Avatar: A New Hope

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Noteworthy, Apr 25, 2012.

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  1. Noteworthy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2012
    King Tasuki looked down at the man who now lay fast asleep by his feet, then sighed and rubbed a hand across his face in a stressed manner.

    "Guards!" he yelled. "Get this man and the other unconscious one from the front steps and settle them in my den. Afterwards I want you to head out into the streets and gather all the retaliating benders. Bring them to me. If you are confronted by any remaining FNA soldiers, let them know I have captured their leader and that if they don't evacuate immediately, I will kill her without hesitation."

    The elite group of guards obeyed their King and split-up to find the mysterious benders across the city who had saved it from its doom.

    OOC: Alright you guys, each of you may momentarily take the role of one of the Royal Guards and have them escort you back to the palace.
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "You seem familiar.." Horus said. He couldn't quite place his finger on who the person was, but something about him seemed familiar. He gave a thumbs up to show that he was indeed alright, and a half hearted grin. He wasn't quite sure if it was the appropriate response, but it was the one he gave anyway.
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    {ooc: waiting patiently for interaction...}
  4. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Bai's breathing became heavy as she dashed through the streets of Ba Sing Se, listening to several Fire Bending soldiers chase behind her. There's less, so I guess that's a good thing. The area she was in had less smoke but it was still difficult to breathe, and so every turn she's made she has ran into a soldier belonging to the Fire Nation. Bai narrowed her eyes as she saw two more Fire Nation soldiers in front of her; she could feel the heat from the benders behind her with their attempts to stop her and before the two ahead could fire bend, Bai quickly pushed her hands out to her sides, pillars forming beneath the soldiers' feet and pushing them into the buildings beside them. Turning around, she flicked her hands as three separate boulders coming out of the ground, sending the three to the soldiers who had been chasing her.

    Grinning, Bai took off once more as she covered her mouth, the smoke making it hard to breathe and see what was in front of her. Once clear, however, she gasped loudly as she came across a pit, and stopped just in time before falling in it. "W-What the...? That's a big hole," she muttered under her breath. Slowly moving her way around it, Bai looked up and noticed two boys close by talking amongst each other. I guess one of those two must have done it. She was ready to seal the thing up in case anyone besides Fire Nation soldiers came across it until she noticed one coming up behind the two men(Jian and Horus). It was only one so...Bai stomped her foot as a large enough rock came in front of her. She took it in her hand and threw the rock at the soldier, knocking him unconscious, or possibly even dead but she doubted it. Sighing out quietly, she crossed her arms and turned her attention back towards the two men.
  5. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    "Finally time to leave this city and my past behind" Roku said. He and Hotaru were getting close to the gate of Ba Sing Se. Roku wasn't happy with was happened between him and the princess but he needed to move on. "Sir" someone cried out, what now Roku thought as he turned around. He saw a Royal Guard coming towards him. "This cant be good" Roku said under his breath. The Royal Guard caught up to Roku, Hotaru growled at the guard "Easy boy" Roku said."Sir I need you to come with me please" the guard said. "I don't think that's such a good idea" Roku said "maybe later". The Royal Guard smiled "Sir this isn't a request you need to come with me now". Roku took a deep breath "Fine come on Hotaru lets go meet the Earth King" and hope he doesn't have a cell ready for me Roku thought.This day wasn't over yet
  6. Noteworthy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2012
    King Tasuki stood quietly, alone in his throne room with the Princess who had just failed an attempt to assassinate him. Adena's ashy, well-wounded figure was restrained at the wrists, ankles, and waist. Her platinum blonde hair tangled and messy, covering a majority of her face. Beyond the strands, however, her burning red eyes were still quite visible, glaring at the King with an unrelenting hatred. Tasuki payed it no mind, however. He kept a relaxed mood, and leisurely took a seat at his thrown to turn and face the young lady.

    "I must tell you..." he said, crossing his arms and smiling at her. "Your confidence is quite impressive. If only your intelligence was as well-sustained...I probably wouldn't be sitting here speaking to you...and you wouldn't be hanging to the wall like a dusty old picture frame!"

    Tasuki broke into a fit of laughter, leaning forward in his thrown and slapping his knees. Then, a knock came at the door.

    "Your majesty, I've found one! A Firebender. Caught him just as he was reaching the city borders!"

    "A Firebender? Surely he's with the FNA!"

    "No, sir. Some civilians confirmed they witnessed him killing off some soldiers. One of them even said they saw Princess Adena chasing after him like prey!"

    King Tasuki raised an eyebrow at Adena. "How interesting. Very well, let him in."
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Familiar?" Jian scratched the back of his head. "Well I should be! I'm one of the Molten Dra-" He stopped and looked over his shoulder after hearing a sort of crunching sound followed by a soft thud. There he saw a fallen Fire Nation soldier and a girl who seemed to be the one who felled the man. He looked down at the soldier and back at the girl again tilting his head in surprise. "Well that wouldn't have been pleasant if that guy came up behind me!" Jian waved slightly at Bai, showing a faint smile to the girl.

    "Thanks for that."

    Before anything else could be said between the three benders one of the Earthbenders from the Royal Guard jumped in suddenly, having launched himself right into the middle of the group. "You benders have fought well." He said for all of them to hear, clapping his hands together half-heartedly. "The King has seen fit to invite you to his presence for your efforts."

    "Wha-Really? That's sudden! Let me just grab my friend-"

    "If your friend assisted in the battle then another one of us will have been sent to find him." The Earthbender motioned for the others to follow him. "Please make haste. The King is not one to be kept waiting."
  8. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Roku felt a heavy cloud over him as he walked through the castle. What was going to happen Roku thought. Roku walked in to the throne room. "I think im the only fire bender to come in this room without trying to kill the earth king" he said to himself. He couldn't believe he was here and not in shackles. He looked towards the Earth King and bowed ."King Tasuki I am honored I am ex-fire bending master Roku" Roku smiled "I dont suppose you heard of me". "I hold no allegiance to the fire nation and I currently hold the number 1 spot on their most wanted list". He looked across the room into Adena murderous eyes "hello swettie" Roku said with a smile on his face "I knew we would meet again but I didn't think it would be so soon". "I'm sure if she was free I would be dead the princess and I have some history" Roku said and closed his eyes for a moment ."Its a long and boring story so your highness why am I here?"
  9. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    OOC: Late... I know...

    I have to get out of here, thought Zaru. He'd been in this shack for almost a year now, because he could not take the death and destruction in other nations. He had thought of becoming a soldier for the Fire Nation (because the have better pay), but that made him feel like a hypocrite. I can survive on my own anyway, he said to himself. He started to pack his things as he had been trying to finish doing for weeks now, and in a mere hour, he was done. He pulled out his map and decided to travel north, to Ba Sing Se. Zaru thought that he could put his strength to good use by helping other benders that were not yet dead. Maybe even make new friends and keep them alive. He called on his Komodo Rhino, Halu, and mounted him, starting on his journey north. As the wind blew through Zaru's face, he thought of his plan of action once he reached Ba Sing Se. He would have lots of time to think, for the ride to Ba Sing Se would be a long one.
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Adena felt like her heart had literally stopped when she heard the guard describe the fire bender. Seeing him walk through the castle doors sent her into a new fit of rage. All the energy that appeared to be gone, had now returned. She managed to shrug off the kings insults, but the sight of Roku infuriated her. "don't you dare call me that! You traitorous rat b@stard! I should have just killed you."

    The princess struggled against the restraints again, digging deeper into the gashes on her wrists. The blood started flowing more heavily and she began to feel dizzy. Adena whipped her head in the direction of the king. "You can't trust him. He's a coward and will only help as long as it's convienent. He'll turn his back on your people the minute things start to go self. That man only cares for himself."

    She hoped it would hurt him. All she wanted was for Roku to feel the same form of pain that she felt. Princess Adena would do anything to make him hurt as bad as she did. As much as she wanted him dead, it would be too easy. His pain would be brief. Whatever she did to him woyld have to burn and last at least as long. If not longer.
  11. Noteworthy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2012
    King Tasuki's eyes glistened with excitement as he watched the two Firebenders interact. Especially when Adena began to struggle against her restraints. Finally, he had something that could make the Princess tick. He jolted upwards from his throne, stepping between them and greeting Roku with open arms and a wide grin.

