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  1. Day~Dream

    Hinga dinga doergen!



    Thread by: Day~Dream, Oct 9, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Day~Dream
    on this fateful Summer day (which was a lot warmer (it's frickin' cold today)) a noob by the name of darkblademaster907 joined this gem of a site (officially.) They had lurked around for quite some time and decided to join that day finally cuz why the **** not. Of course, being the shy crustacean that they were, they didn't even make an introduction thread cuz shy feels and shiz.

    The first time they posted it was in the spamzone. The thread no longer exists, but I vaguely remember it being between a bunch of the well known members, and some freaky sh*t was going down in that thread XD My first post was something along the lines of "you guys are hilarious" and then a randomly and poorly added wink.

    For a while I didn't really do much or post much b/c of the disease that is the shyness. It wasn't until I started rp'ing that I really came out my shell. I don't remember which rp was my first, but I do remember the rp that changed everything for me not only on this site but in my life as well.


    It was in that rp that I made my first set of friends that forever changed my experience on this site. Before I knew it we had our own little group (well, it wasn't all that little when it first started x3) I was talking to a bunch of people all day everyday, and we all knew each other and considered each other close friends/a really weird family.

    We rp'd together, texted each other, friended each other on social media, spoke to on the phone with each other, we even had a bet going on, on who could reach prem first (I obviously lost) and even ended up getting a warning from CtR, but I didn't mind cuz it was CtR and any interaction from that majestic being was always welcomed. By then I had transformed into Day~Dream and left some of my noobiness behind.

    Of course, the happy times did not last too long. Feelz started getting in the way and people began dating within the group (myself included) That introduced all types of drama within our dynamic (some of which was embarrassingly public due to most of it being on the profile chats and some unfortunate threads having been created)

    It was on this site that I not only experienced true friendship, but also experienced my first heartbreak, when yours truly got dumped on Christmas Eve for another member XD (good times...)

    By then things had already changed. Some people had left the crew, but that only made those that remained closer. A little too close... >.> *insert more drama*

    Some time later I finally realized what a dependence I had on this site. By then most of my close friends here had left, and the other people I still did speak to, we spoke off site so there really wasn't a reason for me to keep coming back. I stayed away from the site for quite some time, popping in every now and again to see how things were then bowing out again. It wasn't until around a year or 2 ago that I came back for good b/c I missed this place and the people on it.

    I knew things weren't going to be the same since every friend I had made here was years gone by then. Even the ones I spoke to off site we lost contact eventually. If anything there's only 1 member now I contact every now and again on FB, but nothing major.

    It was then I decided to finally make a presence and be more involved within the site like participating in events and being more opinionated (something I didn't really do back then) and I haven't looked back since.
    My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner when everyone was still around.


    Man, my time here has been one crazy roller coaster. It was a big part of my childhood and teen hood, and now my adult hood you could say. There were some really good times as well as scarring dark times, but I wouldn't trade any of it.

    Aaand that is my history summed up on this site. Happy anniversary to me. Still can't believe it's been a decade.

    ... What happens now? x3
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 29, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Day~Dream
    Read most of the articles, learned a lot, also dunno what the duck I've read.

    someone please explain
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 28, 2017, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Day~Dream
    I've had this immense fear of death since I was little. Whenever I saw documentaries about the body or anything anthropology related it would hit from time to time. Not too often though. Although a few months ago when I filled in the form to get my state ID it asked if I wanted to be a donor and that was when it really hit me and has hit me ever since.

    It only seems like just yesterday I was in kindergarten then in HS and now I'm in my 20's now and before I know it I'll be in my 50's and 80's if I even make it that far. The thought of getting any older has been leaving me with such a profound sadness. It's hard finding joy in even the simplest things like hangout w/ friends, family and my bf. I LOVE Halloween, it is my favorite holiday and I went to a Halloween store today (I thought it would cheer me up) and just seeing the fake skeletons freaked me out and saddened me. (this has never been an issue until now)

    I don't really sleep anymore at night b/c of the thoughts I get. I find it so hard to sleep when I think things like "what if I close my eyes now and never open them again? I'm just going to rot in the ground. Maybe I should be cremated. That looks painful though... But what will I care, I'll be dead. I'll cease to exist. I'll be nothing but just another memory. Life will still go on like nothing even after I'm long gone." Then I break down and that makes it even harder to sleep. >.<

    Even reading a simple magazine and seeing the announcements of a death of a celebrity gives me anxiety now. I just saw an article on MSN on how to tell if you've aged gracefully and it had a picture of 2 elderly women and guess who's in panic city right now.

    I've tried so hard to repress the thoughts and they just keep barging in 24/7. It's all I think about now. I wish I could just disappear, or have never existed. Or that I could be in a cartoon/video game that way I would never have to worry about stuff like that.

    I'm against suicide and these days I find myself envious of those who have done it b/c they took charge of their lives as horrible as it sounds.

    I have even seriously considered doing a satanic ritual to become an immortal vampire. (and I'm a religious person) That's how bad it's all gotten. I don't know when is the right time for someone to get professional help, am I at that point?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 29, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. Day~Dream
    It's google's birthday today. Every time I see that every year it's such a big "woah... I'm actually older than google" Anyone else feel that way?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 27, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Day~Dream
    I was looking for a pic of anime girls with silver hair for a slideshow i'm doing and i'm mad how a pic of Riku was one of the 1st pics that came up. XD
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 29, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Day~Dream
    It's pretty much what the title says... a few days ago a girl (i'll just call her L) who I thought was one of my best friends spread a rumor that I made out w/ my close friend (gonna call him J) whose the boyfriend (well... was now) of another best friend of mine (gonna call her A), and it really got out of hand.

    None of it is true and it was just so out of the blue.

    I never thought L would ever do this to me. People at school are looking down at me and I have to say i'm not liking it at all. I really thought me and her were friends... And the prettiest thing of all is that she's acting like the victim -_-" Crying, cursing me and J out and just over reacting and saying she's doing it to protect A.

    She twists me and J's words to get people on her side.

    It's like L isn't even herself anymore. She's still spreading rumors and it's my 1st time being in a situation like this, and i'm not handling it all too well...

    I've never done anything bad to her and im having a hard time understanding why she's doing it.

    any advice on how to deal with this?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 21, 2011, 25 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  8. Day~Dream
    The song Friday from Rebecca Black.... is starting to grow on me!!!!

    Convo between me and my friend:
    Friend: Cool, what you listening to?
    And I'm just singing along to music.

    Me: Friday

    Friend: what song did you say!?!?!?

    Me: .... Friday >>

    Friend: O_O Why on God's beautiful Earth would you listen to a song like that!?!?!

    What should I do?!!? DX
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Sep 2, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Day~Dream

    What did you think it was?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 30, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Day~Dream
    Has anyone heard of her? She's a new electropop rising star. Her music is so catchy! I like to think of her as Perfume's and capsule's little sister since Yasutaka Nakata is involved in all three. XD


    the cover to her EP Moshimoshiharajuku which dropped a few days ago and I'm so lovin' it. It's very... odd and unique wouldn't you say? XD
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 27, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Music
  11. Day~Dream
    This may sound weird, but... how does someone get the courage to be more open and social?

    All of my friends keep telling me to more open, more out there, and less anti-social which isn't horrible I guess, but it kinda bothers me because I try but when I do I come off as awkward. It usually ends up with me just standing there, smiling like an idiot while everyone else is having fun and conversing with each other.

    I don't know what to do about it or how to come out of my shell and not be as shy which I guess would be the #1 problem. Any advice?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Aug 15, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  12. Day~Dream
    Drew this then made a copy to color it in. I usually don't do that, but I wanted try it out and used pastels (1st time using those too)
    Personally I don't think it's the best, but not too shabby for a beginner. Looks a little weird to me though due to the fact that it's a copy and I scanned it.
    But, lemme know what you think.

    Thread by: Day~Dream, Jul 28, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Day~Dream
    The movie is rated G for...

    Get your a$$ to the movie theaters and see this motha ******* amazing movie!!!


    I just realized I spelled winnie wrong. DX my childhood memories are now cursed forever
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Jul 8, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Day~Dream
    You know what that means...

    You gotta get down on Friday!
    Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend!
    Friday, Friday
    Gettin’ down on Friday!
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Jul 1, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Day~Dream
    Soooo... I'm the only one in class. >> All alone. What should I do?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Jun 27, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Day~Dream
    I've never really gone out of my way to try and win an award, but what the hay? Can't hurt to try. I'm going out for best traditional art.

    The friendship between Ven, Aqua, and Terra inspired me to do this.


    What do you guys think?
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Jun 20, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Day~Dream
    *starts singing*

    "We will always, be together. All the good times. Friends forever.

    La la la la la la la la"
    Thread by: Day~Dream, May 18, 2009, 37 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  18. Day~Dream
    If you had to choose between Fall Out Boy and Panic At The Disco, who would you choose and what's your fav song from the choice you picked? (if you have one)
    Thread by: Day~Dream, May 6, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: Music
  19. Day~Dream
    One of my fav shows. <3

    It just sucks there little bro died in the same episode they met him. DX
    Thread by: Day~Dream, May 5, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  20. Day~Dream
    I just think they ROCK!!!
    Thread by: Day~Dream, Jan 27, 2009, 34 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)