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  1. Moonday
    I don't really think Roxas has a full heart, I think it's a little more... well half of a heart at least. And if he doesn't he’s the closest one in the organization to have a heart. He has emotions at the most and I guess feelings, and don't those come from your brain? I remember someone saying (from KH 358/ 2 days game) that higher-class nobodies do have brains. So since Roxas is a special nobody he can maybe feel more emotions and feelings because his real self is still alive. But does that make him have a heart?
    Thread by: Moonday, Dec 13, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Moonday
    I love my new car so much I've decided to name it :P (im so stupid) but I can't decide a name... hmmm anybody have a name???
    Thread by: Moonday, Dec 8, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Moonday
    Name all the cookies in the world! This will be fun to see how many different kinds we get!

    Number one ~ Snicker Doodle Cookies! (My favorite!)

    Thread by: Moonday, Dec 8, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Moonday
    It's bothered me foreeeeever! I can't see how something can go on and on and on and on.
    When I ask my parents about it they just say "It's something the human mind can't grasp."
    Anybody else have an idea?
    Thread by: Moonday, Nov 6, 2009, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Moonday
    I'm doing this school project for voting and polls and stuff, and i thought the easiest way to get some answers is posting a thread on my 2nd favorite website lol, instead of asking around in the real world looking dumb. :D So whos your favorite band?
    Thread by: Moonday, Nov 5, 2009, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Moonday
    So my friend went away on vacation and for a fun surprise she brought me back a llama... when she came to my house to bring it over i was thinking "what the f***!". She is like the complete opposite of me, shes hyper bubbly and buys people llamas for presents. gawd what the hell am I supposed to do with this stinky thing, i swear my life is not going well.
    Thread by: Moonday, Oct 25, 2009, 57 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Moonday
    "My skin is white, and my friend's is black. That doesn't stop us from being who we are, it doesn't stop us from doing the impossible. When people look at us they see only the skin we are in, but if they look deeper they will see our hearts. My heart that has gone through tough times and good times, hard times and sad times, is now brusied. But it will move on. My friend's was taken away from him, but will live in my heart forever. I will and shall never forget him."
    Thread by: Moonday, Oct 13, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Moonday

    The Wedding

    Enjoy the first chapter of my new story the wedding:D
    _-_-_-_-_-_ Chapter one - Finding Out
    The sunset was amazing, just like every night on Destiny Island. Riku was sitting alone looking past the brilliant blue sea and straight ahead to the sky. He was thinking like he usually did.
    He heard running footsteps cross the wooden bridge and onto the islet, Sora jumped over the Paopu tree and leaned his back against it, not bothering to look at Riku.

    “Nothings changed, huh?” Riku said still looking out at the sunset.

    “Nope. Nothing will.”

    “What a small world.”

    “But part of one that’s much bigger.”


    “Hey Riku,” Sora lifted his head up to look at him. “What do you think it was- the door to the light?”

    Riku jumped down from the Paopu tree and faced towards Sora. And pointed his right hands index finger at Sora’s heart. “This.”

    “This?” Sora moved his left hand to his chest.

    “Yeah. It’s always closer than you think.”

    Sora seemed confused at first, and then he smiled.

    “Sora! Riku!”

    They both looked towards the sound and saw Kairi running to them with something in her hand. When she got close to them, she stopped to catch her breath.

    “Hey what’s up?” Sora asked moving closer to her

    After catching her last breath she held up a bottle with a note in it. “Look.”

    “From the King?” Sora grabbed the bottle from her and opened the cork. Tipping the bottle upside down he grabbed the note from inside it. Riku standing on his right side and Kairi on his left. They read the note together.

    It was a letter sent by King Mickey from Radiant Garden saying, “…Princess Kairi has to be married by the age of 16 or she will be forced into an arranged marriage.”

    After reading letter, Sora Kairi and Riku sat on the paopu tree, too shocked to say anything, staring out at the familiar sunset.

    “I just wish it wasn’t so sudden.” Kairi said being the first one to talk.

    Not raising his gaze from the sky Sora said, “So what are you going to do Kairi?”

    “You don’t think we could fight this agreement do you? If we can’t then I guess I’m just going to have to get… married.” Kairi struggled with the last word. Sora didn’t say anything after that.

    Sora was thinking to him self “Because of this we’ll have to be separated again. This is exactly what would happen to us. We finally unite together on the islands and now this happens.” Sora was beginning to feel let down. He thought he would finally get a chance to be with Kairi. At least he had until her 16th birthday.

    “I’ll be right back.” Sora watched Kairi slide off the paopu tree and walk across the bridge, and then continued on with his thinking. Sadness etched across his face.

    Riku, who was listening to there short conversation, looked over to Sora and noticed his expression. “Seriously Sora?”

    Sora glanced up at Riku who had one eyebrow raised. “What do you mean?” Sora said trying to sound his usual up beat self.

    “I know what you’re thinking. You think she would rather get married to a complete stranger who is probably way to old for her?” Riku told Sora.

    “Well… no but who knows that she’ll pick me?” He shook his head back and forth, brunette spikes flying in all directions.

    “I could ask Namine` and see what she knows.” Roxas said in the back of Sora’s mind.

    Sora jumped 5 feet onto the air. Surprised by Roxas` voice. He was being really quiet. “Can you do that?”

