Black Coats: Volume 1

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "My past enemies are either in the ground or...well actually that sums it up. And in any case, my enemies aren't the ones involving themselves in our business. Therefore, it doesn't matter what she wishes. Kiara isn't even her real name. First thing she did on coming here was lie to us." Now Arctus turned towards Kiara though he stopped and glanced at the blonde girl, Krista was what she called herself, and did his best to balance whatever sympathy he felt for her and his quickly growing distrust of Kiara.

    "Kar-what? Karen? Kara? Kari? Karla? Karina? Is that the name you're so badly trying to hide?" Seeing no choice, he followed after the girl as she marched on.

  2. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    "Well that was a bust. Glad to know the first thing we do is the exact opposite of what we were told." Luther said unamused to himself after the whole situation had passed. He was hardly a stickler for the rules but he understood the basic principal of "if ever just goes off and does their own thing and there's no one directing them, they end up clashing and everything crumbles to the ground." He disregarded the argument between Arctus and the hot tempered lady with an ambiguous real name. Instead he chose to turn his attention to the young blonde girl who was obviously distraught with grief. "That's quite the sad story if it's true. I'm afraid we can't exactly trust you just yet, though. At least not fully. Though that doesn't mean we can't take you with us." Luther turned on his heel to speak to Kiara, interrupting whatever moody drama she was likely to be having after Arctus' prodding. "So, dear leader of ours, what do you say we take her back to grandpa and let him decide what to do with her. If her story is true, then she's got nothing to worry about. She's exactly the type we're supposed to be helping. If it isn't, I imagine he'll have a way to find out, and we've got an enemy prisoner. Either way, I don't see a downside to this unless she's monstrously powerful and capable of wiping us out by herself. But if that were the case i doubt she'd need to resort to a trick."
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Kiara was barely listening to the story that Krista was giving them, she was getting the general idea of it, and caught the offer for information, but Kiara wasn't going to look too heavily into that. She wanted some of those answers but not yet, they could get back to Lea first. There was one thing Kiara did want to know then however. Turning to the girl she spoke in a low, cold tone, it was all she could do to keep from yelling as her eyes darted to Arctus who she could tell was getting ready to say more. "Just tell me does he have contact with people outside of the realm of darkness. Can he leave? That is all I need to know and then we will escort you to someone else to decide your fate." Kiara was careful not to use names, who she was bringing Krista back to. Kiara felt a bit sorry for the girl but also wasn't convinced that she wanted to believe her yet either.

    Of course Arctus couldn't keep his mouth shut either and started accusing her again of lying about her real name, about this all being her fault. That was when Kiara lost in completely and turned to Arctus grabbing him by the collar the moment he spoke her name. Her fist soon after connected with his face.
    "Fine, yes I lied about my name! So what?! That isn't why he is here! You are more of an idiot that I thought if you really think this is all my fault! If you think the name I chose to go by means anything! Anything I can answer for you isn't going to help with anything, trust me! As long as that b*stard can't tell someone else where I am, then we will be fine. Even if he did I doubt my dear dad with think me threat enough to bring more than himself. And if you are scared of one man, then what are you doing here?" She snapped at him before backhanding him one more time and turning to walk around listening to Luther for a moment. "I agree. Lets just go before I murder someone." She shot a pointed glare at Arctus before walking away.
  4. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    As the group continued to walk, Lea talked about just who it was they were fighting. At the mention of someone being possessed, though, Aeira merely clenched her fists and gritted her teeth further. As Lea finished his explanation of what they were to expect against Nequa, the girl bluntly stated, "got it." Her attitude seemed to have shift from annoyed to actually angered, as she continued her pace forward, now more determined to defeat this group than she was before. As the boy near her asked Lea another question, she said, "does it matter?" Her eyes shifted over to Vallus, glaring at him as she said, "she's our enemy. And all we have to do is defeat our enemy. That's all." With that, she turned back to face forward, walking alongside the rest of the group.
  5. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    North Side...

    "Normally I'd agree, but she hasn't ecactly been easy to track. The realm of darkness acts like a never ending road. We've been trying to find her for a few weeks, but just as we think we've got a lead she relocates. It's been a real hassle..." Lea continued to walk onward as the rest of his party conversed with each other.

    South Side...

    "Just tell me does he have contact with people outside of the realm of darkness. Can he leave? That is all I need to know and then we will escort you to someone else to decide your fate.
    "W-well..." She was still a bit shy and intimidated from Kiara's increased Hostility. "I don't know if he has access to the realm of light. None of us do... That's why we stuck with her. Otherwise I would have tried to find another way." She gripped Luther's arm feeling a little safer as she hid behind him. She looked at his eyes and blushed a bit. "I-I don't mind being your prisoner. I just want to be with good people." She looked down feeling a bit embarrased and loosened her grip. "Sorry... You just remind me of..." She shook her head before beginning to cry again. "So can I come umm... Kiara was it?"
  6. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Koa listened as the group continued their conversation but he continued pondering and pondering over the recent events. Tango... Lima...Nequa...The man without a heart...All those subjects had been spiraled around in his head. As Lea talking about Nequa, Koa continued to stay silent. Just what was he suppose to say in a situation such as this? The others had seemed eager to run into battle against Nequa, however Koa was still clueless on this entire situation. So many questions rang in his head, so many words waiting to spill forth, but Koa kept it to himself as he fell a bit behind the group. He looked back once more before looking at the ground as he continued to move forward behind the group.
  7. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    "Well, we know she's at least with keyblade wielders," Aeira stated. The girl continued to walk forward before saying, "so we'll just find them." The girl proceeded to crack her knuckles before bluntly saying, "and if we don't find her, then we'll at least beat them up. That'd be for the best." With the scowl still present on her face, the girl nodded to herself, seeming like she very much thought that would definitely be a good case scenario. With that done, the girl went back to being silent, as she continued to walk forward back to base. There wasn't much left for her to say, as the task at hand seemed very simple to her, and so she merely waited to see if the other group had anything else to complicate it, or it would remain just as simple.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    He barely moved back when the angry girl punched him, touching the blood that dripped from his lip and raising an eyebrow in curiosity. This hothead was chosen to lead them? She was too easy to provoke and that was going to cause more problems down the line. The girl growled at him as she tugged on his collar, her eyes intense and shining like emeralds. It was a shame pretty eyes like that were attached to someone so mean.

    He hardly paid any attention to what she said now that his mind was on a different track. How did she get this way? How does anyone be born a happy stupid baby and become so angsty and angry? Perhaps her father never hugged her. Or...maybe her father did more than hug her. Or her village was burned to the ground. Or maybe even she was the bad guy here. She went on to backhand him, only being stopped by him suddenly raising his hand to stop it. He gave her one free attack and it wasn't going to happen again. She was already moving on, her mood still soured over their little spat.

    "Or maybe she's just hungry." He muttered to himself before following after the group. His eyes hovered over the girl they were supposed to escort. Now that was someone who sat on the opposite side of the spectrum. He didn't like people like that either. "You're not our prisoner and yes, you're coming along." He spoke up towards the crying girl, not intending to let her out of his sight.

  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "If she's doing all this of her own free will, then maybe Lea can inform us something about how she fights." Vallus reasoned. If they could learn what to expect from her prior to any potential encounters, then defeating her would be made an easier task. Being unable to track her though did pose a issue in this. Though. they did know what she was after and that was all that they had on her. Following the others as they headed back, he thought about just who else was on the opposition. Tango was able to notice them all behind the pillars and Lima was able to quickly appear and disappear with little trace left behind. Both of which impressive feats that would be an issue when they did have to fight them.
  10. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Koa continued following and listening to the conversation before him. As they were discussing Nequa, Koa felt as though he needed to speak but he remained silent. He listened to the various points the group made. He thought about the various points everyone has before coming up with another point among his thoughts. "Strength in numbers." Koa spoke softly before looking up at the group and speaking up. "We can't forget that Nequa has strength in numbers. She has other wielders under her wing. We won't necessarily be able to fight her alone without getting through the other wielders. Besides, the 'man without a heart' bothers me a bit. Why was that pod there? And more importantly...what's Nequa planning to do with it and the man inside it?" Koa placed a hand under his chin pondering his current questions as he continued walking. He spoke up to the group once more. "Sorry. It's just that I rather investigate the issue and talk through it before any violence is needed. 'Look before you leap' right?" Koa went silent once more as he followed to group.
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Well that little tantrum went over well. At least he didn't laugh and provoke her to keep smashing his face in. She was holding onto her sanity with thin, thin threads, if you could say even that. She knew she was treading a thin line as it was, with others, and with herself. She didn't know how much longer she could keep going like this. She knew at this pace she would destroy herself and prayed that she could sort it out. Given the way things had been going so far though, she was still on that road for destruction, and it felt like it was accelerating at this pace.

