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  1. Nymph of Destiny
    This is a departure thread Chaser has asked me to post for him...


    Dear KHV, this is my goodbye, for circumstances that I shall not mention, I am forced to leave until my conditions get better, no, it isn´t because my parents or something like that, I am doing this at my heart content, the most quickest I leave, the less painful it will be, I don´t want to get into details, I blocked my PMs, if anybody wants to contact me, add on MSN. I don´t know how long I will leave the forum, probably 2 weeks, one month, or half-year, but this is making me sick, I need to get a life and stop being an internet addict >:, now, some shoutouts:

    Mudkipz, Split, Spit, Triggy, Misteh, Darky, Cin and everybody I forgot to mention: Thanks for your help with GIMP and PS, I know I would never became a good Graphic Designer, thanks guys ;_;,

    Nymphy: Gawd knows why I am writing this, you are my best friend, and I will always be with you when you need me, anyways, I so bad at this, so yeah :glomp:.

    O R A N G E (Even thought you are not here anymore): You were also one of my bests friends, now I regret for not talking too often to you ;~; on MSN, wherever you are, I will miss you DDD:.

    Catch The Rain: You were one of my first friends Kay, to be honest I don´t know why I am writing this if we still can talk at MSN, still, hope you have luck on this site and that someday you turn on a successful admin ;D.

    The staff of KHV: I don´t ever know why the people complain so much about the site, I have seen worse, yet the people complain >:, keep the good work guys ;D.

    Ah, I remember my first days in this site, I wished to be staff of the Graphic Section, sadly I never got to fulfill that wish, anyways, I know how hard is to be staff after being moderator in two sites, and admin in one <_>;

    So yeah, goodbye to you guys and everybody I forgot, if you miss me, add me on MSN ^_^

    Well, that is all, for a long time, goodbye.

    Chaser/Metallix (Name on another forum >.>)~​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 14, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Nymph of Destiny
    Just a story I've wanted to write for a while, about Riku, who, after the events of KHII, somehow manages to enter an alternate universe...who he meets and what happens...well, you'll have to read to find out.



    “Riku, come on! Let’s go!”

    “Wait a moment Sora…I’m almost finished…”

    Riku was standing next to the window of the small island house, hammering it shut with long, wooden boards.

    In the king’s letter, Mickey had warned the three that a hurricane was heading their way, and they needed to leave as soon as possible. Attaching a mechanical device along with it, he told them to use the machinery to warp themselves instantly to his kingdom, where they would wait for the predicament to pass before returning.

    “That’s hammered enough isn’t it?” Sora sighed, glancing over at the silver-haired boy. “I mean, you don’t want the hurricane to come blow you away now, do you?”

    “I don’t want the hurricane to blow this house away either,” Riku retorted, calmly, as he steadily continued to hammer at the boards. “Besides, all it takes are a few minutes…just be patient.”

    “Riku!” an anxious, female voice called out. “You almost done?”

    Practically stumbling with the hammer, Riku quickly shifted to keep a tight grasp on it, although it was hard since it was beginning to slip from his sweaty palms.

    “Y-yeah, Kairi,” he answered, unable to keep from stammering. “In a moment…”

    “Alright,” she nodded, her emerald green eyes glittering with worry. “Just hurry…”

    “I will,” Riku promised sincerely, as he glanced over his shoulder, his gaze following her as she
    sauntered away, her hips swaying in time with the bounce of her light coral-colored locks.

    “You know, if I didn’t know any better,” Sora remarked, grinning, “I’d say you have a crush on her.”

    Hesitating for a moment, Riku swiftly turned back to the window, scoffing, “Yeah, right, Sora…besides, you love her don’t you?”

    “W-what?” Sora stuttered, his whole face starting to turn red. “What…what…what makes you think that?”

    “Well, it’s obvious,” Riku smirked, waving the hammer towards him knowingly. “For one thing, you’re blushing and stammering, all because I mentioned your attraction for her.”

    “T-that’s not true!” Sora exclaimed, trying to cover his reddening cheeks with his hands. “S-stop that!”

    Riku chuckled, shaking his head. “You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t realize it, Sora…” As he continued to hammer the boards, he assumed his usual serious expression, continuing, “Anyway…you better get to King Mickey now…”

    “But…what about you?” Sora asked, taking a tentative step back.

    “Don’t worry, I’ll be there,” Riku reassured him, almost wearily. “Just let me finish this while you two go on ahead, alright?”

    “…If you say so,” Sora relented, as he slowly turned away. “But you better…”

    “Ah, come on,” Riku said, a grin coming to his lips. “If I can face the darkness, surely I can overcome the barrier of time. It’s not that difficult to strap the boards across the window and head over to the machinery.”

    Shrugging, Sora gave a curt nod, heading towards the direction Kairi went.

    With no more distractions, Riku cracked his knuckles (making sure to shift the hammer in his right hand so he could), and then got back to work, hammering the board almost viciously. He knew that Kairi – and Sora – would be wanting him to hurry, and he didn’t want to keep them worrying.

    As the distant voices of his two friends petered out, accompanied by a soft swooshing sound, he knew that they had activated the machine, and they were already on their way to the king’s home. Smiling as he remembered the tiny, dark-furred mouse, he couldn’t help but commend the king for his generosity and kindness.

    Suddenly, there was an earsplitting crack, and then the shatter of glass as the wood crashed right through the window, clattering to the floor noisily. Blinking as it took a moment for it to register, Riku muttered under his breath, frustrated that in his haste, he had struck the boards too hard. Placing the hammer onto the ground, he dashed over to the entrance, jerking the door open as he swiftly stepped through. Bending down, he carefully grasped the three boards, making sure his fingers didn’t touch the scattered pieces of glass and wood splinters.

    Hearing a low rumble from afar, he tilted his head up, gazing out the broken window. A thick layer of dark clouds obscured the light blue sky, seeming to swirl about like a whirlpool, set on engulfing its next prey. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Riku quickly stood, heading out the of the island house, situating himself in front of the shattered window once more. Plunking the boards onto the ground, he seized the hammer, grabbing one wooden piece in his other hand as he slammed it onto the window frame.

    Realizing he didn’t have any nails to set it in place, he exhaled sharply, flinging the board and the hammer onto the floor, wincing slightly as an extended piece of wood scraped past the palm of his left hand. Hissing in pain as he grasped his injury tightly, he spun around, jogging briskly towards the first-aid kit hiding behind the palm tree nearby.

    As a drop of water slid down his forehead, he groaned inwardly, irritated at not even being able to wipe his own sweat. However, as he felt another plop of cold liquid roll down the side of his face, he raised an eyebrow, slowly raising his head to gaze upward. Rain was beginning to fall, descending faster and faster until it hit the ground in heavy torrents. Blinking the water out of his eyes, Riku quickly lowered his head, plastering his right hand to the top of it in a desperate attempt to shield himself from the merciless cloudburst. Feeling a slight breeze caress his face, he shivered, a numbness running through his body.

    Forcing his legs to move, he broke into a run, heading straight for where the mechanical warping device was situated. On the way, he halted, hesitating as he glanced over at the island house, biting his lower lip as his gaze danced from the broken window to the wooden boards on the floor. Hearing the strong whistling of wind in the distance, he shook his head, briskly moving on.

    His pants, thoroughly drenched, feel as if they were weighing him down, while his silver hair stuck to his face like a mop, making it hard to see through the thick strands. His left hand was no longer sore, not that he would really notice with the rain pounding on him. Stumbling over a rock, Riku fell to the ground, scratching the side of his arms. Grinding his teeth, he reached up with his right hand, pushing aside his front hair strands. At that moment, there was a loud cracking sound, like the sound of an eggshell shattering, only it was intensified times ten, muffled slightly by the howling of the wind and the crash of the rain. Slowly, Riku turned his head, widening his eyes to see that the island house was being torn apart by the powerful gusts, like an animal ripping its victim into shreds.

    So much for keeping it safe… he couldn’t help but think wistfully, as he tried not to think of all the memories spent there with Sora and Kairi.

    As a wooden board suddenly headed towards him, the silver-haired boy quickly ducked, turning his head back towards his prior destination. Jumping to his feet, he dashed forward, compelling his body to move despite the burning sensation within his lungs and legs. Feeling his breathing grow as ragged and heavy as the palpitations within his chest, he persistently propelled himself onward.

    Espying the tiny metallic device on the ground just a yard ahead, he clenched his hands into fists, practically digging his nails into his palm. With each beat of his heart, it was coming closer and closer…eleven feet, eight feet, five, three, two, one…

    However, just as he extended his arm, reaching out with his hand to enclose around it, he felt something roughly collide into the back his head, knocking him to the floor. His mind swirled, a wave of pain washing over him, as he recoiled, his eyes closing as his consciousness began to slip away.

    “Alright, just hurry…” Kairi’s voice rang within Riku’s mind, as he recalled the last few words she spoke to him.

    I can’t…I just can’t…let her…down… he thought, as the last of his senses blurred, and he only managed to twitch his hands, his fingertips managing to touch the very edge of the machinery.
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 6, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Nymph of Destiny


    Just A Zexion x Larxene fanfic I wrote a couple of days ago. ^^


    Zexion was in his room, situated on one of the basement floors of the Oblivion Castle, rummaging through his desk. His denim, silver-streaked hair kept flowing over his face as he shuffled about, obscuring the dark gleams of his eyes. The room was entirely pitch-black, making it a wonder how the Cloaked Schemer could even see through the inky darkness.

    As he continued closing and opening drawers, he bit his lower lip, frustrated. He had been searching for his journal, the one he had worked on steadily for months. It contained all of his notes on the studies of the heart, among several other observations, so it would've been disastrous if he’d lost it. He had always kept my desk organized and neat, so he couldn't quite fathom how he could've misplaced it. Sighing, he sat down in the chair standing beside him, resting his hands on the arms, as he stared blankly at his white, empty desk.

    It seems that, without a doubt, I have misplaced my notes… he thought to himself, heaving a deep sigh. What a great start for my birthday… It was a bitter thought, but to tell the truth, he wasn't exactly acrimonious that the other members had clearly forgotten it. Besides, he was a Nobody. He couldn't care. He couldn't feel. He was nothing.

    Extending his arm, he smoothed his palm over the cold surface of his desk, as if hoping the journal would appear just by touching it. The only thing I’m probably arousing right now, is dust, dust, and more…scent? Widening his eyes, he bent down close to his desk, trying to sift out the faint, distinguishable traits it contained. …Larxene. Sighing, he leaned back in his chair, as he shook his head. Unless she was just passing by, the most plausible reason that my notes are missing is because she took them...

    Standing up, a dark swirl surrounded him, and he materalized in Larxene’s room. The room was pure white, with a small bed in the corner and a desk on the right hand side. Unlike the basement floors, the room was illuminated by several candles, filling the room with an incandescent warmth. The Savage Nymph was standing by her desk, gazing at what seemed to be a small, white rectangular box.

    “Larxene,†Zexion said, wearily, “will you give it back already?â€

    She turned at the sound of his voice, her shoulder-length, platinum blond hair waving as she moved. "Oh, hey, Zexion,†she greeted, cheerfully, her jade green eyes sparkling with delight. “It’s nice to see you topside.â€

    “Give it back,†he ordered, fixating his midnight blue eyes onto her seemingly innocent face. “It’s important to me.â€

    “What are you talking about?†she asked, the corners of her mouth moving upward with amusement. “You mean this?†She raised the white, rectangular box that was on her desk, waving it in front of him.

    “...What is in there?†he asked, raising an eyebrow, his interest piqued slightly. Swiftly, she lifted the top, revealing several pieces of chocolates sitting on a long piece of white bubble-wrap.

    “Want one?†she asked, popping one into her mouth, the two thin, antenna-like hair bands on her head moving as she chewed.

    “No,†he said, curtly, as he mentally scolded himself for finding intrigue in something that just turned out to be as useless as chocolate. She was good at toying with his mind, wasn't she? But of course, that's what to expect from the Savage Nymph. “I just want my notes back.â€

    Slowly, she placed the box back onto the desk, as if absorbed in an apparently difficult task. “It tastes pretty good, Zexion,†she said, a smile passing her thin, rosy lips. “You ought to try it.â€

    “Will you quit talking about the chocolate?†he demanded, annoyed that she was skirting around the subject. “There’s no use in pretending that you don’t know what I’m talking about. I found your ‘scent’ on my desk.â€

    “Ohh, so you want this?†she said playfully, as she withdrew an object from an open drawer, raising what he immediately recognized as my journal, its black leather cover slightly torn.

    “Yes, that,†he said, exasperatedly, although knowing the worst was yet to be over. He shouldn't have said he wanted it perhaps, and gone through with a more subtle approach...but he doubted even that would work.

    “Is that all?†she asked, sounding as if she was about to pout. What was she, a child? “You know, just because you want it, doesn’t mean you’ll get it.â€

    “…You’re not going to give it back to me, are you?†Zexion asked, rhetorically, as he sighed, knowing a long day was going to be ahead of him until he was able to retrieve back his journal.

    “What do you think?†she remarked, smirking. “If you really want it, then you better do something that’ll entertain me.â€

    “What’s the point of all this?†he asked, frustrated. She obviously was bored and the only way she'd give up this new 'entertainment' was if he had something more amusing...which was nothing he could think of at the moment. “I don’t see why you would need my notes. I don’t have time for any of your games!â€

    “You don’t have to get so worked up, Zexion,†she remarked, coyly, her eyes glittering with joy. “Besides, all work and no play will make anyone dull.â€

    “Wait, that doesn’t sound right,†he pointed out, frowning. “I think it was all work and no play makes –â€

    “Yeah, yeah, who cares,†she interrupted. “All I want is to be amused right now.â€

    “You’re bored? That’s why you’re doing this?â€

    “What else can I do?†she said, simply, that infuriating smirk still upon her face. “So? What are you going to do?â€

    Quickly, he walked forward, reaching out to grab the journal, but she quickly darted her hand away.

    “Why must you be so…" Zexion hesitated, as if searching for the right word. "So...irritating?â€

    “Oh?" she said, grinning, sounding as if she was suppressing a giggle. "How am I?â€

    “By making me play your silly game,†the Cloaked Schemere answered, testily, as his expression darkened. “Especially when I should be doing something much more important.â€

    “Oh, so getting your notes isn’t important?†she remarked, raising an eyebrow. “If that’s the case, I guess I’ll just dispose of it…by tearing it apart, that is.†She turned away from me and moved my journal sideways, as if she was about to rip the flimsy papers apart.

