Comments on Profile Post by Kaidron Blaze

  1. nasirrich
    Sure wanna rp here, pm, or just run by a few ideas?
    Dec 17, 2015
  2. Kaidron Blaze
    Kaidron Blaze
    Well I wanna make a new thread on the rp section like the old days but I need help coming up with the starting story
    Dec 17, 2015
  3. nasirrich
    Hmmmm..... This story can be about anything? Or do you have something in mind? I can shoot a few by you which is fine. However rather there be some form of foundation to work on. This way it will eliminate all intangibles
    Dec 17, 2015
  4. Kaidron Blaze
    Kaidron Blaze
    Well Kingdom hearts would be a good starting point
    Dec 18, 2015
  5. nasirrich
    Ooooo Kingdom Hearts already like the sound of this :3
    Dec 18, 2015
  6. Kaidron Blaze
    Kaidron Blaze
    Knew you would
    Dec 18, 2015
  7. nasirrich
    Fan made or do you plan on following the story to the T?
    Example -Aqua runs into a strange young warrior within the darkness and that young warrior(Your OC) is what keeps her sane until KH3
    Dec 19, 2015
  8. Kaidron Blaze
    Kaidron Blaze
    Own characters in same universe
    Dec 19, 2015
  9. nasirrich
    Keyblade War
    Before the war took place
    Training for it
    Then the war itself
    Dec 19, 2015
  10. Kaidron Blaze
    Kaidron Blaze
    No that's too literal
    Dec 19, 2015
  11. nasirrich
    No problem we... Your OC in their world is invaded by unbirths, heartless, nobodies, and new types of evil. They see to it the invasion is eliminated saving their home world. They can get help from others (Your OC or that of someone else. Another member of the site)
    Dec 20, 2015
  12. nasirrich
    Continue from last post
    You can have some control the evil in the homeland, the bosses of each style of enemy. The bosses on your side to heal and help create battle plans

    If you want to stray away from violence do i got ideas for that as well

    I need a new laptop and phone :c
    Dec 20, 2015
  13. Kaidron Blaze
    Kaidron Blaze
    Hmm interesting ideas
    Dec 21, 2015
  14. nasirrich
    Now if you wanted to go the peaceful route

    Training to fight against the darkness or you as either student or teacher teaching or being taught. Go off to different lands to lean/teach new spells. Crafting the weaponry for each student. Which could then lead up to the invasion. Yea all your training can lead up towards the invasion so you'll be prepared. Then the enemy (Other members) can clash with you and the others to test this said skill. There can even be some spies among the class. >.< The ideas I'm getting

    Staying on the peace route as your travel and learn these new skills you pass the teaching along to the people of your native land, and even shows those in the new land the stuff you know. Invent a trading system, increase the community with the people of each world. It's getting me so excited what are you going to do?
    Dec 21, 2015
  15. Kaidron Blaze
    Kaidron Blaze
    Thanks for all your help I actually managed to write one. "Tale of the Betrayed" already uploaded
    Dec 21, 2015
  16. nasirrich
    Yea I will check it out
    Dec 21, 2015
  17. nasirrich
    How do I do that again? Heheheh ^^"
    Dec 21, 2015
  18. Kaidron Blaze
    Kaidron Blaze
    Look on the rp section for the thread called tale of the Betrayed
    Dec 22, 2015
  19. nasirrich
    DX duh thanks
    Dec 22, 2015