Comments on Profile Post by LARiA

  1. LARiA
    except I'm taking the IB spanish ab initio final instead of the regular spanish iii final, because I hate myself apparently. My teacher offered, and I'm taking ib next year so I foolishly agreed to it. not familiar with the format, my spanish is abysmal at best, godspeed.
    Jun 6, 2014
  2. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    Funny, I just checked my grades. I got an A-.

    And Jesus, I'd just about say the same. Godspeed to /you/; hopefully there isn't much required for the amount of writing you'll be doing. (I should speak Spanish much better than I actually do, mostly because my mother and step-father are both Venezuelan.)
    Jun 6, 2014
  3. LARiA
    Si quieres, nosotros podemos hablar en Español. Así que, no tendrá que sentirse avergonzado por nuestro mal vocabulario. Yo necesito toda la práctica.

    Gracias por su bendición.
    Jun 7, 2014
  4. LARiA
    p.s. the tenses kill me, I don't even know.
    Jun 7, 2014
  5. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    (Oh noooo.)

    "Avergonzado" ni empieza a describir lo que siento por mi falta de atencion cuando trato de hablar bien. Hasta mi propia maestra de S3 me ha dicho que necesito ir hasta S4, por que voy a necesitar mas practica.
    Jun 7, 2014
  6. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    **** me. I don't even know if any of that was right.
    Jun 7, 2014
  7. LARiA
    Bueno, lo debe ser "porque"

    f'ckin spanish orz
    Jun 7, 2014
  8. LARiA
    I don't even know when to use "lo" as opposed to "le". I think le and les refers to him or her, shorthand for persons? Whereas lo is "it"

    Jun 7, 2014
  9. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    I'd rather be learning Latin. Or Russian and Russian Cyrillic. Or even Old English.
    Jun 7, 2014
  10. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    I kinda hate my heritage. Especially because of thr amount of people who just shove me into the "General Mexican" pile.
    Jun 7, 2014
  11. LARiA
    But you aren't Mexican, your mother is Venezuelan? Or you're referring to people's assumptions on the basis of your skin tone. Yeah, that must suck.

    Cyrillic isn't difficult to learn, it'd take you at most a week I think. Bit longer to be able to read words without hesitation.
    Jun 7, 2014
  12. LARiA
    I know Macedonian Cyrillic, but Russian Cyrillic utilizes a few more letters I'm not familiar with such as the backwards R, and some others there are diff. forms of Cyrillic.

    I intend to take French next year, ab initio. IB program. At least it'll be a fresh start, only took Spanish b/c it was the only language offered in my middle school. Does your school not offer Russian?
    Jun 7, 2014
  13. LARiA
    Y'know, one of the great things about Slavic languages-- Macedonian, at least-- is that the tenses are VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD. There aren't too many, and they're not... not like Spanish *shudders*.
    Jun 7, 2014
  14. LARiA
  15. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    T-teach me, Lilith s-sempai...?

    You should apply to be an interpreter after high school. (The only languages they teach at my school are Spanish and French.)

    If it has less than 5 tenses, I'm serious about you teaching me Macedonian Cyrillic. I'll take the initiative to look for more information about Russian Cyrillic later.
    Jun 7, 2014
  16. Te Deum
    Te Deum
    Tablet died, so I didn't have the chance to comment on your review.

    It's FLAWLESS. I read over twice, and you couldn't have done better. I'm actually looking to see if I can find it online to watch.

    Speaking of movies, I saw DOFP today.
    Jun 7, 2014
  17. LARiA
    I still haven't seen DOFP. I dislike how they Americanized Pietro Maximoff. PIETRO, not "Peter." Oof.

    On the other hand, I'm glad to see Blink receive some attention. She is one of my favorite mutants.

    Switching to PM.
    Jun 8, 2014