    “No!†he shouted, a sense of urgency within his voice, as he widened his eyes in alarm. "Don’t!â€

    Most of his life's work was just about to be scattered, eradicated as if it was rubbish, and he wasn't about to let it all go to waste. Without hesitation, he rushed straight towards her, his arm reaching out for it. Taken back by his action, she took a step back, which was quite the mistake. The Cloaked Schemer shifted position, trying to lean forward to gain what was out of his reach, only to fall, crashing straight into the Savage Nymph and tumbling to the floor, their legs and arms entwined as if they were playing a game of Twister.

    Larxene could feel her head ringing, as she struggled to reach up with her hand to rub her sore injury, but only managing to persistently brush by Zexion's knee. “You do know that these floors are hard?†she complained, grimacing slightly. "That's no way to treat a lady, now is it?"

    “I'm sorry, but if you weren't playing these silly games, we wouldn't be in this mess,†he hissed, feeling his body tense up with the constant contact of her touch. "And stop touching my knee."

    "Well, you're in my way," she said, matter-of-factly, before realizing something. Giving a small giggle, she then said, in a flirtatious tone of voice, "But tell me...does that bother you?" Slowly, she began to move her fingers up his leg, making his body tremble slightly.

    I don't have what is this...this...tremor running through me? Zexion couldn't help but wonder, as he bit his lower lip, trying to keep from giving the Savage Nymph the pleasure of the response she desired. Clenching his hands into a fist, he found that his fingers weren't on the floor as he had assumed, but rather, on her hips. Realizing this, he instantly straightened out his fingers, only to have them curve slightly as it bumped into the side of her chest, causing him to grip her waist. He could feel his face heat up as he felt the curve of her figure, which was so often hidden beneath the layers of her black Organization cloak.

    For a moment, there was silence, with no movement, no speech between the two, as the Savage Nymph had stiffened at his touch, not even continuing to stroke his thigh with her hand. She was staring ahead blankly, as if laying in a twisted position with Zexion was the most natural thing to do. At last, she spoke, although it sounded as if the words were having to be dragged out of her throat. "'re be playing a game with me after all?"

    Game? What game? Zexion couldn't believe that she thought that his actions were all on purpose, as if trying to provoke her. All he was trying to do was clench his hands, in which he had ended up grabbing her waist - all completely unintended, of course. By how tangled together they were, how could anything be intended?

    Shifting, he tried to squirm away from her, as he spoke, "What on earth goes through your mind?! I journal...back..."

    Just as he managed to unscramble himself from her, there was a loud rip, and the Cloaked Schemer had a fleeting thought that Larxene had truly gone through with her threat and destroyed his journal. However, realizing it was the sound of clothes, he worried that he had now accidentally tore some of her clothes. Tentatively, he turned his head to look at her, relieved to find her completely intact. On the otherhand...that could only leave one option left. Gazing down at himself, he found a large, vertical tear on his front of his cloak, revealing a part of his chest. Glancing at the floor, he could see the black piece of fabric, sticking out on the white floor like a sore thumb.

    The sound of a giggle made him jerk his head back up, to see that the Savage Nymph was partly covering her mouth, as if trying to soften the sound of her laughter to spare him the embarrassment. Slapping his hand to his forehead, he shook his head, secretly glad it wasn't the other way around, knowing that Larxene would be on him like a tiger.

    "Well...that was..." More giggles. "Really...something..." Regaining her composure, she turned, grabbing the journal before finally standing. Briskly, she tossed the object to Zexion, who managed to catch it just as he got to his feet. "Since you were so entertaining, you deserve a reward. Enjoy."

    Grasping it tightly, the Cloaked Schemer eyed the girl warily before he disappeared into wisps of darkness, materalizing back in his room. Heading straight to his desk, he promptly sat upon his chair, placing the journal on the desk. Opening it, he flipped through the pages, anaylzing it for anything that might have been changed or removed. He only found the last page - which he remembered was fortunately blank - had something scribbled onto it, reading, "Check under your pillow."

    Uncertain of what it meant, he stood, briskly walking over to his bed. Sitting on the edge of it, he lifted the soft, white pillow to find a piece of chocolate, folded within a red papery wrapping, laying upon a white note. Placing the chocolate within the palm of his right hand, he raised the note with his other, beginning to read it.

    "Hey, Happy Birthday, Zexion. Hope you like little birthday 'cake'! Oh, and did you enjoy our activity? It was certainly fun for me, and well, if you didn't, that's your problem. I was being nicer than usual, wasn't I? Relish the moment because that's going be the first and only time...oh, and take comfort in the fact that you're the only one to make it out of my room unscathed, hmm? Happy Birthday again.

    Love, Larxene"

    As Zexion laid the note back down, a small smile crept to his face. So she had actually planned the whole thing out, just for his birthday...well, that was certainly surprising. Although what had astonished him the most was the parting word she had written, 'Love'. She had meant that entirely platonic, hadn't she? Just something you write without really thinking. Remembering he was still holding the chocolate within his right hand, he quickly popped it into his mouth, beginning to chew it. The bitter, chocolate taste coated his tongue, while sweet sugar tickled his lips. The image of Larxene, placing her own lips on his, flashed across his mind, as he felt his cheeks flush bright red. Shaking his head, he tried to clear his mind, thinking back to his studies of the heart and such, but his face still felt warm. like to leave me with an unforgettable impression of yourself, don't you? he thought, wryly, although the corners of his mouth were still quirking upwards. This's just like seems sharp and bitter at first...but there's sweetness deep within...


    Okay, this isn't one of my best works, but at least I had fun writing this. xD I must admit Larxene was a tiny bit out of character at some points, but hopefully it's not too noticable. lol I hope you enjoyed reading this~​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Feb 5, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Nymph of Destiny
    Welcome to the Twilight Love Family!​


    Since the other one became too large, there will be a part two of our Twilight Love Family, known as the Twilight Love Family: The Sanctuary. ^^ Anyone who notices they aren't part of the list, please pm me your title again, and I apologize for the inconvience.


    This family is for those who will look out for each other, care, and love each other, like a family. :)

    The only rule is to neither flame nor insult each other, always respect one another, and it would be preferable if you did not cuss, particularly at each other.

    If you wish to join, just ask by posting here or pming me (the latter being preferable). If you want a particular title, just tell me, or the co-leader (Kairi9020) will choose one for you.

    As for family signatures, just ask me (in a pm) if you would like one...and of course, our family banners (as seen on top and below) can be used freely. :)

    Family Members
    Nymph of Destiny - Leader/The Responsible One
    Kairi9020 - Co-leader/The Emotional, Dramatic Sister
    DestinyStar - Rule-enforcer/Adorable Baby Sister
    Last of the Organization - Second rule-enforcer/The Patiently, Understanding Brother
    Kiburedo - Peace keeper/ Nymph's Hero

    SORA! - Kind Sister
    KairixRiku - Lovable Caring Sister
    Firekeyblade - The Hidden sister
    Random Angel - The Shy Angel
    lanihead7 - The Quiet Sister
    Very Berry - Lil' Baby Sister
    sora is cute - The Ying-Yang Sister
    rachel - The Little Sister
    #1 DinestyX - The Silly, Lil' Sister
    CarbuncleGem - The Collected Sister
    AngelsNeedFlight - The Innocent Sister
    Desaray - Musical Dreaming Sis
    Stars Light - The Smart Sis'
    Senbon_Zakura - VK Sister
    Sky Pirate Balthier - Balthier Fangirl Sister
    roxas~rox~my~sox - The Cookie Sister
    Xarsa - Korsan Cousin
    aseret - The Little Sister
    Twilight--XIII - The Ying-Yang Sister

