A War in the Stars [OC Sign Up and Discussion]

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Arch, Nov 26, 2010.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    ~RP Link~​


    1. No Godmodding or Powerplaying. I know it'll be hard considering some of the powers but use some common sense when fighting.
    2. You can't dodge or block EVERYTHING. Likewise, you can't auto-hit another RPer.
    3. Jedi and Sith Apprentices get ONE Level 1 Force Power, only ONE Level 2 Force Power, and only ONE Level 3 Force Power. You can trade this off for having THREE Level 2 Force Powers however.
    4. Jedi Masters and Sith Lords get TWO Level 2 Force Powers and TWO Level 3 Force Powers. I will break this rule with a single character simply for plot reasons.
    5. Jedi Masters and Sith Lords can have TWO Combat Forms as their specialties while Apprentices from both sides only gain ONE.
    6. If you have a character using two lightsabers both must be the same color. Also, there are no saberstaffs(Like Darth Maul's) in this RP.
    7. There will only be two positions available for Jedi Masters and three for Sith Lords. For Jedi Masters, I am not allowing anyone to have the same specialties in Combat Forms. Every Jedi Master must have two DIFFERENT Specialties.
    8. Don't make your character know more than they should or do things that you haven't already placed in your OC. EX: Constant use of back flips in combat despite your character not having learnt Form IV of Lightsaber Combat.
    9. Stay active. D8 Also, stick to the basic philosophies of the sides. Jedi avoid violence and will do anything NOT to kill an opponent while a Sith will fight dirty and show no mercy.
    10. Jedi can't use Dark Side powers and Sith can't use Light Side powers. Kinda obvious. ^^
    11. If your character has two lightsabers they have to have Jar'Kai as their Specialty(or one of them if it's a Sith Lord or Jedi Master).
    12. Jedi Masters and Sith Lords must be at least 24 years of age.
    13. Have fun!

    ~~~Force Powers~~~​

    Universal (Usable by both sides)

    Art of Movement - Allows one to reach a heightened physical capabilities that would not be possible without the aid of the Force.
    • Level 1 - One has the reflexes to block incoming fire without even so much as looking in the direction of the attack. The user's jumping height and running speed are doubled.
    • Level 2 - Same as the previous level only now one's speed and jumping height are further increased. At this level one can jump at around four times their own height.
    • Level 3 - Only a Master can reach this stage of power, one can appear to be a blur of motion during combat, they can sprint at high speeds for an extended period of time rivaling that of wheeled transport.

    Telekinesis - The ability to lift and move objects through the power of the Force.
    • Level 1 - One can lift objects at about roughly half their body weight.
    • Level 2 - The user can lift an object double their own weight. The speed at which they throw an object increases greatly.
    • Level 3 - With little effort, a Master could lift a small vehicle and toss it at least a hundred feet. With small items it would be easy to launch them at lethal speeds with great accuracy.

    Force Push/Wave - A concussive burst created through the use of the Force with the ability to knock down from anywhere between a single opponent to a group of a dozen.
    • Level 1 - One must be able to see their target in order to connect a blow with it, be it living or not. At this stage it has the power to violently knock down an opponent but not cause them any real injury.
    • Level 2 - The radius of the attack extends slightly allowing for a lesser degree of accuracy needed while having the power to injure an opponent even if he or she braced for it. It can knock someone back at least a several meters.
    • Level 3 - At this stage the power is known as "Force Wave" simply because of its destructive power and area of effect. By using both hands a user can create a concussive explosion around them useful for crowd control.

    Phase - With this power one can pass through objects with relative ease, it leaves no protection against Force Powers or Lightsabers however.
    [Counts as a Level 1 Force Power.]

    Dopplegänger - An illusion created to look exactly like the user. This dopplegänger can interact with the environment and if the user has the use of Telekinesis it can lift objects as well. It can be useful for a variety of situations such as reconnaissance.
    [Counts as a Level 1 Force Power.]

    Pyrokinesis - With this, a user can project a stream of fire from his or her hands capable of easily burning multiple opponents for as long as the ability is held up. It can serve for multiple uses including being concentrated into a short-ranged fine point hot enough to near the intensity of a lightsaber which can be useful for a variety of nonviolent purposes. Continuous usage can be taxing on the practioner.
    [Counts as a Level 2 Force Power.]

    Light (Jedi only)

    Force Healing - Exactly what the name implies, a practioner can repair damage done to one's body.
    • Level 1 - At this stage it is not possible to heal another but a user could heal minor wounds on their own body.
    • Level 2 - Although a practioner of this level can heal another's wounds, they would have to be in direct contact with the injured person. The power of healing is increased to heal major and life-threatening wounds.
    • Level 3 - One could heal a fatal wound in a matter of moments albeit with a great drain in strength, at this level one could heal multiple wounded in their direct vicinity with an area of effect of around 50 feet.

    Force Absorb - Allows a trained Jedi to use his or her opponent's attacks to fuel their own powers by absorbing attacks such as Force Lightning, Maelstrom, Pyrokinesis, and Force Push/Wave.
    • Level 1 - Only works against other Level 1 Force Powers.
    • Level 2 - Works up to Level 2 Force Powers.
    • Level 3 - Works only partially against Level 3 Force Powers but is in no means to be used as the first line of defense, there is a chance of the user still being wounded by the oncoming attack.

    Force Defend - Reduces the damage taken from Force Powers while active.
    [Counts as a Level 2 Force Power.]

    Force Valor - Increases one's resolve, accuracy, and slightly boosts one's speed in order to allow the body to strike more powerfully and quickly.
    [Counts as a Level 2 Force Power.]

    Force Light - Allows a Jedi Master to completely strip a Sith of his or her connection to the Dark Side of the Force by emitting a bright light from his or her hands. A rare ability only belonging to those high devoted the Light Side. Against a Sith Lord it may only work if he/she is weakened.
    [Level 3 Force Power. For Masters only.]

    Dark (Sith only)

    Force Lightning - All the properties of lightning channeled with negative emotions and the Dark Side of the Force. It is the embodiment of the Sith in terms of Force Power.
    • Level 1 - Can only hit a single opponent at one time. Very energy costly for the user and can only maintain it for seconds at a time.
    • Level 2 - Slightly more potent with the ability to arc out to hit any bystanders. A Sith at this level can hold the power up for about a minute.
    • Level 3 - A deadly ability, it would take great power to attempt to stop such an attack and even greater to repel it back at the user. Having a lightsaber would be the only means to defend against the attack. It can arc out with a great radius making dodging the attack a futile effort. A Sith Lord can only hold this power up for little longer than a minute however.

    Force Maelstrom - A power even more devastating than Force Wave. It lacks the range and precision of the other Force ability but it makes up for it in raw power. The user gathers in loose particles or debris while being protected in a Force Barrier before unleashing a crushing attack in all directions that would quickly overwhelm those without the power to defend against it. This ability also releases an electrical shock as well to add on to the damage it would inflict. Distancing oneself while the attack is being prepared is the best way to defend against it.
    [Counts as a Level 3 Force Power. For Sith Lords only.]

    Force Scream - A rattling power that can practically tear the Force itself. While it can cause very little harm to an opponent, it has the power to destroy or weaken structures, shatter glass, and even weaken the focus of an opponent to cause him or her to cease the use of any active powers. This power can even disrupt energy sources or technological equipment excluding a lightsaber. Can only be used when rage or extreme grief is channeled into the Force.
    [Counts as a Level 2 Force Power.]

    Force Rage - A Sith's version of Force Valor. With it, one can tap into their innermost hate and pain and channel it into a destructive force to increase the intensity of their strikes and overwhelm an opponent with brute strength and relentless attacks.
    [Level 2 Force Power.]

    Force Destruction - A massive amount of energy is stored within the user and unleashed through their hand, far more destructive than Maelstrom yet can only be used in one direction.
    • Level 1 - Thick walls would break and crumble before the might of this power, although the range is very limited and the user would have to be within ten feet of their target to unleash any devastating effects.
    • Level 2 - The range of the attack is doubled and the power can break down even sealed vaults. The power is still costly to the user however.
    • Level 3 - At this point the user can actually disintegrate lesser barriers entirely as well as being able to blast through nearly anything with ease. If undefended by an Force-Sensitive opponent it will leave a fatal wound.

    ~~~Lightsaber Colors~~~

    The crystal used in a lightsaber will directly influence the color of the lightsaber's blade. At an earlier point in time, the color used to signify the kind of wielder the person was. Now that times have changed, the colors of the sabers are merely an aesthetic effect.​

    Blue - Meant for those who favor the physical aspects of training involving lightsaber combat.

    Green - Normally used by those who are interested in the philosophical views of the Force. [Jedi Only.]

    Red - It is said that a lightsaber is stronger if it uses a red crystal but the methods of attaining one require violent measures, there are no actual advantages to using a red saber crystal. [Sith only.]

    Purple - A rare crystal that, at many points in time, signified a Jedi who was willing to bring himself close to the Dark Side to instill justice.

    Yellow - Another rare crystal that was commonly used by those who held both lightsaber training and the deeper aspects of the Force in equal value.

    Orange - Not a traditional color by any standards and thus has no preconceived meanings behind its use.

    ~~~Lightsaber Combat Forms~~~

    One must know how to properly use a lightsaber, thus there are styles that one may approach combat with each having its own strengths and weaknesses.

    Form I ~~ Shii-Cho

    A very basic form of lightsaber combat. This is what all the Jedi start out learning however if one chooses to continue the practice in this style they will learn that while the form only includes basic strikes, it encourages emotional involvement in combat. For this reason many Jedi Masters have strayed away from consistent use due to the style's preference of killing an opponent rather than disarming our outmaneuvering an enemy. It can be described as a fluid Form that some will revert to when all else fails.

    Form II ~~ Makashi
    A refined version of Form I, the blade work required for such a style requires intense focus and a user adept with their footwork. Form II was simply about precision, preventing oneself from being disarmed, and using an opponent's strength and emotion against them. One could say that a master of this style would appear to be so relaxed they seemed to be dancing. The biggest drawback to this style is the lack of power which can cause a user to be overcome by an opponent with greater endurance than the user. A Makashi user often displays an air of confidence even to the point of arrogance. Another weakness is that this style does not address the issue of being outnumbered or fighting an opponent from a distance.

    Form III ~~ Soresu
    An endurance-heavy Form of fighting, Soresu is the ultimate form of defense. A master would easily be able to defend attacks from multiple opponents even if they were all using long range weapons. This style relies on allowing the opponent to exhaust their energies before retaliating with a counter-attack. The moves used are tight and close to the body to leave minimal exposure to oneself. A user would display a well-rounded attitude as this style focuses on survival rather than victory which can be said to be its only flaw. This Form is the true expression of Jedi philosophy within combat. [Unavailable for Sith.]

    Form IV ~~ Ataru
    An aggressive style, Form IV was fast-paced and effective against single opponents, though weaker in prolonged combat and confined spaces. Ataru was characterized by Force-assisted acrobatics, both for attack and defense, and fast, powerful strikes. By allowing the Force to flow throughout their body, they could overcome their physical limitations and perform amazing feats of acrobatics, such as somersaults and back flips, not only for attack, but also to evade the attacks and strikes of their opponents. Ataru is not meant to be used for multiple opponents although a master of this style could still find use with it. Other weaknesses include a lack of defense against ranged attacks, requirement for open space, and the fatigue that comes with the constant use of the Force.

    Form V ~~ Shien/Djem So
    Form V is much like Form III only it relies more on dominating an opponent through use of counter-attacks. Djem So placed a heavy focus on brute strength and pure power, with wide, powerful strikes and parries followed immediately by counter-attack. Shien places emphasis on reflecting blaster fire back at an enemy instead of merely blocking or deflecting it. Shortcomings of this form would include the requirement for a great deal of physical strength, endurance, and the slow movements involved in Djem So which can be overcome by a fast opponent.

    Form VI ~~ Niman
    Form VI is an attempt to balance all elements of lightsaber combat, combining the techniques from the other Forms that came to make it into a less intensely demanding combat style. In practice, Form VI was a combination of all the other Forms (Forms I, III, IV, and V), and all of them in moderation. In the blending, much of the individuality was lost, but the strengths were spread evenly, and there was little weakness in it. Due to its "jack-of-all-trades" nature, the success of this form was largely dependent on the practitioner's intuition, improvisation, and creativity in combat. Those who practice this Form are those who prefer to practice on other things besides Lightsaber combat. The obvious flaw in this style is that no Form trained within Niman is perfected.

    Form VII ~~ Vaapad

    Vaapad was described as more than a fighting style; it was a state of mind that led through the penumbra of the dark side, requiring the user to enjoy the fight, and relish the satisfaction of winning. The practitioner of Vaapad would accept their own inner darkness and fuel themselves with the fury inherent in the opponent. The nature of this style is unsuited for Jedi as it leads them close to the Dark Side and only a handful have ever practiced it an kept on the path of Light. This style is similar to both Form IV and V in the fact that it uses a constant stream of the Force to enhance the user's abilities to allow for a fast, unpredictable, and destructive style although it is not as elaborate in appearance as Form IV. A practioner may appear to wield many blades at once as the attacks would flow into each other with liquid precision with an unrivaled speed. This is the most demanding of the Seven Forms and most dangerous to a Jedi although a Sith would be willing to use it without hesitation should they invest the time to learn such a difficult Form. It is extremely rare for anyone to use this style of combat, even with Sith.[Unavaliable for any other Jedi.]

    ~~ Jar'Kai ~~
    Jar'Kai is meant sheerly for dual lightsaber use. With it, one is able to maintain a strong offense, as the speed of attack that two blades allowed would overwhelm most opponents. A typical maneuver was to continually attack with one blade while relying on the other for defensive coverage, ensuring that the duelist could keep up his guard even as he attacked. However, it is common for both blades to be used for offensive purposes, keeping up a continuous wave-front assault. Another advantage of Jar'Kai is that two blades makes it easier to hold off multiple opponents, as one simply has more blades to parry with. The weaknesses of this style is the lack of strength it comes with since using two blades makes two-handed attacks impossible. With both attacks and blocks, the user cannot put his or her full weight behind either leading to the possibility of simply being overpowered. A practioner often focuses on their blade work with twin weapons often leaving their mastery or use of the Force limited and if one of their two weapons is lost, a user may find it difficult to adjust to using one blade.

    OC Form for Apprentices [Sith or Jedi]

    Age: [Age has nothing to do with skill but pick any number you want.]
    Side: [Jedi or Sith]
    Appearance: [Picture, description, or both.]
    Lightsaber Color:
    Specialty: [Pick one style of saber combat. This can be taken by as many people as possible.]
    Force Powers
    Level 1: [Chosen Level 1 Force Power goes here.]
    Level 2: [Chosen Level 2 Force Power goes here.]
    Level 3: [Chosen Level 3 Force Power goes here.]
    Other: [Anything you want to put. You can also state whether or not your character has two lightsabers.]

    OC Form for Jedi Masters and Sith Lords

    Age: [Must be 24 or older.]
    Side: [Jedi or Sith]
    Appearance: [Picture, description, or both.]
    Bio: [Cannot be from Earth. PM me if you want a species other than human. We’ll work something out. ^^]
    Lightsaber Color:
    Specialties: [Pick two styles of saber combat. For Jedi Masters, don’t repeat any styles chosen by other Masters.]
    Force Powers
    Level 2:
    Level 2:
    Level 3:
    Level 3:
    Other: [Put extra anything you want here.]


    Jedi Masters [1 Slot Available.]

    Username: Terra
    Name: Cin Katarn
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Side: Jedi
    Bio: Before Alek's betrayal Cin was to be known as the "Blademaster", the head instructor of lightsaber combat for the incoming Jedi. He was Alek's former master and found the young apprentice to be something like a little brother to him. Alek was seen as a prodigy just like himself so Cin decided to teach Alek the basics of a rare and powerful fighting style known as Vaapad. While Alek never mastered it, he could not handle straying so close to the Dark Side like his master and soon fell to it. Cin, being the only Jedi to currently know this fighting style, vowed never to teach it again as he feels that it was his fault that his student betrayed the Jedi. Cin often goes out alone to fight the Sith while his fellow Masters do the blunt of the training for the new Jedi.
    Personality: While being a devout of the Light Side, his actions speak more passionately at times. Of the three Jedi Masters remaining, he is the closest one to being described as "hot-headed". He does his best to set an example for the others but he feels the need to deal out a vengeful justice to the Sith.
    Lightsaber Color: Yellow
    Specialties: Form II (Makashi) and Form VII (Vaapad).
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Force Valor
    Level 2: Force Absorb
    Level 3: Art of Movement
    Level 3: Telekinesis
    Other: N/A

    Username: . : tale_wind
    Name: Marcos Au
    Gender: M
    Age: 31
    Side: Jedi
    Appearance: A tad on the short side (standing at about 5'6") with an average weight. He has grey eyes and short-cropped light brown hair. His facial hair is nonexistant.
    Bio: Was a run-of-the-mill bachelor, waiting for love to come along. Unfortunately, people just didn't seemed to be turned on by his introvertrd nature and philosophy addiction. Life was starting to get boring when...it happened and he was taken to The Saber.
    Personality: Modest-natured and calm, but tends to wax a wee bit philosophical at times, to the annoyance of...*counts on fingers*...most everyone. Also irritating: his sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness. However, he is blissfully unaware of people's irritation with him. He sometimes seems hesitant or slow, but he's really being thoughtful and analytical. He doesn't like to be a catalyst, preferring to blend in more. Despite his shortcomings, he has garnered quite a decent amount of respect for his philosophies (when he's not going off on too many tangents).
    Lightsaber Color: Green (i can haz twin guard shoto? Maybe? .o.)
    Specialties: Jar'Kai, Soresu
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Art of Movement
    Level 2: Force Defend
    Level 3: Telekinesis
    Level 3: Force Absorb
    Other: Dislikes flying--he's not very good at it and he has a chronic fear of falling.

    Jedi Apprentices

    Username: Ven
    Name: Adele Hade
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Side: Jedi
    Appearance: Adele
    Bio: Adele had lived a normal life on Earth before it ended. She had a younger sister and lived with both of her parents. When the three Jedi Masters arrived, Adele was somehow separated from her family and never saw them on the ship. Refusing to let grief take over, she wandered around the ship many times and listened to what the three masters had to say. Regardless of finding their story unusual, Adele agreed in learning the ways of the Force.
    Personality: Adele can kind of come off independent and a hard worker. She normally thinks on a situation, if she ever is in one, before acting out any sudden moves. She’s calm and gentle towards people. She’s very polite and rarely shows any form of hostile nature.
    Lightsaber Color: Blue
    Specialty: Form IV (Ataru)
    Force Powers:
    Level 2: Telekinesis
    Level 2: Force Healing
    Level 2: Force Push
    Other: N/A

    Username: KH2man13
    Name: Rayma
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Side: Jedi
    Bio: Growing up, Rayma was an outcast among other people. He rarely spoke unless he was spoken to. He knew that somehow, somewhere, there was something much greater for him. When the three Jedi Masters arrived, seeking recruits, he knew that he had found what he was looking for. He immediately signed up without question.
    Personality: He is often very quiet, and prefers to be alone. However, he is not without his more humorous side. He is also very humble. He will do anything to protect his fellow Jedi.
    Lightsaber Color: Purple
    Specialty: Form III ~~ Soresu
    Force Powers:
    Level 2: Force Healing
    Level 2: Force Valor
    Level 2:
    Other: N/A

    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Hanna Moon
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Side: Jedi
    Appearance: Hanna is very small and is easily mistaken for being much younger than she is. She has naturally long, straight, dark blonde hair which is rarely tied back. She rarely wears make up, seeing it as pointless and is seldom seen in a dress or skirt. Her deep blue eyes contradict her chidish looks and hint at a more mature girl who has wisdom beyond her years.
    Bio: Hanna came from a fairly normal life, she's been fairly shelted when she was young but she did not fit in at school, she never felt like she belonged there. She liked her life but yearned for something more. Everything changed when the jedi masters came, she listened eagerly to there words and found she might have found somewhere where she could belong. She saw it as a fresh start in life and a new challenge, she signed up quickly.
    Personality: Hanna is very determined and hard working, she will put in the work to achieve her goals. However at times she can be very innocent and on certain subjects very naive. She is very careing and hates to see people get hurt, she longs to belong and once she has made friends, she will defend them strongly. She listens well and can blend into the backround, through this she often knows more than she lets on or is supposed to.
    Lightsaber Color: Yellow
    Specialty: Form III ~~ Soresu
    Force Powers
    Level 1: Phase
    Level 2: Force Healing
    Level 3: Telekinesis
    Other: n/a

    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Daris Natar
    Gender: Male
    Age: 28
    Side: Jedi
    (on the right)
    Bio: As far as Daris can remember he was an orphan, adopted by a rich family and has always been in the lap of luxury, sent to the best schools with the biggest house and the best friends. Daris got everything he ever wanted in life and definitely what he wanted. He only had one problem...every now and then he would have these dreams...dreams of somewhere dark and strange...somewhere not on Earth. He would dream of one person in particular but something was definitely weird, the person looked exactly like him. He was just getting ready to succeed his father as the head of a leading scientific study corporation when the "rock" hit and changed his life. All of his family had died during this time and he was alone on the Saber. However, having no family has allowed him to focus more on his training with the force...although the dreams occur more than ever now.
    Personality: Mostly silent, Daris likes to let his actions speak for him in both combat and just human interaction. He maintains an almost carefree attitude but always focuses when it comes to training or fighting.
    Lightsaber Color: Blue
    Specialty: Form 3- Soresu
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Telekinesis
    Level 2: Pyrokinesis
    Level 2: Force Push
    Other: N/A

    Sith Lords [2 Slots Available.]

    Username: Terra
    Name: Nihilus
    Gender: Male
    Age: 39
    Side: Sith
    Bio: Currently acting as the Lord of the Sith, this man is more than just a Master he is the leader of all the Sith and known to be the most powerful enemy the Jedi have ever faced. He personally killed the former Lord of the Sith who the Jedi had previously believed to be the most powerful Darksider to ever live. During his short reign he managed to orchestrate the downfall of the Jedi and now currently is overseeing the hunt for them.
    Personality: Cold, merciless, and manipulative. These are the words than can best describe such a powerful man.
    Lightsaber Color: Red
    Specialties: Form V (Shien/Djem So) and Form VII (Vaapad).
    Force Powers
    Level 3: Force Lightning
    Level 3: Force Maelstrom
    Level 3: Force Destruction
    Level 3: Telekinesis
    Other: N/A

    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Saris Natar
    Gender: Male
    Age: 28
    Side: Sith
    (On the left)
    Bio: Saris was born on a space trading station along with his twin brother Daris. However, shortly after birth Sith attacked the port and in a rush his brother was sent off to Earth in the last escape pod. As most inhabitants of the station we slaughtered, one of the Sith Lords saw potential in him and brought him to a base where he was put into training, starting at 8. He was taught brutality in the worst ways: no mercy, kill or be killed, and show no emotion except for hate. At nineteen, he was sent on his first field assignment where he killed his first man, he enjoyed it thoroughly. He loved the rush of killing, the feeling of someone else's life in your hands for you to do with as you please. Saris currently is a Sith Lord and is in command of his own base and small army.
    Personality: Completely cold and uncaring. Saris lives with a permanent scowl and a chip on his shoulder. He doesn't show any sort emotion except for pure hatred and the occasional enjoyment of ending someone's life. However, due to him being more of a commanding type now and not on the frontlines he doesn't get to kill as much. He only seems to show slight interest in his twin brother whom he was separated with.
    Lightsaber Color: Red
    Specialties: Form IV-Ataru and Form V- Shien/Djem So
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Force Rage
    Level 2: Force Lightning
    Level 3: Force Maelstrom
    Level 3: Telekinesis
    Other: Due to a Force connection of some type he sometimes has the same dreams or visions as his brother.

    Sith Apprentices

    Username: Terra
    Name: Alek Sadow
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Side: Sith
    Bio: The former student of Jedi Master Cin Katarn, Alek found himself pulled to the strength of the Dark Side and was consumed with a thirst for power. A Sith Lord known as Nihilus sensed his darkness and offered him a place as his apprentice if he betrayed the Jedi. Alek took no hesitation in accepting the offer, giving the Sith Lord the exact details of the Jedi's defenses and weak points to allow Nihilus the tactical advantage he needed to wipe out the Jedi in one swoop. He succeeded in eliminating all but three Jedi Masters who fled and soon found themselves with an abundance of new recruits. Alek, feeling that it would help his powers grow, has decided to personally see to the destruction of the remaining Jedi.
    Personality: Alek is quick to act, he will attack violently and strike at every chance he gets. He's highly observant and adept at using his Force Powers in a variety of ways to surprise and overwhelm his opponents. He is obsessed with gaining strength and has come to hate the Jedi the same way his new master does, finding the Jedi to deceitful monsters who only seek to exterminate those who do not follow their codes.
    Lightsaber Color: Orange
    Specialty: Jar'Kai
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Force Rage
    Level 2: Art of Movement
    Level 2: Force Lightning
    Other: Carries twin lightsabers.

    Username: K u r o g a n e
    Name: Iris Berwald
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Side: Sith
    Appearance: She wears a long black cloak with a hood that usually hides her dark green eyes and medium length golden brown hair. Normally the tall woman bears a scowl on her face.
    Bio:The young woman lived a normal childhood until the sudden war broke out and ended up taking the lives of those closest to her. Not being able to cope with all the pain and regret for being 'useless' she strayed into the Dark Side as she started to learn the ways of the Force. Eventually she was taken in by a Sith Lord and began to further her training. Now she stands as a full fledged Sith never letting go or forgetting about her past.
    Personality: Iris normally keeps to herself while speaking little although takes pride and ambition a bit too far.
    Lightsaber Color: Red
    Specialty: Form VII [ Vaapad ]
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Force Rage
    Level 2: Force Lightning
    Level 2: Force Movement
    Other: N/A
  2. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Username: Ven
    Name: Adele Hade
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Side: Jedi
    Appearance: Adele
    Bio: Adele had lived a normal life on Earth before it ended. She had a younger sister and lived with both of her parents. When the three Jedi Masters arrived, Adele was somehow separated from her family and never saw them on the ship. Refusing to let grief take over, she wandered around the ship many times and listened to what the three masters had to say. Regardless of finding their story unusual, Adele agreed in learning the ways of the Force.
    Personality: Adele can kind of come off independent and a hard worker. She normally thinks on a situation, if she ever is in one, before acting out any sudden moves. She’s calm and gentle towards people. She’s very polite and rarely shows any form of hostile nature.
    Lightsaber Color: Blue
    Specialty: Form IV (Ataru)
    Force Powers:
    Level 2: Telekinesis
    Level 2: Force Healing
    Level 2: Force Push
    Other: N/A
  3. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Before I post my character sheet, I have a question about this rule:

    So, an Apprentice can have as many Level 1 powers as they want?
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Only 3 powers total for an Apprentice(Sith or Jedi). You could have three Level 1 powers but that might be impractical.

    You can have the powers either how I have set in the OC Form or have them all at Level 2. Although, as I said before, you can have three Level 1 powers. Sorry I didn't make it clear. 3 powers total for Apprentices, 4 powers total for Masters and Lords.

    Oh, Ven...you're in. XD You already knew that though.
  5. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Saris Natar
    Gender: Male
    Age: 28
    Side: Sith
    (On the left)
    Bio: Saris was born on a space trading station along with his twin brother Daris. However, shortly after birth Sith attacked the port and in a rush his brother was sent off to Earth in the last escape pod. As most inhabitants of the station were slaughtered, one of the Sith Lords saw potential in him and brought him to a base where he was put into training, starting at 8. He was taught brutality in the worst ways: no mercy, kill or be killed, and show no emotion except for hate. At nineteen, he was sent on his first field assignment where he killed his first man, he enjoyed it thoroughly. He loved the rush of killing, the feeling of someone else's life in your hands for you to do with as you please. Saris currently is a Sith Lord and is in command of his own base and small army.
    Personality: Completely cold and uncaring. Saris lives with a permanent scowl and a chip on his shoulder. He doesn't show any sort emotion except for pure hatred and the occasional enjoyment of ending someone's life. However, due to him being more of a commanding type now and not on the frontlines he doesn't get to kill as much. He only seems to show slight interest in his twin brother whom he was separated with.
    Lightsaber Color: Red
    Specialties: Form IV-Ataru and Form V- Shien/Djem So
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Force Rage
    Level 2: Force Lightning
    Level 3: Force Maelstrom
    Level 3: Telekinesis
    Other: Due to a Force connection of some type he sometimes has the same dreams or visions as his brother.

    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Daris Natar
    Gender: Male
    Age: 28
    Side: Jedi
    (on the right)
    Bio: As far as Daris can remember he was an orphan that was adopted by a rich family. Daris has always been in the lap of luxury, sent to the best schools with the biggest house and the best friends. Daris got everything he ever needed in life and definitely what he wanted. He only had one problem...every now and then he would have these dreams...dreams of somewhere dark and strange...somewhere not on Earth. He would dream of one person in particular but something was definitely weird, the person looked exactly like him. He was just getting ready to succeed his father as the head of a leading scientific study corporation when the "rock" hit and changed his life. All of his family had died during this time and he was alone on the Saber. However, having no family has allowed him to focus more on his training with the force...although the dreams occur more than ever now.
    Personality: Mostly silent, Daris likes to let his actions speak for him in both combat and just human interaction. He maintains an almost carefree attitude but always focuses when it comes to training or fighting.
    Lightsaber Color: Blue
    Specialty: Form 3- Soresu
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Telekinesis
    Level 2: Pyrokinesis
    Level 2: Force Push
    Other: N/A
  6. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Username: KH2man13
    Name: Rayma
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Side: Jedi
    Bio: Growing up, Rayma was an outcast among other people. He rarely spoke unless he was spoken to. He knew that somehow, somewhere, there was something much greater for him. When the three Jedi Masters arrived, seeking recruits, he knew that he had found what he was looking for. He immediately signed up without question.
    Personality: He is often very quiet, and prefers to be alone. However, he is not without his more humorous side. He is also very humble. He will do anything to protect his fellow Jedi.
    Lightsaber Color: Purple
    Specialty: Form III ~~ Soresu
    Force Powers:
    Level 2: Force Healing
    Level 2: Force Valor
    Level 2:
    Other: N/A
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    To both of you, the previous worlds you know from Star Wars don't exist. This is also part of the reason why I didn't call my two Sith characters "Darth" anything. Tatooine doesn't exist and all the Jedi apprentices must be from Earth. Also...midichlorians don't exist either. The Force is how it should be, a mystic power, something unseen.
  8. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    OK, I changed mine.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alright then. You're in. The RP might start tomorrow depending on how things go.

    One of the only things I'll allow in from the Star Wars universe are the species mentioned but of course, anyone wanting one has to PM me first. << Anyways, before I even start the RP up, I'll put in some extra little things before making my first post. It won't be related to the rules or OC format though. ^^
  10. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Hanna Moon
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Side: Jedi
    Appearance: Hanna is very small and is easily mistaken for being much younger than she is. She has naturally long, straight, dark blonde hair which is rarely tied back. She rarely wears make up, seeing it as pointless and is seldom seen in a dress or skirt. Her deep blue eyes contradict her chidish looks and hint at a more mature girl who has wisdom beyond her years.
    Bio: Hanna came from a fairly normal life, she's been fairly shelted when she was young but she did not fit in at school, she never felt like she belonged there. She liked her life but yearned for something more. Everything changed when the jedi masters came, she listened eagerly to there words and found she might have found somewhere where she could belong. She saw it as a fresh start in life and a new challenge, she signed up quickly.
    Personality: Hanna is very determined and hard working, she will put in the work to achieve her goals. However at times she can be very innocent and on certain subjects very naive. She is very careing and hates to see people get hurt, she longs to belong and once she has made friends, she will defend them strongly. She listens well and can blend into the backround, through this she often knows more than she lets on or is supposed to.
    Lightsaber Color: Yellow
    Specialty: Form III ~~ Soresu
    Force Powers
    Level 1: Phase
    Level 2: Force Healing
    Level 3: Telekinesis
    Other: n/a
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in. 8D We might start in a few hours or so. I was rather hoping for another to take a Jedi Master or Sith Lord though.
  12. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Hey I edited, if it's okay then fantastic and if it's not...then I will do everything in my power to make it to your liking sir!
  13. K u r o g a n e Traverse Town Homebody

    May 14, 2009
    Malfoy Manor
    Username: K u r o g a n e
    Name: Iris Berwald
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Side: Sith
    Appearance: She wears a long black cloak with a hood that usually hides her dark green eyes and medium length golden brown hair. Normally the tall woman bears a scowl on her face.
    Bio:The young woman lived a normal childhood until the sudden war broke out and ended up taking the lives of those closest to her. Not being able to cope with all the pain and regret for being 'useless' she strayed into the Dark Side as she started to learn the ways of the Force. Eventually she was taken in by a Sith Lord and began to further her training. Now she stands as a full fledged Sith never letting go or forgetting about her past.
    Personality: Iris normally keeps to herself while speaking little although takes pride and ambition a bit too far.
    Lightsaber Color: Red
    Specialty: Form VII [ Vaapad ]
    Force Powers
    Level 3: Force Rage
    Level 2: Force Lightning
    Level 2: Force Movement
    Other: N/A
  14. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    When is this rp going to start?
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in but Force Rage is a Level 2 power so I'll just edit that when I put you in the list.

    Right now actually! I took a long time starting because I had no idea how to start it until now.

    I hope we get more people to join. D:
  16. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Oooooooh, a Star Wars RP!~

    Username: . : tale_wind
    Name: Marcos Au
    Gender: M
    Age: 31
    Side: Jedi
    Appearance: A tad on the short side (standing at about 5'6") with an average weight. He has grey eyes and short-cropped light brown hair. His facial hair is nonexistant.
    Bio: Lived on Telos IV as a child, habitually stealing supplies from the AgriCorps without being caught for quite a while. When he was caught, it was discovered that he had been aided in his less-than-righteous endeavors by the Force. He was sent to the Temple on Coruscant for training, usually participating in more diplomatic missions than bust-in-and bust-out rescue ops sorts of missions. He gained his love for philosophy partly from his Master and partly from curiosity.
    Personality: Modest-natured and calm, but tends to wax a wee bit philosophical at times, to the annoyance of...*counts on fingers*...most everyone. Also irritating: his sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness. However, he is blissfully unaware of people's irritation with him. He sometimes seems hesitant or slow, but he's really being thoughtful and analytical. He doesn't like to be a catalyst, preferring to blend in more. Despite his shortcomings, he has garnered quite a decent amount of respect for his philosophies (when he's not going off on too many tangents).
    Lightsaber Color: Green (i can haz twin guard shoto? Maybe? .o.)
    Specialties: Jar'Kai, Soresu
    Force Powers
    Level 2: Art of Movement
    Level 2: Force Defend
    Level 3: Telekinesis
    Level 3: Force Absorb
    Other: Dislikes flying--he's not very good at it and he has a chronic fear of falling.

    Please let me know if I need to change anything with the profile; if there is I'll get to it ASAP. :3
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Sweet. You're in. 8D We needed another Jedi Master. I'll have to slightly modify how things will play out in the RP since it would be silly to leave your character alone on The Saber while everyone else is in combat.

    Yes, you can have twin shoto but those things are really short. D: They're actually a bit shorter than Yoda's lightsaber from what I recall.
  18. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Yay! I'm in!~♪
    Yeah, I know about the size issue with the shoto, but I'm okay with it. :P
    Is there any particular way/place you want me to start in the RP?
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alright then. ^^

    There really isn't anything particular you need to do other than have your character find a way to run into the current group on The Saber and probably nudge his way into the mission. I'll have to split the groups a little different though since now there will be six Jedi going. With only three Sith for them to face I suppose I might as well bring the main bad guy into this as well. XD
  20. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep

    Nobody's posted in here OR the RP in a while... D:
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