FFXIII: Slaves of Fate ~{*}DѦTѦLѲG{*}~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 17, 2010.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    DarkTraitor, you're in~
    We just need to find a place for you to start now.
  2. kingdomheartsfan_567 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 13, 2011
    no man this is ****ing crazy you do the final fantasy series like the real world it's better you know play the old games they are so cool and not put extra things the bosses and the other things were good you know i don't agree with your opinion i thing the final fantasy XIII will not need extra things so please response and tell me your opinion
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Eh? No offence, but without any punctuation in your post it's kinda hard to understand what the hell you are saying and asking...
    also... this thread is meant for discussion, joining and keeping track of the RP
    You aren't part of the RP as far as I'm aware... and this isn't a post to join... so...
    why are you even posting really?

    PS: I'm not trying to be rude or anything. Just stating a fact. :/
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lol it's fine not to agree with my opinion; that's what opinions are for. The thing is that I love Final Fantasy, especially XIII, but this isn't made to show how I think FFXIII needed to be. I don't think you know what a Role-Play is. That's what this is. We take the story from the game and take it our own way. It's a way for people to get creative and use their imagination, not a way to change the actual game. Uh, I can't find a good way to explain what role-playing is, but yeah. Anyway, this thread is a discussion for a RP of mine, not a general discussion of the actual game.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    You've explained it just fine my friend. For real, not the spamzone, or discussion, rp-er's only please.
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    It's liek what Lil said, this thread isn't what he thinks should of happened in the game or after the game's end, all he did was take the story and decided to make a story based on the ideas he has, keep in mind this is all just imagination, it's not like Square-Enix decided this is what will happen in a sequel, all that this is just imagination and fun to see what could happen within an RP which could continue the tale of XIII or what you'd could do.

    Also, when the thread first started, XIII was released for a few weeks and no-one would think there would be a sequel as X was the only FF title with that honor but now XIII-2 is being developed and probably won't appear for a year or two

    RP's are also something you think that could happen in the game say like...You added in you own character at the start of XIII than having Light, Snow, Sazh, Vanille, Fang and Hope, you'd be forming an alternate story and using your imagination to expand upon it, you may want it to end the same way as XIII or think up different scenarios like what would of happened if the seperate parties in FFXIII changed at the bgining like Hope and Vanille at Vile Peaks while Sazh and Lighting travelled to Hope's hometown?

    My RP, Forgotten Memories is based on FFX but I kept mostly to the plot with the added in characters having their own stories to discover as my character searches of who and what he is as he travels with Yuna, believing he'd find the answer, sure he had interacted with the characters with lines they didn't usually have game-wise but nevertheless, they remain true to their game's persona, only difference is, the party is larger and have their own comments to voice.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    After like four months, it's finally updated.
    I kept the two characters that are no longer here (Lynnea and Freyja) but crossed them out.
    The character list should be up to date (with a semi-decent picture for those who gave me appearances, though I want to try to scrunch something together for Shinryu).
    I also added an Event category.
    -Under Events, the first one is just the backstory to the RP. The second one is a recap for what we have done.
    -Some, not all, of the characters got an extra line (just saying they were made into l'Cie, etc.)
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Looks awesome! XD
    Although... Jaden's quote is 'Booya!' Not 'Booyah' :P
    Also, under Jaden, you've put: (Originally posted by, Bushy-Brow-1991) Should be 1992 XD
    It's not a big deal though lol
    Also, are you going to add to their profiles the roles such as: Cammando, Ravager etc?

