Last Activity:
Jun 18, 2011
Nov 30, 2010
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Dec 18, 1991 (Age: 33)


Merlin's Housekeeper, 33

Black_Star was last seen:
Jun 18, 2011
    1. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I can't post the RP myself because I'm at the limit (though I may end up locking one of my old ones)
      but it's going to be pretty much the same story as DCUO except with minimum Justice League appearances.

      I was looking through Smallville stuff for inspiration and remembered Adam Knight and how I thought that was going to be Smallville's Batman but the name just sounds awesome.
    2. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I made a new hero on The Killing Joke.
      I used my other hero (Commander Blood) and villain (Acolyte) as practice. Test dummies, if you will.
      But I have a hero I plan on using as a main for now. it's on The Killing Joke. It's brand new so it's only level 4 or 5. His name is Adam Knight (I did steal the name from Smallville >>) He's mentored by Batman.

      Anyyywwaayyy, I was thinking. Young Justice was my inspiration for Justice For All RP...what about a DC Universe Online-inspired RP? How does that sound to you?
    3. Destiny's hand
    4. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      I wasnt trying to kill it! :gasp:

    5. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Im sooo mean. I wanna make Bulba defend itself from swift by using Growlithe....Lolz, i didnt put dat though
    6. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      Profile surfing WOOOO HOOOOO lol hi!
    7. Korra
      Ah, alright, haha.
      You should be past the monitoring for posting links now anyway, but still, if it does happen, let me know. xD
    8. Arch
      I'm really sorry about not seeing your post in my RP. I didn't know you had made an OC. I never saw it for some reason or another. You're in. I'll edit your character in the OC list.
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      PM them to me.
    10. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Hmm let me see her character form when you finish it.

      It's fine if you do.

      Well, I can make Hawkman talk to Superman for a bit or Superman can meet up with Green Lantern. After Young Justice is freed, the League's going to have together for something anyway.
      Lex Luthor can talk to Deathstroke.

      Ivory Arrow...we might make her meet with Elena (Garxena's character).
      Your villain, there's a few way we can work them in.
    11. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Oh alright.

      Mentored by him in the past or during the RP? Either way works, I just want to get the details right xD

      Let me see them before you start with them and we'll find a way to work them in.

      Oh, for Lex, I was going to have Deathstroke call him to talk about a plan if you didn't have another way to introduce him
    12. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Hero and villain OCs?
    13. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Ahhh, okay. I hope to catch another before Saffron. Anyway, gotta to go to bed. Nite!
    14. Black_Star
      aha i see. Well i've got Growlithe and my egg is going to hatch before the battle is over.....but into what? Also i've got one other pokemon that isnt going to be showing up in this battle or for awhile not until Vermillion City.
    15. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Hummmm.........Okay. I've got another pokemon that Im hiding, so you better watch out!

      Ps. Its a fire type, which round me out wit Bulbasaur, Golduck N my hidden one.
    16. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Well, okay then.

      Angel: Im gonna give it all I got!

      The Angel inside of me just burst out.....
    17. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      okay, if you wanna take on me and Twilight blader.
    18. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      We're i pewter still. Sowwy, he just keeps sending out pokemon!
    19. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I might actually let you take Lex, but I'll have to talk to you beforehand to let you know my plan for him.
      Also, don't worry about Superman's bio, or anyone else's that's a comic character. I have a system I'm trying to implement for them, I just haven't had time to put it in yet xD but yeah, Superman's yours.

      I need to post in that one, too. I'm sorry I haven't been around as much as I should be xD
    20. Korra
      Okay, so you should be good to go now, the problem was because of a new anti-bot thing we installed. It basically automoderated posts if a relatively new member posted a lot of links, the settings have been adjusted but let me or another staff member if the problem persists.
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    Dec 18, 1991 (Age: 33)