Top-Tier Roxas.
Last Activity:
Jan 8, 2012
Oct 6, 2010
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Mar 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:
Customer Service, Taco Bell.

Top-Tier Roxas.

Destiny Islands Resident, 32, from CA, US.

Top-Tier Roxas. was last seen:
Jan 8, 2012
    1. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      so does everyones..... unless you don't have a life lol
    2. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      I'm doing fine lol, you've seem to have come a long way since you first started on here
    3. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      hello again you I haven't heard from you in ages how have you been?
    4. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      For the OC form I sent you, the name should be Cielo di Nuvola. I accidentally cut out the last part when I put the pronunciation xD and you can take out the pronunciation part. I said it aloud and didn't like it lol
    5. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Yeah, seriously. I didn't make the connection between his name and the group until you posted lol
      I have to print some stuff out in the library and then I'll be able to work on my Crushed Butterflies character and post in Quest for Reason.

      If I make an apprentice, what should I do with him? lol
      I was thinking making Yen Sid his master since I probably couldn't use Xehanort. I'd have to talk with whoever controls him first.
      If not Xehanort, I guess something like he kept failing Yen Sid's mark of mastery exam for certain reasons so Yen Sid sent him to study with other apprentices and watch their exam to learn.
      BUT HE ARRIVES LATE or something, I don't know lol
    6. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I was actually about to do that right now lol
    7. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Alright. That works out because I was hoping to leave him as an apprentice for now xD
      I just don't now whose apprentice.
      I guess that'll work, too. I'll have character forms and rp samples to you by tonight
    8. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Hey, I was interested in taking Braig for Crushed Butterflies (I've been watching his scenes over and over xD) but I don't think there's any part for him in your RP yet. I don't suppose you can reserve him for me? Unless you can think of something for him to do? Since MX is watching the battle and the other apprentices and Ansem the Wise is taken, I really can't think of anything for him to do xD

      Also, would it be too late to make a Keyblade wielder?
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Oh I was waiting for you to answer my question in the discussion thread
    10. leon47
      Its been a week why have you not responded to PM not trying to be rude just asking?
    11. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Yo, sorry for not posting all weekend, but I found myself stranded somewhere since Thursday without a solid internet connection. I'll post later today after class.
    12. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova
      Hey, just letting you know I changed my mind. My decision to leave was made in a hurry and, more importantly, in a poor state of mind. I'm calling it off. So I'm back on MX duty.
    13. Fearless
      No, I'm a Senior, although that course does count towards college.
    14. Fearless
      It's called Visual Communications.
    15. Fearless
      Boring as f*ck. I am so behind on my video project >_<
    16. Fearless
      I mean that the majority of the show is just them standing around going AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!OVER9000!!1!
    17. Fearless
      So, it's basically Dragon-Ball Z syndrome?

      Okay, cool with me.
    18. Fearless
      Nothin' much. Just got home from school, and I think I should probably read up on what's going on for RP. >_<

      Unless you wanna summarize it for me? *puppy eyes*
    19. Fearless
      Okay, I guess I'll just have him wander about until then.
    20. Fearless
      Username: Fearless
      Name: Ienzo
      Roleplay Sample: A child stepped carefully down the steps of a Radient Garden street. The rain from yesterday had made the stone slick, and Ienzo held tightly to the railing. As he approached the bottom, his grip continued to slacken until his fingers were merely ghosting over the metal. He stepped down the last step and his boots sloshed into a large puddle, the water flowing over the tops and into his socks, soaking the bottom of his pants.

      'I wish I had seen that puddle beforehand,' he thought to himself. 'What will Master Ansem think when I show up soaked through?'

      Ienzo continued across the town, passing people doing their shopping and children playing in the street, his feet sloshing in his boots every step of the way. He felt a slight twinge of remorse that he couldn't join those children, but he had more important matters to worry about; namely, getting back to the castle before he was missed. As he approached the castle gates, he could feel the heavy stares of Dilan and Aeleus on him. Why oh why did he leave in the first place?

      The two guards said nothing, only gazing at him with slight disappointment. Aeleus turned and pressed the button that would open the gate and admit him to the castle. They made no move to say anything to him, knowing that he would receve what what coming from the Master. The gate slowly swung open, and Ienzo continued towards the front doors, hearing every wet step he took loudly in his ear. Time seemed to slow down, and Ienzo felt dread well up inside him.

      Finally, he climbed the stone steps leading up to the large, imposing doors that stood before him. He slowly opened the door to... nothing. It was strange. He had expected something, anything to greet him. But silence was fine with him. It was better than Braig and his lame jokes, at any rate.

      But Ienzo knew his fate was inevitable, and that he should probably find Master Ansem before he did anything else, even change his shoes. He headed toward the stairs leading down to the basement, following the familiar path through the hallways until he reached the door of his Master's study. The boy took a deep breath, and raised his hand to knock on the door.

      (Hope that was alright, I'm only about halfway through BBS ^_^!)
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  • About

    Mar 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    CA, US.
    Customer Service, Taco Bell.
    Kendo, Longboarding, Writing, Video Games.


    "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"