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Oct 14, 2021
May 6, 2011
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July 19


Merlin's Housekeeper, Male

SirFred131 was last seen:
Oct 14, 2021
    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      ...Are you still butthurt about this? Once again, I had no intention of destroying your Deck. And I apologize for that. But I've fixed it now.

      But you know I really think that you're being way too butthurt about this....

      You can't always get what you want. That's life. We all have to make sacrifices sometimes. And I can't believe you honestly think that my Deck needs to be hit...

      My Deck isn't broken enough to need restricting. Fables are almost 1000x more broken than E-Heroes Arena-wise. Comparing Stratos to Catsith is like comparing Mystical Space Typhoon to Harpie's Feather Duster...It's just ridiculous...

      And I seriously have no idea why you can't see that Quasar needs to be Limited...

      Don't you think that it's a bit tyrannous to want to keep an overpowered Deck unrestricted just because you can play better with it that way? Why do you think things like Lumina, Charge of The Light Brigade, Blackwhirlwind, and Gateway of The Six are all hit in the real game? Because the Decks that they support are too powerful with them at 3.

      I don't mean to be rude, I'm just telling you like it is. All I'm saying is you're a great Duelist. And I've seen evidence of that. And I know for a fact that you don't need all that extra unfair advantage over the other players in order to win. That's all I mean.
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      That's not even what I was trying to do. I apologize. I'll inform Yusei to make the changes you requested.

      I also feel that I should point out that you're comparing an apple to an orange. Fables are alot more powerful than E-Heroes Arena-wise. Your Deck is much more powerful than mine.

      Fables are a very powerful Deck Arena-wise. And something had to be done about them. I do hope you understand.
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'm guessing you must be sore at me for hitting your Deck so hard...

      But you have to understand something, Catsith was hit because you can easily discard it from your hand and instantly kill 3 of your opponent's cards. See what I mean now?

      And Fables are clearly the most broken Deck in the Arena tied with Dark World. They're 99% the same. But if you tell me what you think should be removed I'll ask Yusei to do it.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh My, I'm sorry, I must've accidentally overlooked your last question.

      Anyway, The answer to your first question is No. Contact Fusions look specifically for the names of the Materials. Fusion Substitutes like King of the Swamp can substitute for fusion materials most of the time but not when the Fusion Monster specifically says it can only use the listed cards.

      For example, Elemental Hero Prisma is different because he DOES change his name, so he CAN be used for Contact Fusions. But regular Fusion Substitutes cannot.

      And the answer to your last question is Yes.
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I think that these changes should be made:

      Fabled Ragin
      Fabled Dianaira
      Fabled Leviathan
      Fabled Miztoji
      The Fabled Nozoochee
      The Fabled Catsith
      The Fabled Chawa
      The Fabled Cerburrel
      The Fabled Unicore

      Fabled Grimro
      Fabled Dyf
      Fabled Oltro
      Fabled Valkyrus

      What's your opinion on this?
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hey Fred, I just came here to say we both know that the 2 most powerful Decks in the Arena are Dark World and Fables.

      Now that we've taken care of Dark World, What Fables in your opinion should be restricted? Just checking.
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Great Duel man.

      I hope that I was at the very least a challenge to you.
    8. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Very well. I shall respect that.
    9. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Oh, oops...No wonder you think Serina and Superintendent are too powerful. I messed up when i was making them. For one, that's not Serina's intended effect.

      Meh, i'll fix it anyway.
    10. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Thanks Fred. You're being a real pal with this. Most people would just give me a brief 'their ok, but' and move on with their lives. If you ever find anything i can help you with in return, send me a call.

      Anyway, I'll adapt all cards as you said and don't worry about the limited ones, i didn't make any of them with spamming in mind, even the monster cards. Throwing them around like a bunch of rotten tomatoes would just make them cheap. Not to mention predictable and easily spent, we can only have three cards of the same type in a deck after all. If i make my deck what i want it to be, i won't use a card more than one time per duel...low grade monsters excluded.

      Btw, for my too AIs. I'll change them as soon as i can but if i nerf them, won't their fragility in combat end up making them bigger liabilities than aids?

      Oh, and since i found reason to say this. I don't know if its some innate sense of annoyance towards duel monsters these days, but i feel kinda obliged to say the following. Feel free to skip it, its mostly useless ranting (sorry, I've had this in my chest for a while): Don't worry about me combining my custom cards with the regulars, i barely know a fraction of the ones circulating these days. For example, i don't even KNOW what Ultimate Offering is. Do you have any idea how long its been since i last saw a Yu-gi-oh series or played the game? From my point of view, the modern cards are just overpowered random **** the designers pulled out of their asses to keep the series interesting. Seriously! Brook had a card that made Egyptian gods look gentle! And the things i heard in various discussions...The only thing they could do to make even more overpowered cards is by making them instant kill nukes, either that or Guren Lagann's ******* sons.

      And that's that. If you have any other useful advice, i would be overjoyed to hear it.
    11. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Here we are. The upgrades to my deck. This is the result. Please give me your thoughts.
















      Corrections on current cards:







      Removed cards:




    12. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Yeah, i only use custom cards. I spend quite alot of effort designing these so i don't want to use regular cards while using this deck. Its the same reason as to why i created a card of similar effects to something like 'Raigeki', simply because i won't use the actual card. I think that if i adjust my deck with every short-coming i notice in it, i can match and surpass proper, pre-designed Yu-gi-oh decks. Plus its fun.

      Also, *sigh*, i know my deck is currently unbalanced. I noticed it when i was playing Brook...after i got myself out of the lock-down that is. As for the reason i lack nagation effects, its partly because i placed alot of hope in my Disruption Bomb and Virtual warfare cards, which were disproved for the time being (Currently fixing them BTW).

      Finally, If you can offer you help in balancing my deck, i would be grateful.

      On another note: I'm almost done a few new cards and some changes in my deck. Including but not limited to, a lockdown-breaker card. Seeing as you judged my previous ones in Jaden's place, i'll VM the changes to you before i present them to him. Just give me a sec and i'll post them.
    13. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Odd that you say that. I just played with Brook and although he knew my cards and i didn't know his AND he resorted to cheap lock-down tactics which i was not ready for at the time, i manged to turn things around (mostly with a lucky coin flip, i'll admit). Plus there's also skill to consider, during my duel i noticed how easy one can make a mistake in this, i could have called Brook on a couple and i myself made quite a few. Not to mention is just better knowing what your opponent's cards are before you duel but not knowing when you'll find them infrond of you and how, in contrast with your opponent spamming god-like cards. Its the lesser of two evils, maybe even a slightly more unpleasant one, but at least this way the higher ups can regulate other people's decks and make sure no one is about to unleash the power of the Gods on some unsuspecting victim.

      We talked about this before. This games works differently as such its rules and allowed cards should also be slightly different, if only to make the game more fun.
    14. Rhiscx
      Oh **** I think he went off.
    15. Rhiscx
      Did I do something wrong?
    16. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Okay...i guess that gives a new level of complexity in the game, with each player having the exact card they needed to counter the enemy's strategy and all.
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Thanks for your help again.

      I hope the new guy can learn from you.[IMG]
    18. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      OOC threat means Out Of Character threat. Its something we use to run RPs in the Snafu forums. Its basically the place where the premise of an RP is posted, players sign up and all members can chat about the going ons of the game. The actual game is played in the IC or In Character threat.

      Anyway, i have my deck in production. Halo themed. I already pmed the guy but i guess he didn't see it yet.
    19. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Ah, about that. Is there a place like an OOC threat for example, where we can sign up? Also, there's no problem if we use a custom deck right? Always wanted to do that.
    20. Deathmaster Forse
      Deathmaster Forse
      Awesome! Thanks man, i owe you one. I have to say though, your forum is weird. Completely different from the places i tend to hang out in.
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    July 19


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