    Tularim - Nymph's Self-proclaimed Husband
    axel6123 - The Sociable Baby Brother
    Sadden Blood Warrior - The Video-Game Freak Brother
    Xiegin - The Cool Bro
    Deathsight44 - Manipulative Little Brother
    micketymike - The Happy Peppy Brother
    Trace000222 - Mysterious Bro
    Lord Terra - Pumpkin Bro
    TrueKeybladeMaster - The Random Brother
    Blanc - The Mellow Brother
    Chendler - The Silent Brother
    evilrikuvssora - The Coolest Brother
    rikurules13 - The Scary Nugget
    Twilight_Falls - The Smelly Brother
    Balthier - The Older Korsan Cousin
    Solid Snake - Snake
    cb_g33k5 - The Learning Brother
    UnSaintlySaint - The Shy Brother
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 17, 2008, 10,437 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  5. Nymph of Destiny
    Several years after the events of Kingdom Hearts' All-Girls School, everyone has grown older and has decided to enter an all-girls College. However some of the boys have snuck in, as part of a dare, to catch the glimpse of a beautiful girl they've fallen for, or some other reason. But trouble brews like before, and things are never as they appear...who will make it through alive, and what other troubles will occur?

    *No taking over other people's characters without their permission
    *No power-playing
    *No cussing
    *No 'OOC' flaming
    *No yaoi/yuri
    *Nothing above pg-13
    *Have fun! :D

    You can have up to seven characters, from any game, anime, etc. Since this is the fourth installment of the series of All-Girls/Boys School, any character used previously will be known as that character's daughter/son. If you wish to have an original character (an OC) then please fill out this template -


    Characters Taken

    Anna - DestinyStar
    Jun - Nymph of Destiny
    Kai - Nymph of Destiny
    Tarta - Nymph of Destiny
    Tatra - Nymph of Destiny
    Whiptail - Nymph of Destiny
    Yaten - Nymph of Destiny

    Ed - Kiburedo
    Hao - Nymph of Destiny
    Lenny - DestinyStar
    Train - Kiburedo

    Original Characters

    Alex - Luna561
    Alex - SORA!
    Aly - SORA!
    Andrew - Firekeyblade
    Exel - Xephos
    Fayth - Knightshade
    Kite - Tularim
    Shawn - Prince_of_Hearts

    Keira - *TwilightNight*
    Lynn - Random Angel
    Katrina - Desaray
    Naomi - Desaray
    Rella - Desaray
    Yumiko - Kairi9020


    Anna, Alex, Jasmine, Aly
    Yaten, Lenny, Keira, Lynn
    Alex, Andrew, Katrina, Exel
    Fayth, Naomi, Yumiko, Kite
    Shawn, Rella, Tatra, Train

    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Jan 17, 2008, 3,168 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nymph of Destiny
    This is something Jordie has to say for you all...


    Dear KHV,

    Yes, one last word from me and I am too much of a sore coward to log back In and do It myself, Its pretty sad I know. Laugh at me, whatever, Lock this thread, whatever, all I want to do Is for you all to hear my Apology.

    Leaving was a stupid thing to do, but a part of me thinks It was a right thing to do, although I felt so terrible leaving. Ryuuga made me realize of how much a soreloser and coward I am, walking out on my friends like that, anger Is a terrible thing.

    I'll tell you the truth on why I really left, I was angry to find out that, no matter how I cared for everyone In this site, even those who probably hate/hated me, It seemed as though I got thrown on the ground for what I thought was the right thing, obviously In this case, SJ was right and I do regret most of what I did and said. Rub It In my face If you must, because I'm too much of a stubborn *** to get It the first time.

    I am so sorry for being such a b***, I hope you will forgive me because I really am this time. I'm sorry to Rosey for making her upset just because I didn't like her change, I'm sorry to CtR for making her see how much of a coward I am, I'm sorry to Ryuuga, Cin and possibly HB andGX for making them laugh at my stupidness, I'm sorry to the Staff for being a *** to them as well, and I'm sorry to everyone else that Ive disappointed or upset during this 'War'.

    I swear, you will not be hearing anymore s*** out of this girl.

    ~Jordie ​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 28, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Nymph of Destiny
    Do you know where destiny will you take you?
    Or what your fate might be?

    You come and go as you please
    Will your next visit be inclement and harrowing?
    Or blissful and full of joy?

    You don't seem concerned about it
    You smile and you laugh
    You're appreciating life and its potential

    You enjoy what you have
    You bring pleasure and delight to many
    With your voice and words

    Will you ever change?
    I can only hope you won't
    Because I accept you for who you are

    Do you know where destiny will take you?
    Or what your fate might be?


    Well, happy belated birthday, Destined! :sweatdrop: I know I totally messed up, but I tried to so hard! I hope you like it!!
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 23, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Nymph of Destiny
    Precious and beautiful
    So full of potential
    A boundless source of energy
    To throw it away...
    Would be a shame
    A terrible loss to everyone
    This beauty...
    Such a unique force


    A poem I wrote when I was's extremely short, but when I was younger, I couldn't think of what else to write. XD But anyway, it was meant to cheer up anyone depressed, anyone thinking of suicide or harming themselves in any way...well, hope all of you like it. :)
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 18, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Nymph of Destiny


    Has anyone else watched this movie? It's awesome! XD Although it can be a little bit predictable, for the most part, it's humorous, filled with action, romance, and conflict. :)

    So what's your opinion on this movie?​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 16, 2007, 29 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Nymph of Destiny
    This is a story I've co-written with my sister, like a year or two ago, and we had worked hard and long on I hope you like it! :)

    Oh, and an important note, this is set in an alternate universe, filled with a mixture of characters and settings from games, animes, and other places. If you don't know any of those games/animes/etc., it doesn't matter, since everything will be introduced and described, as if new to the reader! Oh yeah, there will also be Japanese words...but the translation will be given at the top, if you have trouble knowing what it means.

    Anyway...I hope you enjoy it!



    {Moshi moshi: ‘Hello’ over the phone}
    {Sayonara: Good-bye, often used when you will never see someone again, or not for a long time}


    “Moshi moshi?”

    “Hey, it’s you-know-who! So, what’s up?”

    “Oh, hi, Sonic. Nothing really…well, actually, something big is happening…um…let’s see…how should I put this…”

    “Aw come on, what’s up with all this suspense?”

    “You don’t need to be so impatient about it, Sonic.’s that…that I can’t speak to you anymore.”

    “What? Why? What’s going on?”

    “I have something…urgent…to do. And where I’m going – and doing –, it won’t be possible to talk to you. It would be too difficult, and besides…I’m not bringing a phone with me.”

    “But I could always e-mail you or something instead.”

    “I’m not going to bring a computer with me, either. Look, Sonic, there won’t be any way for us to communicate from where I’m going.”

    “You could at least tell me what you’re doing.”

    “…I’m trying to rid the world of evil.”

    “Oh, so you’re trying to be a heroine the same way I’m a hero, huh?”

    “This is different, Sonic. There’s this one person that’s almost beyond evil. I need to…hinder this person, in order to bring justice.”

    “You wouldn’t be trying to kill this person or anything, would you?”

    “Sonic…I really have to go now…”

    “No, don’t go yet…”

    “Look, I can’t let this person bring havoc into anybody else’s lives. I have no other choice.”

