Comments on Profile Post by Llave

  1. strfruit
    Hello hello!
    Jun 4, 2013
  2. Llave
    hello julie

    cuuuuuuuute avatar and sig aww

    How are you doing? Been a while since last we spoke.
    Jun 4, 2013
  3. strfruit
    Why thank youuuuuu! ^-^

    It has been! ;A; /cry
    I am doing wonderful. Summer is finally here and work is at its pause.
    Thanks for asking!

    And how might you be? =)
    Jun 4, 2013
  4. Llave
    not as cute as u tho srsly

    Good to hear! i myself amd finally getting a breather, feels nice. but odd lol

    Doing well myself, enjoying my solitude ha.
    Jun 4, 2013
  5. strfruit
    d'awww o///////o goodness!
    That is very very sweet!
    Thanks so much ;~;

    It does feel odd! lol You get kind of used to the work, so when you have none it almost feels like you've forgotten something @..@

    Very nice to hear you are doing well and finally getting a breather! Well deserved ^^
    Jun 4, 2013