Avatar: A New Hope

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Noteworthy, Apr 25, 2012.

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  1. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Horus heard a scream, and instinctively turned to look at what had caused it. His heart seemed to stop. The Fire Nation was attacking. He took a deep breath."This is the day i've been waiting for" he said quietly. He leapt off the building and sprinted over to where the majority of the fighting seemed to be taking place. "Fire nation! Leave this place!" he demanded.
  2. Noteworthy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2012
    OOC: Alright you guys, I just want to clarify what's going on here:

    Princess Adena has planned this attack on Ba Sing Se
    Fire Lord Ozai, the morning of the attack, gave her the "ok" to proceed after taking care of some business of his own
    Princess Adena, along with about a dozen FNA Soldiers, went into Ba Sing Se disguised as Earth Kingdom citizens
    They have now removed their disguises and are actively burning the center of the city to ashes
    Many more soldiers flood into the city at this point, so there should be about 50 of them, all concentrated in the center of the city, but slowly branching out
    The center of the city is FILLED with smoke, as in it should look like it's nighttime in there
    This is a very VIOLENT scene, with a LOT of fire. There are FNA soldiers on rooftops, in the streets, in the windows, etc. all launching fire everywhere
    The Earth Kingdom army is only just now beginning to take action, but are still quite out numbered right now. This should change shortly, but most of the fighting should be done by YOUR characters (it's your time to shine), so don't rely too much on their soldiers.

    Everyone on board? Yes? Alright, cool. Proceed :D
  3. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    Rolan came to a stop on one of the rooftops and was looking down to the street. He saw one firebender down there setting fire to everything, so he hadn't made it far into the city. Their were four earth bender soldiers down on the ground and several innocent people."They didn't even stand a chance.....Rage started to build up inside him. He clenched his fist together and jumped down to the street and was running towards the firebender yelling all sorts of things at him.

    The firebender turned around to see a earthbender coming at him. He took a fighting stance and started to shoot multiple fireball blast at the earthbender.

    Rolan thought that yelling at the firebender now was probably a bad idea since the firebender turned towards him and started shooting fireballs at him. Rolan jumped foward and as he was landing he rotated his arms in a circular motion to raise and a big earth wall in front of him to protect himself from getting hit. He than got up to the wall and started punching it to send small boulders from it towards the firebender.

    The firebender continued to shoot fire at the wall hoping to burn through it with enough shots. Then out of nowhere the wall started shooting boulders at him."Oh crap" and the firebender started doing almost a dance to dodge the boulders that were being shot at him."Your never going to hit me!"The firebender said taunting the earthbender.

    "We'll see about that"Rolan said with a serious tone in his voice. He stopped punching the wall, and then did a small little jump off the ground and when he landed, the ground jumped up surronding the earth bender incasing him in rock."Your finished"With that said, Rolan sank the firebender underground until he was completely under.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    For a split moment, she felt a twinge of regret, but it all disappeared as she watched Roku run. Adena was about to go after him when she saw the water bender girl again. She pointed at the girl and snapped her whip. "There is no room in this world for water benders. Luitenant Kadence, dispose of her!" She sent a streak of lightning at the girl and watched as the man that brought her the letter earlier went after the girl.

    Princess Adena turned back in the direction Roku took off in. She blasted building after building with fire as she followed him. Her whip caught a woman's face, leaving a deep gash that burned with the smell of scorched flesh. Bodies lay at her feet in every direction. Even with it being a small army, they had already done a significant amount of damage. Adena would never retreat, but if it came to that, the Earth Kingdom capital would be too damaged to withstand another attack and surely that one would have the full force of the fire nation.

