khv Mansion : Rules of the game

Discussion in 'Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)' started by kitty_mckechnie, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    You guys don't need to worry so much about this since it's intended for the Player but it's good to have as a reference.

    How to play
    The ultimate objective is straight forward – solve the murder. Sounds simple enough, however, in order to solve the murder you must first gather a sufficient amount of evidence and complete certain objectives to progress through the game. Even if you believe you’ve solved the case there are certain events that must first take place before you attempt to confront the murderer. Attempting so early in the game will not end well.

    The Player
    Due to an inexplicable event the guests have found themselves sharing one body. It is unknown how this occurred but from the message left by the Master your only hope is to solve the murder. Decisions/actions are carried out by the majority of votes. In the event that a tie has occurred a decision will not be made till one side wins.
    There is also an additional point in the voting system. Those who signed up to the Guest List will have the benefit of having their vote count as two.

    For example;
    3 non-invited guests vote for option A
    2 Invited Guests vote for option B

    In this instance option B would win as the 2 Invited Guests votes would add to a total of 4, despite more guests voting for Option A. It’s the total value of votes that decides the next decision/action.

    Having several minds has its advantages but the Player must be careful.
    Warning: Prolonged debates, arguing, indecisiveness will result in your Sanity Levels dropping. (See Sanity)

    Suspect statements will be a vital source of information in understanding and progressing through the game. Just don’t believe everything you hear! Some suspects may feel inclined to lie if they have something to hide and it is your job to reveal the truth. Looking for contradictions and comparing suspect statements will help reveal the truth. Presenting evidence to the suspect can also be used against a statement. Presenting a piece of evidence to a suspect you think can help might produce further details about that piece.

    Questioning a suspect will not always give you the answers you need. Commencing an inquiry with the wrong suspect or at the wrong time will leave you empty handed and may affect your Sanity Levels. (See Sanity)

    Evidence/Items bag
    Evidence will be your main source of information in solving this crime. Evidence can be used against suspects to reveal the truth or to draw out more information. For a piece of Evidence to be added to your bag the player must state that the Evidence be added to the bag. The same applies for Statements/Alibis. Failure to do so will result in the Evidence unusable. In some cases the player can retrace their steps to retrieve the Evidence but there is always a chance the Evidence has disappeared. Be sure to pick up everything you think is important!

    The player may also pick up items that they think could be of help in their investigation. Items can range from torches, food, books etc. To use an item the player must state that they wish to use it and for what purpose/how. Promptings will not be given.

    Your logbook will contain information about your investigation so far. Suspect profiles will be kept in the logbook and updated once new information is obtained. Further details such as rooms explored, Evidence, Items and decisions taken by the Player will also be logged. The Player does not need to worry about adding basic information as Kitty will maintain the logbook. However, it may be in the interest of the Player to give Kitty their own additions for the logbook. Personal additions may include theories (Must be backed up with sufficient evidence), things to further investigate, reminders etc.

    Highlighting points in statements/alibis is possible. If a guest notices contractions or relevant information, they may highlight it and store it in the log for the convenience of fellow guests.

    Green highlight – Relevant information
    Red highlight – False/Lying/Contradictions
    Blue highlight – Possibility of relevance.

    Despite the Player’s Ultimate goal being to find the murderer, there will be mandatory objectives to complete in order to move on. Objectives to complete and those completed will be listed in the Logbook.

    Having multiple minds in one body is dangerous, and having all those thoughts running at the same time is going to do a number on your sanity. Over time your sanity will wane, causing your grasp on reality to slip. Let your sanity fall too far and you’ll start seeing things. Performing certain actions or decisions will also cause your sanity level to drop. Also be aware that disagreements and long debates with yourself will also affect your sanity. Be careful not to argue with yourself too much!

    The player may regain Sanity points by ‘Resting’. ‘Resting’ may be chosen at any time throughout the game, unless specified otherwise. When ‘Resting’ the player is unable to progress through the game but may continue to communicate. If the player wishes to ‘Rest’ they must choose between a ‘Quick Rest’ and a ‘Normal Rest’.

    Quick Rest – Player rests for 12 hours. Regains 25% sanity.
    Normal Rest – Players rests for 24 hours. Regains 75% sanity.

    After a ‘Rest’ is completed the player can continue with the game. Once the player’s sanity reaches zero it will be game over.

    Investigating a murder is a dangerous job and the choices the Player makes will mean life or death. In most situations the choice will be an obvious one. As the game progresses the chances of death increases, and in some cases, will happen suddenly. Sometimes playing it safe and slowly working your way through is the best option. If the player dies they must wait 24 hours before beginning again at the Save Point.

    Death will also occur if the Player’s Sanity level has depleted. A greater penalty will be given and the Player must wait 36 - 48 hours before continuing from the last Save Point.

    Saving will be available at selected points in the game. The Player must request to save in order for it to come into effect. If the Player dies they will restart from the previous save point.

    Kitty will be your guide for this game. She will maintain your logbook and carry your evidence/items. The Player can also ask Kitty to further explain a room and items picked up. Some items full descriptions are only attainable this way. Kitty will also offer her opinion on matters and give hints if something is missed.

    Kitty is not just there to offer advice and help you on your journey, she also helps keep your Sanity. If the Player and Kitty are separated they must find her as soon as possible. Separation from Kitty will cause your Sanity decrease at twice the rate. Decisions made without the presence of Kitty will cost you twice the sanity points. So be sure to find her if she disappears!

    I will update this later. Suggestions are also welcomed.