    “Well, where are you going? Maybe I can visit you sometime.”

    “I’ll be moving from place to place frequently, in order to pursue this person…so, the only way we’ll be able to see each other again, is if our paths cross.”

    “…But if not…just know that…I’ll never forget you. Sayonara.”



    Chapter One

    {Kaitou: Thief}
    {Konnichi Wa: How are you?}
    {Oyasumi: Good night}

    ~Sonic's POV (Point of View) ~

    I really want to see her again…

    “Hey, Sonic, how long are you gonna be moping around up there?”

    My best friend, Dark Mousy, was looking up out our apartment window at me lying down on top of the roof with my hands behind my head. As I continued gazing up at the sky, I said flatly, “I’m not moping, Dark. I’ve just had a lot on my mind. Not to mention, I’m really bored…”

    The blue, cloudless sky made me think back to the time when I was visiting Arcadia, a whole world that’s located in the sky. There are six moons, and a continent exists under each one of them. The only way to travel from one country to another is by flying across the vast sky, using ships that are fueled by powerful objects known as Moonstones. In Arcadia, there are several people who are part of a group that’s called Blue Rogues. They rob from armed ships that are larger than their own, and they always take pride in their actions. They keep the gold for themselves, until they need to use it to aid the poor.

    I sat up and then jumped through the open window back into our apartment room.
    Four years ago, I wasn’t living here on earth. Instead, I lived in a different dimension. I’d been there all my life, until my archenemy, Doctor Ivo Robotnik a.k.a. Eggman, managed to gather seven, powerful gems called Chaos Emeralds. He was about to use them to create a dangerous weapon that could help him conquer the world. So, as usual, my friends, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and I infiltrated his base and tried to thwart his evil plans. Unfortunately, in the middle of our fight, Eggman accidentally pressed a button on his base’s control panel, and the next thing I knew my friends, Eggman, and I were transported to this planet, Earth. Somehow, even the Chaos Emeralds had been scattered around here as well.

    So we’ve all been living our own separate lives here on earth for four years. Eggman hasn’t caused any trouble yet, but I’ll bet he’s probably just scheming his next plan to take over the world.

    Standing in the apartment room, I saw that Dark was sitting on a chair, flicking through the channels on the television, with a bored expression. Dark knows all about where I used to live and how I was transported to earth. He’s even let me share his apartment room since I didn’t have anywhere else to stay. He had short, purple, layered hair, long bangs, and his front strands went a little past his shoulders. He’s Japanese (like me), has amethyst-colored eyes, a light tan, and broad shoulders. The weird thing is that, I’ve known him for about four years, but in all that time, it never seems like he gets any older, and he always looks to be about the same age of seventeen.

    He glanced at me sideways from where he was sitting. “Hey, you’re finally back in here. So…since you’re bored, why don’t we go pick up some girls or something?” He smiled playfully. “That’s always fun for me.”

    That’s typical for Dark to say, since he’s always flirting with a bunch of different girls and casually dating them. But then, I started to think about what we could do today. I’ve always hated being bored. I have a lot of free time since I don’t attend school. There were never any schools from where I came from. People there got their education from life experience and from what our parents or any other adults had to teach us. So, since I’m already doing pretty well without going to school, there’s no need for me to start going there now. As for Dark, he’s told me that, in a way, he’s already graduated.

    I find that to be kind of odd, actually. How could he have already graduated when he’s only seventeen? He’s definitely not a genius or anything. Maybe he’s actually older than I thought. For some reason, I’ve never thought to ask about his age…oh, well. I’m still bored…

    Just then, I remembered one of my friends, Vyse, who lives in Arcadia on his base, Crescent Isle. He’s such a good captain of his Blue Rogues’ crew that he’s known as the King of Rogues. He’s always telling me how awesome it is, and since he thinks I actually have what it takes to be a Blue Rogue, I should seriously think about joining. My eyes lit up with excitement, as I was prepared to tell Dark about our next plan of adventure…

    ~Dark's POV~

    Somehow, Sonic convinced me that it would be a great idea for us to travel up to the skies of Arcadia, so we could try out being a part of his friend, Vyse’s, crew. Sonic had called Vyse on his cell phone and told him all about how he and I wanted to join his group. Vyse said it was fine, and all we had to do was fly to his Arcadian base, Crescent Isle, and talk more about it with him or any member of his crew.

    Since I have the power to make black wings appear on my back, I know how to fly, among other things. Of course, I never reveal any of my special powers, unlike Sonic, who carelessly flaunts his super speed and his other speed-based powers.
    Anyway, the only way for us to fly up to Arcadia is if I flew us up there at night, where no one would be able to see us clearly.

    As I carried him up, I complained, “Wow, you’re so heavy, Sonikku!" Sonikku was a nickname that only his close friends, like me, knows.

    “Hey, I am not! You probably just don’t have enough strength in your arms.” He sighed impatiently. “So, are we there yet?”

    “No,” I responded. “And since your heaviness is slowing me down, we won’t be there for a while! So quit whining.”

    ~Kanna's POV~

    Macchi, Mari, and I were at the Crescent Isle village, waiting for the two new Blue Rogue recruits to arrive.

    “Kanna, when are they going to come?” Macchi asked me impatiently.

    “How should I know?” I retorted. “Captain Vyse didn’t say anything about it.”

    “Mari’s bored...” Mari sighed. Fidgeting nervously, she then remarked, “They’ll dislike Mari...”

    “Why would you think that?” Macchi asked, incredulously. “You’re a great person!”

    “You know why,” Mari said. “Besides..." Her eyes gazed down at the floor. "...They’re going to dislike the way Mari talks, too...”

    “Well, I don’t care,” I defended, fiercely. "Doesn't that count for anything?"

    "But," she objected, “that’s because you understand Mari.”

    Sighing, I shook my head. Once she had her mind set, she wouldn't believe anything I said.

    Marion Phauna, Mathilda Matisse, and I, Kanna Bismarch, had always traveled together because of our similarities. Well...we weren’t actually all that similar. For one thing, we were all born in different countries. Mari came from Italy, Macchi came from England, and I came from Germany. Secondly, Marion almost always spoke in third person, often using her nickname ‘Mari.’ Thirdly, Macchi was the most excited person among us, contrast to Mari and me, who were more reserved and cautious. Of course, Mari was quieter than I was, as she often refrained from speaking. Anyhow, we were alike because we all shared the same dilemma, which is a long story, so I won’t get into it right now.

    “You know, we’ve been waiting all morning," Macchi whined, "and they still haven’t shown up!”

    “I know,” I agreed. “We haven’t even eaten breakfast...but what can we do about that?"

    The only reason we were actually sticking around here was that every time we wanted to leave, Captain always managed to pop his head in and wheedle, “Stay a little longer! They’ll show up soon!”

    “We might as well leave," I sighed. "Apparently, they decided to stand us up, or Captain made a mistake with the time, place, or date.”

    “Mari thinks," she began, slowly, "we should wait just for a little bit longer."

    “But we’ve been out here since seven A.M., and no one’s showing up!” I exclaimed, exasperated. “How many hours have we been here exactly?”

    “For about fourteen...” she answered, quietly, her shoulders drooping downward dejectedly.

    “See? We’ve been here long enough!" I said, peremptorily. "So let's go!"

    At that moment, we heard footsteps on the hard pavement, heading towards us, and we all turned around to see two boys.

    The first one had a crazy purple hairstyle, with his front bangs being longer than the rest of his hair, with amethyst colored eyes. He was dressed in black, and he was wearing a cool, leather jacket. The other was a skinny dude with big emerald green eyes, and blue hair that was tied as a low ponytail that reached his waist. He wore a rock t-shirt with blue jeans and white gloves, and his youthful face bore a serious expression.

    “I’m assuming you two are the new Blue Rogue recruits?” I inquired, trying to hide the tone of boredom lacing my voice.

    The guy with the leather jacket flashed us a smile. “Yeah. We didn’t keep you three waiting too long, did we?” His voice was deep and sounded somewhat sexy.

    “No, not at all," I said, as a sarcastic smirk began to play on my face. "We waited for only about fourteen hours."

    “Well, I’m really sorry,” he apologized. “But I hope we can make it up to you somehow.”

    “Well, while you think about that," I said, as I turned away from him, "just come with us."

    ~Sonic's POV~

    The three girls, who introduced themselves as Macchi, Marion, and Kanna, informed us that Captain Vyse was busy today, and they were substituting for him.

    Kanna had waist-length blue hair, purple eyes, and a black tattoo on the upper part of her right arm. Her black tube-top and shorts fitted her curvaceous body well, and she wore small gloves and boots that almost went up to her knees. She was also holding a cigarette in her hand. Man, we’re all gonna have to inhale her second-hand smoke! Actually…I don’t really smell any smoke…maybe she has one of those odorless cigarettes…that is, if there actually is such a thing as one of those.

    Anyway, Macchi had her short orange hair put up in pigtails, she had purple eyes, she wore black overalls with a white blouse underneath it, and she was holding a broomstick. I have no idea why she’s holding it for, though…

    Marion had green, solemn eyes, and her long, blonde hair was tied with a black, white-edged cloth in pigtails. She wore a black, sleeveless dress with white edges and white stockings. The strangest thing about her was that she was holding this doll that looked like the one in the movie, Chuck.

    They led us into a meeting room and when we entered, Kanna said, “Your Blue Rogues clothes are on top of that table over there.” She gestured to the two outfits on the table. “So go change into them, and then we’ll inform you about your duties.”

    The three walked out of the room, leaving us alone to try it on. It was kinda strange to be trying on clothes in the meeting room…but oh well…

    Mines was a red jacket with the sleeves slightly rolled back, along with black pants and knee-high black boots. I thought it looked pretty cool. Dark wore a long black coat with a brown ruffle at the neck, and he had black pants and the same boots as mines. But unlike me, he didn’t really like it, so he changed back to his regular clothes.

    As we walked out the room, we saw that the three were standing outside, waiting for us. Kanna was looking bored, with her arms crossed, and she was leaning against a wall. Macchi’s friendly face now had a slightly bored expression as well, and Marion looked like she was sad about something. But then again, when I first saw her, she was always looking pretty down.

    Dark said to them, “Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but I decided that I just wanted to stick to my own clothes instead.”

    Kanna said, her voice, deep, mature, “I don’t really care whether you wear it or not. It’s the Captain you have to worry about. Anyhow, since you’re a Blue Rogue, you have to listen to the ‘Six Codes of the Blue Rogues’. But since it’s sort of long, I’ll just summarize it for you: Be audacious, don’t pick fights with opponents weaker than you are, take treasures gratefully, and never give up.”

    That all sounds just too easy for me!

    “Heh, that’s really all we need to do in order to join?” I asked.

    “Yeah," Kanna nodded, "that’s pretty much it.”

    Macchi exclaimed, “So welcome to Vyse’s Blue Rogues crew!”

    ~Dark's POV~

    Kanna, Macchi, and Marion had given us a tour of the whole base, and now they had just shown us the room that Sonic and I were sharing.

    Right before they were leaving, however, I said to them, “I hope I’ll be seeing a lot more of you three later.”

    When the three were out of earshot, Sonic commented to me, “You’re always flirting with every girl you see. Are you ever gonna try settling for one person?”

    I said playfully, “Why would I wanna settle down so fast when there are so many different girls out there for me?”

    Actually, the truth is, I wouldn’t mind staying with one girl, if I loved her. But I don’t let myself fall in love with anyone, because it could be…somewhat dangerous for me. Another thing that’s dangerous for me is shedding a single tear…

    As Sonic and I walked into our room, he said with a smile, “Heh, isn’t this room da bomb?!”

    The room had a wooden floor, an auburn dresser, a chestnut-colored desk, and a fluffy bunk bed with blue covers. In the small square window in a corner of the room, I could see that it was nighttime outside.

    A little girl, who looked about five, with a black afro, dark skin, and dark eyes, was sitting on the bed. She wore an orange dress and had three yellow bracelets on her ankles.

    "Hi!” she greeted, her voice high and squeaky.

    “Hey, ‘sup?” Sonic exclaimed, the grin still plastered to his face.

    “Sup???? Supper? I already had supper,” the kid innocently remarked.

    As I tried not to laugh, Sonic corrected, “Nah, I mean, like what’s up? How’s it goin’? You know?”

    The kid’s eyes grew wide. “Ohhh….Well, not much is happening right now.”

    “Heh, heh. So what’s your name? I’m Sonic," he said, before gesturing to me, "and this here is Dark."

    “I’m Opacho," she said, smiling. "So did you two have dinner already?”

    “Nope, not yet," Sonic replied. "But I’m not really that hungry right now."

    “Oh, okay," Opacho nodded. "I ate already though...”

    This conversation was getting just a bit too boring for me, so I waved to them both goodbye and left the room.

    Now what? I suppose I couuld walk around for a bit and try to get to know the rest of Vyse’s crew...

    ~Sonic's POV~

    It’s been ten minutes already, and Opacho and I were still talking about supper. Just talking about it started to make me feel hungry, so I asked, “Hey, speaking of dinner, do you wanna get something to eat now?”

    Opacho shook her head. “Not yet. Let’s just wait for a while.”

    Wait for a while? Why?

    Just then, I heard the door creak open from behind me. Huh, guess Dark came back.

    I started to turn around. “Yo, Dark, you’re–” I stopped short.

    Oops, that’s not Dark. Instead, standing in front of the doorway was a Japanese boy of about thirteen, with long, dark hair that reached down to his waist. He had dark eyes, and he was wearing a long white poncho that almost went all the way to his ankles. He was wearing brown pants underneath, and his hard red, block-edged shoes had two circles at the edge with the words ‘Hao’ imprinted on them. He wore thick red half-finger gloves that went up to his elbows, and there was a large white star printed across the knuckles. He was also wearing red earrings with a white star in the center of a black circle.

    Opacho happily squeaked, “Hao-sama!”

    She ran towards him, and he smiled, saying with a slightly high-pitched voice, “Opacho! Were you waiting for me?”

    Opacho nodded her small head eagerly. “Yep!”

    “Yo!” I waved to him.

    Turning to me, he flashed me a smile. “Hello.”

    “So your name’s, Hao, huh?” I remarked.

    “Yes, I am Hao Asakura,” he said, nodding. “And you are Sonic Harinezumi, although your close friends call you Sonikku...correct?”

    Whoa, how in the world does he know all that about me?!

    I chuckled a bit uneasily. “You been spying on me or something?” I said with a hint of sarcasm.

    “Now, why would I want to do that?" he asked, almost matter-of-factly. "I'm just...let's say...quite knowledgeable..." He turned to Opacho. “Well, let’s get going then, Opacho.”