    She was giving them all a taste of her nation's power and what a taste it was. Do you hate me... Do you hate me Adena? The words echoed in her head as she searched for Roku. Of course she hated him. He abandoned her. He abandoned everyone. He even said it earlier that there was no stopping the fire nation, and yet he was opposing it at this precise moment. She never expected to see him again and here was he, in the city, asking her to stop. She could never stop. It was her duty.
  5. Cuttlefish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2012
    Liao dodge the shot but just in the nick of time. After she recovered saw a man running at her, while throwing fireballs at her. She was quick to dodge them and stood grinning. The fire bender look at her and asked, "What are you smiling about?" Liao then broke out in a laugh, "Well I hope this will be exciting don't wanna get to bored." She took a stance in the Octopus form and started the offence. She stiked at the fire bender but he continued to dodge, she was starting to get alittle angry. The fire bender continued to dodge, then started throwing more fire ball at Liao. Liao blocked the fireballs, but didn't notice that he was right up on top of her, she Stood in shock. "Crap...." the block the hit from the fire bender but it hurt her but not as bad as she thought it would, but right before she hit the ground the created an Ice dome around the fire bender. " Got you!" she smiling at the work she did. The fire bender laughed then roared the ice dome was melting. "Now it time to stop play childish game don't you think?" She looked at him, in the lost of her smile slowly dropping. "Ok," she said, then stood forming water pinwheel around her. The Fire Bender smiled "Impressive didn't know kids could do that." Liao start throwing attacks after attack at him, she realize he was backing up into a wall, she continued until he bumped the wall. The Fire bender eyes widden then saw the girl attack, he duck then round house kick with fire into Liao gut. Liao kneeled on the ground grabbing her stomach in pain. The Fire Bender slowly walk up to her and said "Silly girl what made you think you could beat me water has always been lesser compared to fire." He raised his left foot up over Liao head "I guess this is the end for you." Liao look at the man smiling "Maybe for you!" She formed ice around her hand, then striked upward in the man gut. She pulled out her ice covered hand and watched the man fall. she looked around and saw she was still out matched. she the took off to the outskirts of town.
  6. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Roku ran past the burning buildings thinking of Adena. He was doing it again running away from her. "What has running away accomplished?" Roku yelled out loud. "Its time I let fate decide my path" he said to himself. He stopped running and turned around, he knew Adena was close behind him."Adena I missed you leaving you was the hardest thing i have ever done but it was something I had to do" Roku yelled "Im leaving it up to you Princess if you really hate me kill me where I stand or take me to the Fire-Nation and lock me up for eternity but I'm done running from you". Roku wiped tears from his eyes "If nothing else i"m still a Fire-bender so no more running". There was no use running Roku knew it now, no matter where he went he would always be a firebender nothing could change it. Now would the princess kill him or would they go back to the fire nation together?
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Adena slowed to a walk. She tightened her grip on the handle of the whip. Her heart was pounding and she had to steady her breathing. He gave up, just like that. Without a fight. She was so angry with him. A blast of fire was sent at a wall near Roku. Her anger was something she was never good at controlling. "You. Mother died and you turned your back on everyone. I didn't know what happened to you. Father told me and he said traitors aren't welcome back into the nation. That they should be isolated or executed. I missed you so much Roku, but you weren't coming back. I dealt with it. You can't trust anyone but yourself." She ripped her fire crystal necklace from her throat and threw it at his feet. "I want nothing to do with you. Ever again! I am conquering Ba Sing Se today and if I see you again, I will not hesitate. I can never forgive you Roku."

    Adena turned back in the direction she came. A tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away furiously. She didn't show weakness and yet he brought it out in her. Adena sent another blast of fire into a shop nearby and disappeared in the smoke.
  8. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    "Adena ...Im sorry" Roku picked up her fire crystal necklace. "Adena" he said as she was walking away "Do you remember my last mission my squad was to take care of a Earth nation village." "My squad killed every man woman and child and do you know why I betrayed them"."I had a sister she lived in that village" Roku said closing his eyes. "Im sorry ... goodbye princess" Roku said as he walked away tears in his eyes. Roku left the buring Ba Sing Se and returned to his campsite. Hontaru his Komodo Rhino was waiting. "Hey buddy" Roku said to him he looked at the fire crystal necklace "Someday I will give this back to her".Roku said "I know I will see her soon".
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Roku's words were drowned out by the sounds of the burning city. There was a sharp pain in her chest as she returned the center of the city. Smoke engulfed the square, making it difficult to see. Her eyes, nose, and lungs stung as walked further into the heart of the destruction. Adena found her luitenant lying dead on the dirt and shook her head. pathetic. she walked through the clouds of smoke in the direction of the palace. If the king hadn't already fled for his life, she would end it. The mighty city had perished and quite easily. Apparently it wasn't as strong as everyone believed.

    Princess Adena collapsed on the steps of the palace. Her clothes were covered in soot and she reaked of fire. Roku had gotten to her. He was the only one that ever seemed to get to her. She showed him mercy by not killing him or making him her prisoner. Mercy wasn't something she was known for like her father. She took after him in almost evey way. For once in her life she wanted to cry, but this wasn't the place. Princess Adena forced herself to stand and march up the steps.
  10. Noteworthy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2012
    Draco made his way painfully through the walls of smoke that surrounded him. With each step he had to dodge bursts of flames from every direction. He was dry heaving and coughing fiercely, and his lungs felt as if they were on fire. Just as he was about to collapse in the middle of the road, he saw something not too far ahead: The Earth Kingdom Palace.

    The right side of the palace had been destroyed by Fire Benders who were killed off by the Earth Kingdom Army before they could bring the rest of the palace to the ground. Draco knew it was only a matter of time before the FNA raided the entire building in search of the King, so he ran towards it hoping to serve as some type of protection. If the Earth King went down, the Earth Kingdom would go down with him.

    Just as he was getting close, however, Draco noticed something that caught him off-guard. There was a girl moving up the steps towards the large golden front doors of the palace, and he recognized her. It was the same Firebender who had caused an enormous scene just before he had been knocked unconscious.

    "You there!" he shouted, pulling out his katana and stepping closer until he was about 10 feet from her. "Don't take another step! I know exactly what your intentions are, Firebender, and I won't allow it."
  11. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    The invasion had been going on for some time now. Rolan was covered in sweat, dirt, soot and some of his own blood. He had been giving it his all with every fight he got himself into. He had kiled atleast 20 or FN soldiers and injured or incapacitated about the same number half through the last 20. He had grown extremely tired after fighting for so long. He had lost all hope for saving the city, instead he was now focused on saving the citizens of the city. He was now running around the city hopelessly giving all the help he could. He rounded a corner and ran into a girl (Liao Pei), and he fell backwards on his butt."Ouch, sorry about that. Are you okay?"
  12. Cuttlefish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2012
    Liao bump into an old man after rounding a corner. She got up and snarled at the old man.

