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  1. LostMemory
    Just as a warning, this is going to be annoyingly long. XD

    So first of all, my mother is extremely overprotective. I'm not saying she won't let me go to some party or something like that, I mean this is practically insane. I'm fourteen, and I'm not even allowed to go into the garden without my mother being outside watching me, I am taken to and from school when it's a 20-minute bus journey (my mum actually tends to wake up later so I actually often get to school late and get in trouble for this), I never get to see my friends outside of school, period. I actually enjoy school because if I get to go from one class to the other without someone following me and fussing over all the possible ways I could get injured, and get to actually go someplace outside my own house ALONE, then I feel like I actually have some responsibility, and I love that. I know it's a weird thing to feel, but it really is the truth. I live in a quiet little town in Ireland, and, I know there can be kidnappers or murderers or whatever pretty much anywhere, but I've never met someone else who's parents have gone to such extreme measures to keep their child... safe? I've constantly had breakdowns throughout the course of my life about the lack of freedom, my house feels like a prison, and I've told her, almost begged her on numerous occasions to give me just a bit more freedom, let me take the bus to school with my friends or something, but she won't listen. I break school rules by keeping my phone on in class because my mother will ground me and say she can't trust me if I don't keep my phone switched on at all times, and I'm scared that if I don't keep it on, then things will remain like this until I turn eighteen and can finally move out. She has absolutely no reason not to trust me, I always answer my phone, and I've never even had a CHANCE to prove that I wouldn't be late coming home or something. Is there anything I can do? I've confronted her about this numerous times, but she just won't listen to me, so advising me to tell her how I feel won't do... The only time I ever get any freedom is when I'm with my dad.

    And then there's another problem... my house is so low on space that me, my mother and my sister have always had to sleep in the same room. My sister hoards stuff. I've dislocated bones from tripping over stuff and landing awkwardly, and it's basically like one of those depressing houses you'd see on those TV documentaries. I live with my sister, my mother, my grandmother (who hit me when I was younger) and my grandfather. There simply isn't enough space for all of us to live here. I've tried to keep the house clean but I've found slugs and other things that seriously make me want to vomit, and my mum is the only one who is also interested in getting rid of piles of junk which nobody uses and trying to make this place living-friendly for anyone. We've hired a skip on numerous occasions, but everyone else in the house just simply takes the things out of the skip and puts them back in the house... We've also given stuff away for charities, but getting rid of all this stuff could take years, so we can't keep that up forever. For at least ten months now, I've been seriously considering moving in with my dad. My mother despises him, and if I moved in with him, she'd think of it as me "betraying" her. I feel like I'm abandoning her and my sister, and that makes me think I'm being selfish, but I really need some space. I've told my mum many times that I want to move in with him, and she starts to cry and asks me why I hate her. I always try to explain that it has nothing to do with her, but she still continues to cry. She tries to buy me over with gifts and new video games which I hate; she's already poor as it is (that's why she lives with her parents, and in turn I live with my grandparents) and it disgusts me how she thinks something like that will make me change my mind. I've never brought up living with my dad to him directly, as he's the type who'd go behind my back and get custody about it even if I told him not to, and I don't want law getting involved, it would only make the situation worse, but I'm getting extremely depressed here, it's like the internet and books is my only way out. Does someone have any advice about this problem? :\

    This is the last thing, it's kind of minor compared to the other two, but... I'm Atheist, well, no... I believe in some minor Christian beliefs, but I don't believe the big ones that would define me as a Christian. I've told my mum about it, we had an argument, but she came to terms with it quickly. My dad, on the other hand, never would. Whenever I stay at his house, we pray every day, and go to church on Sundays, and the whole practice makes me feel uncomfortable, because I don't even believe it. If I told him about it, he'd be appalled, and he'd probably make me pray more, and make me read the Bible, and go to Church several times a week. I seriously don't want to pray all the time; I respect other's beliefs, but doing these things myself makes me feel really uncomfortable, and, well... if I tell him, the problems will probably increase.

    I'm sorry, I know this is extremely long. But is there any way I could fix these?
    Thread by: LostMemory, Aug 25, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  2. LostMemory


    Why is it so hard to find a YouTube video where that dude from 300 screams "THIS. IS. SPARTA." on loop? :B(:
    Thread by: LostMemory, Jul 26, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. LostMemory
    The epicness which graces these games are too heavenly for my mediocre brain to comprehend.
    Thread by: LostMemory, Jul 16, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. LostMemory
    I don't know if I have no life or what, but I'm so excited for E3 that I still can't turn off my brain and it's fully bright outside! D: If I actually had a floor pass for the expo then I'd understand.

    So yeah, somebody find me something so boring that it'll put me to sleep!
    Thread by: LostMemory, Jun 4, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. LostMemory

    Mii wara wara

    Okay I'm done. :D
    Thread by: LostMemory, Jun 3, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. LostMemory
    And I don't mean going out and tossing garbage in the bin, either. I mean... I want to be green. I want to paint myself... green
    Thread by: LostMemory, Jun 2, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. LostMemory


    View attachment 32209

    The funny thing is, this isn't fake. 8D
    Thread by: LostMemory, May 31, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. LostMemory

    Oh, screw it.

