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  1. The Soul-Eater
    A modest first attempt.

    Please tell me what you think.
    Thread by: The Soul-Eater, Sep 2, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. The Soul-Eater
    My latest work. It's still unfinished, but I expect it to be done shortly. If my current plans and outlines come to fruition, it'll consist of three journal entries, plus a prologue and epilogue.

    I hope you all enjoy it. It starts out a little angsty for my tastes, but it gets loads better as it progresses, I promise.

    "The World That Never Was" -- a fitting name for such a place.

    It's a monstrous sight, an urban utopia gone horribly awry. Streets of cracked asphalt bind what might have been a once-verdant field. Above them tower countless skyscrapers, macabre colossi reigning over their lost kingdom. The skies overhead rage with fierce storms, blocking out whatever natural light might have dared invade the realm. The darkness is total, broken only by the occasion flicker of a neon light. Nobody could truly call it home.

    At least, that's how I remember it. I was barely conscious at the time, but I still hope I never have to go back there.

    The first thing I can remember is being dragged through the streets with a strange man on each side of me. I didn't know where or even who I was. The memory's hazy, and my vision was blurred, but I think they brought me into some kind of castle.

    The next thing I knew, I was lying on a cold metal floor, with enormous white walls towering around me. My breath was labored and harsh, for the air around me was stifling and bitterly cold. Naked and alone, I tried to huddle up for warmth, but I could barely move a muscle. I think I must have been fading in and out of consciousness, but I could just barely make out several dark figures closing in on me.

    "Can it be...?" one of them said. His face was hidden, but his voice was shrill and grating. "The Nobody of a Princess? Is it possible?"

    "There can be no doubt," said another, smoother voice. "I've studied her extensively. Her scent is faint, but there's no mistaking it. It's extraordinarily similar to our newest member's -- too similar to be a mere coincidence."

    "Shall we induct her, then?" a new voice asked. This one was high and haughty, obviously a woman's. "I'd love a new doll to play with, and I'm sure little Roxy'd like a playmate...."

    "No. I'm sure she'll be a valuable tool, but she is not fit to be one of us." This newest voice was different from the rest. It was a low hiss -- very deep and very confident, with an unmistakable air of authority. It spoke very slowly, savoring each word as though it were a treasure. "She is to be stationed at Castle Oblivion. She'll be a great asset to out operations there, and it will also serve to keep her far from Roxas. I can't be sure what might happen if they were to meet, but we ought not to risk it."

    "Speaking of which, where is Roxas, anyway?" inquired another new voice. "On 'guard duty' again?"

    What were they talking about? My head was swimming, and these strange people -- the Organization, as I know them now -- did nothing to help it. I just wanted quiet -- just wanted to go home, to jump into bed and throw the covers over my head -- to scream, to cry, to do...something.

    But even then, over a year ago, those thoughts rang false. Even then, I knew though some inkling, some little voice in the back of my head, that I had no home to go run to. No place to go, no place to go back to.... Maybe we really are doomed to fade back into darkness.

    But, before that happens, would to hear my story?

    End of prologue. More to some soon. :D
    Thread by: The Soul-Eater, Jun 19, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. The Soul-Eater
    My latest fanfic, and a simple enough idea: what if the KH series' scope went beyond Disney movies? More specifically, what if it included my second favorite video game? The story's fairly short right now, but I'm adding to it, little by little. I'm aiming for about once a day, at least for now.

    In any case, just as with the Disney worlds in the KH series, the other game's plot won't be reiterated completely, and there's a fair amount of artistic liscense taken here and there. But I've tried to preserve the original feelings of both games while meshing them together nonetheless. I hope you like it!

    And as a bonus, a cookie goes to anyone who can recognize just what game this is from before it's revealed. ^_^

    Upon disembarking from their ship, our interstellar heroes found themselves in a world unlike any they had seen before. A quaint little village lay before them. Built upon a verdant field checkered with lush, green trees, the town and its people buzzed with life beneath the spectral penumbra of the full moon above.

