Sep 25, 2006
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. fadedphantom
      Yeah, I use some if I'm going somewhere special, but my roommate uses soo much that I can't breathe, and it smells like old lady perfume :/

      Lol wow. I was really sucked in for one summer like four years ago or something... I got addicted to RPing D: So I made myself quit cause that was like all I did. So now I don't RP cause I want to at least have SOME kind of life, hahah ^_^'
    2. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      Hm. I have an idea for something. Where'd the 'go humans go' thing come from?
    3. fadedphantom
      Yeah, it can, but unfortunately it can also come back, and being stuck in a tiny dorm room with a person who puts on waaaaay too much perfume (I'm slightly allergic to perfume) and leaves the window open day and night (letting all the pollen and other crap in) seems to have caused it to come back a bit D: Oh noes!!

      Hahaha well I tried to balance my life with sports and video games/internet... but now that I'm in college and have quit diving, the internet has kind of taken over my life XD
    4. fadedphantom
      Lol I would try, and I would fail rather miserably. You're tactic probably would have been better XD

      I basically did not like gym... I didn't really like sports until high school, cause until then I had asthma D:
    5. fadedphantom
      Haha yes, whenever anyone uttered "the mile" all students would tremble in fear...

      LOL omg, that's so creepy... ewwwww I really hope it didn't vibrate either D:
    6. fadedphantom
      Lol she'd tuck it into her pants?? What the heck??

      Hahaha oh dear. My gym teacher was some old guy who just had his TA tell us to do stuff. Which I guess was nice cause we didn't really do anything... except run the mile D:
    7. fadedphantom
      Lol, yes, it's not a pretty picture is it? Stupid mean gym teacher D:
    8. fadedphantom
      D: Gah!! I had asthma and I still had to run the whole mile!! Luckyyy!!
    9. fadedphantom
      Haha ooh that's lucky. Man, I wish I'd gotten special treatment in gym... D:
    10. fadedphantom
      Ohhhh lol, then we're not twins after all hahah XD

      Nope, August 29th, woo hoo! I love having a summer birthday; school doesn't get in the way XD
    11. fadedphantom
      Lol I got her off of Juno too ^_^

      Same music taste AND same birthday? Whoa, we're like, twins... O_O
    12. fadedphantom
      Ah! Yay! Somebody else who likes Kimya Dawson!! Most people have never heard of her...
    13. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
    14. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      ginta is back with a fifth account >.<
    15. Mike
      I'm not sure.
    16. Mike
      Pretty good, I guess...xD
    17. Mike
      Hey, how are you?
    18. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      o: Okay then, just pictures. :3
    19. Mathias Jay
    20. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      Better yet, I'll make an effing video! xDD
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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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