Forgotten Insanity [OOC Thread]

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, May 1, 2011.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Apparently Jayn has been rubbing off on me. Must have graphics in this. ><" Though I am not as good as she is.
    I have had this dream for ages now and at some point in my life it shall become a game. MMO probably. Maybe.
    Post if you're interested and what you would want to be.

    Make sure to check for updates often!



    Cloaked in black we ran through the streets of the desolate ruins which was once a great city.​
    Sweat was on our brows and fear raised in our hearts, and though we knew we were probably going to die soon we continued to run.​ this really it? Am I going to die today...?
    We were in the middle of the street when suddenly these monsters, Ghouls as we call them, came from out of the buildings to either side and suddenly another group of them were in front of us. We stopped in our tracks and turned around to run back the way we came but the group which had started chasing us in the first place was there.​
    So this really was the end...​
    We stood back to back, trying to protect the other but ready to die ourselves.​
    “Brother... Is this...†Teary eyes.​
    No replies.​
    But just as we were ready to go someone appeared before us. Four people in fact, one to every side.​
    One used great grace, one used brute strength, one used perfect strategy, and the last one fought with various weapons.​
    Within seconds all of the Ghouls had been slain. And though we wished to thank the ones who saved us we knew it best to just follow them as they started to run down the street.​
    “Are you two okay?†The graceful one asked.​
    We nod, assuring her that we were.​
    We ran for about a mile before reaching a once beautiful neighborhood, going inside the most busted down house.
    In the back room of the house there was a staircase, which had its entrance hidden behind a bookcase. And then in the basement there was a trapdoor which hid yet another staircase.​
    Hidden passages...strange people... Just where were we going?​
    Either way, we knew it was best to follow. Even if we were being led to our deaths at least we would not become Ghouls. That was worse than the most horrific death we could imagine.​
    There was a series of tunnels following that and we would reach a secured door every now and then. Once we were beyond tired did we finally reach an elevator.​
    It was in the strangest of places, in the wall of the cave, and looked rusted. And yet...we never felt safer once inside.​
    Finally the graceful one spoke again.​
    “You have to make a choice, within a week's time.†She said, her voice rough with past hardships yet still elegant in a way. “No one can live in this city unless they work.â€​
    “City?†Just as we questioned it, a city came into view through the bars which kept us from falling out of the elevator. ​
    “There are various jobs, but only two main groups.†She continues, ignoring us as we gawked at the glorious city, which seemed to stretch on for miles. It probably looked like how the city on the surface did back in its prime. “City Workers and Surface Workers.â€​
    The elevator reached the bottom and jolted from the slight impact. As we tumbled out the other four had no problem staying steady.​
    “Their names should be pretty self explanatory. You'd either be working down here as something like a medic, or Surface Workers like us. And as you can tell, it is our job to save anyone up top while also finding anything useful to bring back here. So which is? Staying here? Or you gonna take your chances up top?†She grinned a cocky grin, probably already knowing our answers.​



    Group of kids [some blood related while others are a part of the makeshift family for the reason that they have to stick together to live] get saved by the four people described, which are the four classes which can be picked for Surface Workers. Work in the city or get out. Have a week to choose. And in the mean time you will be provided with a place to stay and all that jazz. May be taught some things by the people there. And once you pick a job you'd be given a teacher.​

    Background Story


    With all of Earth's advances in medicine and technology the human race was nowhere near prepared for the virus which plague their kind. This was because it was not a virus, it was a curse.​

    This curse turned humans into Ghouls, a more fiendish type of zombies, and opened the gates of Hell so that demons may once again roam the earth.​

    It started in major cities, but soon overtook the entire world. Billions of people were killed.​

    There were those who managed to live however, and they started to build an underground city where they were safe from the surface horrors.​

    They try to relearn their forgotten history of the surface world as they fight for survival everyday. ​



    Considering how these are my second, third, and fourth ever OCs (with some updates and different names) I decided to make them NPCs which I will control every now and then instead of Pre-Roles.


    Having been born in the underground city, the twenty-five year-old Elizabeth had the choice of never seeing a Ghoul her entire life. But ever since her parents were killed by them when she was only four she picked up a sword and demanded to be trained. She chose to be a Berserker and soon become one of the best in her class. It is hard to earn her respect or even to get her to talk to you, as she finds herself too busy to socialize, but somehow the three in her team have her utmost respect, especially Alice, whom she shall follow without question.

    What she lacks in grace and intelligence she makes up in brute strength and endurance. And like all trained Berserkers she can go into a rage that makes herself even stronger, but due to the lack of self-control in said rage she uses this stage only as a last resort.


    Having been born mute no one knows much about the twenty-two year old Kathrine. The majority of people only know that she lived on the surface for most of her life before being saved by Alice and Elizabeth and brought down to the city. But by then she was already a skilled fighter and able to use a large assortment of weapons, though not mastering any of them fully. She belongs to no fighting class.

    Somehow, maybe by not speaking, she has learned to communicate telepathically though only does so often with her team. Otherwise she only 'speaks' to people when needed. And despite her mature appearance she has been known to make very sarcastic and foul remarks.


    Despite her young age(19), Kiki is one of the best Scouts in the underground city. Though she is often looked down on and lectured due to her childish behavior and the fact she loves pulling pranks. But while on the surface she takes on a different persona and becomes totally serious and focused; for the most part anyway. And it'd be hard for anyone who haven't seen her in action to tell, but she has an extremely high IQ and makes strategies that could bring down an entire city.

    She is the weakest in her group, but easily the fastest. She can also make maps mentally and show them to others through some telepathy skill (which is rare even among Scouts), and sense things and people within a two mile radius.

    [Maka will be controlling her for me.]



