Anther Naruto RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    I dunno I was bored when I made this and I said that I will make a serious rp of naruto sooner or later...better later than never

    After certian events Naruto gives up on living and is slowly realeshing the nine-tail. Some may try to take advage of this but who knows I am only narrtoing right now. The big question is will his friends stop him in time before the nine tail take over his body.

    *No killy without the person say so
    *aollowed to cuss like damn(I do)
    *No god-moding
    *OCs are aollowed and be ANYONE from the show
    *All I can think of

    ~Taken People~
    Konan of Akatsuki-califa630
    Ino-Nymph of Destiny
    Tobi from Akatsuki-Black keyblade

    Name: Eriko Aunda
    Age: 15
    Weapons: Kunai, shuriken
    Gender: Female
    Village: Hidden Village of Leaf
    (Ignore that sword)
    Personality: Always happy, friendly
    History: When she was young, she always looked up on Naruto and wants to know him more. She had completed many missions when she was young with her teammates. But now she and her teammates broke up and is no more a team.
    Other: She can summon fox.

    Name: Daisuke

    Gender: Male


    Shinobi rank: Chunin

    Appearence: (I'm going to ask my sis to make my pic so I'll describe for now) He has medium length black hair (with streaks of brown in it) and has olive green eyes (with caramel hazel spots in them). Has a slim body (not anoerexic) and wears long sleeve white shirts with short sleeve black shirts over it, wears faded grey jeans, wears black allstar converses and has a chain on his neck with the kanji for 'love' and also has a gold lighter with the name Yakkaimaru inscribed on it.

    History: Born in Konohagakure and graduated a few months after Naruto's class (but was put on probation due to his tendencies of attempted Seppuku from chronic depression). He was abandoned at birth because he was illegitimate and really was an orphan. he fell in love at the age of 14 to his best friend called Yakkaimaru who was murdered in a mission(they agreed to start a relationship after the mission ended but that couldn't have happened). Daisuke killed the murderers in cold blood as revenge and got the chain and lighter off in Aaron in his will (he himself got the name inscribed on it but never uses it, he only ever flicks the lid as a reminder of Yakkaimaru who smoked). His team recently broke up and he's hoping to join any other teams that need fill ins.

    Personality: He is quite pessemistic and reserved and hates any one from Amagakure (the village of the ninjas that killed Yakkaimaru). He has a good heart and will always help people in his team (he is bisexual but gave up on love after the death of Yakkaimaru).

    Abilities: Despite his birthplace he cannot use any fire jutsu. He can use some water and lightning jutsu and thanks to his kekkai genkai is able to use wind jutsu as a form of telekinisis (he is only able to use it to move things of up to 100 kilos for a short amount of time and he cannot move himself and is unable to fully move animate objects). He is more of the strategist in ability and uses psycological damage as one of his favourite options.

    Hobbies: He writes amateur fictional Yaoi and Yuri romance stories that are happy go lucky and fun (the exact opposite of himself). He also reads all types of manga.

    Name: Salix
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Rank: Chunnin
    Village: Hidden in the Sand
    Bio: Gradutaed around the same time as Naruto and his freinds. she has always been very powerful and a strong fighter. her parents were killed during a mission and she has been raised by her older sister who is rarely home anymore due to something. she was a very valuable team player until her team broke up during an argument. she doesn't have lots of friends beleieving they're simply a weakness ever since her best friend, Alexia, died on a mission, for Salix.
    Weapons: the ones in the pic along with shuriken and a small secret weapon she vreated herself.
    Abilities: she's very skilled with controlling sand as well as earth. usually her abilities are used for distractions or defense. she's not very good at hand to hand combat.
    Personality: usually very cold and heartless. her mind is set on finishing the mission alive no matter what. she will always try to stay far away from people as possible to not get hurt or let them get hurt.
    Other: she carries around a small chain with a trinket from each of her friends that represents them

    Name: Cay
    Rank: Jonin
    Village: Village Hidden in The Leaves
    Description: Making an avvy for him.
    Bio: Became an ANBU nearly right after gaining the rank of Jonin and gladly faught besided his squadmates. In one mission, all of them died though so he was said to be dead too. two years later he showed up disguised as a mercanary ninja, he couldn't simply come back and say he's not dead. Now he's out of ANBU and chasing Naruto.
    weapons: a katana and his kunai.

  2. Fruity~ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 5, 2007
    ... In a country?
    Can we be a shinobi?
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    sure you can
  4. Fruity~ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 5, 2007
    ... In a country?
    Okay! ^^

    Name: Eriko Aunda
    Age: 15
    Weapons: Kunai, shuriken
    Gender: Female
    Village: Hidden Village of Leaf
    (Ignore that sword)
    Personality: Always happy, friendly
    History: When she was young, she always looked up on Naruto and wants to know him more. She had completed many missions when she was young with her teammates. But now she and her teammates broke up and is no more a team.
    Other: She can summon fox.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ok you are in
  6. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Can I have Konan of Akatsuki?

    and maybe one of my OC's:

    Name: Daisuke

    Gender: Male


    Shinobi rank: Chunin

    Appearence: (I'm going to ask my sis to make my pic so I'll describe for now) He has medium length black hair (with streaks of brown in it) and has olive green eyes (with caramel hazel spots in them). Has a slim body (not anoerexic) and wears long sleeve white shirts with short sleeve black shirts over it, wears faded grey jeans, wears black allstar converses and has a chain on his neck with the kanji for 'love' and also has a gold lighter with the name Yakkaimaru inscribed on it.

    History: Born in Konohagakure and graduated a few months after Naruto's class (but was put on probation due to his tendencies of attempted Seppuku from chronic depression). He was abandoned at birth because he was illegitimate and really was an orphan. he fell in love at the age of 14 to his best friend called Yakkaimaru who was murdered in a mission(they agreed to start a relationship after the mission ended but that couldn't have happened). Daisuke killed the murderers in cold blood as revenge and got the chain and lighter off of Aaron (Yakkaimaru's father) in his will (he himself got the name of Yakkaimaru inscribed on it but never uses it, he only ever flicks the lid as a reminder of Yakkaimaru who smoked). His team recently broke up and he's hoping to join any other teams that need fill ins.

    Personality: He is quite pessemistic and reserved and hates any one from Amagakure (the village of the ninjas that killed Yakkaimaru). He has a good heart and will always help people in his team (he is bisexual but gave up on love after the death of Yakkaimaru).

    Abilities: Despite his birthplace he cannot use any fire jutsu. He can use some water and lightning jutsu and thanks to his kekkai genkai is able to use wind jutsu as a form of telekinisis (he is only able to use it to move things of up to 100 kilos for a short amount of time and he cannot move himself and is unable to fully move animate objects). He is more of the strategist in ability and uses psycological damage as one of his favourite options.

    Hobbies: He writes amateur fictional Yaoi and Yuri romance stories that are happy go lucky and fun (the exact opposite of himself). He also reads all types of manga.

    Yes I'm aware it's quite long but it's all due to my artistic writing!!!
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    nah its okay I'll add you now
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Can i be Itachi
  9. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    hey can i be Hinata again? oh and an oc...

    Name: Salix
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Rank: Chunnin
    Village: Hidden in the Sand
    Bio: Gradutaed around the same time as Naruto and his freinds. she has always been very powerful and a strong fighter. her parents were killed during a mission and she has been raised by her older sister who is rarely home anymore due to something. she was a very valuable team player until her team broke up during an argument. she doesn't have lots of friends beleieving they're simply a weakness ever since her best friend, Alexia, died on a mission, for Salix.
    Weapons: the ones in the pic along with shuriken and a small secret weapon she vreated herself.
    Abilities: she's very skilled with controlling sand as well as earth. usually her abilities are used for distractions or defense. she's not very good at hand to hand combat.
    Personality: usually very cold and heartless. her mind is set on finishing the mission alive no matter what. she will always try to stay far away from people as possible to not get hurt or let them get hurt.
    Other: she carries around a small chain with a trinket from each of her friends that represents them.
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    sure you can I'll add you now

    ok added start when ever I dunno want to
  11. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    I'll start the this little puppy:

    Daisuke was in his usual mood in Konohagakure today moving around in his depressed mood. When he bumbped into a young girl with purple hair (yes it's Hinata). "Oh Sorry Miss ermm...?" Daisuke asked the girl confused while trying to think of her name.

    Konan was looking for Itachi searching in her origami butterfly form. Pein had given her new orders for the genjutsu expert in their group and naturally since Zetsu was busy 'removing' bodies she had to use her paper abilities to locate him.

    She came across Itachi in some woodlands in the land of fire alone. Konan materialized in front of Itachi and made eyecontact waiting for his response.
  12. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Naruto had just finished his training for the day and was walking home
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    itachi looked at Konan "what is it" Itachi said
  14. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    he decied to look around first before going home and went to the KIA stone
  15. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    I'd like to be Ino! :)
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Sasuke please!
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc sure you are in! :D

    ooc sure he's all yours
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Sasuke was walking around town
  19. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Ino was standing on the roof of a building, letting the wind blow her long blonde hair. Hm...I wonder where Sasuke is...
    She had scarcely thought that when she spotted him, walking around town.
    Smiling, she jumped down, landing gracefully on the ground, and dashed over to him, putting her arms around his neck. "Sasuke!"
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Sasuke blushed''let go of me!''he said firmly