    Kiara caught the girl speaking and looked over for a moment. So as far as she was aware there was no contact with the realm of light. So unless her father found a way into the realm of darkness then her past wouldn't effect them, not truly. There was relief in that though, Kiara wasn't ignorant enough to think that if her father could possibly show up, that she could keep that sort of information to herself. She wasn't able to stand against him on her own last time, there was no way that she was ready to do it now. But with what information they had, it seemed like she could go forward without sharing the details of her past.

    Arctus had chosen to answer for Kiara, and while that got on her nerves she didn't say much about it.
    "As Arctus said, yes you are coming long. As for what you are. I think we should talk to the old man before we decide. He has been around this place far longer I am sure and would know more. Lets just get back." She told them. Part of her wanted to believe that the girl was good and she wouldn't be their prisoner, but in the end Kiara felt like she needed to stick with the guilty until proven innocent. "Melus, Luther, stick close to the girl, stay between Arctus and I. Lets go." Kiara recited the same order from before this time with less conviction, just wanting to get out of there.
  12. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    [VOLUME 1]

    Back at the home base...

    Lea's group and Kiara's group reconvened at the home base. Both parties seemed to have experienced different experiences from the expressions on ther faces. Lea noticed tne notable addition to Kiara's crew was looking down as she walked with them. A young woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She almost reminded him of a girl he once knew in Castle Oblivion. He was not exactly the most sympathetic to that past girl's situation. He hoped he could at least help this new girl in her's.

    "I see we have much to talk about... Who's your new friend?"
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Arriving back Kiara was clearly not in a good mood as Lea asked about their "New Friend." "She is a pawn of Nequa's don't know if we should trust her or not." Kiara stated jerking her chin to Melus to hand her over to Lea. "And since everyone seems to think it is so damn important to bring up. We ran into another army dude who knows my father, also trapped here. So that was fun." She stated giving a pointed glare to Arctus. "Now moving on. What now? I am not ready to just sit around." She stated, knowing that she was worked up enough to keep going and hopefully fighting. There was enough anger worked in her veins, and she wanted to change enough that she needed an outlet that was not her teammates.
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Arctus waved at the angry girl innocently when she glared in his direction upon telling Lea of the man they ran into. He normally didn't get enjoyment out of purposefully provoking people as he never saw a point to that kind of behavior but this? The girl was too easy. There were lessons to be learned about playing with fire(pun intended?)...well, not many but this seemed almost fun him. "Said army dude was fast enough and tough enough to escape from our attacks unscathed. So if this girl we brought along is really working with him, then caution is warranted. There wouldn't happen to be a Truth elemental would there? That'd come in handy right about now." Arctus crossed his arms but as he spoke rather than stare at the newcomer they brought along he narrowed his eyes in angry-face's direction.

