Bully Counselling

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by AlexleHoshi, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. *Sora* Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 25, 2006
    Attack Helicopter
    The best thing to do is either consult with the principal of your school, a counselor at the school, or the kid's parents. Another option would be for her to find an alternate way of getting home.
  2. Roxas13579 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 13, 2008
    I'd just like to take this opportunity to extend my sympathy to anyone who is being bullied. The idea of someone being unhappy because of the actions of brainless morons is horrifying. I wish I could help, I really do. All I can do is urge you to do something about it, to talk to someone about what's happening, like your parents or a teacher, or your friends. You don't deserve to suffer through no fault of your own. If you do talk to someone, maybe it will stop and you can go on living the life you deserve. Just don't put up with it, whatever you do.

    I'm sorry I can't be of more assistance.
  3. axel_respect Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 18, 2007
    land of the long white cloud
    i have read this whole thread and i just got to say that i cant beleive some of the stuff that happens at some of these schools. i come from new zealand and any kind of bullying is like instant trouble for students and at my school we dont call each names, if you really dont like someone and they,re not laying off we settle things with fists. 1 on 1 and quick to cause teachers patroll my school like flys on a poop and if you get caught fighting you will soon find out it was'nt at all worth it. any way good luck to all those bully victims out there remember dont take crap
  4. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around

    my friend is having a little bullying trouble with this boy who acts immature.

    So that I won't give out any names, I'll call my friend Jill, and the bully Jack

    I really love my friend (only as a best friend) and I hate that he is treating her this way. I calmly and nicely asked him to stop, he said okay (I know him very well, he dated my cousin). About a few minutes later Jack calls Jill a b**** and Jill ends up cursing (more like yelling) so what i did,, was cover her mouth so the teachers wouldn't hear and I picked her up pulling her back over to our friends, so that she could ignore him.

    Jack seems to like the attention, and I do not know what to do about it. i haven't told a principal yet, and i don't think that Jill would want that, because she is like a tough kind of girl, and I know that she will need help with him </3

    any suggestions?
  5. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    I know how your friend is.I'm like that too.I'm tough and say I can handle things on my own.But the truth is that I'm strong but only when it comes to certain things.I'm WAY too timid.Anyways you should talk to a teacher you trust a lot or a administrator.They will help your friend a lot.If you talk to somebody then they will either suspend him or exspell him(<---if its really bad what he does to her).If your friend says no just talk to somebody.
  6. Lefolane Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 22, 2007
    When I was 8th grade. Some friend made fun of me. There was a girl I really hated her. It's been a long time but if I saw her again, I would still hate her. I was miserable to go to school everyday. I wasn't bullied but she always teased, sneered ang nagged me or even did everything to take advantage of me. I felt like I couldn't breathe anytime I started talking with other friends because she was around, kept interupting and said something bad to me. I had no friends to talk much. When I started to get along with a friend well. She started to make friend with that one. And soon that friend became her close friend. I felt like she took friends from me. Or even I started making friend with another one who studied in other class. She just came in and took that friend from me.(She then seemed like suddenly ignored that close friend she made before) I just wanted to have some close friend as I couldn't get along with others in class well. I didn't know what the hell was up with her. She tried to do everything to make me unhappy and sneered at me. However, the only thing that she couldn't win me was the grade. I could do grade better than her.
    Sometimes I wished she died and gone to hell or sometimes I wanna kill myself and turned into ghost thus I could go take revenge on her :S I told my mom, she said to ignore her. I did but it was helpless. She just kept annoyed me and then another classmate started to satirize that I was pretending to be a very good, poor girl in some novel who didn't react anything and facing the cruel world.. umm.. something like that. But I was too scared to open my mouth and said I just tried to ignore those **** that she said.(I found myself hate her, too) Of course, I couldn't fight anyone. I knew myself as I'm too thin. My arms might broke if I tried to fight. What's more, if I responded anything to her, the result was that I couldn't still talk back and she would definitely slap me across ma face. She was kinda domineering and agressive. Silly me that I didn't do anything for myself. I just tolerated it.

    When I finished 9 grade I moved to new school. I was kind of anxious more than feeling glad because I was afraid that I had to face such those problems again. Time flied and everything was fine. I really loved being in new school since I had a lot of friend and no one did anything mean to me. There's no social separation as well (I don't think I use the right word, gaah my poor English) because my old school; if you're not good at studying, you're not rich or you're not cool, people will treat you like crap.
  7. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    well, he is a boy after all , and she is a girl, if he has some self dignity she should slap him hard!,and speak harsly to him, tell him:":"whats your problem!, leave me alone ,if he does leave ,you , your friend ,and another stronger boy go to him, and let your friend jill,talk to him alone ,but you two keep watch(from a little afar),so he doesnt do anything irrational, let your friend tell him:"do you know why i slapped you(calmly) ,i would like you to stop , and if you stop we can keep being friends,but if you dont , then please dont speak or bother me again."

    and if he is aggressive, just go with the above(talking to him calmly,but seriously ,in a place far from the group) with two friends (keeping their distance) he will know shes serious and probably stop

    oh, Cupkake , i didnt know you and your friends had such problems,i hope you can resolve them, be strong inside!

