Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Form Lag (KH2.5)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by LPGamer15, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. LPGamer15 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 29, 2011
    Twilight Town
    Hi everyone! Just want to bring a minor annoying situation that is in Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix for Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. During gameplay of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix I noticed that it takes literally 5 seconds to change into a form for Sora. I have been researching on ways to see if there's any updates to the game that someone has made to patch this, but I have found nothing so far except minor things to do to relieve loading times such as the pausing for 5 second method. Just wanting to know if there are any updates perhaps I can add onto a USB and install to the game to fix the lag issues. I heard that the PS3 reads discs slower than the PS2 or something like that and it's also because of the gaming trying to run the HD graphics. I have personally gotten used to waiting for Sora to change forms in 5 seconds, but I was used to how it played on the original game and on my emulator or Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.
  2. Cloudmighty Moogle Assistant

    Apr 23, 2016
    It's how data is cached on the 2.5 version (also the reason why loading between areas is so damn long) There's no fix for this outside of pause-buffering as far as I'm aware :*(