    The two walked out, and I watched them leave, a tentative smile on my lips.

    Huh, that Hao is probably gonna turn out to be a pretty interesting character…

    ~Dark's POV~

    It was midnight, and I was just coming back into my room after I’d stolen this ancient-looking, silver bracelet from the museum. Stealing it was actually quite easy, despite the fact that there were several police officers around. They always know what I’m going to steal next because I like to give them a little head start by leaving behind advance notices. They’ve been trying to catch me for years, but they’ll never succeed.

    When I go out to steal those things, I keep my identity a secret, and my alias is the great phantom thief, Koku-yoku, which means ‘black wings’ in Japanese.
    As Koku-yoku, I can openly use my special powers, and the only thing is that I can’t let anybody see how I look like, so I always do this when it’s dark.

    Of course, since Sonic is my best friend, he’s the only one who knows about all this. I’ve told him that the thing is, except for a few exceptions, I’ve only stolen works of art that a family, under the name, Hikari, had created. They always create art that’s enchanted with magical properties. But they’re always put in museums and other particular public places without anyone ever realizing its powers. If its magic was ever accidentally triggered, it might be dangerous for others, so as my secret identity as a kaitou, I always steal them from people or places that own Hikari works of art.

    …Or, at least, that’s the reason for stealing that I gave to Sonic…

    I put the bracelet in a drawer and closed it quietly. Nearby, I noticed Sonic was sleeping comfortably at the top of the bunk bed. Guess I gotta sleep at the bottom instead.

    As I settled into my bed, Opacho quietly scampered into the room.

    “Konnichi wa, Dark!” she squeaked a greeting.

    “Yo…” I said, sleepily.

    She examined Sonic and me sleeping in the bunk beds and asked, “Do you wanna share with me or not?”

    I was really tired, so I just mumbled, my eyes half-closed, “Yeah…”

    Opacho quickly bounced onto the lower bunk bed, jolting me awake. I slowly rose up on my elbows and asked, “Can’t you sleep up there with Sonic instead?”

    With big, innocent eyes, she protested, “But you said we could share!”

    “All right, all right,” I relented. “Oyasumi.”

    As I lay back down, I was about to close my eyes, when I noticed she was still sitting up.

    "Are you waiting for someone, or somethin’?” I inquired. She happily nodded, and I continued, “Who would that be?”

    “Hao-sama!” she happily squeaked.

    “You mean we have another roommate here?” I asked, incredulously.

    She nodded. “Yep! Is something wrong?”

    “No...not really.”

    As I was drifting off to sleep, I heard the door opening and someone silently stepping in. I heard someone approaching and whispering, “Opacho, do you want to sleep with him?” After a few seconds, he said, “Alright, then. I hope he has…”

    He didn’t complete his sentence, but I didn’t really care. But just then, I felt someone getting onto the bed, crowding up everything. Man, why couldn’t this person sleep up where Sonic is instead?!

    “That’s because Opacho is here...”

    Huh? Did I say that aloud?

    I couldn’t think any further about it, because I was starting to drift off to sleep...
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 16, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Nymph of Destiny
    Lightning flashes through the sky
    He’s like a swift tiger
    He pounces on his prey
    And eats it whole

    Accompanied with the beat of drums
    Lightning is the star of the show
    With his bright incandescence
    And his flashy appearance

    Lightning strikes at whim
    Wherever, whenever
    Hurting anything who crosses his path
    Choking the life out of them all

    With only a touch
    All he needs is one look
    And the victim’s down
    Dead, never to awaken

    Lightning laughs
    At those who oppose
    He only needs to point a finger
    And down he goes

    Now the clouds moves him away
    To a different place
    And lightning can’t wait
    To start again


    Believe it or not, this was a poem for an English assignment. XD Hope it was done well enough... :)
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Nymph of Destiny
    When your heart is broken...

    The pain hurts
    Like a bruise
    The pain stings
    Like a bleeding cut
    The pain singes
    Like a burning flame
    The pain scathes
    Like an arrow
    The pain hurts...

    But never forget...

    It will disappear
    As soon as it came
    It will no longer hurt
    As it did before
    It will vanish
    As snow before the break of dawn
    It will be a forgotten memory
    As if scattered in the wind
    It will disappear...

    So cheer up...and smile


    A poem for my friend, hoping it'll cheer her up. :) It's not one of my best works but I tried...
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 14, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Nymph of Destiny
    Jordie, congrats!! :glomp: Since it was such a special day for you to graduate and's some gifts from me and your friends!

    From me, a poem:

    From Twilight_Falls, some pictures (and a cat from him I think?):

    A drawing from Amber:

    A drawing from Rosey:

    And a banner from Catch the Rain:

    And from Trigger and Darkwatch, a hug! And from Ryuuga...uh, he's very happy for you. :sweatdrop:

    Anyway, again, congrats Jordie! :) :glomp:​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 11, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Nymph of Destiny
    You stand there
    A look of uncertainty on your face
    Your hands clasped together
    Your heart thudding quickly
    You’re afraid, nervous
    Frightened to walk across

    You turn to look behind you
    Your wary eyes, searching the shadows
    Espying a movement, a blurred figure
    You shrink back, your voice caught
    Then you shake your head, and you speak
    “I can’t do it, I won’t, I can’t…”

    You tightly shut your eyes
    Feeling the darkness enclose around you
    The coldness pricking at your skin
    Your mind just an empty hole
    Your heartbeat slowing to a stop
    Your entire being just vanishing

    But from the depths of your mind
    You manage to recall that light
    That glimmer of hope lingering behind
    Of the people who are cheering for you
    Smiling, whispering comforting words
    The ones who embrace and kiss you

    And you open your eyes
    Warmth spreading across your body
    A smile creeping to your lips
    And you inhale, taking a deep breath
    Your laughter strong, rich
    As you take one step forward…


    This poem is for you, Jordie, congratulations. :)
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 11, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Nymph of Destiny
    A sprinkling of glitter
    Flashing across the sky
    Brilliant lights in the inky darkness
    Fireworks of incandescence
    A surge of emotions
    The eye of the hurricane within your heart
    A tantalizing feel of senses
    Clouding, penetrating, surrounding the mind
    A shiver down the spine, a tremor across the earth
    Streams of warmth cascading horizontally
    Rippling, flowing through your fingers
    Disappearing, vanishing before the ground
    Imprinted, remembered, impossible to be forgotten


    This is a late birthday gift for you, my friend, Stardust! It's short, and not one of my best works, but I tried my best...and I hope you like it! :)​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 11, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Nymph of Destiny
    The fulfillment of my dream
    This beautiful longing
    My wish on a shooting star
    A fervent desire
    In my heart, dancing flames
    Arousing the passion within me
    My craving, a temptation
    Of my ambitious aspirations
    Oh, how my soul is yearning
    For the fulfillment of my dream


    Another short poem I wrote when I was younger...during that time, I just wrote this for fun, so I didn't really want anything at the moment. XD Anyway, I hope you like it! :)
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 11, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Nymph of Destiny
    Entry 1

    I'm so bored, I might as well write in a journal...not that there's much to say.

    Well, now, I feel even more bored...I just feel like finding some nice toy to play with...too bad Sora isn't here for me to deal with...instead, I'm stuck with this piece of paper...booklet...or whatever.

    Ah well, guess that's all I'll write for now.

    ~Larxene, the Savage Nymph

    Entry 2

    Well, today was quite a hectic day...suppose since I don't know what to do again, I might as well talk about what happened.