    That alone was not so spectacular. The remarkable thing was the atmosphere that radiated from the scene. Everything was so lively and bright. Even in the dead of night, the grass was greener, the sky was a deeper blue, and everything between them seemed to glow with a radiance that permeated the realm to its core.

    Sora, the young Hero of Light was the first to arrive in the village after leaving his vessel, the Gummi Ship. Brushing a few jagged locks of hair from his eyes, he stared in awe at the sight that greeted him. "Geez, Not exactly the Pride Lands, is it?" he remarked, referencing the withered state of the world they visited last.

    "Gawrsh, I don't know," responded Goofy, Sora's canine companion, joining him at the entrance of the village.

    "Wak!" quaked Donald, Sora's feathered friend and the final member of the trinity. "What are you talking about?, Goofy? I've never seen a place like this before!"

    "Well...I'm not sure," Goofy answered hesitantly. "I can't put my finger on it. This place sure looks purty, but somethin' don't feel quite right."

    Sora and Donald considered these words, and the more they thought about them, the truer they became. It was barely noticeable at first, but there was a certain...tenseness...snaking its way through the air, an intangible feeling of anxiety, and of stress, with just the slightest hint of...fear, even. The taste of darkness was in the air. The villagers were hard at work, apparently preparing for some big event, but there was obviously more at work than that.

    "I feel it, too, Goofy," Sora affirmed. "The Heartless, you think?"

    "Or the Organization," Donald added. "Who knows what they could be up to?"

    But their musings were soon interrupted. "You, there!" called a stranger's jovial, welcoming voice. "In all my years, I've never seen anyone like you here before. Come for the festival, did you? Well, you're just in time!"

    "Er...festival?" Sora asked the unseen speaker. "Sorry, sir, but what festival? What is this place?"

    "You mean you don't know?" the voice inquired gently. Then, the speaker stepped closer, out of the shadows, placing himself directly in front of Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

    He certainly was a strange sight. He was apparently very old, maybe almost a hundred. His long, white beard reached all the way down to his feet, which was admittedly made easier by his stooped, crooked back. And, oddest of all, he seemed to be wearing a piece of fruit as a hat, balancing it precariously atop his head.

    "This is Kamiki Village. I'm Mr. Orange, the village elder. And tonight, people have gathered from all over the world to celebrate the Festival of the Moon, the anniversary of the legendary hero Nagi's noble victory over the dreaded Orochi!"

    "Huh. Sounds like fun!" Sora concluded.

    "But Sora," objected Donald. "There's gotta be something wrong here! Why else would the Keyblade lead us here?"

    "Who knows?" he retorted. "Maybe we just get a break every once in a while. After all, remember the Hundred-Acre Wood? There was no big bad boss for us to beat there, either. So I say, let's just kick back, enjoy the party, and let whatever happens happen."

    And happen it did. Only mere minutes afterwards, just before the official opening of the festival, a great noise -- a fearful bellow -- seemed to shake the very earth itself. A figure then came bounding into the village, screaming bloody murder. It was a man, probably in his twenties or thirties. His was a stout but muscular figure, clad in a dark purple tunic and brandishing a large wooden sword. His face was almost entirely concealed by thick, black hair, but his expression was unmistakable. It was one of pure terror.

    To be continued...whenever I get around to it. >_>
    Thread by: The Soul-Eater, Jun 7, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. The Soul-Eater
    Just a quick one-shot a whipped up while I was bored. I'm kind of happy with the way it turned out, though, especially since I don't really write much anymore. There's not too much plot to it, but I like the focus on the Sora-Kairi dynamic, since they don't get to interact so much in the games.

    The sun was rising over the tropical paradise of Destiny Islands, painting the sky with brilliant hues of red, gold, and violet. King Mickey and his faithful companions had returned to their castle abode, but the unmistakable aura of celebration still hung fresh in the sea-spritzed air. Organization XIII had been defeated, Kingdom Hearts had been saved, and for the first time in over a decade, people in every world were waking up to a truly peaceful day.

    As the sun's first rays began to kiss his face, Sora, the young Champion of Light, awoke to a familiar face and familiar words.

