KH-Vids User Awards 2015: The Winners! [Cycle 3]

Discussion in '2015' started by Plums, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009

    Hey there all you Kingdom Hearts kids! I know this section hasn't seen all that much action in the last few months after the Awards ended -- which is by far no small fault of mine, and one I deeply apologize for. But have no fear, I'm here to give you the complete, fully official 100% results now, so let's see who our lucky members of the Kingdom Hearts Videos User Awards of 2015 are!

    Worst Members
    Last Year's Winner: Jiku Neon, C
    Last Year's Runner-up: Mish, Nate_River

    If anyone could embody the sheer jerk essence of Sasuke Uchiha, it would be these folks! KH-Vids has voted, and spdude is the soysauce of the Sharingan. Aelin Fireheart and kitty_mckechnie come in as runner ups.

    Best Super Moderator
    Last Year's Winner: Llave
    Last Year's Runner-up: Ienzo

    Banning bots is their middle name. Or would be, if the forum allowed that many characters to be used, of course. Regardless, there are many purples skirting about, but the purpliest purple to ever purp is Krowley! Ienzo packs quite a wallop herself.

    Best Reporter
    Last Year's Winner: Krowley, Karuta, and Roxam
    Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn

    It takes a green thumb to grow a garden, but it takes a green username to grow a community admist the barren land of new Kingdom Hearts info. With their expertise in news digging, what else is new other than Roxam being your number one source for Kingdom Hearts media? A splendid show to Calxiyn as she keep us up to date right along side!

    Best Overall Staff Member
    Last Year's Winner: Jayn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Llave

    One colored username to rule them all, what better title deserved by none other than Calxiyn. Roxam and Krowley are in the royal robes of runner up.

    Best Sectional Moderator
    Last Year's Winner: Cat~
    Last Year's Runner-up: What?

    Are you all ready for all of these rediculous red puns I've prepare-- Wait, what's that Misty? You said I can't "ruin your awards with your shitty puns Alex"? Whatever. KH-Vids has voted and :.tale.: is the Sectional Mod we hold close to our hearts, but those Cat~ and Karuta kids ain't too bad themselves.

    Best Administrator
    Last Year's Winner: Misty and Jayn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Plums

    Without these peeps, we'd be feelin' blue. Fear not KHVidians, libregkd is here to remedy that! Plums knows what to do too!

    Best Overall Member
    Last Year's Winners: Llave
    Last Year's Runner-up: C

    Transcending usergroups with the power of awesome can only be described with a single username...wait, how many? You guys sure about this? Well, multiple usernames; Ienzo, Yuto, Jiku Neon, Calxiyn, and 61. Glen, cstar, Boy Wonder, DigitalAtlas, and .:tale:. are also quite a powerful set as well.

    Best Newbie
    Last Year's Winner: Reno
    Last Year's Runner-ups: Eric Luna

    LOL ur a n00b u maek us feel old. XDDDD :D :) :D Thanks a lot, al215. CloakedThunder iz n00b 2 lol omg. XDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!

    Best Members
    Last Year's Winner: Skyheart and Hyuge
    Last Year's Runner-up: Princess and Ienzo

    Here they are with their ninja clan, ninja clan, here they stands. Aelin Fireheart is more than okay, especially with Mish by her side (she really cool the beaiftul).

    Best Non-Staff Contributor
    Last Year's Winner: Amaury
    Last Year's Runner-up: Hyuge

    These guys take care of things without moderation; their true power comes from their friends, they are their power! Charging forth with Keyblade in hand, Amaury and Incognitus do the best they can do. Even moreso with Hayabusa at their side.

    Worst Staff Member
    Last Year's Winner: Tienewman
    Last Year's Runner-up: Mish

    Rotten apples don't fall far from the tree, and Misty is sour to the core. Tienewman looked a wee bit suspect, too.

    Best Normal Member
    Last Year's Winner: Princess
    Last Year's Runner-up: . : tale_wind

    Normality is a mere technicality, technically speaking of course. Skyheart leads the brigade of white names, with Princess and Beucefilous at the forefront.

    Best Premium Member
    Last Year's Winner: Trigger
    Last Year's Runner-up: Boy Wonder

    They may be pink, but fortunately these guys don't stink. KH-Vids finds that Hero of Time has a great fragrance, though cstar cleans up quite nicely too.
  2. Amaury Member of Class VII

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Aw, thanks, guys.
  3. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
  4. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I got best prem? Certainly didn't see that coming, haha. Thanks you guys!
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Oh hey, I got best overall member. Nice.
  6. Amaury Member of Class VII

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    And apparently, I'm still a post whore by the fact that when the user awards section opened, I gained 98 posts (from posts made in the previous years), specifically from the individual year forums, where posts count for some reason. ;)

    I feel special and stuff.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  7. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