    These are only some of the classes. Feel free to request one that is not listed below. Like ranger, warrior, etc.


    Though they do not master in any weapons or skills, and are thought to be the weakest, they have a range of various skills and can use any weapon available to them. And because of this they tend not to have a preferred style and thus becoming quite unpredictable in battle and a worthy adversary.


    One of great stealth and grace. They can sneak around anywhere and bring quick deaths to all they face. Will often have hidden weapons and at least basic poison knowledge.​


    Definitely among the strongest of classes, if not the strongest. Normally wield large swords or maybe even use their fists only. And after vigorous training they become able to activate a state of rage that makes them even stronger, but they lose a lot of control while in this state.​


    There are not many Scouts as to be one, one has to have some sort of sensory powers, which are rare and impossible to learn above a natural level. So due to their rarity they are often given special privileges and excused for many mistakes or troubles they may cause. Typically they can create a mental map of the area around them, but to be able to show that map like Kiki can is a rare skill. ​



    These are only some of the jobs. Feel free to request one that is not listed below.


    Probably one of the most important jobs in the city. It is their job to teach people whichever class they desire (though it has happened when one trainer denied a student) so they can then work on the surface. These are retired fighters who no longer visit the surface as if they do and they are killed it may take some time to replace them, thus the possibility of a class ending altogether comes about.


    It is their job to research the many things that Surface Workers will bring back to the city and learn what it means. They can then pass what they learn on to others and are a vital part of the city's workings.​


    Since it is very likely that Surface Workers will come back injured there are many Medics in the underground city. It is their job to heal all that come their way, whether they wish to or not.​


    While these are separate jobs, normally when one is one of them they are also the other so sometimes people consider them to be the same job. It the Caretakers' job to watch over and protect the children whose parents are either currently on the surface or dead. (And there are many orphans.) The Teachers' job is to teach them the basics of living in the city, the history of the surface and how they came to live underground, and possibly even some basics of fighting classes and jobs, but never any actual fighting. More so in the fundamentals and such.​


    They take what the Surface Workers and Researchers bring to them and make stuff out of them. And despite their job name they work on things other than just machines, such as guns and swords. But each have their specialty. ​



    It is a post-apocalyptic time. When the city was built they call that Year 0. It is currently Month 1 Day 12 Year 100. Will be mostly in the Underground City (especially starting off) but then there will be a lot of time spent on the surface.

    The rp starts the day after the kids arrived at the city. The very next morning.



    As of May 2nd, 2011 - Now accepting profiles.

    List of possible abilities added.

    More info on Rage and Flashstep added to the list of Allowed Abilities.

    RP Thread has been made. Click here for it.



    You MUST read and obey these!

    ▀ [No] godmodding, powerplaying, killing off people's characters without their permission.

    ▀ Swearing is allowed but no [going] overboard.

    ▀ Be active, romance is welcome and encouraged, but no taking it [too far] (the 'fade out to black' scenes are allowed), etc.

    ▀ If you have any questions, PLEASE ASK. I'll be happy to help [with] anything you may need.

    ▀ Don't make a character [that] probably wouldn't exist.

    ▀ In each of these rules (except this one) there is a word or words in brackets, put all of them in your pm to verify that you read these.

    ▀ Please use [proper] grammar. And "for talking," thinking, and color code characters is liked, but not needed.

    ▀ Don't get [impatient] and have your character walk off after saying hi to someone because they don't reply quick enough. Though you are allowed to do so if it takes them an insane amount of time or they say it'd be best if your character did so because they will be busy.

    ▀ PM me your profiles first before posting them in the ooc thread so I may check over your [character](s) with you.

    Allowed Abilities


    I didn't name everything in creation, as that would take forever. If you do not see your desired ability then ask me and I will say if it is allowed or not and add it to the list.

    Also, if you are Classes then you may have any (unless it says a specific class only) so long as you do not go other the limit and you can only have mastered an ability if your character has only one.

    -Healing (Doesn't fits any of the currently listed classes, but add in a 'healer' class (which will be rare among people) or might even fit a Ranger or something. Unsure currently.)
    -Rage (The Berserker ability. They are they ONLY class that can use it. Normally it can be only triggered when really mad but skilled people can trigger it whenever. It simply makes them stronger than an average human and heightened senses)
    -Telepathy (No set class, but is a rare ability.)
    -Telekinesis (Same as telepathy.)
    -Sensory Abilities (For scouts mainly, other classes like assassin can also have this but it'd be much weaker than Scouts')
    -Shape shifting (Going to be extremely rare and only change into other human forms or animals. Meaning that if someone has this ability they can become animals OR other people. Not both.)
    -Invisibility (Mainly assassins.)
    -Slight Elemental Control (One element per person and cannot create any fire or water and such. It must be present.)
    -Flashstep (Like from Bleach. Assassins mainly.)



    For Surface Workers:

    Weapon(s) : If any. Must fit with their class
    Abilities: If any. Must belong to their class. Four max.
    Skills: Natural skills.

    For City Workers:

    Weapon(s) : Even though they are not fighters everyone tends to have some weapon to defend themselves just in case something were to happen.
    Skills: Must relate to their job.

    Accepted Characters


    Username: Monochrome
    Name: Alice
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Class: Assassin
    Bio: Like most everyone who has been born on the surface life was hard. Though no one knows exactly how she lived before coming down to the underground city. She was found barley alive by a group of Surface Workers and they brought the ten year old back with them to the city. She barley made it, but was able to pull through. Ever since then though she hasn't been able the see perfectly, though thanks to her abilities she's never had much trouble finding her way around. The injuries she had made her forget most of her past.
    Personality: Tries to be friendly and helpful as possible while she'd really just like to ignore everyone and fight till she drops. Is often on the surface, but due to an injury acquired a little before saving the kids from the intro she must stay underground for a while.
    Weapon(s) : Hidden blades that pop up from her sleeves when she thrusts her arms down, a dagger strapped to her leg, and wire.
    Abilities: Mild Healing and can sense things up to two feet away, and invisibility. Also, when in in danger or extreme anger she can change forms. More on this later.
    Skills: Poison making, traps making, stealth, quick kills.