  15. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Luther sighed at Kiara's explanation. It told Lea almost nothing. At least Arctus followed up with a bit more useful of an explanation. "We arrived to find her being bullied in an almost playground style. Evidently he was trying to find something she supposedly knew the location of, and so the first thing our leader did was charge in like an angry bull. After being thoroughly outmaneuvered, he revealed himself to have some kind of connection to her past, but that seems to have been mostly coincidental. After that, this girl told us about some sort of culling from a larger group, out of which she remained due to the sacrifice of her lover." He said that part cautiously, bearing in mind the fact she might have been telling the truth. "In any case, I have my doubts about her. Whoever that was, he made Arctus and Kiara look like they were nothing. While he might've been simply respecting our numbers that could've increased if it broke out any further, it seemed more like he was letting us take her. The only reason I can think of for that to happen.." He paused, giving an accusatory glance at Juliet. He gave an attempt to read her expression, to see if it were more nervous or fearful. "..would be that she was in on it, and their scuffle was staged." Turning his head back to Lea, he sighed. "We decided you might have better judgement than we do, so brought her here."
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    "I don't trust her." Melus admitted rather bluntly after the others gave their take on the scenario, "Sure, there may have been some foul play going on when we found them, but she was working with their group, she said it herself. She may want to get away from that guy in particular, but I still have heavy doubts about her." there was a pause for a moment from the Harmonic Sough before she said, "The only reason she's even here is because your trusted first mate and this uncooperative meatbag engaged. I refuse to have this be the start to poor planning cause she comes equipped with a heart wrenching backstory and an innocent face. It's the seemingly innocent ones that are the best manipulators." Melus crossed her arms and walked closer to Lea and said, "Or maybe I'm getting carried away, but I think it's too convenient."
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Meatbag? Really? I mean at least come up with a more creative insult, you harpy." Ah the pun. It felt, actually it didn't but it fit his description of being more creative. "I'm not the one who engaged first. Miss Hothead over there was the one who attacked first. I only jumped in because it was clear she couldn't handle the gravity of the situation." He coughed and shifted in spot. "Not that it did any good but it was better than standing back and watching someone get flung like a wet noodle."

  18. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    As the groups had met back up at their hideout, it had seemed that the other group had a story to tell. While most of Aeira's face had been obscured by the shadow cast by her hood and her long hair, a single red eye could be seen peaking out, glaring at the newcomer. As who she was was discussed, Aeira's eyes then glanced over to Kar-Kiara, followed by Arcturus and then to Luther, as each gave their description. The situation was pretty simple to understand, and the only real thing worth discussing as a product of it was the girl with them. However, as the talk devolved more into petty insults between the group, Aeira started to grow more annoyed as she looked to Mellus and Arcturus, saying an annoyed, "shut up." Addressing the whole group, the girl said, "now, we either trust this girl or we don't. If we don't then we can just let her roam and if we do then she tells us what we need to know. And if she lies to us then we just beat her up. Simple." Her voice was level and matter of fact, before stating, "so, what do we decide?"
  19. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Koa walked with the group until they met up with the other group and what appeared to be a girl? He watched as the others argued back and forth over the girl. Was this girl trustworthy? Koa continued watching and listening before Aeira raised her voice. "now, we either trust this girl or we don't. If we don't then we can just let her roam and if we do then she tells us what we need to know. And if she lies to us then we just beat her up. Simple." Koa was a little startled before Aeira spoke up again. "So what do we decide?" Koa stepped forth before he opened up his mouth. "We shouldn't resort to violence, should she lie to us." Koa looked at the girl. He looked at Aeira once more. "Let's see what she has to say and then decide what to do. Without... resorting to violence. I rather we try and calmly ask the girl what she knows and have her give us info than us beating her up and keeping silence. Does that sound agreeable to everyone?" He looked at the group and back to Aeira, awaiting each one's response.
  20. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Koa and Aeira are right," Lea was thankful he had gotten the more level headed members of the group. "These people are organized. They have assignments and objectives. Our first objective was strictly recon. Something that due to circumstances, became unavoidable." He looked over to the girl. She was standing quietly, with her fingers fidgeting with each other.
    "Whether or not you're innocent is still in question." He took the key tracker from Kiara to see if there was any nearby weilders heading to their position. The radar was blank save for the girl's. "Looks like we aren't being tailed. But don't think I've let my guard down. I know you'll have other way to avoid detection." He offered Krista a seat as he continued. "And don't try anything brash. There's 8 of us and one of you."
    "O-of course. What is it you want to know?"

    Lea thought for a quick moment. "if my estimate is correct, there are 13 of you, correct?"
    "Fourteen." She replied.
    "Fourteen?" Lea repeated
    "Nequa chose thirteen of us to represent her. Five of them are her strongest followers."
    "Why isn't Nequa part of the thirteen?" As far as Lea was concerned, the leader is what led the group.
    "Nequa's champion is the Alpha. Know one knows who he is but her and Delta."
    "Oh man, I'm gonna have to start writing these down." He scratched the back of his head and looked back.

    "see what happens when we all just calm down and talk things out?" He joked. "So uhh... whose taking notes on all this?..."