Final Fantasy XIII: Slaves of Fate

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Nov 3, 2010.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    @Heartless_angel: nothing really much. The girl's name is Jenny, she was wounded from battle. THey took her to the house. Leo went through her camera and found pictures of an army of Crystal l'Cie. She woke up and told everyone she saw them headed to Cocoon and then was attacked so she came to Oerba. Then a Behemoth attacked Akira, Lightning went to go help her and so did Ryou. Snow and Mya are helping Lynnea with a couple of monsters. Everyone else (except the Crystal l'Cie of course) are inside with Jenny.
  2. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: I'm so confuzzled. I think I'm seeing Mia=Mya according to your posts @.@

    BIC: Mya ran out and slashed at one of the enemy and shot the other. Unfortunatly, all it did was anger the 2 enemies and Mya jumped back to avoid their attack. Bad time to fight an enemy eh?
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "Naivete and innocence. Such is the mind of youth."

    "Uh oh," Leo laid Jenny's camera on the table and ran after Ryou and Lightning, grabbing his own weapon on the way. Grey can take here of her, he thought as he saw Ryou leading Akira away from a Behemoth. "One of these? Really? I mean...REALLY?" He knew they would have died if Lightning wasn't there or if they hadn't been trained. Leo's personal vendetta against Behemoth's flashed in his mind, but he pushed the thought back. He put his thumb on the hammer of Heretic's revolver like handle. "Can I help?" He asked Lightning.

    Snapshot of the future."


    "Wha-what's going on?" Jenny asked as everyone seemed to leave in a hurry. "My camera!" She reached forward, grabbing her camera. It was like one of her limbs, she felt naked without it.

  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning jumped back beside Leo, the Behemoth weakly growling. She looked at him"He should be f-" she didn't finish her sentence as the Behemoth roared loudly and stood up, seeming to heal all it's wounds. Light sighed, brushing her hair from her eyes and nodded at Leo, "Follow me, closely." She ran back at the Behemoth, she tensed and launched it upwards with a strong kick and slash.

    Akira struggled against Ryou, "Lightning! She needs my help! I have to help her, let me go!"
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou stared at Akira before slapping her on the cheek. "Calm yourself down Akira!" He said very clearly and almost sounding more mature than his age. "You were almost killed if Lighting didn't hear the Behemoth's roar, she's fought these before and knows what to do, if you got in the way with your injures right now, you'd be a burden on her." Ryou said firmly.
  6. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Username: Graxe
    Name: Omega
    Age: Looks around 27
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Medium build, medium-length black hair in a style similar to Raines, fair skin, deep blue-green eyes. Wears something similar to Rosch, but instead of Rosch's coat, Omega wears a slick, black, leather trenchcoat instead. A burned-out Pulse l'Cie brand is clearly shown covering the left side of his face, his eye in place of the brand's eye.
    Personality: Apathetic and serious around strangers, yet very calm even in the most dire situations; Omega only loosens up when around his siblings, his closest friends, or alone. He respects the fal'Cie and takes his Focus very seriously as he places it only second to his family, hence he may change alliances. Easily bored, he finds enjoyment in a good fight, usually against an Eidolon. Avoids talking about his past and his Focus.
    Weapon: Blood Sword and Masamune
    Magic Type: High-Level Non-Elemental, Banish, Drain
    Special Abilities: Since he fights Eidolons, his presence makes Eidolons hesitant to attack him. As a last resort, he'll let his instincts get to him and, while still retaining his mentality, transforms into the monster Omega Weapon. He is able to choose the form it takes, but he must stay in that form until defeated and it can be days before he reverts back to normal if not. Omega can only heal through items and draining someone's life.
    Other: Omega has two siblings: his younger sister Ultima, who specialized in elemental and supportive magic, and his older brother Alpha, who specialized in debilitation and healing. They were created solely as weapons of Pulse and to help the fal'Cie with their duties of terraforming and keeping natural order and balance, the latter making their Focus impossible to complete. To compensate for their never-ending Focus, instead of becoming Cie'th their bodies slowly crystallize until they completely turn crystal, which they then enter crystal stasis until reawakened. They're fine with that, seeing as they have no memories of a life they never lived. Only moments after Orphan's defeat, Omega awoke, alone, and witnessed Cocoon's fall onto Pulse. Other than that, not much is actually known about him, Omega doesn't even recall his early years as a l'Cie or even who created him. He watched the Crystal L'Cie for some time. No l'Cie has been around since the War of Transgression so he decided to join them. He doesn't trust them, especially Cid, so he's rarely seen by them and only shows himself when it's mandatory.
  7. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Lynnea looked quickly over at Mia, "A little help would be nice." She said as one of the monsters ran up, claws clashing with Lynnea's spear. "I could've handled one just fine. But not of 'em." She struggled with words as she was holding off the monster.
  8. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: It's Mya btw :/

    BIC: Mya blocked the creature's claws and slashed back at it. I think having some people with you would guarantee a good amount of protection dontcha think? Being alone outthere is dangerous. She jumped over the creature and stabbed it inthe head, instantly slaying it.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Mia went after the other creature, she jumped onto its back and placed her spear in the center of the head. As it fell, Mia hopped off it and sighed, she looked toward Snow.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: heartless_angel and Aerith G., I feel like we're going to have to do something about your names to avoid any more confusion
    OOC: You're in.
    "Naivete and innocence. Such is the mind of youth."

    "Holy-" Leo had seen Lightning and Snow battle Behemoths before and had seen them take one down when it had gotten to the two-legged stage, but could she beat one with just him? Following Lightning's lead, he ran behind the Behemoth, just as it's weapon came down where he was standing minutes before. He spun around and jumped, swinging Heretic horizontally as he pulled the trigger. He made a successful cut as the blade vibrated and landed near Lightning. "Ryou! Akira!" He called out, hoping they would help him.

    "The power of the heart resides in the fists."

    Snow watched the girls take care of the monsters threw his fist in the air, "That's what I'm talking about! We got some heroes in the makin-" before he could finish, a Behemoth's roar caught his attention. "Whoa, what's going on there?"

  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning, to keep the Behemoth in the air and harmless, cast a wind spell and jumped up after it. Slicing it harshly a few times before dropping back to the ground.

    Akira pulled out of Ryou's grip, "Leo!" She ran back toward the Behemoth and pulled out Lionheart. "Lightning, heads up!" Light gave her a boost and Akira slashed the Behemoth. She fell back to the ground, windmilled and fell over.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Mia ran next to him, "I never fought a Behemont. Something's wrong here!" Mia gripped her weapon and took some deep breathes.
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou sighed, Lighting first wanted them out of the way and now she had them come back in, it was honestly frustating as he drew out his daito. "Make your mind up Light." He thought as he moved quickly and sliced across the side of the creature before twirling the daito in his hand and stabbed behind him pulled it out before jumping away.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    The Behemoth dropped to the ground, and lay unmoving, obviously dead. Lightning scowled at Leo, "You shouldn't have called them back. You learn to fight on your own or the Crystal l'Cie will pick you off like a weak link in a chain. You won't grow strong if you rely on friends." Turning her icy glare on Ryou as if she could read his mind she looked at Akira and turned her back to them thinking, Ignorant children. They'll listen to each other but not to their teacher. I blame Snow for this.

    Akira watched Light turn away from her, "At least it's dead, Light. You can't be mad forever. Light? She sighed and put her gunblade away, "Light's gonna be mad for a while."
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou sheathed his weapon and sighed mentally, he felt Light's glare upon him, he somehow knew his relationship with her went down a bit but he knew he wasn't entirely to blame as he heard Akira. "Light has a very good reason to be mad, She asked me to get you away since you fought this Behemoth alone and you nearly died if she hadn't come to the rescue." He said to Akira and crossed his arms.

    "Light and Snow know Behemoths better than anyone, they're I'Cie and we're just humans and when we leapt in, we'd have potenially held them back and have them worry about our well being and Light obivously didn't want that to happen in order to protect us." He started to explain as he rubbed his hair. "But what Light says is partially true, we might experience fighting powerful opponents on our own if we ever were seperated but being with others makes sure you know someone's got your back." He reasoned and rubbed his forehead.

    "All I'm saying is, Light wanted us safe and she knew what she was doing so I thank her for looking through the situation and what actions we had to take and in respect, real battles are very different to the spars and training we're used to." He said finally.
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lightning almost forgave Ryou for his little speech. "Hmph, Akira, let me see your wounds." She turned back to Akira and lifted her shirt to expose Akira's stomach and a long claw mark on her. "Get anymore foolish and you'll be dead."

    Akira blushed as Light lifted her shirt and looked away from everyone. "I'm fine, really Light. That's nothing." Lightning's fingers probed the wound and she winced. Light cast a small cure spell on her to seal up the wound, "I'm going to leave it raw like this so you learn your lesson. You'll have to be careful in your training so you don't rip it open again."
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "The power of the heart resides in the fists."

    "A little tough on them, aren't you?" Snow asked as he approached the Behemoth-killing group. "The way I see it, they finally managed to take down a Behemoth!" Snow grinned at Leo and Akira, then at Ryou. "I mean, sure, they had your help, but how long did it take before we could take down one on Pulse together? Even with magic?" Snow didn't see the fact that they needed help as a weakness. The fact that they could take out the Behemoth, even with a little magical help, that was a huge victory.

    "Naivete and innocence. Such is the mind of youth."
    "Y-Yes," Leo said before looking down. He felt bad that Lightning had scolded them, but his hand was trembling. He helped take down a Behemoth. How long would it be before he could do it himself? The thought excited him. Any threat of Crystal l'Cie was, once again, a far off event. Once Snow arrived and gave his speech, Leo's eyes lit up. Even Snow saw it! They were on their ways to being true heroes. He was going to point out to Lightning that Snow agreed when a voice behind him yelled

    "Snapshot of the future."


    "What are you doing!?" Jenny's voice should have sounded stern and threatening, but her voice was too soft for any threat. Did they forget about her picture? She walked up to them, looking at the dead beast, but paying it no mind. In reality, she had just snuck a picture of the killing blow from Ryou's weapon before yelling at them. "Someone has to tell Cocoon! Stop playing monster hunter!" She didn't mean to sound so mean, but she was worried about Cocoon. The war was going on for years and if the Crystal l'Cie could amass such a number and reach Cocoon...then the war might end. But not in Cocoon's favor.

  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ryou listened to Snow, it was true in a sense, but then again, Snow was Snow, there was simply no denying that logic. as he heard the girl that was injured, it was the camera holding person whose name he didn't know.

    "We know your worried but we also had to save one of our own because she thought she could handle it by herself." He said and looked at her. "We're not playing around either, we took this battle with our lives at stake, besides, Snow and Lighting were preparing us for the Crystal I'Cie." He said to her.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Mia listened to everyone and began to leave to Oerba. She was regretting what she was doing, but she was planning on going to Cocoon and tell the people there. She stopped for a moment and turned back, "Who's coming with me? I'm going to go Cocoon. But I can't go alone." She sighed and looked at everyone. Ever since Snow told her to live to hear the stories he had to tell, she slowly began to trust them.
  20. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Omega, since following the blood trail of the girl he attacked in Taejin's Tower, sarcastically applauded them for their kill.

    "You know, you really don't see many Behemoths out here in these parts of Gran Pulse. If any at all."

    He stopped and walked over to the beast's corpse, momentarily ignoring everyone's presence. "Hmph. Just a Greater Behemoth. No wonder it fell so fast. Not much of a victory in my opinion," he commented. His gaze turned to examine the group. As he looked at everyone, Omega curiously paused at Snow. Four hundred years have passed since I last visited Oerba and you're still here, Snow? Do you now see why I had to cover half my face back then? After that thought, he continued on past Snow and ended at Jenny. "There you are."
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