    “Do what?” asked a confused Riku.

    “Huh? Oh nothing Riku, just talking to Roxas.”

    Riku, being the smartest of the 3, never got the concept about nobodies. “Hm ok don’t mind me then.”

    “Ok so what were you saying Roxas?”

    “Well I could talk to Namine` and see if Kairi’s been talking to her about the wedding engagement.”

    “That’s great when can you ask her?”

    “Um right now if you want.”

    “YEAH!” Riku jumped a little at his outburst. Sora was staring to sound like his old self, knowing that he might actually get a chance to know what Kairi was going to do.

    “Mkay be right back. Look Sharp.” And with that Sora could feel his connection with Roxas disappear.

    “Namine` what do think I should do?” Kairi had gone to her favorite place to sit and think – Hers and Sora’s secret spot.

    “Well I’m sure Sora-“ Namine` lost her thought because someone was calling her name, but it sounded like “Roxas?”

    “Hey girls.”

    “ROXAS! Is that you?” Kairi couldn’t believe she was hearing his voice inside her head.

    “Yup hi Kairi.”

    “It sounds so good to hear your voice… but wait what are you doing inside my head?”

    “Uh well I need to talk to Namine` for a sec.”

    “Hey! Shouldn’t you be asking me?”

    “Oh yeah sorry. Let me try that again… Hey Namine` sorry for disrupting your peace and quiet inside Kairi’s head but can I talk to you for a little bit.”

    “Well I wouldn’t call it quiet,” She heard Kairi grunt at that comment and giggled to herself. “, But ok.” This was why she loved Roxas so much because of the sarcastic humor he and Sora shared. “Kairi, you can deal without me right?”

    “Of course! I’m not that hopeless.”

    “Sure you aren’t, ok I’ll be right back.”

    Kairi felt Namine` and Roxas leaving her mind, wondering about where they could possibly be going. But that wasn’t really important to her. She went back to thinking about the wedding to come, alone this time, and looking at all the different pictures she and Sora drew. When the one she was searching for was found she stared at the two people giving each other a Paopu fruit. “Ugh what am I going to do?”

    “-So that’s why it’s called the Kuiper Belt.” Riku finished his story. When he looked back at Sora: he was sleeping on his right arm. Riku sighed and shook him up.

    “Uh hmm… what?” Sora woke up and looked around dazed. Then he noticed Riku wasn’t talking anymore. “Oh ummm great story Riku.” Sora scratched his head with one arm and gave him an embarrassed smile. Riku just shook his head.


    Sora jumped another 5 feet into the air then realized who was speaking.

    “It’s about time Roxas.”

    Riku knew he wasn’t going to be included in this conversation, so he decided it was time to go back home. “I’m going to get home now, see you tomorrow Sora. Say goodnight to Kairi for me.” He waved and started home.

    “Mkay bye Riku.” He waved back and then concentrated back on Roxas.

    “Hi Sora.” Namine` said quietly.

    “Namine`? Umm you know you’re suppose to be in Kairi’s head right?” Sora said with confusion written all over his face.

    “Uh huh. Roxas brought me here to ‘talk’ to me.”

    “Umm right when I said ‘I need to talk to you’ I meant Sora does.” Roxas gave a laugh hoping Sora wouldn’t be angry with him.

    “Oh… well this is better. Now I can ask her the questions myself.” He heard Roxas give a breath of relief.

    “What do you want to know?” Sora could see Namine` interlocking her fingers in the back of his mind.

    Sora was a little nervous to ask the question he wanted to know the most, because of the powers he knew she had, so he went with a basic question… “Um how is Kairi doing?”

    “She could be better. But I know that’s not what you wanted to ask me.”

    “Oh… wait how did you know that?” Sora completely dumb-founded forgot Namine` was inside his head.

    “I can feel you’re emotions just like Roxas can. Come on you can ask me anything you want to know.”

    “Oh okay.” He still wasn’t sure. Ok here goes nothing Sora thought to himself pretty sure Roxas and Namine` heard it. “What is Kairi doing about this whole… situation?”

    “Sorry I can’t answer that.”

    “Uh wha- you said I could ask you anything.”

    “That didn’t mean I would answer it,” She un-knit her fingers and laid her arms gently down at her sides. “, I think you should ask Kairi about that. She’s confused about it and if you were to help her, I think she’ll be very appreciative.”

    “Ok I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try, I would do anything for her.” He heard Roxas and Namine` ‘awwww’ at the end of his sentence.

    “Well I got to get back to Kairi, goodnight Roxas.” Then she heard someone coughing to get her attention. “Right goodnight to you to Sora.” And with that she was gone.

    “I think I’ll ask Kairi tomorrow, it will be a new day.”

    “Sure, can you even handle it without making her sad or mad?”

    “That’s what I’m afraid of, I hate seeing her like that.”

    “So tomorrow then.”

    “I guess.”

    YAYS! Finally done with the first chapter. I worked really hard on it I hope you enjoyed it. This is my idea of what I thought could possibly (but not very possible) be in the bottle. I’m working on the next chapter now so it should be done by probably the end of this month. :D Bai bai thanks for taking precious time out of your day to read this, I really appreciate it. Comment, you can ask me questions about the story on my page or in the comment. Thanks yous!
    Thread by: Moonday, Oct 11, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: Archives