    "Watch where you are going Old Man!!"

    She pushed passed the Old Man, then stopped.

    "How many cuts do you have on you?"
  13. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    "Cuts, none. Scraps, gashes,burns, a few."He looked down at himself and his clothes were torn and burned to shreds. He ripped off his shirt,revealing a well toned and very muscled body."I might be a ex soldier of the Emperor and a drunkard, but that doesn't mean I'm a old out of shape man young lady. You should get out of here, it's not safe here anymore."
  14. Cuttlefish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2012
    "Ha.... just hold still."

    Liao popped the top off her water sack and began healing him.

    "This could sting a bit, I'm not that great but it gets the job done, And you look old that why am going to call you old man."

    Liao smirked, and continued healing him.
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Princess Adena turned, seeing the boy from earlier. Her mood snapped back to what it originally was. The look on her face was crazed. She snapped her whip at him. "i will never! You know what my second intention will be? To destroy that camp of yours you told me about! I am going to kill the king and then desicrate your camp. I don't have time for you!" She turned back to the doors and continued marching up the stairs.
  16. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    Rolan took up a seat on the ground and focused his mind off the wounds while she healed him."So your a water bender huh? Didn't know we had any water benders here. Guess I was lucky to bump into then huh.After she was done healing him, he stood up and flexed his muscles some to test the wounds that had just been healed to make sure they wouldn't tear open."Thank you for your assistance young girl. I must go help my people now. If I was you, I would seek away to escape from the city, not a lot of water around here for you to bend. Take care."With that said, he took off towards the center of the city towards the palace.
  17. Noteworthy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2012
    An elderly man sat humbly in his favorite wooden rocking chair by a windowsill. He gazed out of it at the city below him with an empty facial expression. It was difficult to see through the black smoke, but whenever it cleared for a moment or two, he could see the piles of lifeless bodies that lay in the streets and on the walkways. Men, women, children. All dead. All burning.

    "I have failed you, father..." the old man whispered to himself. "The Fire Nation is turning your great city into ashes...and I greeted them through the front door..."

    Suddenly someone else entered the room. It was a younger man. An Earthbender by the name of Safon, sporting his elegant Army General attire.

    "Your Majesty, they are coming for you."

    The old man let out a soft chuckle. "You don't think I know that, General?"

    "I apologize, sir. But as your liege, it is my duty to ensure your safety. You must follow me to the Underground Chambers. That is the only place they won't be able to find you."

    "What does it matter?!" King Tasuki yelled, still gazing out the window. He took a few deep breaths. "I apologize for raising my voice, but you must understand that there is no reason for me to survive. My father passed away hoping I would carry on his vision of the Earth Kingdom. Look at it now. He's most likely rolling over in his grave as we speak. I have already failed as King, whether I live through this day or not, so I might as well let them catch me. That way, my shame can die with me."

    "That's nonsense, your majesty! I beg of you to come with me! Live through this day and you will allow the Earth Kingdom a chance for a brighter future. If you die, it is not shame that dies with you, it is hope."

    The King turned around in his chair and stared the General in his eyes for a few moments. Screams and cries from outside were now the only noises that filled the room. Tasuki let a sole tear roll down his cheek, then nodded and followed the General out of the room.

    Draco jumped back quickly, barely avoiding the whip's harsh sting. He got a glance of the young lady's face and immediately recognized her.

    "Princess Adena!" he exclaimed in utter disbelief. "The Fire Nation Princess! Huh, some father you have. Risking his own daughter's life, putting it on the frontlines of war. All just for the sake of a takeover."

    This immediately caught her attention and Draco grinned.
  18. Cuttlefish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2012
    Liao laugh at the old man.

    "So what your name?"

    She waited then said.

    "I can help but I can't fight alone, theres too many for me to handle, but you can help me wanna make it a deal?"
  19. Noteworthy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2012
    OOC: Cuttlefish and Soap, as much as I find it great that your characters are bonding, I must remind you that they are in the middle of a major attack. We're talking death by the hundreds, along with burning and collapsing buildings. Lol.

    Carry on!

    EDIT: Another thing, (and I can't say this enough times) BE THOROUGH! INCLUDE DETAIL! BE DESCRIPTIVE!

    That is one of my biggest requirements for this RP. Even if it is dialogue, just appeal to the senses while you're talking to another character. Describe what your character sees, smells, hears, feels, etc. outside of the conversation.

    Alright, now carry on!
  20. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    "Rolan....Rolan is my name. And if you can help me, I can protect you as long as I breathe. So if your coming, you better catch up."He said that as he was running towards the palace of the Earth King at the center of the city. He had a bad feeling something really bad was going on there. He had hoped for the best, and that the king got away safely, and expected the worst, and that he did not, and that would mean all hope had been lost.
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