    "Wake up, you lazy bum," said the voice. "I knew I'd find you snoozing down here."

    Sora slowly opened his eyes, brushed a few jagged locks of hair fro his face, and rose to greet his friend. Kairi, the princess with hair of red and features fair, stood over him, smiling sweetly.

    "Geez, Kairi," he said through a yawn. "Can't a guy get a little sleep?"

    The girl chuckled in response. "I told you not to stay up so late last night. You may be a hero, but you can't just sleep on the beach all day. You've gotta get off your butt some time," she said, grinning. "I was thinking we could make our triumphant return to school today."

    Man, I love the say the sun shines on her hair, Sora though absentmindedly. Oh, and hey, that cloud kind of looks like a Keyblade! ...Wait...what!?

    "School!?" he yelped in surprise. "I was kinda hoping for some more downtime."

    "Yeah, but everyone really misses you. And even Riku's anxious to get back."

    "Riku!? But he cut class all the time before. And he's been through more than any of us. I'd have thought he'd need the most time to settle down. How could he face a day of school so soon after all that?"

    "'Like this!'" Kairi squealed giddily, squeezing her palms against her face. Even despite himself, Sora couldn't help but laugh.


    And so, Sora and Kairi boarded their boats and set off for the main island. The sun shone brightly overhead, making the sea shimmer serenely, even as their paddles sliced through its surface.

    Stroke, stroke....

    "You know, Kairi," said Sora, "this really takes me back. Remember the first time we did this?"

    "I think so," Kairi replied vaguely. "I had just gotten here not long before, and you took me to see the Secret Place...."

    Stroke, stroke....

    "Yeah," she continued, more confident now. "And then you freaked out and realized we were an hour late for my first day of school!" She chortled happily at the memory.

    "Yeah," Sora said whimsically. "And you had such a hard time there, too. Remember? You couldn't answer any questions in math, your crayons kept breaking in art, and you didn't even have a blanket for nap time."

    "I guess I was a pretty sorry sight. But you were always there for me, even when...."

    Stroke, stroke...."

    After a pause, Sora prompted her. "Even when what?"

    "You know...." Kairi mumbled, blushing slightly. "When I was called up to the board to do some spelling. And I...y'know...dropped the chalk...and I went to get it...." Her face was glowing a bright crimson now.

    "And then what?" goaded Sora playfully.

    "Forget it. Forget I said anything," she snapped curtly.

    "C'mon, say it. You'll feel better."

    "Oh, as if you didn't know!" Kairi shouted, flustered. "I farted, all right? Right in front of the whole class," she squeaked with modesty. "And everyone called me names for a week!"

    "Yeah, know how witty those kindergarten kids can be," Sora quipped, grinning broadly. His smile must have been contagious, for he soon saw its echo etching its way onto the princess' face.

    "But, of course..." Kairi said coyly, "that's nothing compared to the time you wet yourself at the moives...." she cooed smugly.

    "For the last time, I wasn't scared!" Sora whined unconvincingly. "Besides, I was like eight years old!"

    "Try thirteen," Kairi responded, her voice positively dripping with joy.

    Sora stammered helplessly for a minute, barely managing to shrug and mumble "Whatever." Then, composure somewhat regained, he started to paddle faster, racing ahead of Kairi's boat. "But, you know..." he said as smoothly as he could, picking up speed all the while. "You're really cute when you get all worked up like this. Maybe after school, we could...y' back up out there in the Seaside Shack...."

    Instantly, Kairi's smirk was gone, replaced instead by an expression of mock-outrage.

    "Sora, you jerk!" she cried, paddling faster. "You'd better run! When I catch you, I'll kick your butt! You'll be lucky to pee your pants when I'm through with you!"

    Yeah, though Sora. The adventure might be done for now, but I think this could be even better. I've got Riku...and Kairi...and our island.... We've come a long way already, but I guess this is just the next chapter in our story. Our journey's not over yet. I think I can suffer through a little algebra here and there for that.

    Besides...that still leaves weekends free.
    Thread by: The Soul-Eater, May 24, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Archives