It's not that I necessarily dislike it. It's just... not what I would have chosen for myself.
I'm just curious, really. You did it for S.8 too, all the music you picked was lots of rock.
It's just kinda what I gravitate towards. In this case because it's a fighting game and, well... it's high-octane. Fightin' music tends to sound like war cries and fists hitting faces. And in your case, your in-game self is a heavy hitter, so it kinda came naturally from that.
Personally, I tend to gravitate towards stuff like this;
You know, badass violins and fast paces and whatnot. I understand the need to have music that has the right amount of kill-tential, though.
What did you give me for a weapon for the game, btw?
I getchu. I can always go back to the drawing board, try to find something more up your alley. The BlazBlue soundtrack retains those heavy guitars & drums but also makes liberal use of the orchestra, particularly strings. Maybe I can snag you something from there.
And Idk that everyone will have a weapon, you might just be slugging people with your hands and feet. I dunno, I went through so many ideas for rushdown characters (they're my favorite omg), I'm probably gonna make some adjustments to a couple characters' concepts when I put up more threads.
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