Last Activity:
Apr 21, 2009
Mar 28, 2009
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Local Time:
9:49 PM
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Moogle Assistant

zillagod was last seen:
Apr 21, 2009
    1. Pezz
      Welcome to KH-vids! Thank you for your participation in the desoul thread! Though I am the general management for that thread as well as the others that I made to go with it (StarSeeker99 helps manage too), I want to wait to hear what the others have to say before making decisions. I think you have an interesting idea, and we may want to toy with it.

      You may also be interested in the storyline thread that I made to go with the desoul topic. StarSeeker99 and me are also working on a wiki page for all this. I have already updated it to give you credit for helping. hope to hear from you some more! :)
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