help on the subject either, so if you require further assistance, I would post a message of your confusion politely in the Cupid's Brew OOC thread.
I wasn't being a smart-ass, and if I sounded like one, with my apologies. Otherwise, thank you all the same, because, I do not know how many times I've went and wrote something wrong on the main thread, so thanks. :)
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