    I had walked into Vexen's lab, where I saw Namine, standing there with her mouth open, as if shocked. The girl had long, golden-blonde hair, flowing over her shoulders in short waves, and sapphire blue eyes. She looked like some princess out of a sappy fairytale book, complete with the pale, flawless skin and innocent-looking face. The only thing missing was a long, poofy dress and a tiara.

    Turning, I could see that she was shocked at something Vexen was saying. Ah, Vexen, the Chilly Academic, number IV...I hadn't seen him in a while and here he was now. He had long, saffron-blonde hair that spilled over his shoulders and emerald green eyes. As usual, his arms were crossed, as if he was deep in contemplation. Thinking of some scientific formula perhaps? Who knew what went on in that old geezer's head...

    Anyhow, Vexen was mentioning something about going to sleep and warped off to his room...although before leaving, he gave us all an entertaining show of self-eletrocuting himself on his computer. I could practically feel the rush of excitement flow into me...being a Nobody of course, I could not, but after that display, I was quite energized.

    So now, being left bored and quite restless, I made a portal, transporting me back to my room, only to have Namine come in a few minutes later, as if lost. She had something clenched in her fist, and, curious, I walked over to her, asking, "What is that in your hand, Witch?"

    She didn't say anything, as if stunned, so I just took her clenched hand, prying her fingers away from the object she was grasping so dearly. Unfortunately, it turned out just to be a couple of lousy pills...but wait, pills? Why would Namine want to be running around with those things? And what was she using them for?

    Well, seeing as she was speechless, there would be no point in asking her...what was it, was she frightened of me? That was so pathetic...but could be fun...I mean, if she was already afraid, why not deepen it? Give myself some enjoyment and pleasure?

    "Hm...these pills...I wonder what they are..." I remarked, casually, as I pretended to scruitnize them. "...I wonder what will happen if I use them on Demyx...hmm?"

    I had just finished saying this when the door to my room swung open, and Zexion stomped in, his silver, light blue-hair swooshing softly around his face. Roughly grabbing them from my hands, he crushed them with his fists...only to have the pills dissolve into his skin.

    Tilting my head to the side slightly, I raised an eyebrow, surprised at what had just transpired...unfortunately, this was only the beginning of what was going to be a complete nightmare.

    As a blank look came over his face, the Cloaked Schemer summoned the illusion of a knife to his hand, and lifted it to his throat, ready to pierce it through. Widening my eyes, I grabbed his hand, yanking it back.

    "Zexion, what do you think you're doing?!" I exclaimed, uncertain of whether he was just playing some sort of sick, morbid joke, or if he truly was trying to kill himself...or rather, make himself fade away...

    Without answering, Zexion summoned the illusion of yet another knife to his other hand, attempting to stab himself once more. Grabbing his other hand with my free one, I glared at him, wondering what on earth was wrong with him.

    Suddenly, he lifted his leg, kicking me in the stomach and pushing me back. Gasping sharply, I tilted my head up, narrowing my eyes at him. Zexion kicked me? He must've been completely out of his mind! Rushing forward, I tacked Zexion, pushing him against the wall, my hands grasping his shoulders tightly.

    "Namine...unless you want Zexion to die...get me a chair, some chains, and handcuffs!" I called over my shoulder to the frightened girl...only to have no response.

    Turning my head, I saw Namine, fainted right on the floor!

    "Get up!" I screamed at her, practically irritated about the whole charade by now.

    When she had woken once more, I reiterated my order, and she bounded off like an obedient dog to grab what we needed.

    Soon, we had Zexion, his arms bound behind the chair with the chains, and his wrists and ankles were locked within handcuffs. However, despite this, he was still wiggling around, struggling to drag the chair across the room towards the window so he could jump out!

    At that moment, Demyx came in, and, turning to him, I shouted, "Hey, Demyx, help us!"

    "What can I do?" he asked, puzzled.

    "I don't know, just help us!" I retorted, exasperated, as I turned back to the squirmy prisoner...only to find that he had somehow managed to free himself from his restraints, and had the illusion of a knife within his hand once more.

    Fortunately, Namine had some extra rope available and handed me some...but just as I had tied up Zexion once more, Axel came in, obviously curious from all the commotion going about.

    "Free me, Axel!" Zexion called over to him, as he shook, trying to free himself once more.

    I tried to tell Axel not to, but as soon as I had opened my mouth, the Flurry of Dancing Flames had burned off Zexion's restraints.

    "What on earth are you doing?!" I exclaimed, as I watched him pick up Zexion, taking him to his room and locking him in with Demyx.

    Axel hadn't answered my question still, and I hoped that he hadn't made a mistake...but so far, Zexion was quiet, not making a sound...although Namine was worried whether the one we kept having to truss up like a turkey, was actually just the illusion...

    Consequently, we burst into the room, just to find that Demyx standing besides the Cloaked Schemer, conversing peacefully.

    Well, I guess Zexion was fine now...ironically, it all started from just trying to scare Namine out of my boredom...but at last, the troubles were over...for today that was...

    ~Larxene, the Savage Nymph


    Well, this is based somewhat from a MSN conversation I had with several friends, of course changed about, to make it more original and journal-ified. XD Anyway, hope you like it...this probably won't be updated very often, but I'll try to...​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 11, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Nymph of Destiny
    This is a parody I made of Axel. It's a continuation of a previous one I made (which wasn't very good), but you don't really need to watch that one to understand what happens in this one. lol Although, previously, Axel had wanted to play a game show, which was stopped by Larxene...​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 11, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  19. Nymph of Destiny
    Your eyes of glass
    A cold view of the world
    Staring through frosted windows

    People shrink back
    With fear, respect, doubt
    But you pass by them all
    Without a second glance
    Without a shred of concern
    You pass by them all

    Your steps, heavy with duty
    Your shoulders pulled back with confidence
    A grim expression on your face
    A tight frown on your lips
    Your fingers, stiff and tense
    But your eyes are emotionless

    Most people avert your gaze
    Feeling a shiver run up their spine
    Their skin grow cold
    Their heart beating quickly
    Just at the mere glimpse of you
    Just at the mere mention of your name

    But they don’t know the truth
    That behind your eyes of glass
    There’s a warm, magnanimous soul
    Someone who always cares
    Someone who is full of heart and love
    Someone who you can depend on

    Everyone will continue to draw back
    Everyone will continue to stay silent
    But I will not be one of them
    I’ll be there for you when you need me
    I’ll be there for you whenever you want
    I’ll be there, like what friends are for

    A burning fire
    Hidden behind windows of frost
    Your eyes of glass


    This poem is for you, happy birthday, Vivi's Dark Side! I hope you like it! :)​
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 11, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Nymph of Destiny
    The silver lining
    The glimmer of hope in the clouds
    The faces of those smiling and crying
    The voices of those quiet and loud

    Your hand reaches through
    Your laughter rich with tenderness
    Your breath refreshing and cool
    Your words, full of bliss

    My heart begins to thrums
    My entire minds starts to tingle
    My deep hatred slowly growing numb
    My lingering anger becoming cold

    The silver lining
    The glimmer of hope in the clouds
    The faces of those cheering and groaning
    The voices of those before and now...

    The silver lining...


    Just a poem I wrote for a friend who has gone through a bad bug's not one of my best since I never do well with rhyming, but I hope you like it anyway. XD
    Thread by: Nymph of Destiny, Dec 8, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Archives