    ok, in my case ,im 6 feet tall,and robust, so people dont mess with me, except when they see my personality, because im too calm......i mean, calm ,patient, and the good thing about my school, is that our whole group(thenth grade )are friends ,and were not even from the same
    "Cliques" or whatever they call them, and almost everyone......heck everyone at y school (except freshmen )know i sing,.......

    well, i got a friend........ill call him ......josh , ok josh ,is like 6'7" in height , and hes big ,really big, but hes really nice, but you see, if he gets ticked off , by someone he doesnt like ,or someone who insults him, he goes beserk! XD!!, literaly , one time i was taking a different class than him, and someone called him a monkey...........and well, he threw a chair at the guy!, in front of the teachers! XD!!!! , and another time he raised another guy and held him against the walls!, and the teachers had to interviene, otherwise if you talk to him, hes a normal person,

    and hes never been agressive to his friends,even when hes mad at them,

    does that make him a bully?
  8. JorrellVsRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 14, 2008
    I think I might have been a "Bully"

    even though 5 of my classes are AP... I often punk the kids around me because they look like dorks.
    ~I've learned my wrongs. Some girl put me down because I was "teasing" her brother,OMG what she said was really hurtful, and after that, I had a resolution.

    I don't remember what she said, but I rememberd it stung like a wasp.
    she said stuff like: Does it make you feel good doing that? You obviously need a life... etc.

    So if you have a bully problem... get a EXTREEMLY good looking person of the opposite sex or same sex, if they're like that, and make them point out the stuff that they're doing, and make them say how they dont like it.
    ~It worked on me~
  9. FELIX LAAD Moogle Assistant

    Mar 6, 2008
    here is a number of wayse to stop geting bullie

    1.suround your self with taller and stornger people than the bully

    2.try to bully him/herd

    3.move school

    4.tell a teacher

    5.get a gun and hold it at there head till thay cry
  10. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    This is a serious thread, I know that you are sitting next to me now and I could tell you there but I want to make sure that it is clear to people. I think this sort of post shoud be in the Spamzone as it isn't proper advice.
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Usually it is because you are not in the group. The easiest way to avoid it would be to find someone in the group with the same interests, then slowly prise open a gap and fit into the group. (not to say you need to do what they do, but if you make an ally, it is all good.)
  12. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Good advice:D
  13. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    the bullis are ignorant and they always do the contrary one of what is said, however the only way of calming is them to speak to him or to tell him/it someone responsible
  14. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    I used to be bullied quite a lot half the time at secondary school...

    They used to cut strands of my hair, trample me on the stairs, write death threats on my locker, put explicit magazines in my bag, place hair gel all over my p.e bag... I lived and moved on with it, and helped my friends who might be victims.

    Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and the best thing to do is hold on and be better than them at everything...

    After all, with the progress that they're doing to make you feel bad (and failing to make their grade better), they'll end up in a bad job cleaning the bog.

    They bully because you've got something they haven't. Some form of talent, which makes them writhe because they are not as good as you are.

    Best advice is to be who you are... And don't let anyone stop you. After all, you're the one getting the better job in the future.
  15. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life

    yeah you're right, i think they does so with someone because they are afraid of him/her or something of the kind
  16. WaftVixen Merlin's Housekeeper

    Bullies are for rookies. They only do that to stand popular among the others. They can't be stop just by speaking. Sometimes they're aren't so strong at all. They usually come from problematic famillies. Ignorance is a bliss. Ignore them or threat them back instead. A good 'threat' (is actually a daring advice that'll make em stay away from ya) is better then to fight. Or otherwise a report won't make ya wuss. It'll save your ass instead. You have the power to it. So you decide.
  17. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    If someone tries to bully you, it's much better when you stop it before it begins. As long as you show somebody you will fight back when try to do you wrong, they'll stop. A bully'd rather have an easy target than a hard one.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    I would say that since your friend is a strong willed person and wants to handle things on her own, she should be able to. However, being a friend also means maybe giving her some advice like telling her how to deal with it without getting herself in a crapload of trouble.

    If he calls her a b or something else, tell her to shrug it off as she can and blow him off as much as she can because bullies thrive on attention and he gets a reaction out of her so he insists on continuing the charade. If she barely gives him a reaction, using that willpower in a conductive way instead to blow him off he might get the hint. Also, she could just spring a question on him like 'why are you bothering to do this? What's in it for you when we could be friends instead? What's your problem with me?" If she's got a strong will, putting it to good use may throw him off guard and get him thinking instead of her going at him and possibly getting herself in trouble.

    Despite the suggestions above...don't have her 'slap him silly' etc. That just is lame and the 'girly' approach to the situation and if she has a willpower, as you said, she can get out of this by outsmarting him instead unless he actually does hit her.
  19. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    This was long ago. I'm happy I moved to another school, not much am I bullied but some hate me where I am. Anyways, in grade 1 it was winter. Some big guy in grade 5 thought it would be fun to come over and throw a hard rock snow at my head. Ofcourse I was hit but scared, " What's your problem?" I asked.. Afterward another hit me and another. I'm a female and a male hits me..thats shame to me. So after that the principal took me to the office, I didn't know the kids name but, i lied to my principal. Two more grades and I left that school:)
  20. jengo Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 24, 2007
    I have NO idea.....
    The things I most do is either ignore it ( kid durring class kept yelling at me to look at him and stop ignoring him, got him steamed :rockdover: ) or just tell on them (after a week of detention, they'll get it.)