    "My apologies for her rudeness, young man." he said merrily. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. As they say, the enemy of my enemy...is my friend!"

    Tasuki extended his arm for a handshake, and just as Roku reached to return it, he tugged the Firebender's arm forward. Within seconds he had twisted it behind his back and revealed his knife once more, pressing it tightly against Roku's neck as he held him from behind.

    "Do I have your attention now, Princess?" he asked sinisterly.
  12. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "Fought well? Well, i suppose it's your call. What exactly does this king want to see us for though?" Horus questioned, following the earthbender. He tried to think of what it could be. Could it be a weapon? A reward? His heart skipped a beat as a new thought came into his mind, one he dreaded immensely. What if he wants to execute me for being a firebender? Is this a trap? he wondered, beginning to panic.
  13. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Roku smiled "I like you your highness but you don't become a fire bending master by keeping your guard down". In Roku right hand was a knife pointed towards the Earth King stomach. "You don't know how many people have used this trick on me" he said "I have no intention on killing you so can we play nice?" Roku asked keeping his eyes on the princess "She wouldn't care if you killed me well, maybe she would just because she would not be able to kill me herself". Roku smiled "You know I was going to propose to her its true" Roku laughed "Believe it or not she was once a sweet girl one of the most beautiful in all the fire nation".
    "Adena" he said to her "Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" "Why didn't you come after me after I ran or a better question" he paused for a moment". "Why didn't you come with me?" "He looked at the Earth king out of the corner of his eye the king's knife still to his throat. "King Tasuki hasn't enough blood been spilled today, I can promise I will help you and even the princess can agree I never once broken my promises." Roku smiled "I'm one of the only fire-benders you can trust". This was one skill Roku had mastered keeping cool under pressure.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Adena stopped struggling and dropped her head. She stared down at her feet, no desire to look at anyone. Her heart was pounding. She couldn't look at him, not anymore. The loss of blood from her wrists was making it hard to focus. "i have a duty to my family and my people. Running away because your feelings about our nation changed wasn't an option. I love my country." Adena mumbled something about how she was still the most beautiful person in the fire nation, but her consciousness was starting to slip. She had to use all her might in order to fovus on staying awake. If she passed out she might not ever wake up.
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: You guys post so quick! Sorry, i've been busy with school and work so I haven't had time to post as much as I'd like.

    "That wasn't as hard as I expected," Ban-Ryu muttered at the bodies of the soldiers at his feet. They weren't dead, no, just unconscious. Despite his hatred of his former nation, Ban-Ryu had sworn never to kill anybody again, enemy or not. 'No one dies,' he told himself as a screech rang overhead. Ban-Ryu looked up and saw a shadow flying towards him. "Adara, there you are," he told his Raven Eagle while raising a forearm for her to land on. Adara was a bit small for a Raven Eagle, but she made up for it in ferocity...and loyalty. He had found Adara on his journey to the Fire Nation all those years ago, wounded in what he assumed was a battle with a larger Raven Eagle. After nursing her back to health, she would not leave him alone. She was one of the few things he joked about, often calling her a tag-along, but in reality, she was his partner, just as much as Jian and Badgy. "Hmm? Run into some trouble, did you?" He smiled, noticing she had blood stains on her white feathers. It was easy to see they weren't hers. "Guess all of the Molten Dragons were involved in this battle," he mused as he turned. "Speaking of which, where is Ji-"

    Ban was interrupted by an Earth Nation Elite Guard running towards him.The Firebender gripped his weapon tight as both he and Adara narrowed their eyes at the soldier. He kept his mask on, hiding his face.
    "Can I...help you?"


