Drinking or smoking. What is more dangerous in your opinion?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Bond of Flame, May 7, 2009.


Drinking/smoking. What is more dangerous?

  1. drinking

  2. smoking

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  1. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    The same can be said for alcohol, but of a greater extent. How many people do you think have been killed in incidents of drunk driving when they weren't drunk? And that's only one scenario. Yet here I am, I've been "victimized" by secondhand smoke nearly constantly my entire life and I function normally if not better than my peers physically.
  2. 007 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 5, 2008
    Behind you
    hmm true
    but even when people smoke just one cigarette around others, the others have some damage (especially in a bar) but if someone has just one drink that doesn't mean they're gonna DUI and kill people
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Yeah I'm gonna go with smoking.
    It will get you lung cancer. Second Hand smoke isn't good either. I don't know why people get to addicted to nocotine...
  4. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Because it's addictive? Lol.
  5. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Really, gonna have to go with this. It's a chemical thing, it's not like it's a choice that they actively make.
  6. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Then why start in the first place? That, to me, is a choice.
  7. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    I agree with child, its your choice to start smoking in the first place, I get that its addictive but you made the bad choice of starting smoking so I would count that as a choice of the person not the chemicals put in the cigarette...
  8. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    It is a choice. But that affects the argument that it is less/more dangerous NONE AT ALL.
  9. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    personally, I'd say smoking~
    its more addictive than alcohol so more people die from it
  10. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    it depends on how you use them

    for example smoke a pack a day(BAD)

    drink once a month

    it depends on how you use them

    personally i do not like either.....but it depends

    another example drink yourself to death

    either way they are both bad

    then again another thing is how it effects others so in my opinion it varies
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Is it possible to get addicted from years of secondhand smoking?
    It seems like that would make it easier for someone to choose to start smoking cigarettes
  12. Repliku Chaser

    I'd say in the immediate, drinking is more dangerous when handled poorly. There are by far, more dangerous, stupid actions people do when drunk or because they want to be drunk than there are accidents with smoking. Smoking doesn't really affect someone's ability to cognitively think things through and won't affect their motor skills etc.

    However, in long term, if someone is responsible with either, I'd say that sooner or later smoking becomes an issue as it wears you down physically whether smoking moderately or not. The responsible thing for a smoker then is to quit and let their lungs heal.

    Both smoking and drinking have effects on people who do both excessively and do not think. Smoking will affect the person's health and so will drinking. One hits the lungs and the other hits the liver, which both of these are rather needed to survive. Drinking and smoking both have been connected to stimulating cancer cells, and neither -causes- cancer, but both do raise chances of getting cancer as well as other diseases.

    So, in the end, if taken in excess, I'd probably say drinking since it has affects on the mind, motor skills, and people are more prone to make poor judgments when drunk, such as driving, doing parties where they force people to do stuff, brawling etc. Also, later, health for that person can suck and people have died by binge parties etc. I feel both smoking and drinking are harmful, but if neither is done in excess, there are worse things out there that can kill you.

    Also, some of you posted things on cigarette contents etc, which is over-exaggerated. It truly depends on what brand people smoke and one cig or one drink won't kill anyone. The thing is to know with either, both are addicting and can cause problems. Cigarettes though are more addicting in most cases. However, I'm going to place my vote for alcohol as more dangerous because it's often overlooked and there are so many exaggerations about smoking but drinking has caused in the end, more domestics, more fights, more accidents, more ego issues and people thinking they can get away with things they otherwise would not do, excuses to get away with foolish things, and mistakes that people the next day say 'oops' over.
  13. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    Depends on what you're drinking.

    For example, drinking bleach wouldn't be very smart. :3
  14. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Drinking in short term.

    Smoking in long term.

    Drinking statistically causes the most damage in a wide range of ways. For instance, drunk driving accidents between other cars (multiple, even), people and buildings. However smoking causes heart and lung diseases, most of the time are among the highest mortality rate in their tier for that particular organ.
  15. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    Drinking causes both long and short term problems.

    And don't say liver failure isn't a serious problem.
  16. VI schemer Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 17, 2007
    In your cereal box.
    I would say, overall, drinking. Drinking not only hurts the person drinking, but everyone around them. Smoking is certainly harmful, but it largely only affects the smoker. Even if you hang out with smokers, you're not even guaranteed to inhale the smoke. However, if one of your friends is drunk, while it usually doesn't affect you physically, it can cause irreparable damage to other facets of your life. My mom used to be an alcoholic, and that affected me and my family much worse than if she had just smoked. Psychological damage can be worse than the previously mentioned physical damages, after all, you're not guaranteed to get cancer or liver problems.

    While smoking definitely can do damage in the long run, it doesn't affect those around you as much. If the person wants to hurt themselves, fine, but when they involve others, that's when it becomes a bad thing.
  17. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    Most definitely smoking. While too much drinking can lead to misery and destruction both on the inside and out, a little bit is okay. Every time you inhale that smoke, however, your insides are being damaged, as well as the lungs of anyone around you that breathes it in. Also, smoking is addicting, whereas alcohol is only an addiction for some people (alcoholics). One or two smokes and you're hooked, but with drinking you just have to do it in moderation to ensure your own safety, not to mention the others in the vicinity. Both can kill in different ways, yes, but the way I see it, cigarettes are more deadly.
  18. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    And look at you here, telling us that small increments of alcohol will do nothing bad to you. That's obviously not true. And granted that smoking does harm you every time you do it, it's arguable whether or not that damage is greater than that of drinking, which is the entire basis of this thread. And even then, I think that secondhand smoke is overinflated in descriptions and it's not so bad as people actually make it out to be. Smoking can be addictive, and alcohol can be just as addictive to anybody else. There is no way that you can tell me that it's not an addiction when somebody gets in as bad a position as shitfaced drunk at a party yet comes back for more a month later. And yet, if they don't drink too often, we don't call these people "alcoholics". It's arguable that alcohol is just as addictive as smoking is.
  19. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    A month later? Try a week.

    **** yeah. Go hard or go home, ******s.
  20. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Thank you very much for that. It helped.
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