
Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by T3F, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Cyberbullying is bretty bad. What you do most of times is either block/ignore them. Otherwise, just stand up to them. You don't deserve this crap.
  2. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Courage is often mistaken for lack of forethought.
  3. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    No, it's called knowing where the line is. What has fighting ever achieved? More fighting.
    Knowing when to back off, that's what I'd call courage.
    And honey, you'd be surprised of what I've been capable of doing. Very surprised.​
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Cyberbullying is not even the real issue here. It's easier to take care of than the real bullying going on. Yes, you fear what she may be saying to your friends online and she's a disrespectful little brat. However, you're rather immune to her online as you can say whatever and so can she and you have the right to ignore her. I'd suggest online to stop caring so much what she's doing and just talk to your friends. Make her -less important- as in if you are talking, don't even mention her and just chat with your friends. You can block her out or get out of a convo with her and calmly explain to other friends that you get treated poorly by her in school and enough is enough, you don't simply want to hear it online and that your friends are welcome to make their own judgments. You don't need to defend yourself more than that.

    As for in school, the suggestions of beating on her for mental abuse are not the way to go. Maybe you need to work on your wit and self-esteem some. She cannot hurt you with words if you really do consider that she's wasting all this time and energy on trying to make you feel bad. Think of it. She's taking all this time to insult you and if you don't let it bother you anymore and just shrug at what she says and say 'your comments really aren't important and you're wasting your time on trying to make me feel bad. I must be really important for you to be doing that because why else would you day in and day out do this? You now go to the internet too? You really need something better to do." If you can't say any of that out loud, say it in your head. Build up a wall in your defenses to not be overly defensive but to bounce off these silly words she says to you.

    She sees you as weak and an easy target. It's time you make yourself less of a target by learning to blow her off. Become less exciting to her and show her words mean nothing. Go on with your day. These kind of people inside are really shallow and pathetic. You've got more going for you. Focus on your school work, other friends around you and heck, get yourself involved in some school programs and clubs that she is not in. Meet some other people. If you're around those other people and she starts in on you just look at them and say that this girl has bothered you for a long time and you haven't a clue why but you're going to ignore it and hope they will too and that maybe one day she'll be bold enough to actually tell you what her problem is so that this can be over. In other words, be the bigger person here. The less you show you care... and the less you actually care about it, the more soon she's likely to give up on this.

    Of course, there's the odd chance she may be stupid and become more aggressive, but if she does... she's being rather stupid, isn't she? She has -no reason- to do that. If she did, you could turn her bullying tactic words on her. Just remember to be in control of your emotions and be strong. Being strong doesn't mean just beating up someone. It means that you grow some thick skin and can withstand verbal attacks by others because in the end, they are childish and you are not.

    Let us know how things turn out and I hope things get better for you.

    As for those who are posting to fight her... I will say this. If she actually was physically assaulting her, yeah, I don't believe anyone has a right to lay a hand on someone else and well, when someone hit me, they regretted it. However, words are words and this girl likes to play mind games. The way to beat mind games and not look like an idiot is usually to get yourself above them and move on. After a time, because you have, the other person is just going to look plain stupid, or get a clue. I see why people would want to beat the tar out of her. Hell, it's instinctive to at least make her cry for how she's acting, and a good slap of reality can do that quicker than words. But it's not going to help this person if she shows she's over violent and reacting to words. It'll make her seem pathetic and out of control, feeding into what this girl wants. The girl seems out to sabotage her, so if she did something physical, this other girl would go report her etc and then her life would be worse. Hope that makes sense on why some people are saying to not fight. It has nothing to do with being afraid of fighting. There are more ways to fight than with fists.
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Yeah, blocking her would be a good idea. And anyone else she invites.