    Aeris dies, L dies, Spike dies, Neo dies, Trinity dies, Jack Sparrow dies, Obi-wan dies, Qui-gon dies, Yoda dies, Padme dies, Boromir dies, Gandalf dies, Everyone in Evangelion turns into orange juice, Bambi's mom dies, every major character in FF Tactics dies, Krillin dies, Chaozu dies, Yamcha dies, Vegeta dies, Piccolo dies, Goku dies, Goku dies again, Goku dies again, Goku dies again for real this time, and then dies AGAIN, Tellah dies, Mariko dies, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, Soylent Green is People, Bruce Willis is a ghost, Princess Leia is Luke's sister, Winston gets reprogrammed, they find Nemo, they all went to the same daycare, Rosebud is his sled, Wander dies and is reborn fused with the dormin, Gretchen dies, Donnie goes back in time so he can get killed by the falling plane engine, Macmurphy gets lobotomized and is killed by Chief, Alex is "cured", You Just Lost The Game, The Planet Of The Apes is Earth in the future, Tyler Durden and Edward Norton's character are the same person, Mercutio dies, Romeo dies, Juliet dies, Caesar dies, Hamlet dies, Tony Almeida dies, Deckard is a Replicant, the boy shoots Ol' Yeller, one of the gay cowboys dies, the black guy dies first, Rocky loses, Rocky wins, Rocky loses, Rocky wins, Rocky wins, Rocky wins, Redrum is Murder spelled backwards, Willard kills Kurtz, Rocky loses, then wins, Scarface dies, Spock dies, W.O.P.R. was just playing a game, the wizard is the Gatekeeper, They never find the Grail, Simon and Piggy die, Jay Gatsby dies, the answer is 42, all 300 Spartans die, 28 Weeks Later everyone's still screwed, Jason lives, and Snape kills Dumbledore who is gay.

    Ahem. I left this website a couple o' months ago to avoid KH spoilers but now I'm bored so Imma just go spam. Yeah. kthxbye 8D
    Thread by: LostMemory, May 19, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. LostMemory
    I want to be a Magikarp.
    Thread by: LostMemory, Mar 3, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. LostMemory
    Just do it. :D You'll get a whole lot wiser about poop.
    Thread by: LostMemory, Feb 24, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. LostMemory
    *immediately puts on sunglasses*

    That is all. :Awesome:
    Thread by: LostMemory, Feb 17, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. LostMemory

    Forever Alone


    I just couldn't resist. I had to post it. :D
    Thread by: LostMemory, Feb 17, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. LostMemory
    People think chickens are useless and do nothing, but all along they just call people idiots. ;.;


    Lool, that totally just blew your mind.
    Thread by: LostMemory, Feb 13, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. LostMemory
    And I thought I'd use it to show you all KH-vids before it was a dinosaur. :D
    Thread by: LostMemory, Feb 13, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. LostMemory
    It's so random that it can compete with me... [video=youtube;upH8Z4y-DOE][/video]
    Thread by: LostMemory, Feb 13, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. LostMemory
    I'm really bored, and I want something productive to do. So, some suggestions pweaze. :/8D:
    Thread by: LostMemory, Feb 12, 2012, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. LostMemory
    But I didn't do it.

    I'm so badass. :Awesome:
    Thread by: LostMemory, Feb 11, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. LostMemory
    Don't worry, it took me a while to believe it too.

    Thread by: LostMemory, Jan 29, 2012, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. LostMemory
    So the last few days when I've been playing PacMan, I start the game, and then when I die, the arcade screen just goes black, and when I refresh the page or click on a link I'm logged out. I don't think this happened before, because at one point it used to save my highscore, but now it just tells me to log in or register when I've finished playing. I cleared my cookies, and I started using a different browser (I was using IE, but now I'm using Chrome) but it makes no difference. Has this happened to anyone else, is it a glitch, or is my computer screwing up? XD Does anyone know how to fix it?
    Thread by: LostMemory, Jan 22, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. LostMemory
    The name's Mickey, well, actually, it's Mikki, but it's really Micaela, but anyway everyone calls me Mikki. Or Ninja Master. Because I'm just a ninja like that. *adjusts shades* B) I would've posted my 'I'm a N00b to KH-Vids 8D' thread a lot earlier but there were some... complications. My laziness being the sole 'complication.' I'm from Ireland, and I'm definitely not new to Kingdom Hearts or forums, due to the fact that I got KH1 when it came out in 2002. *highfives any other awesome people who have bragging rights to have played it since the beginning* I was only 4, so I was rubbish at it back then, I remember I got stuck finding the last mushroom on Destiny Islands for almost a year. XD But anyway, the KH series is honestly my favourite franchise of all time, (Zelda being a close second, Majora's Mask is one of the best games ever, and so is Skyward Sword o_o) and I really can't wait for DDD. :3 I like reading, drawing, playing the piano, and ninja'ing, I'm really awesome at ninja'ing. x3 I thought this forum was pretty cool when I joined last week, I think, and then I saw PacMan and fell in love. I am on a quest to beat the high score on PacMan in the arcade, and due to the fact that my arrow keys are so close together on this keyboard, it's difficult to ninja the ghosts. Yeah, that's the reason. ¬_¬ But I shall get back to PacMan, and annoy whoever posts in my 'almost-a-novel' later. XD
    Thread by: LostMemory, Jan 15, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures