|Call of the Summoner| [Discussion]

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Jul 29, 2011.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    The OOC thread for
    Final Fantasy |Cαll of the Sμmmoπεr|

    This RP is based on the entire Final Fantasy series, not just a specific game. Because of that, you will see lots of names and references to actual characters and other things, but those will not be the canon ones from the actual games. Everything here is original. For example, Rydia is not the Summoner from Final Fantasy IV but the planet of the Summoners. Same goes for certain objects (Summonstones, Aeons, etc.).

    This RP takes place on the world of Rydia, a world where all of its inhabitants are Summoners, beings that call upon powerful forces. Each race is also a type of mage, each specializing in a different type of 'colored' magick. The world is held together by Aeons, powerful forces that reside in elemental crystals. Each crystal is in a separate kingdom. When all Crystals are destroyed, the Final Aeon will appear and the world will be destroyed. The First Aeon must be destroyed before the others, but this awakens the Evoker's power in one individual. The Evoker has the ability to gain a Summon from each race. Over 2000 years ago, the Evoker and his 'Colored Goddesses' -Viera, Yuna, Etro, Terra, and Garnet- defeated a dark force who tried to destroy the Aeons. The Evoker then disappeared and the Colored Goddesses separated the races into five separate kingdoms.

    Now, the First Aeon is destroyed and a new Evoker awakens. It's up to the Evoker to find out who destroyed the First Aeon and stopped him, picking up allies of different backgrounds to help him.

    The Rydians are separated into 5 races (Vierans the Black Mages, Yunes the White Mages, Etrans the Red Mages, Terrans the Blue Mages, and Eikos the Geomancers). They live in the five kingdoms of Rydia (Viera, Yuna, Etro, Terra, and Garnet) named after the original Colored Goddesses. Each race specializes in its own Summons, type of magick, weaponry, and has its own Aeon.

    The Black Mages of Viera, Vierans can be recognized by their small dragon-like wings and pointed ears. They use weapons that keep them at a distance from their opponents, such as bows, crossbows, chains, long swords, etc. Their special type of magick is Black Magick, offensive magick based on the Elemental Spectrum (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth). Each Black Mage specializes in three elements of the Spectrum. They live in towns, but can be found outside of Viera, usually in the mountains of Yuna or the islands of Terra. The Vieran Aeon is housed inside the Darkness Crystal, which can be found in a temple under the lake in Viera. The kingdom of Viera is named after the Black Mage who helped the original Evoker with her bow and Elemental Avatars, Firaja, Blizzaja, and Thundaja. Their specific Summons are Elemental Avatars, a trio of spirits composed of elements.
    Elemental Avatars
    At some point in his/her life, a Vieran will have a stressful encounter. When pushed to the edge, there will be a flash around them and three spirits. The Vieran successfully Summoned his/her Elemental Avatars for the first time. The Elemental Avatars are spirits, each made up entirely of an element (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth), though it doesn't have to be the same elements that the Vieran specializes in. Their bodies can be in any shape. The Elemental Avatars are extensions of the Summoner's mind and conscious and thus have no true personality of their own, nor do they talk, but they are known to make certain noises. They react to the Summoner's state of mind and it's almost impossible for Elemental Avatars to be active while the Summoner's unconscious. Because they're not individual, they have no name, though it's not uncommon for the Vieran to name them something related to their element. When not in use, Elemental Avatars will reside inside a Sun-Cryst, a jewel colored with the colors of the Elemental Avatars. Sun-Crysts are magically formed when the Vierans first Summons the Elemental Avatars. It is possible for the Black Mage to have less than three Elemental Avatars or to have two (or even three) of the same element.
    Black Magick
    'Mastery of the Elemental Spectrum'

    The Elemental Spectrum is the range of Elements that make up the world. These elements are Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Earth, and Wind. Black Magick focuses on creating and manipulating these six elements. Black Mages hail from the country of Viera and are called Vierans for short, named after the Black Mage Viera, the Colored Goddess who aided the Evoker. In the past, the country was called Ivalice. Most Black Mages can only access three of the elements. Elemental Avatars, the Summons of Black Mages, are beings composed entirely of elements, though the elements don't always match the Summoner's. Black Magick can be anything from creating an element to controlling it to both. However, the Earth-element can be considered the weakest as solid matter is the hardest to manipulate (Ice being second hardest, though it can be reshaped as water first). Because of this, Geomancers are considered the true masters of the Earth element.
    Legends say that Viera, the Colored Goddess, was born with a genetic defect: having no wings whatsoever. However, she eventually became a Master Summoner, able to have six Elemental Avatars (one of each element) and used the entire Elemental Spectrum instead of half of it. This is most likely an old wife's tail since modern Vierans haven't been able to even touch upon a fourth element. Viera was known as Vivi amongst the other Colored Goddesses and the term (Vivi) has become a common nickname amongst Black Mages).
    OC Form for Vierans.
    Appearance: <
    Pictures are preferred. Make sure to describe the wings>
    Fighting Style:
    Black Magick Elements:
    Elemental Avatars: <
    Put names, if they have it, and their three Elements>

