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  1. Hypotensive Devil
    Oh hello everyone. =] I'm Amabel, call me Ama . I'm 12 years old [Though it shouldn't matter, right? ^-^] Hmm about me? Big fanime. Loves colors. From Earth. Kawaii Krap. lamerz. x]
    5"4'- black hair- asian- black eyes? Sakura101 is a friend who had suggested that I should join. So here I am! She's with me right now. We're 2 ft. apart xD (We won't be sharing each others accounts, so don't worry. ) Myahahaha >D [Will be] Pleased to make your acquaintances. :3
    I'd love to give out more info but Sakura101 is pretty Paranoid & PMSING. SHH. XD
    Let's Chat. PM / Leave me VM. >:B
    Thread by: Hypotensive Devil, Jul 11, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures