Dream Drop Distance: Voice of Zexion Recording Lines for 3D!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Hey guys! I've been contacted by our member Axel91 and he took the time to contact Vincent Corazza who lends his voice to the Zexion/Ienzo. And look at what he replied...

    So that's it folks. This means other voice actors will soon be brought in to do their parts. That's great news for us fans. Now, if they'd just not use Joel Osment for young Sora anymore...lol.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, Feb 16, 2012.

    1. Saxima
      That's really exciting, it means that Dream Drop Distance is well on its way to localization ~ ♥

      Hopefully, we'll have many voices returning, and that the game will come out not too long after March ~ ♥♥
    2. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Vincentcorazza.com (just go to the contact tab)
    3. Miles
      every time I thing of young soras voice being the older soras voice i think it got deeper when he was on his journey to castle obl. XPI dont think they should change soras voice for young sora AT ALL!! NOt even a little.
    4. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩

      But yeah, they wouldn't be their KH1 versions, they just look like that for one reason or another.
    5. FF Cloud 7
      FF Cloud 7
      Yay zexion/Ienzo will be back and will talk (refering to Ienzo in bbs) so I wonder what the plot will be with him... but anyway im happy that he'll be voice acting Ienzo/Zexion again since he's one of my favorite org XIII members.

      As for the discussion with Sora, I dont majorly have anything against his voice as younger sora, since it's not his fault and it's better that they didn't/don't try and get another voice actor for yonger sora since it would probably a fair bit different so its better to just stick with the original expecially after all this time. eg: Namine after kh2 she got a different english voice actor (still dont know why) and to some people that made an impact, since it wasn't her kh2 voice actor. So it would be odd having someone other than Haley Joel Osment doing the voice for yonger sora since he's been doing the voice for sora (execpt kid sora) for this long it would be weird having another voice actor for him. It would probably be (after a little thought) the whole thing with mickey mouse again (rest in peace Wayne Allwine) since there has been discussions about mickeys voice actor in bbs since it seems like alot of people doesn't like his new voice actor.

      sorry for rambling and if i've worded anything bad
    6. Krown
      This is excellent!
      Thanks for doing this, axel91~
    7. nickoboyzx
      great they back

      thanks for the news