Last Activity:
Jul 19, 2016
May 22, 2011
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Local Time:
11:24 AM
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Moogle Assistant

Brooklyn was last seen:
Jul 19, 2016
    1. Itachilives
      duel on the dnl?
    2. starseeker3
    3. Terra254

      Are you mad at me?
      I miss the DN times.
      Recycling with you,
      Reusing with you which you said was the same, and It was,
    4. Beucefilous
      Can you help me make a normal monster deck?
    5. Terra254
      Sorry I had to go,I'll rematch you later
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hey did you get my friend request?
    8. Terra254
    9. Beucefilous
      Ah. That sucks. I was gonna use it to SS Terranort.
    10. Beucefilous
      what's that card that lets you banish the fusion materials from your grave to SS the fusion monster? Or does that only work with E-Heroes? i forget the details.
    11. SirFred131
      I was actually waiting for the obligatory counter-post; sadly I was asleep before Terra posted it.
    12. SirFred131
      If wanting to talk is being selfish, there are many people much more selfish than you :P
      If you ever want to talk about something when I'm not on DN, just send me a VM or a PM here, I'll answer it when I get on.
    13. Rafael Yuki
      Rafael Yuki
      Let's Duel in Dn Brooklyn =D
    14. Terra254
      I know why yout EXP is 0 on DN.
      You always play Un Rated as where My and Accalia always play Rated,Un Rated Turns EXP difference off.
    15. Droid
      Um..yeah, no. Not everyone is an ass, there are a fair amount of them, but for instance around here most people are friendly.
      Just get to know some others around here, try and get out of your shell and you'll see.
    16. starseeker3
      well although everyone "liked me" they all thought i was off one day i shot a bistool at a kid in the old cafeteria and that got me no where
    17. starseeker3
      cool i found him strange as a i understand he was just misunderstood but a great character over all i like the choice of pic for him you chose
    18. starseeker3
      do you like bakten shoot beyblade (or the original beyblade?) i know your pic is of Brooklyn but i dont always find people who are actually into it that use pics like that!
    19. Droid
      Everything the light touches is our kingdom, the dark shadowy place is the duel arena, where you've been residing all this time.
      Now a new world is opened to you, you should try exploring the site some, lots of cool people around.
    20. Droid
      EGASP, know how to post on my wall? I was actually under the impression you just lived in the Duel Arena...
      As tantalizing an offer that is I can't really do it at the moment, sorry.
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