    Just thought I'd point this out anyway, sorry to be a bother lol
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Damn it, I had actually noticed it was "booya" and not "booyah" and made a note to fix it...but forgot. As for the year, I think I was just used to typing out my birth year xD
    It's fixed now.
    Yeah, I do plan on it. I'll have to go through and see who all has given me specialized roles so if anybody hasn't, please do so. Shinryu and Crystal l'Cie don't have to, though. I'm considering listing abilities in a Crystarium-like thing. There won't be a crystal point system, but just the list of abilities each character can use at the moment
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Not sure if I add it or you saw the post, but Lighting didn't take the bandanna when Mia gave it to her. She told Mia to keep it safe until Snow returned. She now wears it on her arm in honor of Snow's promise. Mia's roles are Commando, Ravager, and Sentinel. Also, she lost her voice after the tower and Snow became crystal.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Oh whoops~
    Thanks for telling me!
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Hm. Since everyone seems to be using their roles and such(Commando, Ravager, etc.) should we limit the abilities right now to three or four per role? Obviously we can exclude "attack" because who in their right mind wouldn't do that if they have a weapon? XD
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    That's actually what I'm thinking xD Every role will obviously have Attack. But it won't necessarily be called such. I mean, just plain attacking would suffice, there's no need to say "Leo used Attack!"
    I'm going to go through the RP and look at what's been used and by who so please refrain from using any moves that you haven't used yet regardless if you're a new l'Cie (OCs), older l'Cie (Lightning/Snow), or Crystal l'Cie (Omega/Cid). Only Shinryu doesn't have to worry about that. I'll make a list of moves you've used and probably set up some kind of system where I'll let you use a stronger move eventually.
    I'm really busy with Finals so it might be a couple of days before I get this done so if you want to tell me yoruself what you have used and in which roles, I wouldn't mind it >> but I"ll get to it eventually
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Jaden has so far used no Commando moves other than attack, but we know the rules there already... (probably will just have Blitz, Launch and Ruin for basics though, if that's cool with you.)
    Ravager moves have been. Fire Strike, Fira Strike, Aero Strike and Aerora Strike (although the two 'ra' moves only surfaced when he was super angry because of the snow thing. If you don't want him to be able to use them just yet, that's fine. That could be a one time only thing until he unlocks them later) ((Was hoping he'd have access to normal Fire and Aero too though.))
    Medic moves have been just Cure so far. (Would he be allowed to at least have Esuna too for a basic Medic ability?)
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I remembered all the spells I used for Grey's Synergist role and I implied that he might have known more than four. I'll just pretend that he only knows the ones he's used so far. Hm. Maybe we can have ten abilities total? Until we get this worked out I'll just list his four Synergist abilities and one Commando ability. <<

    Synergist: Haste, Temper(basically the same as Bravery), EnFire, and Protect.
    Commando: Blitz(giant range due to his chain).
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Thanks to Arch for this list. All l'Cie (minus Crystal) will be using abilities from this list.

    You're going to have the Role's name and 4 Tiers. Next to each Tier, there's a fraction. The fraction is how many of the abilities you're allowed to get from each Tier. If there's two fractions (#/# --- #/#), the first fraction is for those who have that role as their Default role, the second is for everyone else. One fraction means it applies to everyone.

    Prereqs. means you must know that ability in order to learn the one that says Prereq.

    Tier 1 ~ 4/7 --- 3/7

    • Blitz - Deal Physical damage to target and nearby foes.
    • Deathblow - When attacking weakened enemies, there is a chance to kill them in one hit.
    • Launch - Hits the enemy into the air.
    • Ruin - Deal non-elemental Magical damage to one foe.
    • Smite - Strikes an enemy that is in the air and smashes them into the ground.
    • Strike - Toss weapon for a ranged hit, summons weapon back regardless if it hits or misses.
    • Saber - Deals more damage per hit but weakens the user’s defenses as well.

    Tier 2 ~ 3/5

    • Jump - Leap into the air and crash down on an enemy for high damage.
    • Lancet - Attack and drain health from an enemy on contact.
    • Darkness - Drains health to do heavy physical dark damage. [Prereq. Smite.]
    • Libra - Spot weak points and sense elemental weaknesses on enemies.
    • Exploder Blade - On contact an explosion is set off on the weapon that can damage surrounding enemies. [Prereq. Blitz.]

    Tier 3 ~ 2/4

    • Ruinga - Deal non-elemental Magical damage to target and nearby foes. [Prereq. Ruin.]
    • Scathe - Deals heavy non-elemental damage to enemies. Spell extends outward in a straight beam-like line. [Prereq. Lancet.]
    • High Jump - Activates faster than Jump and does more damage. [Prereq. Jump.]
    • Comet - Showers enemy with projectiles for non-elemental damage. [Prereq. Darkness.]

    Tier 4 ~ 1/2

    • Flare - Deals an enormous amount of non-elemental damage to all in the area, even friends. [Prereq. Scathe.]
    • Mercy - Deals a great amount of non-elemental damage to all foes. [Prereq. Comet.]


    Tier 1 ~ 9/13 --- 7/13

    • Fire - Fire Magical Attack against target foe.
    • Flamestrike - Fire Physical Attack against target foe.
    • Blizzard - Ice Magical Attack against target foe.
    • Froststrike - Ice Physical Attack against target foe.
    • Thunder - Lightning Magical Attack against target foe.
    • Sparkstrike - Lightning Physical Attack against target foe.
    • Water - Water Magical Attack against target foe
    • Aquastrike - Water Physical Attack against target foe.
    • Aero - Wind Magical Attack against target foe. Stops foe movement briefly.
    • Aerostrike - Wind Physical Attack against target foe.
    • Stone - Earth Magical Attack against target foe.
    • Stonestrike - Earth Physical Attack against target foe.
    • Fortune - Increases magic damage but decreases physical defense.

    Tier 2 ~ 8/13 --- 5/13

    • Fira - Fire Magical Attack against target and nearby foes. [Prereq. Fire.]
    • Blizzara - Ice Magical Attack against target and nearby foes. [Prereq. Blizzard.]
    • Thundara - Lightning Magical Attack against target and nearby foes. [Prereq. Thunder.]
    • Watera - Water Magical Attack against target and nearby foes.[Prereq. Water.]
    • Aerora - Wind Magical Attack against target and nearby foes. Staggered foes are launched into the air.[Prereq. Aero]
    • Stonera - Earth Magical Attack against target and nearby foes. [Prereq. Stone.]
    • Dark - Dark Magical attack against a small area of foes. [Prereq. At least 1 "strike" move.]
    • Blaze - Sets fire to the environment and increases Fire damage. Makes user weak to ice. [Prereq. Fire, cannot learn Frostbite/Storm/Flood/Gale/Terra.]
    • Frostbite - Freezes the environment and increases Ice damage. Makes user weak to fire. [Prereq. Blizzard, cannot learn Blaze/Storm/Flood/Gale/Terra.]
    • Storm - Supercharges the air around the user and causes electricity to surge through it. Increases Lightning damage. Makes user weak to water. [Prereq. Thunder, cannot learn Blaze/Frostbite/Flood/Gale/Terra.]
    • Flood - Wets the environment and increases Water damage. Makes user weak to lightning. [Prereq. Water, cannot learn Blaze/Frostbite/Storm/Gale/Terra.]
    • Gale - Summons strong winds and increases Wind damage. Makes user weak to earth. [Prereq. Aero, cannot learn Blaze/Frostbite/Storm/Flood/Terra.]
    • Terra - Summons a sandstorm and increases Earth damage. Makes user weak to wind. [Prereq. Stone, cannot learn Blaze/Frostbite/Storm/Flood/Gale.]

    Tier 3 ~ 5/8 --- 4/8

    • Firaga - Fire Magical Attack against large area of foes. [Prereq. Fira.]
    • Blizzaga - Ice Magical Attack against large area of foes. [Prereq. Blizzara.]
    • Thundaga - Lightning Magical Attack against large area of foes. [Prereq. Thundara.]
    • Waterga - Water Magical Attack against large area of foes. [Prereq.Watera.]
    • Aeroga - Wind Magical Attack against large area of foes. Launches foes into the air. [Prereq. Aerora]
    • Stonega - Earth Magical Attack against large areas of foes. [Prereq. Stonera.]
    • Darkra - Dark Magical attack that deals moderate damage. Range slightly larger than Dark. [Prereq. Dark, cannot learn Tetrastrike.]
    • Tetrastrike - Deals physical damage with the weapon imbued with three elements of choice.Two posts between each use. [Prereq. Four Tier1 "strike" moves. Elements must be three of those four "strike" moves, cannot have learned Dark.]

    Tier 4 ~ 1/3

    • Ultima - Deals massive non-elemental damage to all enemies. [Prereq. More Tier 1 Spells than "strike" moves.]
    • Nightmare - Deals massive dark damage to one enemy and moderate elemental damage to all. User has choice of element {Element must have reached Tier 3}. Unable to use "strike" moves and Tier 3 moves for 3 posts afterwards. [Prereq. Darkra]
    • Omnistrike - Deals massive physical damage with weapon imbued with all six elements. [Prereq. Tetrastrike.]


    Tier 1 ~ 4/5 --- 3/5

    • Challenge - Greatly increases the chance of one target attacking the defender.
    • Steelguard - While guarding, greatly increases defense to physical and magical attacks. Defenses increase each time the Sentinel is attacked.
    • Resist - Chances of being afflicted by status ailments are lowered greatly.
    • Deathward - Whenever one is in a critical state, resistance to physical and magical damage is greatly increased.
    • Bonecrusher - Strength is increased when in a critical state.

    Tier 2 ~ 5/6 --- 3/6

    • Entrench - Counter attack after guarding. The longer you guard, the more damage you deal to the enemy in return. [Prereq. Steelguard.]
    • Barrier - Casts Protect on all allies. Cannot be cast on oneself.
    • Wall - Casts Shell on all allies. Cannot be cast on oneself.
    • Mediguard - While guarding, your health will slowly recover. [Prereq. Deathward.]
    • Provoke - Makes the target and nearby opponents attack the defender. [Prereq. Challenge.]
    • Brawler - Strength greatly increases when fighting barehanded. [Prereq. Bonecrusher.]

    Tier 3 ~ 4/5

    • First Aid - Heals an ally only when they are in a critical condition. Equivalent power to Cura. [Prereq. Mediguard.]
    • Whirl Burst - Heavy gust of wind knocks back all enemies.
    • Recoil - Enemy takes half the damage of all attacks used on user for four posts. Cannot switch roles during effect.[Prereq. Entrench.]
    • Iron Fist - A punch that will deal heavy damage to a single enemy. [Prereq. Brawler.]
    • Lifebreak - Instantly deals damage to an enemy based off how weak the user is. Most powerful when used at a critical state. [Prereq. Default Sentinel.]

    Tier 4 2/2 --- 1/2

    • Graviga - Takes a massive chunk out of an enemy’s health but cannot kill them. Most effective when the enemy is at full strength. [Prereq. Lifebreak.]
    • Quake - Deals heavy Earth-elemental damage to all enemies. [Prereq. Iron Fist.]


    Tier 1 ~ 5/7 --- Choice between Support (Bravery, Haste, and Protect) or Power-up (Enfire, Enfrost, Enthunder, and Enwater.)

    • Bravery - Increases physical power by 25%
    • Haste - Can use two extra abilities per post.
    • Protect - Increases resistance to physical damage by 33%.
    • Enfire - All attacks gain a fire elemental attribute.
    • Enfrost - All attacks gain an ice elemental attribute.
    • Enthunder - All attacks gain a lightning elemental attribute.
    • Enwater - All attacks gain a water elemental attribute.

    Tier 2 ~ 6/9 --- Dependent on Tier 1; Support (Faith, Protectra, Shell, and two Bars) or Power-up (Ens and Bars.)

    • Faith - Increases magical power by 25%.
    • Protectra - Increases resistance to physical damage by 50%; shorter effect duration than Protect. [Prereq. Protect.]
    • Shell - Increases resistance to magical damage by 33%.
    • Barfire - Increases resistance to fire elemental damage.
    • Barfrost - Increases resistance to ice elemental damage.
    • Barthunder - Increases resistance to lightning elemental damage.
    • Barwater - Increases resistance to water elemental damage.
    • Enstone - All attacks gain an earth elemental attribute.
    • Enaero - All attacks gain a wind elemental attribute.

    Tier 3 ~ 4/6 --- Support (Baraero, Faithra, Shellra, Bravera) or Power-up (Endark, Enlight)

    • Baraero - Increases resistance to wind elemental damage.
    • Faithra - Increases magical power by 75%; shorter effect duration than Faith. [Prereq. Faith.]
    • Shellra - Increases resistance to magical damage by 50%; shorter effect duration than Shell. [Prereq. Shell.]
    • Bravera - Increases physical power by 75%; shorter effect duration than Bravery. [Prereq. Bravery.]
    • Endark - All attacks gain a dark elemental attribute. Increases attack strength slightly. [Prereq. All "Bar" magic.]
    • Enlight - All attacks gain a light elemental attribute. Increases accuracy slightly. [Prereq. All other “En†magic.]
    Tier 4 ~ 2/6
    • Blink - Immune to either physical or magic damage, choice of user, for 5 posts. Cannot be used while "Immunity" is in effect or within 5 posts of Immunity's end on target (though can be used on other targets). [Prereq. Support Synergist]
    • Immunity - Immune to all status ailments and other enhancements, increased resistance to magical damage for 5 posts. Cannot be used while "Blink" is in effect or within 5 posts of Blink's end on target (Though can be used on other targets). [Prereq. Support Synergist]
    • Berserk - Doubles physical attack for 5 posts. Target unable to use magic. Cannot be used while "Prayer" is in effect or within 5 posts of Prayer's end on target (Though can be used on other targets). [Prereq. Power-up Synergist.]
    • Prayer - Doubles magical attack for 5 posts. Target unable to use physical attacks. Cannot be used while "Berserk" is in effect or within 5 posts of Berserk's end on target (though can be used on other targets). [Prereq. Power-up Synergist.]
    • Feng Shui - Doubles magical damage and increases resistance to physical damage for 5 posts. Cannot be used while "Ares" is in effect or within 5 posts of Ares' end on target (though can be used on other targets). [Prereq. Default Synergist.]
    • Ares - Doubles physical damage and increases resistance to magical damage for 5 posts. Cannot be used while "Feng Shui" is in effect or within 5 posts of Feng Shui's end on target (though can be used on other targets). [Prereq. Default Synergist.]


    Tier 1 ~ 5/7 --- 3/7

    • Daze - Stuns a target, dealing magic damage.
    • Deprotect - Decreases resistance to physical damage and deals magic damage.
    • Deshell - Decreases resistance to magical damage and deals magic damage.
    • Fog - Prevents use of all magical related abilities.
    • Pain - Prevents use of all physical related abilities. Also deals magical damage.
    • Poison - Causes health to decrease as time passes.
    • Curse - Increase the chance of action being interrupted by opponent and harder to interrupt the opponent's action.

    Tier 2 ~ 6/8 --- All sequential spells +1

    • Dazega - Stuns a target, dealing magic damage. Area of effect spell. [Prereq. Daze.]
    • Deprotega - Decreases resistance to physical damage and deals magic damage. Area of effect spell. [Prereq. Deprotect.]
    • Deshellga - Decreases resistance to magical damage and deals magic damage. Area of effect spell. [Prereq. Deshell.]
    • Slow - Slows opponents down. Also deals magic damage.
    • Imperil - Decreases resistance to all types of elemental damage. Deals magic damage.
    • Painga - Prevents use of all physical related abilities. Area of effect spell. Also deals magic damage. [Prereq. Pain.]
    • Poisonga - Causes health to decrease as time passes. Area of effect spell. [Prereq. Poison.]
    • Dispel - Removes the most recently cast enhancing magic from an opponent.

    Tier 3 ~ 3/5 --- 2/5

    • Fogga - Prevents use of all magical related abilities. Area of effect spell. [Prereq. Fog.]
    • Cursega - Increase the chance of action being interrupted by opponent and harder to interrupt the opponent's action. Area of effect spell. [Prereq. Curse.]
    • Dispelga - Removes all buffs, debuffs and status ailments from all targets. [Prereq. Dispel.]
    • Imperilga - Decreases resistance to all types of elemental damage. Also deals magic damage. Area of effect spell. [Prereq. Imperil.]
    • Slowga - Slows opponents down. Area of effect spell. Also deals magic damage. [Prereq. Slow.]

    Tier 4 ~ 1/2

    • Stopga - Stops the enemy’s movement for a short period of time. [Prereq. Slowga.]
    • Death - Has a small chance to instantly kill an enemy. [Prereq. Default Saboteur.]


    Tier 1 ~4/4

    • Cure - Restores health to target party member.
    • Esuna - Removes the last weakening or jamming ability that was suffered.
    • Regen - Slowly restores health over time.
    • Dia - Does small amount of light damage to all enemies.

    Tier 2 ~ 3/3--- 2/3

    • Cura - Restores health to target party member and those nearby. Area of effect spell. [Prereq. Cure.]
    • Curasa - Restores health to target party member. The lower your health is, the more it will recover. [Prereq. Regen.]
    • Raise - Revives one fallen ally and recovers a small amount of health. [Prereq. Dia.]

    Tier 3 ~ 3/3 --- 2/3

    • Curaja - Restores health to target party member and those nearby. Area of effect spell. The lower your health is, the more it will recover. [Prereq. Cura and Curasa.]
    • Renew - Revives fallen allies and restores health to all party members. [Prereq. Raise.]
    • Diaga - Does a greater amount of light damage to all enemies. [Prereq. Dia.]

    Tier 4 ~ 1/2

    • Holy - Deals massive light damage to all enemies, removes all status ailments from allies. [Prereq. Default Medic.]
    • Diety - Removes all status ailments from and completely heals allies. Unable to use Tier 3 moves for 5 posts.

    For now, all l'Cie will start at Tier 1. You move on to Tier 2 when I say, then to Tier 3, and Tier 4.

    In addition, once you get to Tier 4 of your Default role, you get your Limit Break. Limit Breaks are what the Full ATB Skills are in the game. Limit Breaks can be from any role (Just because you're a Medic doesn't mean your Limit Break has to heal) and used in any role, but only once per 3 posts. You get to name and come up with your Limit Break as long as it doesn't have the words Meteor or Apocalypse in it (Already reserved). Limit Breaks can't be used in the same post with another ability.

    You get to choose how the ability looks if you want to get flashy as long as it keeps the theme of the move (No saying your character used Ruin and shot fire at the enemy).

    Once you get to Tier 4 for your three roles, you get to start at Tier 1 for another role. Once you get to Tier 3 of that role, you get another role. Once you get to Tier 3 of that one, you get your last role.

    You can only switch roles once per post and there has to be 2 posts in between. If you really want to switch roles more often that, ask here first and I'll let you.

    As of this post, I'm resetting your abilities count. No matter what ability you used in the past, you start fresh now. So look at the Prereqs for the higher Tier abilities you want and start planning out your moves. Before any l'Cie posts, you must tell me your abilities in your default role for Tier 1. Before you switch roles, you must tell me your abilities in Tier 1 of the role(s) you're switching into.

    I didn't put it for all posts because I didn't think of it, but Tier 1 status enhancements and ailments (except for the Ens and Bars) last 2 posts, Tier 2 lasts 3 posts, Tier 3 lasts 4 posts, and Tier 4 lasts 5 posts unless stated otherwise. If an upper Tier ability says "shorter duration than *weaker version*" then it means that...well, let me put it in an example: Faithra is Tier 3 so lasts four posts. Faith is Tier 2 and lasts 3 posts. If you have Faithra on you, it'll last two posts and then turn into Faith for three posts. So half of the upper Tier time limit and then all of the weaker version's time limit (only for "Shorter duration abilities.")

    Oh, Eidolons can only be summoned once per ten posts and can last up to seven posts (though you can dismiss them early). No more than four posts in normal mode and no more than three posts in Gestalt mode. You get your Eidolon soon enough.

    One post is equal to one battle post. If you summon your Eidolon or get a status ailment or enhancement, and talk for an entire post, it doesn't count. You either have to be attacked twice or attack once for it to be considered a post. When you have a post count going, simply put (Post for *enter ailment/enhancement/Eidolon name here*: #/#). After a certain point in the RP, Eidolons are going to be special in some way.

    DO NOT dodge or block all of your enemies moves (unless you have an enhancement which lets you). If you're already at Tier 4 or a Crystal l'Cie, even you get hit and affected sometimes. If your ally casts something on you and you don't want it, you're out of luck because you have it.

    Right now, all l'Cie are in Tier 1 (except for Lightning and the Crystals). That means, you can use two abilities per post. In Tier 2, you can use three abilities; Tier 3, 4 abilities; Tier 4, 5 abilities.

    I'll make a Crystarium eventually. It's 5 a.m. and Finals week >>

    I know this seems really picky, but I swear it won't be that hard lol

    Crystal l'Cie, being more powerful don't have a limit on amount of abilities they can learn, nor do they have to worry about roles, but we aren't going overboard.
    Graxe, I'm going to make a list of abilities as we use them, detailing what they do.

    I'll make a Crystarium for the roles once you tell me your Tier 1 choices. REMEMBER THAT YOUR ABILITY COUNT IS RESET. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU USED BEFORE, YOU HAVE A CLEAN SLATE TO CHOOSE FROM.

    Any questions or suggestions?
  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    What if you don't want to fill all your ability slots?
    Like Ravager gives you like 7 moves in tier one.
    But what if you only want four of the moves?
    Also... I know I kinda made them up. But what about advanced strike moves like Firastrike and Aerorastrike?
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    If you're going for Ultima then giving up abilities won't be too bad since its power makes up for that. If not, then there's not any reason why you can't add an extra ability or two. D8
    ...Let's say those don't exist? <<;

    And I've got to say...wow. Bueno added a few things that seem pretty awesome. Though I would suggest Tier 3 of the Synergist role includes "Baraero". I didn't think you'd give that role so many Tier 4 moves. @-@ My original list didn't have any for the Synergist role. Anyways...since we're starting off clean and using this new system...


    1. Blitz
    2. Launch
    3. Smite
    4. Ruin


    1. Challenge
    2. Steelguard
    3. Bonecrusher


    1. Enfire
    2. Enfrost
    3. Enthunder
    4. Enwater
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Hmmm, you don't have to fill all of the slots, but there'd be no benefit to it.
    I would say not to make those officials. I'll consider them Tier 2 moves (and Firagastrike would be Tier 3), but they won't be officials. Like a combination of Firaga and Flamestrike.
    I felt like every role needed Top Tier abilities and Synergist doesn't really have that many. You only get two, depending on your type (Default Synergists, Power-up Synergists, Support Synergists). There's still some kings in the list I'm working out (I found one for one of the roles last night), but I'll do that later now that it's not 5 a.m. >> Also, Arch, thanks, thanks, thanks for coming up with this! (though I took some liberties >>).
    Arch, if I assume where you're going with your abilities for Commando and Sentinel, I'd say your Crystarium would like something like
    Com. Tier 1

    Com. Tier 2
    1.Exploder Blade
    3. Jump, Lancet, or Libra

    Com. Tier 3
    2.Comet (But depending on Tier 2, you actually could only have one of these two and your choice between Scathe and High Jump. I'm assuming you wanted Ruinga and Comet).

    Com. Tier 4
    1. Mercy. (Though you still could get Flare)
    So for Commando...I have no idea what you're doing xD I'll have to wait until you decide on Tier 2 before I make one.

    Sen. Tier 1

    Sen. Tier 2

    Sen. Tier 3
    1.Iron First
    2.Whirl Burst
    3. You can't use LIfebreak since you're not default Sentinel nor First Aid unless you learn Mediguard which means you get Deathward in Tier 1. So you'll have 2/4 Tier 3 moves.

    Sen. Tier 4

    Syn. Tier 1

    Syn. Tier 2

    Syn. Tier 3

    Syn. Tier 4

    Leo's would look like
    Sen. Tier 1

    Sen. Tier 2

    Sen. Tier 3
    1. First Aid
    2. Iron First
    3. Whirl Burst
    4. Lifebreak

    Sen. Tier 4

    Com. Tier 1

    Com. Tier 2
    1.Exploder Blade

    Com. Tier 3

    Com. Tier 4

    Rav. Tier 1

    Rav. Tier 2

    Rav. Tier 3

    Rav. Tier 4
  20. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    I'm going to start looking into what I want for Ren's Crystarium, but it won't be posted until Sunday at the very earliest, as I don't have access to all my character notes etc right now. Also might not be able to post tomorrow for the same reasons, but I'll see what I can do about that.
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