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Feb 5, 2010
Dec 4, 2008
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Why?, from On the Discussion Forum

childofturin was last seen:
Feb 5, 2010
    1. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Thanks for all your help!
      I appreciate it
    2. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Well I've recently got my excess financial aid funds which totals to $1,844.25.
      However, I still need a couple books and need to add money to my school account. Not to mention I need some money to hold me until I can get another job.
      So my budget is around 1000. So I'm hoping to get something a little better than decent.
    3. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Well my desktop sucks. I mean, you have no idea how crappy it is.

      I figure with a laptop, it'll be easier to do school work, take notes, do homework when I'm not home, etc.
      Plus it's required for my second semester for my Accounting Major.
      I found a good bundle for $200 less than the Mac, but of course, reviews are mixed.
      That's what I'm worried about. Buying a computer is a gamble. No matter what product you go with, you might end up with one that makes things more difficult, no matter how up-to-date.
    4. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      That is a good point.
      In fact, one of the main reasons I wanted a new computer/laptop was to play the one game that has appealed to me.
      Of course, Mac can't play it.

      Can you recommend a certain laptop? Something good for school, lasts long, etc?
    5. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I saw your post on the Mac v. Windows thread, and, if you don't mind me asking, what's your opinion on Macs in general?
    6. AxelRedHot
      Oh Hello, I've been posting plenty on things! :) I try to become good friends with everyone I meet. But, you really know how to hurt someones feelings! :(
      P.S. I'm not trying to work that way, whatever that means?
      *I've gotta go watch Star Trek.*
    7. AxelRedHot
      Hello, it's good to meet you. :=D: How are you?
    8. What?
      Sorry about the extremely late response, but congratulations on reaching Premium.
    9. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      thats cool, ive been trying to survive the week etc. lol
    10. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      been good, how about you?
    11. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      hey man, long time no see, finally made premium i see :D
    12. Stardust
      All right x__x. Thanks for letting me know~ I hope you can recover some of your lost stuff...
    13. Chevalier
      Well...I'll also try to lose weight, hopefully after the 6 weeks of recovery from the operation in summer. So good luck with all that.
    14. Chevalier
      I see. Well keep it up. Don't lose such a resolve.
    15. Chevalier
      Wow, you sure are brave. I could never post my pic like that here. But, I guess not everyone is completely insecure of how they look, even when it's not how the want it to be.
    16. jafar
      So that profile picture is of you? You need to smile more.
    17. Rainbow~Monkey
      i still dont get it, sorry
    18. Rainbow~Monkey
      what does relevant mean?
    19. vampirelover
      well, again, thank you.^^
    20. vampirelover
      Hi, I just wanted to thank you for your advice on my thread, and since you seem really nice, I wanted to say hello.^^
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