Dream Drop Distance *spoilers* Role in Kingdom Hearts DDD

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue' started by VenitasX, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. VenitasX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 18, 2012
    *SPOILERS* Hey everyone, VenitasX is back! Doubt you missed me, but its okay! As you know, I am the incarnate of Vanitas. I noticed that Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance was seriously lacking in Vanitas X-Blade epicness. I only appeared in the game once. So I thought I would discuss with you guys the significance of my appearance in DDD.

    *SPOILERS* Vanitas appears only once, when Sora is confronted by YMX. I found it strange that they flashed him and never made any points about it. Is that foreshadowing? Is it a reminder of something? Did I miss something? Maybe it is just something that has no significance and can be ignored. What do you Kingdom Hearts "conspirators" think?

    Sorry if I broke some rules. It has been way too long since I have been on any forum. Ive lost my common forum sense.
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female

    to the Dream Drop Distance section.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Here's an explanation from Nomura in one of his interviews:

    So basically, what we saw was just an illusion caused by some sort of reaction from Ven's heart inside Sora.
  4. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    We can't assume that everybody with yellow eyes are Ansem/Xenoheart, I think they're just "Bounded with DARKNESS", sure If you become a Xehanort, your eyes will be yellow, as he is already a seeker of darkness, but that is not true for everyone, Ansem the wise got his eyes yellow for staying too much time in the realm of darkness, so If you were expecting Vanitas being one of the 13Th Xenohearts, my anwser would be no!
    I don't even think Xehanort would spoil Vanitas, with his heart, as Vanitas had a special heart of his own (pure darkness and that could creat endless Unversed, that seem to be more controled by them , than any Heartless ever were, and they would power up vanitas for ever, not to mention the forge of the X-blade).

    Unfortunetly I don't think Vanitas will be back, if he does only for a fight over Ventus body again in KHIII (or other).
  5. VenitasX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 18, 2012
    Unfortunetly I don't think Vanitas will be back, if he does only for a fight over Ventus body again in KHIII (or other).[/quote]

    Im gonna have to disagree with you on that. I know KH has done some bad writing in the past but I doubt they would kill off a character in one game never to return. KH is also notorious for bringing back dead characters.
  6. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    Yes, but you see Vanitas is only a byproduct of Ventus heart.. it was destroyed. Sure he is healing his heart, and for that to happen "the darkness should come back to it" , but It'll come back to Ventus, not Sora (who is just renting his body to recover Ventus body).
    Vanitas could come back briefly just to "take Ventus body just when he was going to come back to it" And Sora could have to win of him to give place to Ventus heart again, or reach the "light side of Vanitas heart (aka Ventus)".
    I don't see any scenario where Vanitas would be back runing around worlds just for his own agenda..
    As the games will probably be at Sora's point of view (maybe by Ven also if he is one of the 7 lights) I can see Vanitas being back only as a boss fight.

    Is like Roxas, sure he is a great guy, but unfortunetly he doesnt have:
    a)A body(belongs to sora)
    b) A heart(Belongs to Ventus).

    So we can see that even though he is one of the guys "Sora is going to save" he isn't doing any major moves in the next game.. he had his short part at KH 358/2 and KH II and probably will be only this.
    The only way I can see "Roxas" coming back is in the sense that , when Ventus awakes he will reatain Roxas memories somehow, and thus being Roxas and Ventus (and Vanitas) at same time, as all these three personas are fragments of Ventus heart that is going to be assembled .
  7. sonicfan23 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 1, 2011
    Somewhere...in the world

    I can see where you're coming from there. But seeing as Roxas is my FAVORITE character, I'm optimistic. So here is how I think it will go (also, some on Vanitas):

    Roxas can contact Sora in his dreams

    So, he might be able to somehow, someway, be brought back. He has his own memories, his own sorrows, and Ventus has all of his experiences (good and bad) so they are two almost completely different people (except for looks.) I'm still holding out hope for Roxas's return :D

    As for Vanitas, I think I read on KH13.com on the character section that Vanitas is in YMX heart, so if that were true...he may return. I hope. That would complete the Keyblade War for me.
  8. Neku_Sakuraba Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2012
    Houston, TX
    Doesn't that mean Aqua should have yellow eyes by now? She's been there longer than Ansem by now.
  9. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    She didn't accept the darkness though! In the Screat Ansem's report he stated, that by accepting the power of darkness whithout judging or letting it corrupt his soul gave him the power to escape the realm with its corridors.
    Aqua probably would/will never accept the power of darkness as she was trainned by Master Eraqus that despised Darkness, not only that she saw what Darkness did to Ventus and Terra. Ansem in the other hand was a lonly hopless man that had only vengence in his heart.. a man whithout hope seems ideal to let the darkness grow, maybe he wasn't able to escape the dark Realm a second time because he accepted his fate and is ok with it, and doesn't have anything to focus his ravange anymore.. so he isn't wielding the power of darkness again.

    Aqua also seems to be an extremely especial case! Normaly even keyblade wielders would be carrefull while using the corridors of darkness to walk by the worlds... Ven/Terra/Aqua used their armor to protect their bodies from the darkness, the organization (which didn't even had a heart to be corrupted) used their cloths, Sora & Cia used their Ships.. so normaly one SHOULD eventualy be corrupted by the Darkness, I guess Aqua's strong will + the keyblades from their friends is what is shielding her from the darkness.