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Yunalesca
    Age: 27
    Appearance: Click Her wings are hidden by her hair and yet so are her ears most of the time.
    History: Yunalesca was born a Viera and yet she admired the Yunes and thus took up living in the Yunes Mountains to hone her abilities. She was fending off a wolf monster, the freezing cold and her own hunger when her three Avatars came to her. Wing and Ice rest on the fabric on her hips while Lightning rests at her throat.
    Weapon: Long bow
    Fighting Style: Yunalesca prefers to stay away from the battle and uses her magic in greater benefits such as causing a lightning bolt to strike a cliff face causing an avalanche. She is rather bold in her moves and pretends to never mess up even when she does.
    Black Magick Elements: Water, Lightning
    Elemental Avatars: Wind, Lightning, Ice
    Other: Yunalesca's parents named her Lesca but because of her admiration of the Yunes, she added Yuna to the front of her name.
    Username: Guardian Soul
    Name: Eldrick Meitzen
    Age: 22
    Appearance: Click here - Has dragon-like wings on his back but they are hidden by the cape he wears.
    History: In his younger days, Eldrick was a loner who engrossed himself in his studies and strived to improve himself. He didn't have the natural talent to cast magic well like some of the people in his class and he was looked down upon and seen as no good for obtaining an elemental avatar much later than everybody else. Even if he wasn't blessed with talent, he constantly practiced and studied so he could beat those who were talented and prove to them that he wasn't "no-good". After achieving his set goal, he still felt that he could be better and wanted to do more with his life than staying in a Vieran village so now he travels around the earth, broading his horizons by going to the other countries.
    Weapon: Longsword
    Fighting Style: As Eldrick puts it, he like to place himself in the "eye of the storm" whenever he battles. To maintain a calm center, moving so fast, undistracted and undisturbed by the conflict around them is the way he fights. Instead of attacking his opponent aggresively, he fights defensively and patiently waits for the inevitable lapses in his opponenet's own defense that he can take advantage of with either a more aggresive style of fighting or with magic. While he mostly employs spells that are quick to cast, he is able to use more powerful one but he needs time to cast them properly.
    Black Magick Elements: Lightning, Wind and Earth
    Elemental Avatars: Belias – Fire
    Adrammelech - Lightning
    Hashmal - Earth

    The White Mages of Yuna, Yunes are easily recognizable by their large angelic wings. A Yune's wings can be any color. They tend to use any type of weapon that is blunt and used to 'hit' or 'smash' such as staffs, hammers, etc. They specialize in White Magick, which casts 'blessings' and 'curses' instead of spells. White Magick is used for healing and various effects such as poisoning and inflicting other ailments upon their targets. Yunes live in the mountains of Yuna, cold and snowy mountains in northern Rydia, but their kingdom extends towards Viera and overlaps with Viera and Garnet. The Yune Aeon is found inside the Holy Crystal, which is found inside a cave at the northernmost point of Rydia. The kingdom of Yuna is named after Yuna, the White Mage who aided the original Evoker with her staff and her Totema, Fayth. The special Summons of a Yune is a Totema, a silent and obedient golem that fights for, protects, and works for its Summoner.
    Totema, both a singular and plural word, is the golem that is Summoned randomly at some point at Yune's life. It is the Yunes' belief that each Yune is born with the Totema's soul inside their own and they nurture the Totema with their life experiences. Once mature, the Totema magically appears to the Yune. It is not uncommon for a Yune to awaken and find a Totema by their bed. Totema are strong and durable, as they have to be to fight for and protect the Summoner. Each Totema has a very small set of abilities unique to them, but the abilities tend to be offensive. Yunes tend to use their Totema for work when construction and the such as necessary. Totema are silent, but they are individual from their Summoner. However, they are 100% obedient and will do anything their Summoner orders them to do. When a Totema is unSummoned for the first time, it turns into an Auracite, a small blue jewel that Yunes can wear. Once Summoned, the Auracite grows and transforms into the Totema.
    White Magick

    'Prayers and Hexes'
    White Magick is focused entirely on blessing or cursing a target. By blessing a target, a White Mage prays for their target. Blessings bestows enhancements and good luck upon it. Enhancements range from healing to an improvement (such as more speed) to casting a protection charm against something specific. By cursing a target, a White Mage casts a hex on it. A hex gives bad luck and usually bestows some kind of ailment. White Mages hail from the mountains of Yuna and are called Yunes, named after the White Mage Yuna who helped the Evoker. In the past, the mountains of Yuna were called the Land of Spira. White Magick is mostly used to support a Totema in combat while the Totema protects the White Mage.
    Just like Viera, legends say that the Colored Goddess Yuna was born with the defect of having no wings. Considered a bad omen, she was cast out of Spira until she eventually came across and aided the Evoker. She also became a Master Summoner, being able to use Holy and Dark Magick, offensive Magick that rivals Black Magick. Her Totema Fayth was also able to enshroud itself around her, becoming a sort of armor for Yuna.

    OC Form for Yunes.
    Appearance: <
    Pictures are preferred. Make sure to describe the wings>
    Fighting Style:
    Totema: <
    Put name, appearance, and abilities here>

    Username: Elika
    Name: Rhia Riviere
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Click {Her wings are white and stretch just a couple of inches away from her arms when she has them down at her sides.}
    History: Rhia was known quite well for getting into trouble when she was younger. She’s not really one to hide away from danger and is a rather brave person. She is one for getting tired of a place if she’s been there for too long, such as the snowy mountains where she used to live for the majority of the time with other Yunes. Growing tired of the place, Rhia set off and left, heading just about anywhere she felt she would be happy in.
    Weapon: Staff
    Fighting Style: Rhia is slightly defensive, but still attack when she sees fit. She keeps her distance away from her enemies and tries her best to analyze whatever situation she might be in.
    Totema: Hecatoncheir has the ability to heal everyone as soon as it is summoned. It also has the ability to fire bullets at enemies to keep them at a distance. If someone gets too close to Rhia, Hecatoncheir quickly reacts by causing blocks of earth to shoot up towards the enemy.
    Other: Rhia calls her Totema by Hecaton at times. She also carries the Auracite around her neck.

    The Red Mages of Etro can often be recognized by their strange tattoos, usually covering a large part of their bodies. Each Etran also has a single red brand somewhere on their body. Because of their technology based culture, Etrans use high tech weapons. The most popular are Shifters, weapons that change from one form to another (think Gunblade from FFXIII). They specialize in Arcane Arts, otherwise known as Red Magick. Red Magic is nonelemental magick (such as Ruin) and gives Etrans a 'sixth' sense when it comes to technology. They are able to, for example, build machines easily and figure out other things work. Etrans live in the large island of Etro, which they've actually turned into a single city larger than most kingdoms. The city of Etro is extremely advanced and is connected to Terra, Yuna, and Viera by three bridges. The Etran Aeon is housed inside the Solar Crystal, found in the wilderness outside of Etro. The city is named after Etro, the Red Mage who was allied with the Evoker with her Gestalt, Pulse, and her Gunblade. The Etrans' Summons are Gestalts, machines with two forms that they build themselves.
    Etrans, by nature, love messing with technology. At some point in their lives, Etrans will be inspired to build a vehicle, their own personal ride. The inspiration is different for each Etran. Once finished with the vehicle, a piece of the Etran's soul and lifeforce will embed itself within the vehicle. The vehicle will then transform into a Warrior Mode and be given life. Unlike other Summons, the Gestalt does not have a jewel or anything into which is unSummoned, but the Etran will instead 'park' it. The Gestalt's Warrior Mode is special in that it is given a single Element of the Elemental Spectrum, something Etrans don't have. The Gestalt and Etran are connected mentally and can fight in perfect rhythm. It isn't that they're two halves but more like the Etran is 70% and the Gestalt is 30%. The Gestalt is silent and can think for itself, similar to a Totema. Each Etran will build a Mana Drive, a key that allows the Gestalt to change forms.
    Arcane Arts
    'Modern Magick'
    The true name of Red Magick, the Arcane Arts (or Modern Magick as Red Mages call it) is based on the abandonment of nature and the acceptance of technology. It is entirely non-elemental, though the most basic spell 'Ruin' appears as a ball of wind (but is actually a ball of pure force). Another basic form of the Arcane Arts, Matra Missile, is the perfect example of the machine-based nature of Red Mages. Matra Missiles fires a swarm of projectiles towards a target. The Arcane Arts also give Red Mages a 'sixth sense' with technology, allowing them to figure out how things work easily. It is through this that Red Mages can build machines and other innovations, knowing how different parts work together perfectly. Red Mages come from the large city of Etro and are called Etrans, after Etro, the Colored Goddess who aided the Evoker. In the past, Etro was a large forest called Gran Pulse. Modern Magick is instrumental in how a Red Mage gains a Summon as they build their own Summons, Gestalt.
    Legends say that Etro was bored with 'trees, trees, and more trees!' of Gran Pulse and had initiated the urbanization of it herself before the Evoker had asked for her help. Thinking saving the world was more fun than dangerous, she obliged. Like the other Colored Goddesses, she became a Master Summoner, able to give her Gestalt a third form. She was also able to magickally summon more weapons through her Master Arcane Arts.

    OC Form for Etrans.
    : <
    Pictures are preferred.>
    Type of Tattoo: <
    Also put the location of the red eye brand>
    Fighting Style:
    Gestalt: <
    Put name, appearance, and abilities here>
    Gestalt Vehicle Mode:

    Username: Boy Wonder
    Alessander Rainemard
    Appearance: Click here
    Type of Tattoo:
    The red eye is on his heart and his tattoo is black arrows that stem from the eye and cover his chest, back, and stomach.
    Alessander is your average Etran who would rather enjoy the high tech life of a child in Etro rather than grow up. Exactly a year ago, Etro was visited by a group of traveling Terrans. Alessander was so intrigued and fascinated by their stories, that he was inspired to travel Rydia. To that end, he began building his own Gestalt, Bahamut. When he finished, he was amazed to see that his Gestalt could not only fly, but was modeled after a dragon, not a vehicle. Instead of getting a job as the adult he is, he decided to travel the world and get to know the other kingdoms.
    Lanceguns - A pistol and rifle of his own invention that he can combine to make a spear.
    Fighting Style:
    A gunner/dragoon style. He uses his guns to keep his opponent at bay before combining them, jumping high into the air, and slamming his spear on them.
    Gestalt: Bahamut (click for picture).
    Bahamut can fly and manipulate fire, usually breathing it out (both in warrior and vehicle modes) and enflame his claws.
    Gestalt Vehicle Mode: Click here. Obviously without the female rider
    Bahamut is taken from Final Fantasy XIII.
    Username: Prince
    Name: Cael Ignus Divum aka “Cidâ€
    Age: 20
    Appearance: http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...FantasyAce.jpg
    Type of Tattoo: This going along his left arm, at the end of the tattoo the "red eye" can be found on the back of his left hand.
    History: “Cid†as his own kind calls him due to his initials, is a genius amongst the other mages but in his own kind he’s viewed as a somewhat violent individual…who’s not so much of a genius. He’s been nearly kicked out of the Etran’s homeland several times for his extreme actions and several experiments with both magic and weaponry. The day he created his Gestalt he left his people as they would have nothing to do with him and his continued…projects.
    Weapon: A sword and gun that combine together to either form a bladed chain whip or a lance.
    Fighting Style: Cid takes on a highly unpredictable style whenever he decides on getting serious, often changing rapidly between his weapons to control his distance from his opponent. He enjoys pressuring an opponent and cornering them while bringing things up close and personal if the tactic fails. He rarely uses magic…but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how.
    Gestalt: Fenrir in its "wolf" form can release a powerful howl capable of disrupting and even negating other magical spells however it does relatively little damage of its own. In its motorcycle form it can slightly change the terrain underneath it, raising or lowering it and even turning sand to stone to gain better traction.
    Gestalt Vehicle Mode: Motorcycle
    Other: RED MAGE

    Terra's own Blue Mages have animal-like tails and use sharp weapons made for cutting (such as daggers, knives, swords, anything that can cut). Some are born with wings, but others aren't. They are masters of the 'Blue Force,' magick composed entirely of Time and Gravity. Even though Terrans originate from the islands of Terra (separated from Viera by a volcano), Terrans are known nomads and love to travel throughout Rydia, not staying in one place long. The Terran Aeon is housed inside the Lunar Crystal, housed in a cave at the westernmost point of the Terran Islands. The islands of Terra are named after Terra, the Blue Mage who helped the Evoker fight off the dark force with help from her Espers, Locke and Celes, and her sword. A Terran's Summon is a pair of Espers, shapeshifting beings.
    When a Terran reaches 13 years of age, he must gather with his entire family and pray to the Blue Forces. If two Espers hear the Terran's prayer, they will touch the Terran's heart and form an empathic link with each other. The Espers, even if they never had any interaction with each other before that moment, will both function as the Terran's Summons and offer him a piece of Magicite, a magical stone that houses the Espers' powers. It is into the Magicite in which they are unSummoned into. Espers have unique abilities, and are masters of the Blue Force, though each Esper can only be a master of either Time or Gravity. Espers' most unique ability is shapeshifting, though they can't transform into anything with too much of a different size than their real form. They tend to use this ability to turn into weapons for the Terran. Espers can range from tiny fairy-like Summons to humanoid shape to even a large beast in their normal forms. It isn't uncommon for a Terran to only have one Esper. A Terran without Espers is considered less of a Terran, as no Esper has touched his heart. Unlike other Summons, Espers can talk and have their own individuality and personality. However, they share empathic links with their Terran and all three can share thoughts mentally.
    Blue Force
    'Time and Gravity'

    Time and Gravity are two fundamental components of the universe are the skills given to Blue Mages, users of the Blue Force. While not as versatile as the other Magicks, Blue Force allows a Terran to use time and gravity to his/her advantage. They can increase and decrease speed as well as weight for a variety of uses. Terrans believe that Time and Gravity are the source of everything and worship their Magick. Terrans hail from the islands of Terra, named after the Blue Mage who had helped the Evoker during the dark times. The islands were then one single landmass called Gestahl. It is unknown what caused the landmass to split and Terrans to become traveling nomads.
    Legends say that Terra was under control of the dark force until the Evoker freed her. Out of gratitude, she helped him defeat the dark force. She was a Master Summoner, able to Summon more Espers than just her two, Locke and Celes, and was able to help them transform into different sizes. She was also able to control the time of outer space, bringing comets and meteors to wherever she wished. Legends also say that she had the tail of a deer.
    OC Form for Terran.
    Appearance: <
    Pictures are preferred. Make sure to describe the wings>
    Type of Tail:
    Fighting Style:
    Esper 1: <
    Put name, appearance, and abilities here>
    Esper 2: <
    Put name, appearance, and abilities here>

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Kiri Parenthapaeus
    Age: 18
    Appearance: http://c2.api.ning.com/files/AKcnXw...sPMR8Tj0B0RyP*4*xEXB9pbESmOArj/sword_girl.jpg (Her wings are thin pale white and small, yet they're durable.)
    Type of Tail: black cat's tail
    History: Kiri's thirteenth birthday was just like everyone elses. Her family and she prayed and Kiri's heart was touched by two Espers. Zeromus and Gerun. She left her family for good on her 15th birthday and traveled on her own. She adores the stories of old. Gerun seems to be more in touch with her craving for knowledge and Zeromus shares her peace in battle. Kiri has never much gotten used to being in towns or big cities. The lone road is her sanctuary.
    Weapon: katana
    Fighting Style: Front line fighter with her Espers, uses magicks usually as a boost to herself.
    Esper 1: http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/c/cb/Zeromus.jpg]Zeromus[/url] (Abilities in link)
    Esper 2: Gerun - Ablilities: Haste, Slow, Time magick in general, and a final move of Distort which slows time of one enemy and twists it into something else. (only used on monsters)
    Other: Blue Mage

    Name: Devas Veneficus
    Age: 16
    http://images.wikia.com/kingdomhearts/images/2/20/Zexion.png (A little confused here because it says to describe the wings but the description of Terrans says nothing about wings...So I'm assuming he does have wings, which are angelic but black)
    Type of Tail: Tiger tail
    History: At the age of thirteen, Devas prayed with his family and the two Espers Diablos and Seraph appeared to him. He left home to be a lone nomad like his people at the age of fifteen. He's enjoyed his life traveling to the other countries, living off the land, not staying in more than one place for too long.
    Weapon: Espers
    Fighting Style: Devas prefers magic and hand-to-hand combat to using weapons. He likes to use his Blue Force combined with the fact that he has a tail and wings to move blindingly fast while slowing his opponents down. During the times his opponent is too strong to fight without weapons, Diablos can transform into a scythe, and Seraph can transform into a sword.
    Esper 1: Diablos, a master of gravity. He can bend gravity at will to lift enormous objects with ease, or make gravity around his opponents so strong that they can't walk. Diablos has shared a link with Devas for three years, and the two are great friends- though he almost never sees eye to eye with Seraph.
    Esper 2: Seraph, a master of time. An angelic force who can increase her speed to move blindingly fast or slow the opponents down. Seraph sees herself as Devas's conscious and often tries to stop him from making rash decisions and to do the right things. He listens occasionally.

    The Geomancers of the forests of Garnet are special in several ways. They can be recognized by a small horn (or two or three) on their heads, usually kept hidden by hair. They, as a monk type race, prefer to use their bodies as weapons and thus only use special armor (gauntlets, knuckles, or greaves) to make them hit harder or small weapons such as daggers or throwing weapons. Instead of adopting a name like Garnetans, they used the old Rydian word 'Eiko' which means 'sibling' to describe themselves. To be called 'Eiko' is the ultimate form of compliments for non-Eikos. Instead of using a form of 'colored' magick, they use the word Geomancer, an old Rydian word meaning 'Green Mage.' Geomancy/Green Magick is also known as Earth Divination and allow Eikos to use the environment to their advantage, Summoning quakes, vines, and able to direct water and fire. Unlike other Rydians, they don't call upon a powerful being as a Summon, but consider Geomancy as 'Summoning the planet itself.' Indeed, the original Evoker was a White Mage, but gained Geomancy when becoming the Evoker, proving that the 'Green Magick' is just another form of Summoning.
    An Eiko is considered of age when tested by an older Eiko. The older Eiko gets to choose the type of test and whether or not the younger Eiko passes. It is considered the ultimate insult to disapprove of the mentor Eiko's test and decision. Eikos make their home in the forests and mountains of Garnet, the smallest part of Rydia. They are famous for raising and riding Chocobos, large chicken-like creatures that run extremely fast. The Eiko Aeon is housed inside the Life Crystal and is found inside the forests of Garnet.

    'Earth Divination'

    The Geomancers that hail from Garnet are strange Summoners. The word Geomancer means 'Green Mage' in old Rydian. Geomancers use Earth Divination, calling forth the power of nature itself. They are similar to Black Mages as they use elements, though they tend to focus on Earth. They are known for causing the ground to shake or break apart, calling forth vines to their control, summoning pillars of earth, and the such. They are able to direct fire, wind, and water, though they aren't able to manipulate it more than that. Earth Divination is also their form of Summoning, as they are Summoning the planet itself. Green Mages are called Eikos and live in tribes in the forests of Garnet, named after the Green Mage who helped the Evoker. During her time, the forests were a large kingdom of thieves known as Alexandria.
    Legends say that Garnet had a single horn that was cut off during an attack by the dark forces, pushing her to fight back. The other Colored Goddesses nicknamed her 'Dagger' after her choice of weapon and her skill with it, able to take on Summons herself with simply the large knife. She called the Colored Goddesses and the Evoker 'Eikos,' a word that means siblings. Because of that, Geomancers adopted the name 'Eiko' instead of something like 'Garnetian.' Like the others, she became a Master Summoner, able to call upon Eidolons she never mastered (and thus becoming the only GeoMancer with actual Summons). Her GeoMancy was considered so great, she could move mountains.
    OC Form for Eikos.
    Appearance: <
    Pictures are preferred.>
    Horns: <
    Number of horns (1,2, or 3) and where they're located (center of head, top, left, right, etc.)>
    Fighting Style:
    Username: Britishism
    Name: Eiric Alp
    Age: 18
    Appearance: (This one's quite large, gaiz)
    Horns: 2. On the side of his head, one on each.
    History: Eiric was a quiet and studious child, and wasn't really interested in fighting. But when his father was killed, he promised to become strong enough to protect his friends. He now trains commonly, and this has developed his personality to become much more outgoing and friendly. He is currently training even harder to prepare for his test.
    Weapon: Blue Gauntlets, with gold on each knuckle.
    Fighting Style: He prefers to move fast and rarely let the enemy see him, using the environment to his advantage, before coming in to deal quick blows.
    Other: N/A
    Username: Aqua101
    Name: Kisala
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Here
    Horns: 1, at center of head
    History: Kisala had always thought about traveling around the world. When she was young, she trained her hardest to come of age and be allowed to travel. However, she was different from other Eikos in the fact that she couldn't control her magic. Whenever she tried to, she could only hold it for 5 seconds, and the it went out of control. Her master began teaching her how to fight with Physical might, and use magic in a situation that it would benifit her. When she was 13 years old, she tried her test and failed. Her teacher had told her that she didn't understand the true meaning of the test. When she was 15, her master thought that she may try the test once again, however, Kisala refused to take it. She knew that it was an insult to not take the test, however, she did not feel that she had understood what it took to pass at that point. However, her master was not insulted at all. Instead, he was happy that Kisala had decided to take more time and learn more about herself and how to pass her test. At the age of 17, Kisala finally took the test again, and her master allowed her to pass. He told her that she did not pass the first time because she only thought of passing, and that there was more to the test than just doing what you were told to do. Kisala thanked her elder for all that he had taught her and began packing for her journey. She decided to take her favorite Chocobo, Nest, with her. Now she journeys around the world, hoping to see new things and learn more about the world.
    Weapon: red gloves made from a material that is soft on the inside and hard on the outside
    Fighting Style: Kisala fights in the front, usually focusing more on her physical fighting abilities, and uses her magic only when in danger, since she can't control it to well.
    Other: Kisala's Chocobo, Nest, was found by her as a baby and she raised it to adulthood. It follows Kisala everywhere, and knows when to stay put and wait.

    The Evoker
    The Evoker isn't a race, but more of a being, or it could even be viewed as a set of powers. Legend says that there can only be one Evoker in existence at a time, but the last one hasn't been seen for over 2000 years. According to the story, the Evoker's abilities awoke when the First Aeon was destroyed. The Evoker, no matter what race, will end up with the Summons of all races, three Elemental Avatars, a Totema, two Espers, a Gestalt, and will even end up with GeoMagic (confirming that the Earth Divination is indeed a Summoning technique). However, the Evoker will not be able to learn the magick of other races (save for GeoMagic). The current Evoker is Xanatos Feymarch, a Geomancer.

    Username: Boy Wonder
    Xanatos Feymarch
    Click here
    One small green horn in the middle of his forehead. It extends past his hair.
    Xanatos was a regular Eiko growing up. His parents had their own personal Chocobo farm and presented him with his own Chocobo chick as a child, a rare gold Chocobo they had bred. Young Xanatos named it Highwind and it was his best friend. The Eiko had a relatively normal upbringing, choosing to raise Chocobos with his parents. When he was 15, he was tested by an older Eiko to see if he would become of age. The Eiko was jealous that his Chocobo farm wasn't as successful as the Feymarch's. He tested Xanatos by sending him to the Life Aeon and to find the first Summonstone. He was supposed to master the Eidolon. As Eiko law made it impossible for Xanatos to deny the test, Xanatos had no choice but to oblige. He found the first Summonstone and unleashed Galian Beast. The Eiko who was testing Xanatos never meant for anything bad to happen. The plan was for Xanatos to fail the test, and disapprove of the test, placing shame on the Feymarch and, by extension, their Chocobo ranch. The elder Eiko would have saved Xanatos, believing his own Chocobo was fast enough. However, Galian killed the Chocobo. Xanatos' parents interfered to help. With their help, Xanatos fared better, but Galian killed his parents while the elder Eiko escaped. Xanatos' parents, master Geomancers, had weakened Galian enough that Xanatos was able to defeat it (with help from Highwind). Not wanting his parents' murderer to be his own Eidolon, he sealed Galian once again, also considering the fact that it was his parents that weakened Galian, not him. The other Eikos agreed to consider him of age since he dealt with his parents' deaths and inherited the farm. The elder Eiko was exiled from Garnet when his plan was revealed. While tending to the farm a few weeks ago, Xanatos found himself Summoning a Totema named Construct 8. Revealed as the Evoker, the other Eikos forced him to leave, master his powers, and save Rydia. Xanatos has no idea how to start.
    His bare fists
    Fighting Style:
    Xanatos uses his fists and feet to fight while simultaneously using Geomancy to keep his opponents off balance.
    Construct 8.Abilities are his left arm, which is a drill, and three guns hidden in his torso.
    Elemental Avatars:
    Other: Galian Beast, his sealed Eidolon in Garnet, is taken from Dirge of Cerberus. His Totema, Construct 8, is taken from Final Fantasy Tactics and recolored.

    Eidolons are the most powerful Summons. Unlike Elemental Avatars, Totema, Gestalts, and Espers, Eidolons belong to no particular race. Any number of Eidolons can belong to any person if the person masters them by defeating them in battle. Eidolons are guardians of Rydia, most commonly found near Aeons. They reside inside Summonstones, large red stones made of pure magick. Once touched, the Eidolon will challenge whoever touched its Summonstone. If defeated, the Eidolon will yield to the challenger and become another Summon for it, even forsaking its duty of protecting Rydia.


    1. No godmodding, powerplaying, read KHV's rules, no fighting except in character, proper grammar and spelling, READ ALL THE RULES before posting.
    2. Basic knowledge of Final Fantasy, especially the Summons, is preferred, but absolutely not required at all since this isn't based on any one game.
    3. Romance should be kept PG-13, but feel free to build some sweet love, as long as it isn't provocative.
    4. No characters from the actual games exist, but you can turn them into OCs to use.
    5. Each Summon(s) can only be controlled by the RolePlayer who controls the Summons' Summoner, unless that RolePlayer has an agreement with someone else.
    6. For right now, it is preferred that you don't make both a good and a bad character (Exception being Bushy Brow and Prince), but that's only encouraged, not required.
    7. If I break my rules, well, it's my RP so I can! Same for Bushy Brow and Prince. However, we'll only do this for plot reasons, not to abuse our powers. We'll let you do the same occasionally.
    8. If you keep causing problems, I won't hesitate to kick you out, but I will talk to you first to solve any problems.
    9. Your character can only use magick and Summons available to his/her race (unless it's the Evoker).
    10. For right now, there's only one Evoker.
    11. Bushy Brow and Prince are in charge of the 'dark force' (the bad guys) and I'm in charge of everything else. Anything relating to bad guys, you will have to ask them because I actually have no idea whatsoever who the bad guys are, what their motives or powers are, etc.
    12. Despite the Summons having categories such as Eidolons, Espers, Totema, Elemental Avatars, Gestalts, etc., you can pick any Summon from any game and put it into whatever category you want, as long as you twist the abilities to make it fit into that category.
    13. You can use other things from the games as Summons such as monsters, WEAPONs, certain characters (no human ones), bosses, etc. as long as you twist the abilities to make it work as a Summon.
    14. It is strongly encouraged that for Eidolons, Espers, Totema, and Gestalts, you use Summons or other things (refer to rule 13) from the actual games. However, you will be allowed to make your own original Summon if you can't think of anything.
    15. To go along with rules 12, 13, and 14, you can completely customize your Summons if you take them from the games. For example, I used Construct 8 from Final Fantasy Tactics, but I recolored him completely.
    16. If you use something from one of the games, try to keep the name it had in the games.
    17. At first, there should be an even class spread. For example, I won't take another Red Mage until a Black Mage, White Mage, and Blue Mage are taken. After that, I prefer for the classes to stay as even as possible, but you can make whichever race you want.
    18. As stated in rule 9, your character can only use Summons available to his/her own race (sorry Geomancers!), but can use any Eidolon and any number of Eidolons.
    19. Eidolons will be both suggested and chosen. There's a list of Eidolons I'll suggest. You are able to completely customize them how you wish. You can also come up with your own Eidolons.
    20. Because most Summons are used in most games, you're allowed to share the same Summon as someone else as long as it comes from a different game. You're allowed to even share the same name, but you're also allowed to change the name (only if someone else already has the name), but try to keep it similar or at least Summon-y (don't name your Ifrit Jacob).
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    ATTENTION: Read this post if you wish to control an evil character. More information will be given upon PM.

    The Dark Force​

    The ancient threat that once plagued Rhydia has risen once more. This is a group made up of three types of beings, distantly related to the Mages. They seek to destroy the Aeons but for what purpose is only known to their leader…

    Race 1

    These beings are born from only darkest depths of Rhydia imaginable. They command the Dark Arts and summon what can only be known to be phantoms of the past to their aid. They rarely take it upon themselves to get their own hands dirty as their powerful magic is more than enough to crush any resistance that they meet. They do not summon any beasts for they call forth the unholy powers themselves. These unholy beings do not use weapons as they have no need for them. When one meets them they are easily placed apart from other races by their nearly bone-white skin color and unnatural eye color.

    Race 2

    These warriors came from a dark region of Rhydia. They have very little magic but they have incredible strength. This race calls upon their tremendous strength with the use of dark magic though direct use of it on their bodies comes at a price. These dark warriors use any weapon available to them. They can summon a powerful animalistic or demon-like being known as a Guardian Force. They have no magic on their own and it takes a great deal of effort to keep them under control but once summoned they begin to strengthen the warrior's natural attributes to make them a terrible force to be reckoned with in battle.

    Race 3

    They come from the same land as the warriors who draw from the same source of magic as them. The mages hold the power to cripple their enemies with their dark magic as to easily dispose of them. Even a single spell cast by them will be enough to severely weaken any who cross their path. They are far better with magic than with any physical weapon though they are often drawn to using staves, spears, and scepters of all sorts. They can call forth a powerful summon known as a Guardian Force, resembling a Totema though these are mindless beasts of destruction. Though a Guardian Force has strength greater than that of any average summon, it takes a great deal of focus to keep one under control lest it wreak damage upon anything in sight…even if it is the one who had summoned it. There is no special item that houses a Guardian Force, they simply rip through the ground and arise when summoned.

    The Guardian Forces

    Only two of the three beings within the Dark Force can summon these beasts. They come in two separate varieties. The first are simply known as Guardian Forces which take the appearance of a sort of demon or are animalistic in appearance. These can only be summoned by the warriors of darkness. Then there are beings created in almost the splitting image of a Totema. These large summons have enormous strength and are known as the Guardian Force Goliaths. The Goliaths can only be summoned by the third race. As to where these creatures have originated, no one truly knows.

    If you’re interested in being a bad guy, PM myself or Bushy Brow. We have permission by Bueno to do this. DO NOT CONTACT BUENO IN REGARDS TO MAKING A CHARACTER OF THE DARK FORCE.

    Username: Boy Wonder
    Name: Angelo Nelo
    Age: 21
    Appearance: Badass
    Weapon: Unholy Lance (from the picture)
    Guardian Force: Leviathan Revenant. Has the ability to stretch its body, but not its limbs.
    Other: Angelo was found on the shores of Etro by a Etran couple as a child. Even though he obviously wasn't a Red Mage, they adopted him. Over his childhood, they couldn't figure out which type of Mage he was. He lacked the wings of the Blue, Black, and White Mages, the horn of a Geomancer, and the mark of a Red Mage. Even more particular, he didn't seem to have any type of known magick skill and never developed his own Summon. His adoptive father tried to inspire the boy to build his own 'Shifter,' the Red Mages' trademark weapon that changes form. Angelo simply built a lance with no special modifications. He was an outcast to Etran children and was considered 'cursed.' Other Red Mages' inventions would fail and break when Angelo tinkered with them. There was even a rare occurrence when he rode his mother's Eidolon and it wasn't able to change to warrior mode. On his twenty-first birthday, which was a month ago, he finally obtained his own Summon. While arguing with his parents over his nature, the ground started to crack. Out came a long slender body that proceeded to wrap around both of his parents and strangled them. Angelo felt no remorse but instead felt...relieved to see his own Summon. He quickly fled from Etro and towards the main continent of Rhydia (Viera, Yuna, and Garnet) while discovering his abilities.

    Username: No Heart-X
    Name: Silvers Ashnard
    Age: 23
    Appearance: Click
    Weapon: Shirasaya
    Guardian Force: Chaos
    Other: Even though he is one of the Dark Force, what he truly desires is a battle that is worthy of his caliber.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    To be more clear, I have no control over anything relating to the bad guys. I made the world (with help from Prince and Bushy Brow) and the good guys while they made everything relating to the bad guys. It was a collaboration RP.
    In order to keep the bad guys a mystery from even me, they will share information about them only to those interested in being a bad guy so either PM them or post here you're interested.
  4. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Oh my god! I'm so interested in this 8D. I'm still deciding on whether or not I'm going to be a good or bad guy. Or maybe I'll be both. Hmmmmmmmmm
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    It's actually preferred that you be one or the other, but not required. As long as your good guy doesn't know anything about the bad guys, it's fine. And as long as you don't reveal anything about the bad guys for the other good guys until certain points >>
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Kiri Parenthapaeus
    Age: 18
    Appearance: http://c2.api.ning.com/files/AKcnXwmwr3OKhHiScF6NWvBbCKHFVQJspUSyqhmrmWAYHOV6IA2KM0veYQxA3yrDmYsPMR8Tj0B0RyP*4*xEXB9pbESmOArj/sword_girl.jpg (Her wings are thin pale white and small, yet they're durable.)
    Type of Tail: black cat's tail
    History: Kiri's thirteenth birthday was just like everyone elses. Her family and she prayed and Kiri's heart was touched by two Espers. Zeromus and Gerun. She left her family for good on her 15th birthday and traveled on her own. She adores the stories of old. Gerun seems to be more in touch with her craving for knowledge and Zeromus shares her peace in battle. Kiri has never much gotten used to being in towns or big cities. The lone road is her sanctuary.
    Weapon: katana
    Fighting Style: Front line fighter with her Espers, uses magicks usually as a boost to herself.
    Esper 1: <Put name, appearance, and abilities here> Zeromus - http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/c/cb/Zeromus.jpg - Abilities: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Zeromus_(Summon)
    Esper 2: <Put name, appearance, and abilities here> Gerun - http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/7/75/FFXII-Gerun.JPG - Ablilities: Haste, Slow, Time magick in general, and a final move of Distort which slows time of one enemy and twists it into something else. (only used on monsters)
    Other: Blue Mage
  7. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    so I have to wait till someone makes a Geomancer, Black Mage, White Mage, and Blue Mage till I can make a Red Mage? Darn it, I like those guys the best since in the games they're basically a mix of both
  8. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Except the Red Mages in this RP are nothing like the ones in the series. It says in the rules that you can make your character whatever race you want. It's just that it'd be best to have an even class spread.

    I'm probably going to make a Black Mage or Blue Mage.
  9. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I know they're different. They just kinda remind of FFXIII, that's also why I want one
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Your appearance for your character isn't working. DD:

    Trust me, it'll be better for you if you pick a class that isn't taken. It'll make it easier on you since you'll probably have to wait for other classes to fill up, there's already two Red Mages, and the more we have of each class...the less important *cough* some of them will be.
  11. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Well, the Red Mage are the only ones I actually like. I've never been good with White Mages or Black Mages, and I'm more of a weapon type of guy anyways. Using only magic seems a bit boring to me. If I must wait, than wait I shall
  12. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    If you'd be willing to be a bad guy, you might find Race 2 to be right up your street.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    D: Noooo I'll find another one and edit it. That sucks!
  14. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I'll check. I really don't think I play the villain too well, but it might have to be this way
  15. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Username: Elika
    Name: Rhia Riviere
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Click {Her wings are white and stretch just a couple of inches away from her arms when she has them down at her sides.}
    History: Rhia was known quite well for getting into trouble when she was younger. She’s not really one to hide away from danger and is a rather brave person. She is one for getting tired of a place if she’s been there for too long, such as the snowy mountains where she used to live for the majority of the time with other Yunes. Growing tired of the place, Rhia set off and left, heading just about anywhere she felt she would be happy in.
    Weapon: Staff
    Fighting Style: Rhia is slightly defensive, but still attack when she sees fit. She keeps her distance away from her enemies and tries her best to analyze whatever situation she might be in.
    Totema: Hecatoncheir has the ability to heal everyone as soon as it is summoned. It also has the ability to fire bullets at enemies to keep them at a distance. If someone gets too close to Rhia, Hecatoncheir quickly reacts by causing blocks of earth to shoot up towards the enemy.
    Other: Rhia calls her Totema by Hecaton at times. She also carries the Auracite around her neck.
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Right, update on the bad guys.

    For now, we won't accept anymore of Race 2 until we get more of a spread on the other 2 classes.
    Currently, we have no one in Race 3, so please consider that too for sure.
    All of the classes are strong in their own way and also feature their own weaknesses, so despite what people might think, there are no better classes than others.

    As for the abilities and spells of each class, that is currently work in progress.
    Me and Arch have most of it worked out, we just need to fine tune the kinks. So if you want the details, PM me for info on Race 2 and Race 3.
    Arch will deal with the details of Race 1.
    Cheers guys.
    And remember, anything we tell you, keep hush from the good guys! XD
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Twilight_Nobody13 and Elikaleskunk are in~

    Something I forgot to mention, guys, it's how magick works here. (also, notice the k. Magick, not magic.) It's a mix of spells and no spells. Your Black Mage can use Firaga or Blizzara, but they can also simply shoot a fireball. You don't need to use actual spells. that goes for all magick, not just Black Magick. So if you think of something that isn't an actual spell in the games, you can use it~
  18. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Username: Britishism
    Name: Eiric Alp
    Age: 18
    Appearance: (This one's quite large, gaiz)
    Horns: 2. On the side of his head, one on each.
    History: Eiric was a quiet and studious child, and wasn't really interested in fighting. But when his father was killed, he promised to become strong enough to protect his friends. He now trains commonly, and this has developed his personality to become much more outgoing and friendly. He is currently training even harder to prepare for his test.
    Weapon: Blue Gauntlets, with gold on each knuckle.
    Fighting Style: He prefers to move fast and rarely let the enemy see him, using the environment to his advantage, before coming in to deal quick blows.
    Other: N/A
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    In which case, I'll wait until tomorrow before accepting you, but yay, an Eiko! I didn't think anybody would make one xD
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Yunalesca
    Age: 27
    Appearance: <Pictures are preferred. Make sure to describe the wings> http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/jeux/img/426_lady%20yunalesca.bmp.jpg Her wings are hidden by her hair and yet so are her ears most of the time.
    History: Yunalesca was born a Viera and yet she admired the Yunes and thus took up living in the Yunes Mountains to hone her abilities. She was fending off a wolf monster, the freezing cold and her own hunger when her three Avatars came to her. Wing and Ice rest on the fabric on her hips while Lightning rests at her throat.
    Weapon: Long bow
    Fighting Style: Yunalesca prefers to stay away from the battle and uses her magic in greater benefits such as causing a lightning bolt to strike a cliff face causing an avalanche. She is rather bold in her moves and pretends to never mess up even when she does.
    Black Magick Elements: Water, Lightning
    Elemental Avatars: <Put names, if they have it, and their three Elements> Wind, Lightning, Ice
    Other: Yunalesca's parents named her Lesca but because of her admiration of the Yunes, she added Yuna to the front of her name.
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