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Aug 22, 2018
May 8, 2011
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Dec 25, 1997 (Age: 26)
Traveling in the Realm Between


, Male, 26, from Traveling in the Realm Between

January 29, 2019 Jun 11, 2018

DualBladeRoxas was last seen:
Aug 22, 2018
    1. DualBladeRoxas
      January 29, 2019
      1. Roxam likes this.
    2. DualBladeRoxas
      1. cstar
        Dec 28, 2016
        DualBladeRoxas likes this.
      2. DualBladeRoxas
        Why hello! ^_^
        Dec 28, 2016
    3. DualBladeRoxas
      Summer at last
    4. DualBladeRoxas
      In March and it's still averaging under 30 degrees...
    5. DualBladeRoxas
      Anyone else sick of winter yet?
    6. DualBladeRoxas
      Winter is co... Oh wait...
    7. Llave
      Happy birthday to you, fellow Christmas baby :'D
      1. DualBladeRoxas likes this.
      2. DualBladeRoxas
        Thanks! And happy (late) birthday to you!
        Dec 26, 2013
    8. DualBladeRoxas
      Merry Christmas! And happy birthday to me!
    9. DualBladeRoxas
      What are you talking about? I am me! Nobody else!
    10. DualBladeRoxas
      KH III confirmed for ps4 and xbox one. Millions of people will buy one just for the game... and I will be one of them.
    11. DualBladeRoxas
      Kingdom Hearts trivia Sunday! Excited and nervous at the same time!
    12. DualBladeRoxas
      Summer at last..
    13. DualBladeRoxas
      also, did u change ur username? i thought it was like cats<3sora or something like that...and is that a pic of u or just a random person (i would imagine its u but just wondering)
    14. DualBladeRoxas
      roxas didnt fade in digital twilight town he just returned to sora but at memory skyscraper he fought him then he faded back into him and for the quiz, wow... those were hard questions and u still passed... my rule is that if u get an 80% or higher on the quiz, u knw it extremely well and earn my respect for it so nice job!!! :D
    15. DualBladeRoxas
      but roxas didnt fade in twilight town remember? 2 things: namine said he wouldnt dissapear, and remember memory skyscraper?
    16. ShibuyaGato
      I thought Roxas faded at the end of his week in the Data Twilight Town, which would've made him fade before Demyx, Xaldin, and Axel.

      For ten, oathkeeper is like Sora's promise to Kairi, I mean LOOK AT IT'S KEYCHAIN!!!

      Well, an 80 still lets me pass. And I looked it up and DiZ stands for Darkness in Zero...
    17. ShibuyaGato
      1. How many different TYPES of keyblades are there? (types arent forms. forms are oathkeeper, oblivion, kingdom key, jungle king, ect.)~3.
      2. Name them.~Keys of light, darkness, and heart.
      3. How does Roxas get Xion's keyblade?~She is defeated by him in battle and she fades into him in an attempt to give Sora his memories back. He absorbs her, so he gets to use her Keyblade.
      4. Who was the original keyblade's chosen weilder in kh1?~Riku.
      5. What does the Organization XIII emblem suppose to represent?~This is tough... hmm... the 13 members of the Organization on each point?
      6. What is Sora's favorite color?~Again, tough... Blue?
      7. Roxas was the __ member to fade~Sixth (Seventh if you count Xion)
      8. Did all the Organization members see Xion as Xion at first?~No, some saw her as Sora, and Xigbar might've seen her as Ventus at first, but we dont know that.
      9. What does "Diz" stand for?~No idea. I'll look it up later.
      10. What do Oathkeeper and Oblivion represent (hint: not light and dark)~Sora's relationship to Riku and Kairi. Riku is darkness, and Kairi is light.
      11. Where was master Xahanort's childhood home?~Destiny Islands
      12. Who is master Eraques's brother?~Master Xehanort?
      13. How many letters does the king send in all?~Including the ones he left for Minnie, Donald, and Goofy... 2
      14. How many times did Ansem the Wise fade into darkness?~2
      15. How old is Sora, Kairi, and Riku in kh1?~Sora and Kairi are 14 while Riku is 15.
      16. How old are they in kh2?~Sora and Kairi are 15, Riku is 16.
      17. How many Organization members in Castle Oblivion fade?~All but Axel, so... 5
      19. Name them~Marluxia, Lexaeus, Zexion, Larxene, and Vexen
      20. What makes Xion so different from the rest of the Organization?~She's a replica, not a nobody.
      21. Why does Roxas throw Oblivion to Riku at Memory Skyscraper?~Because the Oblivion represents Riku and something came over him (part of Sora's consciousnesss?) and made him throw it...?
      22. How many different types of Nobodies (not including Organization XIII) are there?~This I don't know...
      23. What did Xemnas do to Xion in the end of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days when he picked her up from Axel?~He reprogrammed her to fight Roxas and focus on their ultimate goal (Kingdom Hearts)?
      24. How many days did Roxas live in Twilight Town?~In the fake TT, Six. In the real one, the one day he appeared there... So in total, seven.
      25. How much EXP (experience) do u get from fighting Seifer in Roxas's story in Kingdom Hearts 2?~How would I pay attention to this...?
      26. How many songs are there in Ice Cream Beat are there in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep?~6?
      27. What limit in Kingdom Hearts is the most powerful?~Final Form? (Also, I assume we're not including the KHII FM+ form)
      28. What is the most powerful shotlock in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep?~...I honestly don't know.
      29. What did Xemnas do to Xion when he took her away from Axel?~basically a repeat of question 23...
      30. How many times do you fight Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 2?~If my math and memory are right, 5.
      __________________________________________________ __
      1. Who is the oldest (in age) in Organization XIII?~Xigbar?
      2. Why does Xion tell Riku to stop Roxas when she told him to go in the first place?~So he would be able to fade back into Sora and so they could be together.
      3. What Nobody does Roxas control?~Samurai
      4. What Nobody does Xion control?~I don't know...
      5. Who is the strongest enemy in the whole kingdom hearts series?~I don't know.

