Last Activity:
Jul 15, 2010
Feb 24, 2009
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Moogle Assistant, from Iceland

snorri was last seen:
Jul 15, 2010
    1. ShibuyaGato
      yep overprotective and annoying. on the otherhand im really REALLY REALLY spoiled so that evens things out just a little bit. and thanks for making my hatrid and impending fear of pain even greater. *laughs*
    2. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      *finds you* *trew chocolate milk on your hair and put feta chesses in their too XD*
    3. Ultima Queen of Hearts
    4. NarutoSuperKubii
    5. ShibuyaGato
      no unfortunately i cant. my parents are the onhly ones who can and they like it better that i cant go on youtube or aol. but im just glad that kh-vids isnt blocked. otherwise id be totally screwed and die. and cool i cant ski but only cuz i live in florida. i probably couldnt anyway cuz of that and the fact that im not good at sliding down a giant hill at high speeds without falling on my face and breaking a good number of my bones. plus ive never broken a bone before and i DOOOON'T wanna find out how it feels now.
    6. xXRhian+RoxasXx
    7. Ultima Queen of Hearts
    8. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      Yep and yea sure its (basically Windows Live) Oh I see and lol okay and I have been doing funer things than just talking ^^
    9. ShibuyaGato
      well yeah bit i can only do those in the summer. my local pool isnt open any other time of year. plus school gets in the way.
      P.S. its swimming and sometimes playing basketball. and video games. always video games. ^_^ oh and guess what? i got safety finally on my comp. but the thing that sucks is that youtube is blocked. and so is msn and aol. even if you put up just the vid from youtube i cant watch it so that's gone. and i was looking forward to going on youtube whenever i wanted. T.T
    10. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      :3 want french fries *trows them at u some got stuck in your hair*
    11. KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952
      yep and I am just replying comments and talking on msn u?
    12. ^_^Xion^_^
      lol :D :rofl:
      Not just b/c it's HOT, if you know what I mean... (;
      JK! :lolface:
      Yes, I was wandering outside and then I woke up walking... xDD!
      Checkers are radd^_^
    13. sorakairilovers
      Dude, he is one of the most amazing 3-d graphics animators on youtube right now. In the video, this guy animated Yuna, Rikku, Paine and other Final Fantasy girls versus the girls from Dead or Alive. It is soo awesome. if you like either game series, i suggest you watch it!! Like i said, It's soooooo epic!! XD
    14. ShibuyaGato
      no i don't actually... but i can try (and probably fail) ^_^ and you did guess right. it sucks that i probably cant do it that well though. and im working on a new project with an old Maroon 5 song. there's an old CD that we have and i got it from there. its coming along very nicely.
    15. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      That's okay XD im used to it (sometimes).
    16. ShibuyaGato
      yes you got the song right and yes pwilliard made a vid to it and it inspired me to make a vid to it too. it was too awesome and it stinks that he may not be able to finish it.
    17. ShibuyaGato
      yes you got the song right and yes pwilliard made a vid to it and it inspired me to make a vid to it too. it was too awesome and it stinks that he may not be able to finish it.
    18. ShibuyaGato
      yes you got the song right and yes pwilliard made a vid to it and it inspired me to make a vid to it too. it was too awesome and it stinks that he may not be able to finish it.
    19. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
    20. ShibuyaGato
      yeah its really hard but it doesnt give you a big hint to what its name is? ill give you a hint (TTFAF) three words of the title are Through _ _ _ Fire _ _ _ Flames
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