Easiest way to die.........

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by new born hero, Jun 29, 2011.

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  1. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Oh my God.
    I haven't posted here, but I just read over it.

    Please, please don't be selfish. You think your family and friends won't miss you? They will. No matter what you think. They won't "get over it in a year". That's not going to ****ing happen. They will always miss you. Don't think they won't. It might not seem like after a long, long time. But they will always miss you. Don't take your life. Don't do it. A life is a terrible thing to take... from yourself, and from your family. Please... listen to us. You seem to be skipping over all the posts telling you this. You don't need to kill yourself. You don't. If you do this, you will be breaking so many hearts. You need to tell us what's wrong. You need to explain why you're thinking to do this to yourself. And know your life isn't the worst out there. It'll get better.

    Please, please, please listen to us.
  2. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I'm going to pretend this is serious. I realize there's an off-chance that this person is some moronic troll but I'm bored and have nothing better to do.

    Look, I know you're going to take this the wrong way, but you're a stupid teenager. You're a child and being completely childish. Stupid teenagers do stupid things because they don't know any better. You're 16 years old. Life can't be all that terrible now can it? You have a girlfriend, a roof over your head, an education, 3 square meals a day, a laptop, probably a car, your health(as far as I can ascertain, you haven't mentioned any major illnesses), clothes on your back, and people who care about you. Even complete strangers on an internet forum has expressed concern about you. There are people in the world who would be delighted to have those things you so easily desire to throw away.

    And forgive me if I'm not sugarcoating my words in response to this bullshit. This is me when I don't really give a **** about the person on the other end. A person who has triggered my rage response. The only thing I can think to tell you is that you're taking the coward's way out of life. You're going to kill yourself in the most painless way possible.

    You are such a goddamn coward. Men and Women die everyday protecting the freedom you have and you use that freedom they've martyred themselves for to want to kill yourself. So you've waited a year for things to turn around and don't want to wait another one for things to change. Big freaking deal. You've been on this Earth a mere 16 years. What is another year compared to those 16?

    I've considered killing myself. It's a nagging, constant thought in the back of my mind. But I'm not going to give into that desire and you know why? Because I have a 2 year old niece. When she was born, I promised that I would be there for her. She is one of the few things on this Earth that makes me genuinely happy and I always feel a bit lighter around her.

    Stop being a coward and live your life. It's not going to be easy but life never is.
  3. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    THIS is the reason you want to kill yourself?
    Dude, you are SIXTEEN YEARS OLD! Unless you are being SEVERELY bullied there is nothing that is happening to you right now that won't passover within the next few years.
    Being a teenager is hard, or at least it SEEMS hard. I guarantee you there are hundreds of kids in highschool who can think of a reason to kill themselves when in actuality those reasons are dumb as **** and make no sense. I don't know your situation, and unless it's something involving bullying or abuse from parents then trust me, YOU'RE LIFE IS NOT HARD! If my sister had decided to act on her suicidal impulses when she was 17 then she definitely wouldn't have married someone she loves and produced my nephew.

    Essentially what I'm saying is, despite what people and the media will say about "HUUUR DUUR! THE WORLD HAS GONE TO ****! EVERYTHING SUCKS!" and though it holds some truth, the world isn't as bad as you think it is.
    There's always light at the end of a tunnel.
  4. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011
    I'm not going to speak everything I want to say because enough people have already done that. Just read about 5 people here and you'll understand how idiotic you sound.
    If you think at 16 your old enough to understand everything, that your family will just forget you. That right there just tells us what kinda sh!t your full of. I know what it feels like to experience death, wishing that those last few days the person was alive you'd have spent more time with them, told them you love them, hugged them. Don't you dare say your family won't miss you, loosing someone to an accident or sickness is bad enough, loosing someone to suicide? You're a damed fool if you think they'll be fine.

    If you've got family and friends, you can get through whatever crisis you're having at 16. My best friend had every right to want to commit suicide, her father died, her house was a wreck, school was absolutely killing her, and all the other sh!t us teenagers have to go through. Guess what dumbass, she's living life to the fullest, and she'll forever be my role model for strength. So grow a pair and get over yourself.

    (That was longer than I intended it to be, whatever, I just can't believe you. Your not even saying what is so terrible in your life, all you've told us are about the good things in it.)
  5. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I'm not going to pretend like I understand your problems. In fact, I'm not even sure what they are.

    But just know that this "doomed destiny" thing is a lie.

    To be perfectly honest, I actually believed in it too. Not having many friends, not being close to anyone; all of it hurt. And then even this past school year when stress just ate away at me and my grandpa died, I just felt as though there was really nothing left. But there is something left.

    Just because things seem like they're going down the tube, it doesn't mean that you can't change it. Maybe I'm more optimistic than I should be, but the life you lead is the one you make for yourself. If you choose this road, which I really hope you don't, then that is your decision. However, on the other side is you choosing to go find happiness.

    Want friends? People in this thread are obviously very concerned, and we're pretty a much a giant family anyway.
    Want bad things to stop happening? Well, they will happen. It happens to us all. But you've just got to persevere through it. And there are people, even if you may not know who, that do care about you. You just have to open your eyes to see them.
  6. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Turn back..while you still can. I can't say I know what your thinking, and I can't say I understand, but I can say I have tried this multiple times. I know this probably means nothing to you...but you have one life. So don't just throw it all away.
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    instead of telling us this stuff, you should be saying it your friends and family. i want you to tell them "i want to die, i want to kill myself", and then you'll see all the reasons you shouldn't. you're looking for the easiest way to die, one that's painless? well, even if it's painless for you, i guarantee it won't be painless for the people close to you, you're hurting other people as well, even if you don't know or don't mean to.

    anyways, i'm done here seeing as there isn't anything more i can do. that's my advice, you can take it or leave it.
  8. new born hero Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 29, 2011
    In an unknown place in an unknown time
    Hmm well there have been many different opinions and takes on this, none of which i expected nor did i ask for but, for some reason i feel grateful that you did. So i'm obliged to say thank you, whether you called me an idiot or just simply gave advice.

    First off, I won't do anything as of now but like I said, this is not my first time at this and it's been a year, so everyone saying stuff like people who didn't do it realized that it was stupid. So did I my first attempt but honestly this is just ridiculous and I'm talking about life itself.

    Secondly, i believe i owe everyone an explanation as too what's causing me to want to do this, as well as those 'people' I emphasize on this because i would love to call them something else but it's not appropriate and so i won't. Those people who think, I'm just some stupid teenage seeking attention or even to those thinking, I'm trolling.

    Let's go to the first thing, my gf, the same one who was around last year when this happened, Lea. We've been dating for a year and a half so I don't even think I have to mention how much I love...loved her. She dumped me, now so what it happens right? The reason she dumped me was well, she said she was just using me and said she didn't ever care at all. 1 year and a half with this person that I loved and supposedly loved me, was just a lie. I'm obviously still not over that.

    Then my attempt to move on, with Christina, we've known each other for well ever, my dad and her mom used to date when, we were like 6 or younger. Well i've always liked her and vise versa. We spoke about dating even, then two weeks ago, she's dating some other person, I thought maybe it was nothing, then well i saw pics of them....let's just say it's serious.

    Ok now that, that part is done with, moving on to school. I failed the year, not sure how this is even possible, considering I've never failed before, at least not the year. Not to mention the most trouble some is french, I failed french with a 53, I've never failed french in my life. Not to mention my teacher said I wasn't going to fail - _ - , so now i have to repeat the year, which means I'll be done high school when i'm 18 instead of 17.

    Secondly I'm not bragging but I'm honestly the most popular kids in my school. Everyone likes and knows me. Think about what that's gunna do to my popularity, I don't even want to think about it. Not to mention all of my friends, that I've went to elementary all the way to now of my school years, I won't even be graduating with them :/ which is just stupid especially considering i don't even know how i failed :nono:

    Now the last part, normally when i have a problem, i would just talk to one of my family members, one in particular. But there on a trip to san fransico and yes i could call them but it's not the same. They won't be back until next year, which is also another thing that just fking sucks, their my closest family member and i used to spend all my time with them. Well anyways, my dad is leaving on a trip as well, july 14th so i'm gunna be home alone for a week or two, what better timing to be home alone.......
  9. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    First off, let me say I'm happy that you aren't going to go through with it. That's a step in the right direction. c:

    As for the ex-friend, I know that you loved her, but it would be best if you just forgot about her. Considering she just used you like that, she isn't even anywhere near good enough for you. And that's what you need to understand. She was the one not good enough for you.

    For Christina, haha, I was/am actually in a similar boat! It does hurt. It does make you want to cry and rage and stuff, but at some point you're going to also need to let this go. What helps me get through it is thinking of the girl's (we will call her Misher) faults. Caution, though, if yu are gong to do this, don't get extremely obsessive over it, like to the point of hating her. :/

    For school, may I suggest summer school if it's available? I know it's not the best thing in the world, but if you can make up the credit here, you can still graduate with all your friends.

    And are there any relatives that live near you that you could temporarily move in with until your dad gets back? That is, if you like them of course. Or you could possibly move in with a friend if their parents are cool with it. I'd suggest talking to your dad about it sometime soon.
  10. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Well, you're not going to kill yourself. There we go. See?

    Anyway- she was using you. That doesn't mean she's better, or too good... she's stupid. She was awful to use you. If you still think you need her, you're wrong. She's a bad person. You're better off.

    Now, about this- can't tell whether you were actually dating her or not. You said you spoke about dating. Does this mean you were dating? I'm not sure... if you were committed to her, then she's as mean as Lea. However, if you only spoke about it, she's still mean, just not as much. Either way, Plums is right here. You know she's not good for you, so understand that. Just don't start hating her.

    I'm guessing your school problems revolve around your relationship problems. You need to work through that. And also, yes. Summer school or some sort of extra credit should be your best bet. Do that, and you can graduate with your friends, something important to you.

    Finally, on family... you need to stay with someone at this point in your life. When you were just contemplating suicide, please. Find someone to stay with. For yourself.

    And remember... you are a life. A gift. Don't take that away.

    P.S. If my last post sounded rude, I apologize. I'm worked up. Stay strong.
  11. new born hero Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 29, 2011
    In an unknown place in an unknown time
    I guess but all of that time spent, more than just time, love and all. It can't be forgotten so easily.

    Well i can't put blame on her...or anyone for that matter, it's not like me, plus i care about her a lot, more than i do for lea :(

    I would but you can only go if the school recommends it and they didn't. Which idk why i failed with a 58 and 60 is needed to pass, so they should have recommended for me to go, i would have, plus my dad is rich so price isn't a problem.

    No no i mean i can stay on my own, i have done it before. But considering everything that's been going on, i figured if i was going to ''end'' this, that would be the perfect time, no one home.
  12. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Let me say something. If you want to end it all, it is your right. However, look at all the people here who are trying to save your life. If you go through with it, then we've all failed. And how do you think utter failure to save a human life feels? It can be enough to drive one to suicide. So if you do this, first think about how many people you might kill as a result. Probably many more than just the one you hope to kill. I've seen it happen a lot of people die because of somebody else's suicide. I don't want to see that happen again.
  13. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I don't know if this is any consolation but thank you. I appreciate people who understand a situation and to be able to spell it out for themselves and others. It shows an understanding of yourself and circumstances meaning you are not nearly as self absorbed as others put in your situation. Its refreshing.

    Now to begin with in relation to this Ex of yours. From what it looks like she was saying it as an exaggeration to make the separation easier. It probably wasn't always like that but by the looks of things you could see that from the beginning. She's probably hurting too, the thing is some things run there course and think on it, would your relationship have been any better, had it continued? That's a question for you to answer.

    In relation to your friend who you think you could do more with, as your relationship ran its course, so will hers. In that time i advise you not to hesitate and just go for it. Until that time be as good a friend as you can be. you can do nothing but your best my man.

    In relation to staying back a year, i can see the dread in it simply because i just finished my final exams and don't want to have to be in the previous year simply because the company isn't all too comforting, except one of my friends is staying back because of his GF. look at it this way if you are friends with people from that year then its all good.
    f*ck popularity, the people who care about how they look from that perspective are often thought of as shallow and i can tell from at least this post you are anything but. If you don't have friends, make some new ones i mean theres only maybe 1-2 years age difference so that's not an issue. Anyway you will be able to hang out with your friends from your year outside of school so don't worry about that. School is just one of many steps my man, you can just as easily walk a different path.
  14. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Alright, I've been fallowing this thread since it started and I contemplated to myself exactly what you were doing here; I didn't know if you were sincere or just a troll. Don't think less of me for that because we've had people do this stuff before.

    Now moving on... I'm glad that you've decided not to become an hero, that would help no one around you IRL or anyone that's tried to change your mind here. If anything, it'll make those who tried to persuade you away from the decision feel like crap.

    Your ex-girlfriend, Lea - the only explanation she gave you, after one and a half years of being a couple, was that she was using you. The way I see it is that this is a lie. No one does that. You can't just date a person for that long and then say "Oh, hey, we're breaking up, I was just using you this entire time." It just doesn't make sense. There has to be a reason why she did it, unless she had been cheating on you more than half the time. But other than that one, there has to be more to her breakoff with you than the piss poor reason she gave you.

    Christina, since she is serious with someone else, I would say just move past that because the way it looks, it doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. You should save yourself from more heartache later.

    Okay, so you failed French. Is there a summer school program? It's not the best idea for your summertime activites, but it's better than you graduating a year later than you should have, or a semester, or whatever. I would recommend you looking into that.

    Your popularity right now should be the least of your problems, really it should. Having more serious things to worry about like school and taking your own life is far more serious than what other people think of you at school. Not to mention you probably aren't the only one who failed a course, so even though that shouldn't make you feel better, it should at least just a little bit.

    Since this family member who you always talk to is in SanFran right now, the only thing you can do is call him/her, unless you have a means of getting there. As for being home alone for a week or so, you need to try and keep productive, find things to do that'll take your mind of off the more...dangerous things that you could be doing. Like coming here to KHV on a regular basis - trust me, that'll take your mind of a lot.

    The Final Solution is not a very good one, it's a very stupid one in fact, and one you shouldn't even waste your time thinking about. I know that sometime it seems like the only option left - hence the name "The Final Solution" - but there are ways to get away from that. There's always someone who will listen to you, even if it's a stuffed animal or something (believe me, I've talked to inanimate objects millions of times. They really do help). But please remember, we're always here for you, even if we don't know much about you, we can always find the small ways to help. (:

    The one thing you should remember is that suicide is a very permanent solution to temporary problems. And take it seriously when I say temporarily, because nothing lasts forever.
  15. new born hero Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 29, 2011
    In an unknown place in an unknown time
    Normally i would quote and reply but it's time consuming. So i will try to reply in a way that includes the last two posts.

    1.Thank you for your help and your time. Also sorry if i seemed angry it's just i don't really like the fact that people would relate my problems to that of a troll, two complete different things.

    2.I understand and obviously it doesn't make sense but i've asked multiple times, i've had my best friend(jessica) talk to her for me and still the same, jessica even came back and said she's fk'ed up XD but still idc, i still kinda love her.

    3.As for christina, there is actually history there. I'm aware as to how to handle this but i shouldn't have to, it's like someone says i love you then the next day the say the same thing to someone else. It isn't really easy to deal with, especially when you've known that person for over 10years.

    4.Well as i mentioned, they didn't offer it. Also french isn't the only thing I've failed :whatsthat:
    So my only option is to repeat, which is just stupid. Also i would like to just ignore what everyone says but like i said I'm extremely popular and not shallow, actually extremely nice, which is rare. Typically ''popular'' people tend to be ***holes, but i'm not. So yeah i have to worry about this.

    5.Well that's just it, normally i have that family member and my ps3(i know that sounds stupid) but both have been ''taken''. I lost my ps3 because i didn't pass and I tend to spend a large amount of time on there, not really playing games but playing with friends. Now i can't even do that, there is nothing left.

    I guess i've just never really had to face my problems. Well i mean i've had help. Like my family member or my ps3 lol but now, idk what to do, which brings me to my only solution for all my problems, suicide and in a sick twisted way it's comforting.
  16. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Kay, First off, I am so, so happy you decided not to go through with it. IT DESERVES HUGS.

    There's nothing else to really say that the others havn't really said. Although may I suggest at least telling your dad you're having problems? You don't have to tell him all at once, it just seems like something you should maybe tell him?

    But like I said, you control your own destiny. You can do whatever you want if you put your mind to it. Maybe you could call the school and ask after summer courses?
    And you don't have to have a girlfriend to be happy.

    I hope things work out for you. <3
  17. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I am so relieved and happy that you changed your mind ^^ I would also like to apologise for thinking you could be a troll- I feel horrible about that.

    I'm also really happy you opened up to us, I know it can be hard. Anyway, with the Lea situation: I can understand how horrible that is, so much time and devotion to one person and it turns out to be a lie, all you can really do now is forget about her- yes easier said then done, especially since you were together so long but it's the best thing to be done. She has now caused you horrible pain and do you know what, she is unbelievable selfish and completely doesn't deserve you. You are a guy with so much potential and you sound like you really cared for her so you just need to give that to someone truly deservant of it and this person will come along in time, be patient.

    With the new girlfriend scenario, I know EXACTLY how you feel, to see the one you like with someone else it rips you apart. You have 2 choices with this one: 1) Let her go, just stay friends and enjoy her company as a close friend and not as someone to date 2) Don't give up on her and live with the pain that could go on for ages or not- it's a gamble. Either way you will one day find someone, maybe right now you should just give girlfriends a break and stay single for a bit. I personally wouldn't chose the second option as it does dig at you until you can't help breaking down- this happened to me and when I finally gave up a huge burden was lifted from me (yes, getting over her was a beast but it was worth it).

    In school, it's possible that you just had a bad day on the examinations or you were just overwhelmed with pain. When we are upset with the problems similar to what you are facing, school work seems incredibly unimportant so we tend to not work as hard plus the issues can consume us while we try to learn so we don't take it in. If you're feeling suicidal you don't take the info you're taught in as subconsciously you feel it's completely pointless. Anyway, it doesn't matter- all you can do now is either put a positive spin on it by laughing at it with your friends and then over the next year working very hard on your school work so you can catch up. You said there was a summer school but that was only available to those the school talks to- why don't you ask about it, ask why you weren't considered, you never know it may be a misunderstanding or something- it's worth a shot.

    I would go see if there was someone you could stay with during this time- it will keep the temptation to self harm to a minimum and plus company will help, it psychologically makes you feel better (until you want time alone). If there is then I would go stay with someone, otherwise invite friends around or something just to have a laugh with and keep you company.

    I hope peoples comments do help you and you can use all the advice to make things so much better.
  18. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    If it's any consolation I failed one year and had to redo it. It's not the end as much as it feels like it is. It gave me perspective on my life. You sohuld use it as an oppotunity to do something new in you life to change things. For the better. Just try out new things, talk to new people. You may be surprised.
  19. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    the least painful way to die is in a nuclear explosion. you'd be dead before you even knew what happened
  20. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    That's only if you're right there within a few miles though. If not, it's a VERY painful death. But yeah, if it's head on your brain would be totally incinerated before it could process the rest of you having been totally incinerated. And, on a side note, it's definitely how I want to die when my time comes.
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