    Username: Monochrome
    Name: Shino
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Job: Wanna-be Researcher (I find myself hitting myself for being stereotypical here.)
    Bio: If it were not for his father and mother he would of been eaten alive as a baby or small child. But they somehow managed to bring him up to his teens. They saw how innocent he was despite being born on the surface and witnessing several violent deaths. They wished more people would be like this and had the naive thoughts that if it were to come to be the world would be peaceful again. But before getting to see that happen they were killed in front of their son's eyes. He managed to escape, but after the adrenaline faded he didn't know what to do. He just wished to die. That is when he met Skye. She helped him with his wounds, but he was more impressed by just how friendly and seemingly unaffected by of what was happening. And then she was braver than he was yet younger. He made it his goal to return the favor of her saving his life in every possible way and decided to follow her and her group around.
    Personality: Easily flustered and when he is embarrassed her becomes one of the biggest klutz ever. Otherwise he can be quite serious and focused. Strives to learn everyone he can and simply loves learning new stuff. Also, will freeze up if he sees death or even just some blood.
    Weapon(s) : Was given a gun when he first came down but has no idea how to use it and hasn't touched it since being shown his new home and putting it (very carefully) down on the nearest table.
    Skills: Besides researching and things to do with computers? Nothing.

    Username: Monochrome
    Name: Daemon
    Gender: Female
    Age: Ten
    Job: Undecided. Since she is younger she only has to agree to work at some point in her life though.
    Appearance: When normal the red markings on her face doesn't show and her eyes are blue.
    Bio: Like most people like her, her parents were killed less than a year after she was born by demons and she was then raised by the people who killed them. She does not know this though, and thinks she is perfectly normal. However, since being taken by the demons she has been feeding on Ghoul meat and drinking demon blood, making her something less than human. When the rp starts she was on her first hunt alone when Jacklyn saw her eating the remains of a freshly killed Ghoul. Thinking Jacklyn was someone on her side she followed without question, as she was taught to do so, but is now confused and wishes to return to her normal home, though she will not say anything on the matter.
    Personality: Seems to be in a trance most of the time but when she snaps out of it she can be very rude and seeks verbal fights with everyone. Seems to be scared of the underground city.
    Weapon(s) : She has claws and sharp teeth in her demonic form
    Skills: Knows how to somewhat fight but nothing else really.
    Other: She has mild healing abilities, a demonic form, and slight sensory powers. Also, she is not apart of the group that was described in the intro.

    Username: Terra
    Name: Adrian
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Class: Classless
    Bio: Adrian never truly wanted to be working on the surface. He started off first as a Mechanic but after just a year he got sick of it and, on a whim, headed out onto the surface with a Researcher who wished to study something on the surface. The two went with a small group of Surface Workers who acted as their escorts. Adrian felt invigorated when he finally left the Underground City but his moment of happiness soon ended when the group was soon ambushed by a hoard of beasts. The only two who survived were Adrian and the "Classless" who was with them. Impressed by the skills his companion had, Adrian immediately followed in his footsteps and did everything he could to ready himself to be just as prepared when he would finally become a Surface Worker. It has been five years since that day and Adrian has not regretted his decision since.
    Personality: No going too far with that proper impatient character. Adrian is a highly curious person and a brighter mind that one would think he is given his own "Classless" class. He's defensive when it comes to comments about his weapons as he had designed them himself. He does have a rather large problem with heading into dangerous situations just to satisfy his own curiosity and is often sidetracked by just about anything that can catch his attention.
    Weapons: Owns a blade that changes into six other forms(spear, chain, bow, axe, shield, and it can split into two short swords) and uses a gauntlet that store in high amounts of energy that can be fired off if sent through special types of devices(namely, the bow form his Adrian's blade). The gauntlet needs to be constantly recharged and sometimes isn't all that reliable.
    Abilities: None.
    Skills: Parkour as with the state of the surface the best way to get around is sometimes just by heading in a straight line. Also has limited Mechanic skills though they were still enough for him to create his own weapons.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Maka
    Name: Kyle Coriva
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Job: Mechanic
    Appearance: Check out this handsome guy ;D
    Bio: Kyle had a knack of inventing and fixing things ever since he can remember. First, it started with taking house clocks, old computers, even his sister's blow dyer, and other machinary apart just to see how each of them worked. Then he would put them back together and made them good as new, maybe even better than before. After years of practice, he's moved up from the smaller household things to the larger things, thus beginning his dream, as well as his father's dream, to become one of the greatest inventors and mechanics of all time. That's pretty much the gist of it... or that's what he wants people to see.
    He usually takes things the way they are, and does his best to subsitute missing parts... He can't do that with his twin sister though. Ever since their parents died when they were seven, and after Kyle ventured to the surface to savage his own parts when he was ten (he couldn't find the right parts to an invention) and got seriously hurt, his sister hadn't been the same. He rarely sees her, and when he does, he tries to convince her to stay a while. She never does, but it's always worth a shot. He'll support her dreams no matter what, since she's supporting his.
    Personality: Kyle likes company once in a while, but mostly likes to be in solitude. It gives him time to think and time to explore new ideas and possibilities. He's friendly though, despite his daunting features, and is willing to help out a friend or peer in need with what ever he can help them with. When he gets angry or frustrated, he finds himself burried in his workshop or working on something that needs fixing and won't stop until he's completely done with it or until he doesn't have the strength or energry to finish it. It's how he released his negative feelings. On days when company comes to him, he has an open ear and will listen to everyone's problems, feelings of life, anything they feel like sharing that they need to get out. It doesn't matter if it's stupid to them or anyone else to share, he'll listen no matter what.
    Weapon(s): Hand pistol with ten rounds, his mechanical left arm (which can turn into a knife, a plasma gun that 30 seconds to fully charge, comb, toothbrush, keys, egg beater- oh wait, those aren't weapons... >>), smoke bombs and other homemade gernades/bombs.
    Skills: Mechanical ninja stuff...
    Other: After his adventure to the surface, he lost his left arm and right leg. They've been replaced by mechanical ones, but he has a slight limp when he walks around.