    After the Guard explained the King's request, Ban-Ryu "kindly" refused, but when the Guard explained Jian had already went, the Molten Dragon had no choice but to oblige. "
    Lead the way," he told the guard as he threw his arm into the air, sending Adara to the sky.
  16. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    "My feeling have changed?" Roku laughed "Adena the fire nation killed my sister, she lived in the earth kingdom village that my squad burned to the ground and I was to late to save her". Roku had tears in his eyes . "I done two hard things in my life" Roku said "Watching my family be ripped away from me, and leaving you to do what I thought was right." Roku smiled returned. "I went from village to town helping people seeing people who lost everything because of the fire nation". "Don't believe me princess hate me and let that hate keep you alive until you kill me". His voice rising "I know you love your country I did to, but what would of happened if I stayed tell me things would have been different!" Roku yelled losing his cool for the first time." Tell me you would of end the war and stopped the killing if I stayed... Roku looked right into her eyes. "No because your just like your father who knew about my sister, and order her death to teach me a lesson!" Roku took a deep breath "I'm sorry Adena but this is fate".
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    She was frozen, paralysed by his words. Her heart was beating faster than before, which caused her wrists to bleed harder. For the first time in all her years, it hurt hearing someone say she was just like her father. If she had known, she would havd said something. She would have asked for the village to be spaired, at least for his sister to be. He wasn't the only one that lost someone they loved. Her mother died and they lost each other. "i...i didn't know, but you didn't give me a chance. You...were just gone."

    Her eyelids grew heavier as tears slowly started to spill over the brim. She bit her lip and screamed. "no! NO! I'm not weak! I'm not...augh!" Adena fought against the restraints and shot fire up at the ceiling. She may not be able to aim, but it didn't change the fact that she could still create the flames. "traitor! TRAITOR!"

    with each burst, she depleted her energy even more. She was exhausted and eventually everything began going black. Her vision blurred and there was a loud ringing noise in her ears. Adena tried to speak more, but she couldn't find her words. She was do angry with Roku, but there was no energy left to feed off of. He was going to leave her to die in front of everyone, just like he left her alone in front of everyone. She didn't want him to go on that mission. She wanted him to stay with her because she was still grieving the loss of her mother. He went anyway and didn't come back. she used the last of her energy to make the words come out. "i...told you not...to go...to stay with me...but you went on the mission anyway...and...and didn't come back..."

    Her body went limp and and she was out. Images of those days in the past haunting her unconsciousness.
  18. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Sweat pouring down her face, Aria finally stopped. The smoke had cleared enough to reveal that the fine nation attackers had been defeated and Earth Nation soldiers were rushing onto the scene. They had won? She smiled slightly but looking round at the smouldering city,the victory was bitter sweet. The attackers had done a lot of damage and it would take a lot of work to put things right. Many people's homes and livelihood's had been destroyed. She shook her head, it was wrong, she had to be able to do something more to stop the whole war as for as long as it continued, this would happen to more and more places.

    She looked round at the soldiers, holding back from asking where they were while the fight was going on. She smiled as they told her that it was over and the fire nation princess had been captured, that was at least one step forward. She even managed a little laugh when they said the king was requesting all the benders that had helped. She didn't correct them though, for once she just remained fairly quiet as they led her back. She was tired and worn down by the fight, she must of looked in a state. As she walked she actually used her fans to fan herself to cool down. They had more uses than simply being deadly weapons.
  19. Cuttlefish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2012
    Liao walked out of the palace with Rolan. she sat next to Rolan where he was resting, she did what could in healing his wounds. She sat there poundering some ways out of this place. She walked up to the gaurds and told them "I'm going for a walk to clear my head, keep and eye on Rolan, Please and thank you." The guard nodded, and went in the room. Laio walk out of the room and started wandering the streets of Ba sing Se.
  20. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Roku looked at her thrashing around shooting fire at the celling screaming traitor at the top of her lungs. Has she forgotten the times we shared, the promises we made to each other he thought to himself.

    When he heard her last words, and saw her fall unconscious Roku forgot about the Earth King holding the knife to his throat. His body just moved on his own not caring if he gets cut. In a moment he was at her side. He held her in his arms one last time and for a moment it was like the old days. “Adena I’m sorry you’re right†he said tears in his eyes. He pulled her necklace out of his pocket and placed it on her neck. He then kissed her on the cheek “rest easy princess†Roku said, and a small smile appeared on his face.

    Still holding Adena in his arms Roku turned his attention to the Earth King. He wasn’t mad about the knife; he would have done the same thing. “Your highness Adena needs a doctor and it would be best if we get her into a real cell before she wakes upâ€. Roku paused realizing he still cared about the princess even if she hated him. “Is it sad I still care about her?†he asked King Tasuki.
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