    Cyberbullying in this context is actually pretty mild. Sometimes it gets worse, where a student might make an entire website over the student he or she dislikes, then posts only hatred on it. That's almost never but that's what I thought this was going to be. lol

    What Repliku said about building up a good wall and being able to take the girls comments is a good idea. Though try on saying things to her, because I've seen what happens if you just don't talk and let kids talk about you in front of an entire class. It looks embarassing. Stirring the **** up always looked more appealing. XD But anyway, make sure you can tell her how much of a waste she's making, trying to make you feel bad. Sometimes compartmentalizing the bully mentally will eat at them over time and they'll stop doing mean things to you out of exhaustion. Though don't do it at traumatizing levels. lol

    Good luck with your problem.
  6. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    we all do crazy things but why is fihting so horrible to you?
    it solves problems most of the times
    when it gang related its a little differen but that isnt the case
    and replicu words do hurt inside
  7. Repliku Chaser

    Words can only hurt if you let them. Some girl at school who is a nobody to you and says whatever should not hurt as much as words said in scorn by your family or closest friends. What your family or friends might say can hurt but generally they may also be trying to help you or point out something that's really frustrating them. There's a difference in why they will say hurtful things versus some silly betch or deck at school. You have the power to say their words don't make a difference to you and to learn to feel that way too. It's a good thing to -now- while you are in school, build up that wall against caring what some people say that is particularly nasty and just meant to demean you and make you feel bad. In the adult world, if you react with violence over words, it shows you haven't grown up and you'll also be more likely to be behind bars. People that use words to get nasty reactions from people that are not doing anything wrong to them are scumbags. Don't give them what they want. If your reactions to their idiocy instead of with humor, indifference and tolerance, trust me, you get farther than if you show their words actually cut into you.

    I was bullied for years until I hit around 11-12 and yeah, I had to resolve some things 'physically' because I was being beaten on and pushed around and well I never reacted physically until it actually -hurt- because kids around me were wusses compared to adults that were beating on me at home heh. I did have to resolve some things physically because they -were- physical. The mental stuff though, I have found it far more effective to just learn that their words are meant to make me look like an idiot and so instead, I developed a keen wit, became sarcastic, and even made jokes about what they were trying to do. I'd ignore them or just tell them how silly they were being and most of them after left me alone because I couldn't be considered a vulnerable easy target anymore. It -does- work as I also helped several others in school that were being bullied by hopping in and being a 'word' vigilante. It actually became kind of entertaining. (I was a very bored youth sometimes).

    If nothing else works, think back to a very elementary lesson little kids say. "I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and goes back to you." Even little children are taught to learn some social habits of sarcasm, wit and to not let others get to them who are just plain stupid.
  8. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    you do have a point and well i got suspended for fightin somee kids and they shut up
    but one of them just kept runnin his mouth at the end of the year and the principal told me that next time i would be sent to an opportunity school
    and he would sit in da class callin me names out loud and that hurt my pride deeply
    i would get home and punch myself for takin that
    i would have rather taken him on and gone to an opportunity school than take that
    though that might happen next year if i have him for a class again
    itll suck because itll be my senior year but you do what you gotta do
  9. Repliku Chaser

    I totally understand that it feels like you are giving in to someone being an asshat, but in the end you aren't. In the end, that person is only harming himself. He's an idiot. Don't 'take' what he dishes out. Reflect it away from you. What he says, don't let it be important and mean a thing to you because he's -no one- of consequence. When you get out of high school you will probably only see him a couple times if that. That's the good thing about school. Once you get out, a lot of the arsewipes you knew are history and you can get on with your life.

    You've already proven to yourself that you -can- fight if someone does crap to you physically. There's nothing else to have to prove there. Don't consider it, in your case, that if you hit this guy you could end up wrecking your life and going to an opportunity school. (Here, we call them Detention Homes. Your place sounds so much friendlier xD). Think of it more as in he's really being fricken petty and you've got other things to do in school than waste time on someone who after your senior year, you are likely to never have to set eyes on again. You have a future to think about and that putz isn't in it. Hope things get easier for you and really, don't punish yourself for holding back against plugging some idiot. He's not worth your punch. In the end if you can feel that way, you may get to the point you can blow him off and even get to telling him to shut his pie hole. xD
  10. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    thanks that helped
    and your right
    ill try to ignore him in school
    lol and yeah opportinity school is a nice and friendly name for such a place
  11. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Because I've seen what it's done, because I've broken up so many stupid fights, sometimes even been a part of it.
    It never solved anything, and it just caused a ton of other problems, usually in the form of other fights.​
  12. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    they sometimes do!