    Username: Maka
    Name: Jacklyn (Jackie) Coriva
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Class: Berserker
    Appearance: She's bad ace.
    Bio: (It's mostly said up in Kyle's post)
    After she witnessed what happened to her twin brother and the horrors of the surface, she decided right then and there it was her destiny to help to try to put an end to this madness. She worked hard to train herself for this class ever since that day, and rarely goes to the city. When she does, it's to repair her sword or to visit her brother for a breif moment.
    Personality: Jackie's smiles are rare, as she seen many hardships in her years as a child and as a teenager. She doesn't like people to mess with her and she's not a push over to anyone. She will act cold to those she never met until they have proved to her that she can trust them. She will save anyone that's not a ghoul in need, but she won't be cuddly to them in anyway unless they're children; she has a soft spot for them. She prefers to work alone most of the time but will work with a group if she believes she needs help or if it's required. When she can't pent up her anger inside of her or when someone pushes the wrong buttons, duck and run.
    Weapon(s): Broad Sword that belonged to her grandfather, and her fists (sometimes wears brass knuckles to help highten the punch.)
    Abilities: Rage, and flashstep
    Skills: Knows martial arts, thanks to her mother, so if she looses her sword at all (which is rare) then she'll resort to Judo, Ninjutsu, Kung Fu, anything that will get her out of her situation. She'll also use her brass knuckles to help bring on some serious damage.
    Other: She has a strange sense of style that she loves, and her companion on her lonely days is her grandfather's sword.

    Username: AwkwardFailure
    Name: Zach
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Class: Assassin
    [​IMG] Full credit to the author.
    Bio: Zach grew up in the underground city for as long as he could remember. For a long time he worked as a researcher, but all of the research he did just made him longing to go out to the surface. At the age of 13 he was accepted, but as he got tested to see which class would fit him best it seemed he had trouble in every area. When he was about to get sent back to researching a few weeks later at the last moment, all ready to leave, he asked for one more try, saying he'd been practicing. Turns out it was true enough, he had gotten the knife down pretty good, and he'd been working all week on stealth. They accepted him and he was overjoyed, but even though he is very trained and has been going to the surface since he was 14, it still shakes him up a little bit when Zach goes up there, although he still loves his job.
    Personality: Sarcastic at times, serious during work but more relaxed when underground, can't stay still, tense, shy at first, overly confident, considerate, concerned about everything, usually a quick thinker, unable to process much when in the worst of situations, very lighthearted unlike the first impression from how he looks,
    Weapon(s) : Knife hidden within his right boot, chain (which looks a lot like a belt) around his waist, several daggers within his sleeves.
    Abilities: Invisibility, slight Flashstep.
    Skills: Stealth, traps.
    Other: No going too far with that proper impatient character.

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Drake
    Gender: Male
    Age: 40
    Job: Trainer
    Bio: Born on the surface, Drake has lived most of his life fighting against Ghouls. During his childhood he joined together with a bunch of fellow humans and struggled to survive against the brutal Ghouls. As he grew and the years passed on he was forced to watch as his allies were helplessly slaughtered. Once his final ally was slain Drake decided he had enough and charged blindly into battle, the rage of his fallen allies overwhelming his rationality. He fought off as many ghouls as he could until he was soon felled. Upon accepting his end he was suddenly saved by a group of Surface Workers and taken to the underground city. Amazed by the underground city he joined as a Surface Worker. His skills as a Berserker soon became so great he became a trainer of the Berserker class.
    Personality: Appears to be cold person but really has a kind side he really doesn't make an effort to really hide. He holds the safety of his allies as one of his highest priorities. People usually wonder how such a calm person can actually be a Berserker
    Weapon(s) : A huge broadsword almost his size and a pair of metal gauntlets
    Skills: Drake is very proficient with a sword and also has knowledge on martial arts which he uses in certain and beneficial situations
    Other: N/A

    Username: Master of Keyblade
    Name: Allen
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Class: Assassin
    Bio: Allen had always love to run. He never quite understood why he did but it was just something he liked to do. Most of the time he would end up going too far past the proper running distance set by his brother, and everything he did, his brother would constantly tell him no going past the limit. This went on until he decided go with him every time he left.
    Personality: At most time Allen is calm and collective but sometimes he can be a very impatient and reckless character.
    Weapon(s) : Sword, Hidden Blade
    Abilities: Flashstep
    Skills: He's quick on his feet
    Other: N/A

    Username: Maka
    Name: Skye Lorone
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Job: Thinking about medic, but undecided for now
    Appearance: Bio:
    Skye lived with her crippled father on the surface, not having any knowledge about the city below. There were many times where she had to defend her own house from the ghouls, and she witnessed terrible things as a kid.
    (Like a four year old being devored by a ghoul, and there was nothing she could do)
    She learned how to look after them and others who came across their path. When she was seven, one of their guests they saved betrayed them in the end, resulting in Skye's father to be killed in front of her eyes, and then she had to run for her life, leaving her little home she knew behind. Stricken by grief, Skye wandered around the city for many days, not caring what was going to happen to her as she carried her father's cane around with her. After a few days, she collasped from exhaustion and lack of food and then she didn't want to go on anymore since there was nothing to look forward to. When she woke up, she wasn't on the street where she collasped; she was in someone's rundown appartment. She never knew her rescuer, she never saw them. Food, shelter, supplies, and good clean water were provided for her. Skye never knew where it came from, but it gave her a new spark to survive another day, another year, and that's how she lived. After she figured that grieving wouldn't help anyone or herself, she got back on her feet and started to help others again. Then just recently, she got in a sticky situation and ended up being saved once again... This time, she was shown to an underground city, something she never ever knew about till now. What will happen to her next, she has no idea. She's ready to take on any challenge that comes her way though.
    Personality: Motherlike to all she comes across, good nature, and always tries to look on the bright side of things when things turn for the worse. She can be scared of the unknown, but she'll take a step in it if it's required of her. She tends to not think of her own happiness and focuses on everyone else around her, which can be her downfall. Those who she grows close to, she grows very loyal to. Skye has a determined spirit that she got from her father, and will fight for her life or anyone else's if it's required, or not, of her. Some may say she's naiive from time to time due to her innocent behavior and cheery nature, but there's more inside of her than she lets anyone on.
    Weapon: Cane with a hidden sword, belonged to her father
    Skills: Has knowledge of how to stop severe bleeding, how to clean and dress wounds, how to nurse someone who's been starving for a long time back to health, and she has a calm aura about her that seems to calm those she's working on so they can relax and not go into shock. She also has a knowledge how to care for the sick, no matter the illness, and she can pick out the cause of different accidents. For example, if someone's arm was scratch, she can tell if it was from rubbing against something rough, or if it was caused from someone (or something).
    Other: She got her tattoo in memory of her father and mother, and her flower hairclip belonged to her mother. Her dad never told her what happened to her mom, she just knew she wasn't there.

    Username: Of Pride And Other Things
    Name: Samuel "Hawkeye" Corinx
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Class: Assassin-I promise that it's not like the others, though!
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: He was born in the underground city with his peculiar ocular tools. The things were heterochromic (probably due to his mother's drinking, but that was just his idea) and very, very strange. Instead of a deficit, they always seemed to make him more...adept and finding things. He was never the most athletic kid, the strongest, though he always could do well in baseball and basketball and stuff. It wasn't a surprise to his parents when the child, who had taken up archery, asked their honor to become a Surface Worker. He's often far removed from many of the dangers others have, like the Scouts, though exposed to more, in a way; he's frequently completely alone when he's out in the field, with a weapon that doesn't really funtion well at close ranges. Still, he can hold his own. Now, he's a must-have and a close friend of many that live in the city because of his excellent powers of a scout and also of an overwatch guard to make sure that things don't go wrong.
    Personality: He's loyal. He'll stick with anyone that he likes, and he has met some people that he most certainly likes. He will show direct favortism, going with his friends rather than with someone else who's offering to pay him in some fashion to his services.
    Weapon(s) : Modified Sniper Rifle-Equipped with a variable zoom scope with an infared and normal setting. He's good friends with the mechanics, and this is how they pay him for his guarding while they salvage for stuff in the surface. Attack Gloves- These gloves are plated with metal salvaged from the strongest of machines; this adds a lot of 'umf' to his punches, and also allows him to employ something that's not necessarily able to be used-his next weapon. Razor Wire- This silent but deadly weapon is nearly invisible. About as thick as a piano wire, this ultra-strong wire is hidden in his gloves. He can extend it by gripping a steel fork on his left hand (where his palm is) and pulling it with his right hand-razor wire emerges, and it can extend up to six feet. He often uses this as his close-combat weapon of choice and is extremely adept with it. Sickle and Knife A sharpened sickle and blade he keeps tied around his waist. These are more for field work than anything, though he can use them as a weapon if he really needs to.
    Abilities: Steady Heart, Steady Aim- Sam can hold his breath and slow his heartbeat for up to a minute, rendering his hands free from any wavering or movement and ensure exact aim. This also applies to a gradual and repeated slowing of his metabolism.
    Sniper's Bones- He can, for a period of up to about ten seconds, make his bones extremely hard to withstand the recoil of a sniper shot or an extremely hard fall/punch to his body. If he only does it in a certain area (his breastplate and shoulder, for example, when firing) he can do it multiple times in a row and not be drained. As for surviving a fall, he'll put so much energy into it such a large feat won't be possible for another day or so.
    Fight or Flight- When his sniper rifle's ringing out, he'll get found eventually. Because of this, he's extremely fast and flexible whether in a fight or escaping from one that he knows that he can't win. When he does fight, though, he's almost blindingly fast in his movements and makes up for his lack of brute stregnth with this.
    Skills: Extremely good eyesight and stamina. He can go for days without eating or drinking on the surface if he really needs to by shutting down a lot of his metabolism. He doesn't need to be lightning fast when he's sniping, anyway; he can rev himself back up with a high-protein bar and some mental concentration. He's also an excellent scavanger, and expert and finding food among the ruins of supermarkets and finding resources around corpses and reusing various materials.
    Other: He has an accent reminiscient of French Canada. Blame his family's heritage.

    Username: Popipon
    Name: Luke Harmonia
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Job: Mechanic
    Appearance: Clicky Here~
    Bio: Luke grew up on the surface at first, but with how dangerous it's been lately, his parents decided to migrant underground with a lot of other folks. After settling down in their new home, Luke's parents decided to take a jobs. His father became one of the Assassins and his mother became a Medic. Sadly, the father of the family barely shows around and there was a rumor for awhile the he died. Luke and his mother aren't exactly sure if he's dad is alive anymore. However, the Harmonia family is all about positive energy, so they remain happy and optimistic even in the worse of times. When Luke's mom felt like her son was old enough, she let him get a job. Sadly, she didn't want him to get a job that consisted of him to be up on surface, so he became a mechanic. He loved to take things apart, and then re-build them or make something of his own. Therefore, being a mechanic was just perfect.
    Personality: Luke has a dissociative identity disorder. Pretty much, that's when someone shows more than one identities or personalities. One personality, which is the one usually shown, is his optimistic, creative, sociable and friendly side. He usually shows that side more than the other one, which appears just about every blue moon. The other Luke is a more solitary kind of guy. He's mean, cocky, and likes to show off. He always replies to people with some sort of attitude in his tone of voice, even if the other person is being nice to him. This other side is way too serious of a guy.
    Weapon(s): A metal bat that he made himself when he first worked for the mechanics.
    Skills: He can easily take things apart, then quickly think of what use the item could be in his mind. Sadly, putting it together does take him a bit of time.
    Other: The cube key-chain that's attached to his pants was something his dad made for him before leaving. It's very precious to him.

    You'll have a choice from the kids or someone already living in the city. Mainly trainers as they will be needed. [I will make any left over which we'll may need.]
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ohhh. Sounds nice. I think I'd join. 8D
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    You already know what I want. ^^ This should be really interesting. Muwhahahaha!
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    RP is open! Now accepting characters.

    Typos fixed. (What I have found so far anyway.)

    And I noticed how I started saying "Saviors" instead of Surface Workers as that was what I almost called them.. Yeah, that is fixed as well.

    Also added a list of allowed abilities.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Posty posty~

    Username: Terra
    Name: Adrian
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Class: Classless
    Bio: Adrian never truly wanted to be working on the surface. He started off first as a Mechanic but after just a year he got sick of it and, on a whim, headed out onto the surface with a Researcher who wished to study something on the surface. The two went with a small group of Surface Workers who acted as their escorts. Adrian felt invigorated when he finally left the Underground City but his moment of happiness soon ended when the group was soon ambushed by a hoard of beasts. The only two who survived were Adrian and the "Classless" who was with them. Impressed by the skills his companion had, Adrian immediately followed in his footsteps and did everything he could to ready himself to be just as prepared when he would finally become a Surface Worker. It has been five years since that day and Adrian has not regretted his decision since.
    Personality: No going too far with that proper impatient character. Adrian is a highly curious person and a brighter mind that one would think he is given his own "Classless" class. He's defensive when it comes to comments about his weapons as he had designed them himself. He does have a rather large problem with heading into dangerous situations just to satisfy his own curiosity and is often sidetracked by just about anything that can catch his attention.
    Weapons: Owns a blade that changes into six other forms(spear, chain, bow, axe, shield, and it can split into two short swords) and uses a gauntlet that store in high amounts of energy that can be fired off if sent through special types of devices(namely, the bow form his Adrian's blade). The gauntlet needs to be constantly recharged and sometimes isn't all that reliable.
    Abilities: None.
    Skills: Parkour as with the state of the surface the best way to get around is sometimes just by heading in a straight line. Also has limited Mechanic skills though they were still enough for him to create his own weapons.
    Other: N/A
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Looks interesting

    I will post a profile for a berserker trainer momentarily
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Accepted Terra and ok TwilightBlader.

    Also, since posting this I have edited Alice's profiles slightly.
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Username: Maka
    Name: Kyle Coriva
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Job: Mechanic
    Appearance: Check out this handsome guy ;D
    Bio: Kyle had a knack of inventing and fixing things ever since he can remember. First, it started with taking house clocks, old computers, even his sister's blow dyer, and other machinary apart just to see how each of them worked. Then he would put them back together and made them good as new, maybe even better than before. After years of practice, he's moved up from the smaller household things to the larger things, thus beginning his dream, as well as his father's dream, to become one of the greatest inventors and mechanics of all time. That's pretty much the gist of it... or that's what he wants people to see.
    He usually takes things the way they are, and does his best to subsitute missing parts... He can't do that with his twin sister though. Ever since their parents died when they were seven, and after Kyle ventured to the surface to savage his own parts when he was ten (he couldn't find the right parts to an invention) and got seriously hurt, his sister hadn't been the same. He rarely sees her, and when he does, he tries to convince her to stay a while. She never does, but it's always worth a shot. He'll support her dreams no matter what, since she's supporting his.
    Personality: Kyle likes company once in a while, but mostly likes to be in solitude. It gives him time to think and time to explore new ideas and possibilities. He's friendly though, despite his daunting features, and is willing to help out a friend or peer in need with what ever he can help them with. When he gets angry or frustrated, he finds himself burried in his workshop or working on something that needs fixing and won't stop until he's completely done with it or until he doesn't have the strength or energry to finish it. It's how he released his negative feelings. On days when company comes to him, he has an open ear and will listen to everyone's problems, feelings of life, anything they feel like sharing that they need to get out. It doesn't matter if it's stupid to them or anyone else to share, he'll listen no matter what.
    Weapon(s): Hand pistol with ten rounds, his mechanical left arm (which can turn into a knife, a plasma gun that 30 seconds to fully charge, comb, toothbrush, keys, egg beater- oh wait, those aren't weapons... >>), smoke bombs and other homemade gernades/bombs.
    Skills: Mechanical ninja stuff...
    Other: After his adventure to the surface, he lost his left arm and right leg. They've been replaced by mechanical ones, but he has a slight limp when he walks around.

    Username: Maka
    Name: Jacklyn (Jackie) Coriva
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Class: Berserker
    Appearance: She's bad ace.
    Bio: (It's mostly said up in Kyle's post)
    After she witnessed what happened to her twin brother and the horrors of the surface, she decided right then and there it was her destiny to help to try to put an end to this madness. She worked hard to train herself for this class ever since that day, and rarely goes to the city. When she does, it's to repair her sword or to visit her brother for a breif moment.
    Personality: Jackie's smiles are rare, as she seen many hardships in her years as a child and as a teenager. She doesn't like people to mess with her and she's not a push over to anyone. She will act cold to those she never met until they have proved to her that she can trust them. She will save anyone that's not a ghoul in need, but she won't be cuddly to them in anyway unless they're children; she has a soft spot for them. She prefers to work alone most of the time but will work with a group if she believes she needs help or if it's required. When she can't pent up her anger inside of her or when someone pushes the wrong buttons, duck and run.
    Weapon(s): Broad Sword that belonged to her grandfather, and her fists (sometimes wears brass knuckles to help highten the punch.)
    Abilities: Rage, and flashstep
    Skills: Knows martial arts, thanks to her mother, so if she looses her sword at all (which is rare) then she'll resort to Judo, Ninjutsu, Kung Fu, anything that will get her out of her situation. She'll also use her brass knuckles to help bring on some serious damage.
    Other: She has a strange sense of style that she loves, and her companion on her lonely days is her grandfather's sword.

    And there we go. Let the games begin. ^^
  9. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007

    More info on Rage and Flashstep added to the list of Allowed Abilities. And I edited it so that the rules says "in your pm" instead of "first post" cause...yeah. My bad there.
  10. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.

    Username: AwkwardFailure
    Name: Zach
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Class: Assassin
    Appearance: Full credit to the author.
    Bio: Zach grew up in the underground city for as long as he could remember. For a long time he worked as a researcher, but all of the research he did just made him longing to go out to the surface. At the age of 13 he was accepted, but as he got tested to see which class would fit him best it seemed he had trouble in every area. When he was about to get sent back to researching a few weeks later at the last moment, all ready to leave, he asked for one more try, saying he'd been practicing. Turns out it was true enough, he had gotten the knife down pretty good, and he'd been working all week on stealth. They accepted him and he was overjoyed, but even though he is very trained and has been going to the surface since he was 14, it still shakes him up a little bit when Zach goes up there, although he still loves his job.
    Personality: Sarcastic at times, serious during work but more relaxed when underground, can't stay still, tense, shy at first, overly confident, considerate, concerned about everything, usually a quick thinker, unable to process much when in the worst of situations, very lighthearted unlike the first impression from how he looks,
    Weapon(s) : Knife hidden within his right boot, chain (which looks a lot like a belt) around his waist, several daggers within his sleeves.
    Abilities: Invisibility, slight Flashstep.
    Skills: Stealth, traps.
    Other: No going too far with that proper impatient character.
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    This totally slipped my mind. I am so sorry.

    The rp starts the day after the kids arrived at the city. The very next morning.
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Drake
    Gender: Male
    Age: 40
    Job: Trainer
    Bio: Born on the surface, Drake has lived most of his life fighting against Ghouls. During his childhood he joined together with a bunch of fellow humans and struggled to survive against the brutal Ghouls. As he grew and the years passed on he was forced to watch as his allies were helplessly slaughtered. Once his final ally was slain Drake decided he had enough and charged blindly into battle, the rage of his fallen allies overwhelming his rationality. He fought off as many ghouls as he could until he was soon felled. Upon accepting his end he was suddenly saved by a group of Surface Workers and taken to the underground city. Amazed by the underground city he joined as a Surface Worker. His skills as a Berserker soon became so great he became a trainer of the Berserker class.
    Personality: Appears to be cold person but really has a kind side he really doesn't make an effort to really hide. He holds the safety of his allies as one of his highest priorities. People usually wonder how such a calm person can actually be a Berserker
    Weapon(s) : A huge broadsword almost his size and a pair of metal gauntlets
    Skills: Drake is very proficient with a sword and also has knowledge on martial arts which he uses in certain and beneficial situations
    Other: N/A
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Trainers in the other Classes are still open.

    And we need some people to be the children in the intro. Any takers?
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    I'll make one shortly. ^^
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    A note on classless: classless are such cause they tried to be other classes but weren't good enough but picked up various skills while trying and ended up being mostly self taught. I will add it into the main post tomorrow.

    I think I added everything I forgot when first posting this now... Sorry if I confused anyone.
  16. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    Username: Program
    Name: Angelique
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Class: Berserker(You,this isn't a word XD)
    Appearance: [​IMG]...God its resized too small
    Bio: She was born on surface, living was the one thing she aimed to do. She kept well until she was Eight, she was starving,tired and ill with a cold, easy prey. She was chased by monsters until she was saved. After a week or so after being healed from her cold and getting some meat back on her bones, she chose to be a berserker, finding herself enthralled by the weapons. But as time went on, she found herself still lacking some muscle fro, being so un-healthy as a child and tires a bit easier than most. But she makes up for it with her brain. Seeing how eating wasn't big as a child, she grew a small appetite, her main reason to being weak and pale.
    Personality: She tries to be helpful, and is always cheery and loud; some would say she had A.D.D. She tries her best at everything, but she sometimes can be a ditz with instructions; she second guesses her self, alot and behind her cheery smile is a snesitive girl. She'll hide her sadness and fear with bravery the best she can, but she can't hold for long. And whereever she may be, being curious is what she usually is.
    Weapon(s) : A giant sword(Looks like Fenrir) that is striped black and dark Green at the hilt; the hilt blends with the blade like roots.
    Abilities: Rage,
    Slight Elemental Control & Telepathy.
    Skills: Agility, great memory;good for remembering what she read or learned,Eyesight;if she squints and wears her glasses(Which she doesn't like so much) she can see great! & Quick Thinking.
    Other: Will wear whatever fits, likes shiny things and tends to be a smarty-pants.

    Username: Program
    Name: Charlie
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Class: Assassin
    Bio: Born on the surface, he forced himself to stay alive, going through sicknesses and un-healthy habits. He stayed tough and survived with pure stealth and strategy. He was found when he was hunting at age nine, and taken to the city. He quickly understood what to do, and picked his Class as an Assassin with recommendation by others around him. But since his childhood, he tends to be quite animal like, and because of his bad health he's pale and is lighter than usual men.
    Personality: He's up for anything, and usually doesn't talk much, his actions talking for himself. He sometimes turns into an animal if someone he cares for is hurt, or see's too much blood and pain. He can't help but stay in the shadows and follow or lead.
    Weapon(s) : A Katana(such as in pic)
    Abilities: Sensory Ability,Flash Steps &ShapeShifting;Animals (If its okay with you)
    Skills: Agility, flexibility,predator eyes,stealth,silence,strategical quick thinking.
    Other: Will wear no shirts time to time, and overalls or criss-cross ones if so. Tends make no sense.

    Whats Happening so far?
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Not much. Everyone is just waking up and getting ready for the day.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Username: Maka
    Name: Skye Lorone
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Job: Thinking about medic, but undecided for now
    Skye lived with her crippled father on the surface, not having any knowledge about the city below. There were many times where she had to defend her own house from the ghouls, and she witnessed terrible things as a kid.
    (Like a four year old being devored by a ghoul, and there was nothing she could do)
    She learned how to look after them and others who came across their path. When she was seven, one of their guests they saved betrayed them in the end, resulting in Skye's father to be killed in front of her eyes, and then she had to run for her life, leaving her little home she knew behind. Stricken by grief, Skye wandered around the city for many days, not caring what was going to happen to her as she carried her father's cane around with her. After a few days, she collasped from exhaustion and lack of food and then she didn't want to go on anymore since there was nothing to look forward to. When she woke up, she wasn't on the street where she collasped; she was in someone's rundown appartment. She never knew her rescuer, she never saw them. Food, shelter, supplies, and good clean water were provided for her. Skye never knew where it came from, but it gave her a new spark to survive another day, another year, and that's how she lived. After she figured that grieving wouldn't help anyone or herself, she got back on her feet and started to help others again. Then just recently, she got in a sticky situation and ended up being saved once again... This time, she was shown to an underground city, something she never ever knew about till now. What will happen to her next, she has no idea. She's ready to take on any challenge that comes her way though.
    Personality: Motherlike to all she comes across, good nature, and always tries to look on the bright side of things when things turn for the worse. She can be scared of the unknown, but she'll take a step in it if it's required of her. She tends to not think of her own happiness and focuses on everyone else around her, which can be her downfall. Those who she grows close to, she grows very loyal to. Skye has a determind spirit that she got from her father, and will fight for her life or anyone else's if it's required, or not, of her. Some may say she's naiive from time to time due to her innocent behaviour and cheery nature, but there's more inside of her than she lets anyone on.
    Weapon: Cane with a hidden sword, belonged to her father
    Skills: Has knowledge of how to stop severe bleeding, how to clean and dress wounds, how to nurse someone who's been starving for a long time back to health, and she has a calm aura about her that seems to calm those she's working on so they can relax and not go into shock. She also has a knowledge how to care for the sick, no matter the illness, and she can pick out the cause of different accidents. For example, if someone's arm was scratch, she can tell if it was from rubbing against something rough, or if it was caused from someone (or something).
    Other: She got her tattoo in memory of her father and mother, and her flower hairclip belonged to her mother. Her dad never told her what happened to her mom, she just knew she wasn't there.

    Sorry for not posting this last night, had issues. ._.
  19. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Me and Maka have been plotting big time ;D So I hope of you stay in the rp D: Trust me, everyone will get their chance to be the heroes and such. Posting tomorrow too btw.
  20. Popipon Moogle Assistant

    May 1, 2011
    Username: Popipon
    Name: Luke Harmonia
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Job: Mechanic
    Appearance: Clicky Here~
    Bio: Luke grew up on the surface at first, but with how dangerous it's been lately, his parents decided to migrant underground with a lot of other folks. After settling down in their new home, Luke's parents decided to take a jobs. His father became one of the Assassins and his mother became a Medic. Sadly, the father of the family barely shows around and there was a rumor for awhile the he died. Luke and his mother aren't exactly sure if he's dad is alive anymore. However, the Harmonia family is all about positive energy, so they remain happy and optimistic even in the worse of times. When Luke's mom felt like her son was old enough, she let him get a job. Sadly, she didn't want him to get a job that consisted of him to be up on surface, so he became a mechanic. He loved to take things apart, and then re-build them or make something of his own. Therefore, being a mechanic was just perfect.
    Personality: Luke has a dissociative identity disorder. Pretty much, that's when someone shows more than one identities or personalities. One personality, which is the one usually shown, is his optimistic, creative, sociable and friendly side. He usually shows that side more than the other one, which appears just about every blue moon. The other Luke is a more solitary kind of guy. He's mean, cocky, and likes to show off. He always replies to people with some sort of attitude in his tone of voice, even if the other person is being nice to him. This other side is way too serious of a guy.
    Weapon(s): A metal bat that he made himself when he first worked for the mechanics.
    Skills: He can easily take things apart, then quickly think of what use the item could be in his mind. Sadly, putting it together does take him a bit of time.
    Other: The cube key-chain that's attached to his pants was something his dad made for him before leaving. It's very precious to him.
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