Hey everyone! As some of you may know, the User Awards run every summer. It is getting time for the 2013 Awards! This thread will have some general information on the Awards, and is your go-to spot for any questions or suggestions you might have (excluding category suggestions). Nominating When will nominations be opened? When category submissions have ended, nominations will be opened. This will likely be mid to late June. How many members can I nominate per category? Can I nominate myself? You may nominate two members per category. For couple categories (e.g. Cutest Fake/Real Couple, Best Bromance, etc.), you may nominate two couples; for thread categories, two threads, and so on. Do note that for “worst” categories (e.g. Worst Female Member), you may only nominate yourself. Nominations for other users will be discarded. These are the only categories in which you may nominate yourself; however, for couple categories, you may nominate a couple you are a part of. When nominating, use a member’s current username. Nicknames, real names, or former usernames will be discarded. Please do not nominate inactive members. The 2013 User Awards cover the period from the end of the 2012 Awards (roughly August of 2012) to the present, so consider that when nominating. For example, if Joey was a Sectional Moderator in February of 2012, but left in March of 2012, do not nominate him for Best Sectional Moderator 2013. How do I send in my nominations? When nominations are opened, staff members accepting nominations will be listed. Please send only one message to each staff member. For example, even though you are sending Xavier your Thread Nominations and Best/Worst Member Nominations, just include it all in one message. Please directly copy and paste the categories. You do not have to nominate for each category—just leave an N/A in the space. For example, even if I choose to not nominate anything for Thread Nominations, I will still include it in my message. Voting Public Polls & Alternate Accounts Polls will be public, therefore we can check if someone is creating alternate accounts to boost votes for a particular member. If you are found doing so, you will be removed from this year’s awards, and will face our typical alternate account punishment. Likewise, other users can see who you are voting for. Can I vote for myself? You may only vote for yourself in a couple category (e.g. if Joey and Jim are in the running for Best Bromance, Joey can vote for the Joey & Jim Bromance). In other categories, if you vote for yourself, you will be dropped from the category. I want to change my vote! If the poll is still open, message Misty about changing your vote. Misc. If you would like to withdraw from the User Awards entirely, message me and I will take you out of any category you’re nominated for. I can also remove you from any polls you appear in. Please do keep in mind, however, that the awards are all in good fun—so don’t feel too bad if you’re submitted for Biggest Post Whore! If you have any other questions or suggestions, feel free to reply to this thread. Have fun!
Just as an update: today is the last day for everyone to send in their samples. Polls will most likely commence sometime this week!
... MISTY PROFESSIONALLY GETTING HER DATES WRONG SINCE 1994 I had it originally for today but changed it last minute oopsie v: listen to Jayn everyone she's right
Yes. I intended to start cycle 1 a few days ago but I've, unfortunately, been slammed with a killer cold that's kept me bed ridden for the better part of two days. Cycle 1 polls should be going up tonight, though. I just need some time to catch up on all I've missed.