Haha yeah, it's hard to tell, especially since he goes so far in just a few episodes...it only took him 24 hours to beat the elite four xD It's good though, I like it :)
D'aww x3 I played Red and Yellow for all of 30 minutes, don't feel bad. But I did play through FireRed, and if you haven't, I'd reccomend it. Even after 6 years, it still has me intrigued. I went back to Cinnabar Mansion a few months ago to read the journals about MewTwo...the story in there is completely different than the anime. Even pokemon origins had to change the story when Red reads the journals. It's worth checking out...I found out MewTwo destroyed his home the day I was born xD
You don't have a GBA or a DS Lite or something? How tragic! Haha well you know, I'm the second child, he's the second Mew...I'm the "bad kid" of the family, he's the "evil" one...xD We're just misunderstood, man.
Actually, my Mewtwo was the first pokemon I ever got to reach level 100 :) ...then I got a level 60 ditto and used them in a double battle against fighting types xD it was glorious. Two Mewtwos kicking butt, side by side. x)
Well, I did have a DS Lite, but now it's broken XD Haha, yeah, you just plot mass destruction all day XD
That sounds amazing...I want that to happen so much in the anime XD
Oh...I'm so sorry for your loss.
I had to pay for mine, so if anyone touches it, they get a good beating xD
Oh, totally. That must be what my parents think x) But how could they? I'm such a dainty little flower x3 (apparently I'm as tall as Chesnaut xD Doesn't sound so dainty anymore)
Oh, it'd be glorious x3 Better than even Metapod vs Metapod
DarkRoxasxXx loves Fire Emblem, but I've never played...and I don't have a 3DS xD I might be getting one as a graduation present, and since I'm going to college for a video game design and development major, I should kind of know what games are in right now...not what was cool 10-20 years ago xD
Call it blasphemy, but I think two Mewtwos may just beat it.
I want to play it someday, I'm just really uncultured in the industry I plan to spend my life in xD I'm so screwed.
It sounds dangerous, I'm going to be a hobo one of these days, I promise you x)
Ohh, they would use harden so much that Mewtwo's psychic attacks would reflect off and destroy the world!! ...I better go hide my Mewtwo x) It's my duty as a Keyblade master to protect the worlds....wait, what do Keyblades have to do with this x)
Yeah, just me...forever alone, possibly in the Uncanny Valley where no one will want to buy my game except scientists who want to study my unusual behavior xD
Well tell PETA- ...I mean..."Team Plasma" to kindly step off! If the pokemon speaks human tongue it's fair game xD jk
xD That would suck. I'd have a house full of a useless console. It'd be like that Will Smith movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" x3
They go too far all the time! Their whole "don't eat animals" thing used a bunch of underdressed models in its advertising, telling people to value animals more than women. Don't get me wrong, I love animals, but that's just trashy.
Still, that's a bad message. What if a kid saw it? "Whips and chains belong in the bedroom, not in the circus" There are much better ways to get the anti animal abuse message out -_-' That's disgusting and distasteful. There's a reason everyone hates PETA.
Plus, according to petakillsanimals.com, PETA's animal shelters killed 1,647 dogs and cats in 2012...and only adopted out 19. I can't prove it, but I have no reason to trust PETA so I'll quote it xD
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