      Hope I did a decent job. X)
    18. ShibuyaGato
      Ok. I'll see what I can do.
    19. DualBladeRoxas
      hey also these arent coming up in my inbox. and no idea what ur talking about (new member remember) also heres the quiz:
      1. How many different TYPES of keyblades are there? (types arent forms. forms are oathkeeper, oblivion, kingdom key, jungle king, ect.)
      2. Name them
      3. How does Roxas get Xion's keyblade?
      4. Who was the original keyblade's chosen weilder in kh1?
      5. What does the Organization XIII emblem suppose to represent?
      6. What is Sora's favorite color?
      7. Roxas was the __ member to fade
      8. Did all the Organization members see Xion as Xion at first?
      9. What does "Diz" stand for?
      10. What do Oathkeeper and Oblivion represent (hint: not light and dark)
      11. Where was master Xahanort's childhood home?
      12. Who is master Eraques's brother?
      13. How many letters does the king send in all?
      14. How many times did Ansem the Wise fade into darkness?
      15. How old is Sora, Kairi, and Riku in kh1?
      16. How old are they in kh2?
      17. How many Organization members in Castle Oblivion fade?
      19. Name them
      20. What makes Xion so different from the rest of the Organization?
      21. Why does Roxas throw Oblivion to Riku at Memory Skyscraper?
      22. How many different types of Nobodies (not including Organization XIII) are there?
      23. What did Xemnas do to Xion in the end of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days when he picked her up from Axel?
      24. How many days did Roxas live in Twilight Town?
      25. How much EXP (experience) do u get from fighting Seifer in Roxas's story in Kingdom Hearts 2?
      26. How many songs are there in Ice Cream Beat are there in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep?
      27. What limit in Kingdom Hearts is the most powerful?
      28. What is the most powerful shotlock in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep?
      29. What did Xemnas do to Xion when he took her away from Axel?
      30. How many times do you fight Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 2?
      1. Who is the oldest (in age) in Organization XIII?
      2. Why does Xion tell Riku to stop Roxas when she told him to go in the first place?
      3. What Nobody does Roxas control?
      4. What Nobody does Xion control?
      5. Who is the strongest enemy in the whole kingdom hearts series?
    20. ShibuyaGato
      Ok, but I think i'm gonna do a decent job, at the very least...

      Also you might wanna post replies to VM's on the other person's profile, or go into "View Conversation" and type it into that box.
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  • About

    Dec 25, 1997 (Age: 26)
    Traveling in the Realm Between
    Can tell you pretty much anything about Kingdom Hearts.


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