Comments on Profile Post by Shuhbooty

  1. Darkcloud
    Hi. Have we met before? I don't recognize your many people have changed theirs over the last few years.
    Jul 2, 2016
  2. Shuhbooty
    Actually mine JUST changed. I use to be known as Skittles, or Rainbowstoner and Senpai.
    Jul 2, 2016
  3. Darkcloud
    Ah I vaguely remember a Skittles here lol. How are you?
    Jul 2, 2016
  4. Shuhbooty
    Oh bummer. ;-; but it's ok it's been a VERY long time. We were in the artist family when forum families were a thing. I'm ok, yourself?
    Jul 2, 2016
  5. Darkcloud
    Ah those were the days...I'm alright. Haven't been able to draw as much as I used to (hardly at all).
    Jul 2, 2016
  6. Shuhbooty
    They were! I miss them so much. Oh really? Artistic block or something else? I myself haven't had much to draw myself. I'm having this idea of what Roxas's outfts would look like when he went to different worlds like Sora's did sometimes. I might sketch out some stuff. (been paying 358/2 days )
    Jul 2, 2016
  7. Darkcloud
    More like job stuff; I'm only recently having some time to myself, and haven't really mustered up the will (or attention span) to draw nowadays. I've started writing a new story though: Kingdom Hearts: Unsung Recollections, in the Writer's Nook.
    Jul 2, 2016
  8. Shuhbooty
    Ah understand that completely. I hated that most about work, it took so much creative time away. Oh nice, I'll give it a read then. :)
    Jul 2, 2016
  9. Darkcloud
    Yeah, hopefully I'll get back into the swing of drawing soon. So, anything new going on in your life?
    Jul 3, 2016
    Shuhbooty likes this.
  10. Shuhbooty
    I can't wait to see what you make when you find time. c: Nothing wild honestly, just moved so now I'm trying to find work, waiting for school to start back up and I'm doing volunteer work. Sounds like a lot but it's not, sitting at home bored most days. :/
    Jul 3, 2016
  11. Darkcloud
    Sounds like a neat deal. Are you in HS or are you attending college?
    Jul 4, 2016
  12. Shuhbooty
    Oh I'm 22 in college. I switched majors and took a year break before switching. So now that the drowning feeling is gone I'm ready to goooo.
    Jul 4, 2016
  13. Darkcloud
    Haha yeah, I remember that feeling a little too well.
    Jul 4, 2016
  14. Shuhbooty
    It's awful honestly but I'm happy it's pasted. Wbu? Are you in college for something?
    Jul 4, 2016
  15. Darkcloud
    Why is it awful? And nope, I've finished my time in college, for now anyway. Not to say I wouldn't go back in the future.
    Jul 5, 2016
  16. Shuhbooty
    The drowning feelings is what was awful. I love everything so far though. Ohhh ok. I'd personally take a break myself and then go back.
    Jul 5, 2016
  17. Darkcloud
    The feeling passes. Well, if I do go back, hopefully it'll be the last time
    Jul 7, 2016
  18. Shuhbooty
    If you had the chance or if yu did go back, what would it be for?
    Jul 8, 2016
  19. Darkcloud
    The only degree option I have at this point would be a phd, and that would be the hardest thing I'd ever have to do regarding my education
    Jul 8, 2016
  20. Shuhbooty
    !!!! Did I already ask what you went to college for? (sorry don't want to seem annoying, I don't think I did ;-; )
    Jul 8, 2016
  21. Darkcloud
    I went to do research in a lab lol
    Jul 8, 2016
  22. Shuhbooty
    What?! How cool!? What kinda research is it? If you don't mind me asking.
    Jul 8, 2016
  23. Darkcloud
    Originally intended for genetics and cancer, but I've helped in ocular nerve and short grass research.
    Jul 9, 2016
  24. Shuhbooty
    THAT IS SO COOL! Did/do you like it? I'm so jealous. xD
    Jul 9, 2016
  25. Darkcloud
    I love it :)
    Jul 9, 2016
  26. Shuhbooty
    I would too honestly. Do you still work in that research field?
    Jul 10, 2016
  27. Darkcloud
    Yeah, but only as a part time worker. I'm trying to obtain a full time position, but since the market has been cooling again, there aren't many openings.
    Jul 10, 2016
  28. Shuhbooty
    Yikes, that sounds tough. That's my biggest fear with college, it's hard to tell (even through statistics) what is needed and what will stay. I originally wanted a degree in English, but I switched to graphic design. I want to go back to finish the English major and a teaching certificate.
    Jul 10, 2016
  29. Darkcloud
    Math and science would be the for sure teaching degrees. There's a shortage of those nationwide, and they're in high demand.
    Jul 10, 2016
  30. Shuhbooty
    Are they? I originally wanted to go and teach languages. (I'm actually BAD at both those subjects unless it's earth science). Maybe I'll change my mind later in the years.
    Jul 10, 2016
  31. Darkcloud
    They're harder compared to other degrees, but they're worthwhile. Pay is good, too.
    Jul 13, 2016
  32. Shuhbooty
    Ah, pay really doesn't bother me. But it's a plus!
    Jul 13, 2016
  33. Darkcloud
    Trust me, it helps lol
    Jul 16, 2016
  34. Shuhbooty
    No doubt it does! I love money. xD I want it more then I need it, if that makes sense. Can't wait to stop working this job and work a career.
    Jul 16, 2016
  35. Darkcloud
    Good luck with that. The economy is still recovering, somewhat.
    Jul 17, 2016
  36. Shuhbooty
    Yeah its trash, but I'm looking forward to it. How has your week been?
    Jul 23, 2016
  37. Darkcloud
    It's been alright. Found out there will be a Comic Con in my state in October and I plan on attending, so I'm excited for that. You?
    Jul 23, 2016
  38. Shuhbooty
    Oh my god, where?! I'm jealous, I missed out on comic con this year in Phoenix, Arizona. Are you gunna cosplay by chance?

    it's almost over, finally. I just moved, everything is almost unboxed and we're having a get together with family I haven't seen in two years.
    Jul 24, 2016
  39. Darkcloud
    This one is going to be in Tulsa, OK. I can't wait for this one, in October; William Shatner, Jason David Frank, and Sebastian Stan are supposed to be there.

    Cool. Do you want to continue this conversation over pm? I'll be alerted if you message me that way.
    Jul 24, 2016